Part VII [pp 101-113]: History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 COMPILED BY WICK W. WOOD. Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland and Tami McConahy An html version of this work may be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORAVIAN MISSIONS [p. 101] Moravia is located about six miles south of New Castle on the main lines of the P. & L. E. R. R. and the Erie & Pittsburg R. R., in North Beaver township. The village has a historical record and many are the legends handed down from the old inhabitants long ago to the present generation. Years ago away back in the early part of the past century before the white man has reached this part of the country, the red man had undisputed possession of the mighty forests which ranged on either side of the Beaver river. The original town of Moravia was formerly located on the east side of the river. Here is the site of the old Moravian Missions which were established about the year 1755, although the buildings at that time were located further north than the present Pittsburg & Lake Erie depot. Missionaries and their converts passing up the Beaver river in 1772 were surprised to find an Indian village composed entirely of [p. 102] girls, who were pledged never to marry. The village was located between Newport and Moravia, on the west side of the river. In 1772 the Indians moved with the missionaries across the river to the west side and located a village a short distance north of the present E. & P. R. R. depot. In 1773 the Moravians left this part and went to Gnadenhutten, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, where a large number were massacred a short time afterward by a party of whites, who accused them of being spies of the white people's enemies. [The writer was present a few years ago at the 100th anniversary of the massacre at Gnadenhutten and a large number of the descendants of the Moravian Indians were present at the meeting. The descendants live principally in Canada. They are noted for their peace-loving qualities and were a quiet, orderly set of people.] Long after 1773 the white people again settled near Moravia and this time they remained. About 1798 Wm. FORBES settled just below the present village and built a grist mill and a saw mill on the Beaver river. The buildings were erected about the year 1800. They were rude structures of logs, and the first in this neighborhood. A grist mill, however, was erected on the present farm of Hon. Henry EDWARDS in about the year 1790. (See Hon. Henry EDWARDS.) William FORBES operated the mill for some time. The grist mill had one set of stones and the bolting machine was run by a crank that turned by hand. Mr. FORBES was the first Justice of the peace in these parts, and died just before the war of 1812. John ALSWORTH and wife with six children came from Franklin county, this state, in 1804 and located on a farm near here. The village of Moravia was laid out by D.W. FREEMAN in 1864, soon after the Beaver Valley Railroad was opened for travel, and the town grew rapidly from that time on. On the east side of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie and the Pittsburg and Western Railroads have been constructed within the past five or six years and this has been the means of opening up the limestone quarries on that side. The town has increased in size since the railroads were built. Some of the oldest houses in the county are located near here, and from the fact that the old Moravian Missions were established on this side, it is concluded that East Moravia is the oldest settlement in the county. Mrs. Mary MCCONAHY, mother of Joseph MCCONAHY, of the west side, is the oldest settler in the neighborhood. CRESS PITZER Was born on the top of Sheep Hill, about three miles south of New Castle, on the 24th day of February, 1839, on the farm of his father, Michael PITZER, who died in 1881, at the age of 85. His mother died in 1873 at the age of 73 years. Mr. PITZER was raised on the old homestead farm, and attended school in that neighborhood and received his education at what was known as the "old Austin school house." In 1860 he was united in marriage with Elizabeth SHAFFER, daughter of Joseph SHAFFER, and is the father of eight children, all living. They are Joseph, married and resides at Moravia; Albert, married and resides at Moravia; David, Emma, Frank, John, Samuel, Dorris, all at home with their parents. A short time after his marriage Mr. PITZER worked on the canal as a boatman for four years, until 1868 after which he went to Tennessee, taking his [p. 103] family with him. He remained there 13 years and engaged in farming and thrashing in the South. In 1880 he came back here and opened up a general merchandise store which he has successfully run ever since. He also works at the boot and shoe trade as well. Mr. and Mrs. PITZER are enjoying the best of health. He carries a good line of general merchandise which he sells at low prices. J.H. MCCONAHY Was born November 16, 1836, near Chewton, on the farm of his father, and resided there until he was 18 years of age, when he left home to attend college at Jefferson College, in Washington county, this State. He graduated with honors in 1857, and went to Kentucky, where he taught school for four years, and went to California in 1861 where he remained until 1867 when he returned home and followed farming until 1880 when he went into the general merchandise business with Alex. DUFF and continued in same until two years ago when he bought out the store of S.W. WILSON, and has remained in his present location ever since. Mr. MCCONAHY has a good stock of goods which he sells cheap. He was married to Mary L. PHILLIPS, of Askum, Ills., June 11, 1872, and has six children. His mother, Mary MCCONAHY, came to Moravia about eighty years ago, at the age of two years. Her father, Joseph HENNON, was one of the earliest settlers in these parts, and a number of his descendants still reside in the neighborhood. ALEX. DUFF Was born July 21, 1832, near Hillsville, this county. He is a son of James DUFF, who died in 1876, aged 85 years. His father was born on Turtle creek, Allegheny county, and was a soldier of the war of 1812. His mother is still living at the age of 95 years, and is able to ride in a wagon five miles to visit her children. Her mind is clear and perfect. Mr. DUFF has lived on a farm all his life, but still manages to attend to his store business. Since 1863 he has lived within a mile and a half of Moravia on what was known as the "John JUSTICE farm." He went into the mercantile business in 1867 with G.Y. LESLIE, and a short time after sold out to Mr. LESLIE, when he worked at farming and thrashing until 1879, when he opened his present store, and has continued in business successfully ever since. He was married to Alkey S. FULKERSON, daughter of Richard FULKERSON, deceased, of New Castle, July 3, 1851, and has eight children living and one dead. Those living are W.L. DUFF, Mt. Jackson, married; Dr. R.H., Brookfield, Ohio, married; Mrs. Alice YOUNG, New Castle; J. Ed. DUFF, the New Castle druggist; Ella A., at home; Charles W., at Moravia, married, and Harry, at home. He was elected Justice of the Peace in 1873, has been postmaster two years and agent of the Pennsylvania Company, at Moravia, seven years, and has shipped on an average 75,000 bushels of grain annually from this place for several years. Mr. DUFF's great-grandfather, grandfather and father, were all old time Whigs, and he has followed their footsteps, and there is not a firmer Republican in the county than he is. He had both legs broken in 1857 by a stone rolling on him while digging a ditch, which made him a cripple somewhat, but otherwise he is enjoying good health. Mr. DUFF is a citizen of whom any [p. 104] county may feel proud. Frank DUFF, an excellent young man, a son of Mr. DUFF, was killed by being run over by a wagon, in the early part of May, 1887. ALEY & CO. The proprietors of the company store on the east side of the Beaver, at Moravia, are doing a nice business. Mr. Franks ANDREWS, of Andrews & Walker, the limestone men, is one of the partners in the store, and he manages the business of the store. Mr. ANDREWS was born in Warren, Ohio, on the 19th day of May, 1850. The limestone company employs over fifty hands and the quarries have a capacity of 500 tons per day. The company store is well stocked with general goods, such as dry goods, tools, shoes, groceries, flour, provisions, etc., which are sold at reasonable prices. Mr. ANDREWS has had years of experience in the management of such business, and we are pleased to say that he has kept the quarries at Moravia running to its fullest capacity. The limestone company of Andrews & Walker, pay out each month about $250. R.H. ALEY, of Wampum, is the other partner in the store. EDENBURG The first settler on the land where Edenburg now stands was probably Jacob CREMER. He sold the land to James PARK. Crawford WHITE laid out the town in August, 1824, and sold the lots at auction. James PARK resided in a log house, about the first residence erected on the land where the village stands. In 1825, his brother, John PARK, built a brick house close by. About 1830 James PARK built a stone and brush dam across the Mahoning river at this point. He also built about the same time a small grist mill having one run of stones. In 1849 James RANEY, a son-in-law of Mr. PARK, bought the mill and water power, repaired the dam, making it almost a new one, and overhauled the mill from top to bottom, and making many improvements. John MCCLELLAND and Taylor ROBINSON purchased the mill about 1874, and they are still the proprietors. Thomas COVER at one time owned and ran a foundry in the town, but it was finally abandoned and has since gone to "rack." Mr. COVER opened the first store in the place. It stood near the corner of the "Diamond." He afterwards built a residence and a store room in one part of it. John PARK started the first shoe shop. John WELCH was the first blacksmith. G. MCMULLEN kept the first hotel. James PARK started the first broom factory. The first school in Edenburg was taught by John DAVIS, in the M.E. church, in 1830. Before that the nearest schools were Mt. Jackson and Hillsville. A postoffice was established in 1840. The first postmaster was Samuel RICHARDS. Test wells for oil were put down near Edenburg, and [p. 105] some oil was found, but not in sufficient quantities to make it a paying investment. Dr. AMBROSE was probably the first physician who located here. About 1825 two boats were built in Edenburg for the purpose of floating produce to New Orleans. James PARK built one and William LAMB and Henry ZUVER the other. The boats reached Beaver Falls, where an accident befell them and they went to pieces. The Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1822, and their first church, a brick building, was erected in 1826. The present frame building was erected in 1868. One of the first preachers was Rev. B.O. PLYMPTON, a circuit rider. A Sunday school was organized in 1825. Tradition says that on the site of Edenburg was once an Indian village, and relics of the red man have been found in this locality frequently. Near the town was an Indian burial ground. A mound was opened near Edenburg some years ago, and a number of skeletons, Indian arrow heads, etc., were found therein. The town is situated in Mahoning township, on the banks of the Mahoning river. The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie and Pittsburgh & Western railroad tracks run on the opposite side of the river from the town, while the Pittsburgh & Ashtabula road has a station of the town side. Outside of several broom factories and the flouring mill, but little manufacturing is done here. MCCLELLAND & ROBINSON This firm took charge of the Edenburg Swan Mills about the year 1874, when they bought it from Joseph MCCLELLAND, father of John MCCLELLAND. The firm is composed of John MCCLELLAND and Taylor ROBINSON, both practical millers. When they took charge they began making improvements both to the mill as well as to the dam, and now the mill is supplied with a full roller process, and the best of flour manufactured. The gentlemen are first-class business men and the mill is doing an excellent business, the flour being sold all over this part of the country. The mill has a capacity of one hundred barrels per day. JAMES MITCHELTREE, M.D. Was born August 26, 1822, in Mercer county, just across the Shenango river from where the town of Wheatland now stands, on the farm of his father, Thomas MITCHELTREE, who died in October, 1862, at the age of 50 years. James MITCHELTREE attended school in Brookfield township, Ohio, and finished his education at the Farmington, Ohio Academy. He received a first-class education, and in 1844 commenced reading medicine with Dr. IRVINE, of Sharon, and finished his medical education with Richardson & Brisbine, of Hubard, Ohio. He attended lectures in Cleveland, Ohio, with Dr. BARKER, a former physician of New Castle at the Western Reserve Medical College, and graduated from that college in 1850. He then located in Moravia, where he remained about six months and then came to Edenburg in 1851. The doctor has thus been the physician of Edenburg over 36 years. In 1855 in connection with his brother, Wilson, he opened a drug store in town, the first and only store of the kind in the place. By close attention to business he built up an excellent trade, and in 1880 he turned the store over to his son, J.C. MITCHELTREE, who has since run it in a successful manner. Dr. MITCHELTREE [p. 106] was married to Miss Sarah J. PARKS, October 4, 1849. Mrs. MITCHELTREE is a daughter of James PARKS, deceased, formerly of Edenburg. The doctor is the father of three children, two of whom are living as follows: J.C. MITCHELTREE, the druggist of Edenburg, and L.W. MITCHELTREE of Edenburg. W.F. MCCOLLOUGH The general merchant was born October 2, 1842, in the borough of Millerstown, Butler county. He is a son of John R. MCCOLLOUGH, deceased, about nine years ago at the age of 60 years. W.F. MCCOLLOUGH came to Edenburg in 1851 with his parents, and attended school where he received a good common school education. In 1859 he started to learn the plastering trade with his father, and worked at that for a number of years. He also followed the business of farming for four years, and was connected with a broom manufactory for about six years. In 1882 he opened a general merchandise establishment in Edenburg, which he has successfully run ever since. Mr. MCCOLLOUGH owns the large two-story frame building in which the school is located, and has it filled with a first-class stock usually carried by a general store. By close attention to business and dealing fairly with his customers, he has built up an enviable trade. He carries a stock second to none outside the city of New Castle. Mr. MCCOLLOUGH was married to Miss Olive J. BURNS, daughter of William BURNS, now living in Allegheny county, July 21, 1863, and five children are the result of the union. They are all living, as follows: J.F., Charles S., Burns A., Nancy M., and Carrie A., all at home with their parents at Edenburg. ROSE POINT Samuel STICKLE and Abraham WIGLE, who came from Westmoreland county, Pa. in 1803, were the first settlers on the land where Rose Point now stands. About 1825 Mr. WIGLE erected a grist mill and a saw mill here. About 1850 John STONER bought the land on which the village stands and a small cluster of house was soon built. The town was named Stonertown in honor of Mr. STONER. As there was another town in the State by the same name, the name was changed to Rose Point, and a postoffice established in 1856. The town takes its name from an old rose bush which covered a cottage in the town. A part of the bush is still blooming at the same cottage. The "Point" part of the name comes from the point of land between the Slipperyrock creek and the run on which the town stands. About 1849 a man named MCMASTERS built a carding machine and a grist mill on the creek, neither of which are now in [p. 107] use. A man named EDGAR opened the first store in the place and Jessie and Samuel JONES built one a short time afterwards. The first blacksmith shop was opened by Joseph CHESNEY. The Catholics have a neat frame church in the south-west part of town which was erected in 1874. The Reformed Presbyterian church was organized in May, 1834, through the efforts of Matthew STEWART, Thomas SPEER, Thomas WILSON and John LOVE. A frame church was built in 1834 and was used until 1871, when it was abandoned and a neat brick edifice erected. The first pastor of the congregation was Dr. James BLACKWOOD. His successors have been Revs. Thomas HANEY and J.C. SMITH. (See J.C. SMITH.) Mr. BLACKWOOD was pastor over seventeen years. The school house was built about 1861. The Willie-Roy furnace was built by Stewart & Foltz about 1854. The red ore was used and was produced from the banks close to the town. The Hope furnace was built by Emery & Culbertson about the same time. Both of these furnaces have been out of blast for many years, as the expense of hauling the metal to New Castle is so great that the companies cannot compete with other iron concerns. The village of Rose Point is located on a high hill several hundred feet above the level of the Slipperyrock creek. Should a railroad be built up the Slipperyrock, the iron ore and other minerals in the hills would be developed and the town would grow rapidly. Many railroad surveys have been made, but no definite steps have been taken by which there is any certainty that a railroad will be built. R. A. JOHNSTON owns and runs the only hotel in the place. James ANABEL is the village blacksmith and does good work. Jacob SMITH has been the town wagon maker for some time. He is still in business. Dr. J.M. BALPH, the only physician in the place, will leave in a few weeks for Syria, where he goes as a medical missionary. The town does not grow much, although several new buildings have been erected in the past few years. A railroad would be of great benefit to Rose Point and the inhabitants of the place sincerely hope for one before many years roll around. REV. J. CALVIN SMITH Rev. J. C. SMITH was born October 29th, 1831, and graduated at Indiana University in 1821. He was ordained as pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian congregation, composed of various societies in Lawrence and Butler counties in the year 1863. From these congregations others have been formed. The original congregation is now composed of two parts, at Rose Point and at Portersville. Rev. SMITH was married to Sarah A. MCCARTNEY, August 13th, 1855. Mrs. SMITH was born August 11, 1837, and is a daughter of Hiram MCCARTNEY, formerly an able lawyer of Bellfontine, Ohio, but now deceased. Rev. and Mrs. SMITH are the parents of eleven children, nine living, as follows: W.F., of the New Castle Plow Works; Edwin M., engaged in mining in Colorado; T. Eugene, married and on a farm of his father's near Rose Point; Frederik A., C. McLeod, Minnie J., T. Augustus and Zella I., (the latter two being twins) and S.A. Sterrett are at home. Walter SMITH, who suffered as a martyr at Edinborough, Scotland, July 27, 1681, whose history and martyrdom are recorded in a "cloud of witnesses," (page 26) David FARRIE, who died a martyr's death at Edinborough, October 10th, [p. 108] 1681, whose history and death are recorded in a "cloud of witnesses," (page 206) were his ancestors in direct lines, the two lines uniting in marriage about the year 1780. Several of his ancestors were in the Revolutionary war. One of them fell at the battle of Hanging Rock. Rev. SMITH has been a settled pastor uninterruptedly since January, 1863. He was ordained in New Castle in that year. The New Castle Reformed Presbyterian church was a part of his charge until 1871, when it was separated from the original congregation. The congregation of which he is pastor was organized in May, 1834. It consisted for a long time of seven branches with as many different places of preaching. At present it is composed almost entirely of the one society at Rose Point. H. KILDOO & SON This firm originated in April, 1886, when H. KILDOO and his son, W.J. KILDOO, purchased the general store of Aiken & Campbell. Mr. KILDOO, senior, had been in the general merchandise business some years previous to the foundation of this firm, and has also run a huxter wagon. He is well known all over this part of the country. The store contains a large stock of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceries, and everything usually found in a first-class country store. In point of prices the firm endeavors to give its customers the very best of goods at the very lowest possible prices. The store is managed by W.J. KILDOO, who makes one trip to New Castle each week, where the country produce gathered by the firm is shipped to the larger markets. The stock is always fresh and the firm has an usually large trade for a country store. H. KILDOO is also the postmaster of Rose Point, and he makes a good officer, although the office is presided over by Miss Eva KILDOO, a daughter of Mr. H. KILDOO. A.P. LUTZ Was born March 15, 1859, on the farm of his father, William LUTZ, who is still living on the same farm near Middle Lancaster, Butler county, Pa. A.P. LUTZ attended school at Middle Lancaster, Wurtemburg, Grove City College, and at the State Normal School at Edinboro, Erie. For nine winters he taught school and in the summer time attended school. He has a fine education. In February, 1887, he purchased the store of A.F. KENNEDY and immediately took charge. The store has a large and complete stock of general merchandise, besides carrying an assortment of good staple drugs and patent medicines. Mr. LUTZ is adding new stock to the institution continually, and proposes to make his store one of the best in this part of the county. He has an excellent trade and succeeds in pleasing his customers, both as to quality and price. You can depend on being dealt with fairly when you call on him. He was married March 31, 1885, to Miss Sadie E. COVERT, daughter of L.M. COVERT, a former merchant and postmaster of Grant City, this county. PRINCETON [p. 109] The town of Princeton is situated in Slipperyrock township about seven miles from New Castle. The town was laid out by John RANDOLPH, who came to the place in March, 1841, and laid out the town sometime during the summer. He named it from Princeton, New Jersey, in honor of the birth place of his father. Mr. RANDOLPH and David FETTER erected houses the same year. Mr. FETTER opened a shoe shop, John ECKLES opened the first store in the place. Mr. RANDOLPH afterwards purchased the store and carried on the business for six years when he sold it to James SHARP, who in turn sold it to James FREW. Anthony HENDERSON opened the second store in Princeton. A postal route was established in Princeton one year after the mail route was established, and Alexander AIKEN was the first postmaster. Joseph FREW is the present postmaster. Elisha MOORE was the first blacksmith. John RANDOLPH was the first harness maker. About 1848 Jesse B. RUTTER opened the first tavern. John WIGLE was the first wagonmaker. The first physician was Dr. C.C. PEARSON. In the fall of 1868 the "Hermon" Reformed Presbyterian church, north of Princeton, was divided and part of the congregation organized a Presbyterian congregation and held meetings for one summer in the SHAW school house. In 1870 a frame church was built in Princeton. Rev. Robert MCMILLAN was the first pastor. The present congregation finally purchased the "Hermon" church building and now hold meetings there. The Reformed Presbyterian congregation built a new church about 1873. A two story brick school house was built in 1876. JOSEPH H. FREW The general merchant, was born September 16, 1838, in sight of the town of Princeton, on the farm of his father, David FREW, who died in 1883, at the age of 73 years. Joseph H. attended the Princeton public school and received a fair common school education. He worked on the farm of his father until 1875, when he opened the general merchandise store he has successfully run ever since. Mr. FREW has been the postmaster of Princeton most of the time during the past twelve years, and that he makes an excellent officer is demonstrated by the fact that the patrons of the office are loud in his praise. The store is well supplied with all the articles usually kept in a first-class general store. He carries a large stock and endeavors to treat his customers in the best manner possible. He was married to Miss Kate WELLER, in June, 1865. His wife is a daughter of Augustus WELLER, who resides near Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. FREW are the parents of seven children who are all living at home. There names are Charles, Nannie, Sadie, Nelly, Edith, Mary and David. Mr. FREW has served the township in various offices of the township, and is a citizen any county may well be proud of. [p. 110] MORRISON & SHAFFER The general merchants, are located on the corner of the Butler and Rose Point road. The firm is composed of E.H. MORRISON and John W. SHAFFER, and was organized in 1884, when Mr. SHAFFER purchased a half interest in the firm of Sechler & Morrison, Mr. SECHLER retiring from the firm. The company carries a large and complete stock of dry goods, groceries, flour, provisions, and everything usually found in a general store. Wagons are run through the country and the produce of the farmers is gathered up and shipped to the larger markets. Mr. MORRISON has been in the general store business at this stand the last seven years, and Mr. SHAFFER is a native of this locality, so that the two gentlemen are well qualified to attend to the wants of the people of this part of the county. By close attention to business Messrs. MORRISON & SHAFFER have built up a business they may well be proud of. It is always safe to purchase your goods from this firm, as you will be fairly and honestly dealt with. MARION HAY The only druggist in or near Princeton was born September 5, 1863, in Worth township, Butler county, on the farm of his father, Jesse HAY, who died about the year 1875, aged about 50 years. Mr. HAY attended school in Butler county and received a common school education. In 1882 he connected himself with a New York nursery firm and sold fruit trees in all parts of the country. In the winter of 1885 he opened up a drug store in Princeton and has been running the establishment ever since. His sister, Miss Rosa HAY, assists him in the store. Mr. HAY has a neat little drug store and has lately erected a handsome store room on the lot he lately purchased in the place. He is a careful and competent pharmacist, and personally oversees the filling of prescriptions. In addition to the drug business Mr. HAY carries a fine line of cigars and tobacco, stationery, toilet articles, and everything usually connected with the drug business. His store is located in the central part of town, and he receives a liberal amount of patronage. HARLANSBURG Is located on the old Pittsburgh and Erie stage road, which was one of the first roads laid out in the county. The road was the main stage route, and travel over it, after the country had become partially settled, was very heavy. The first settler at the place was Jonathan HARLAN, who left Chester county in 1792, and came to Allegheny county, locating in the beautiful Chartiers valley. He was in that county during the excitement caused by the "whisky insurrection" of 1794, and was in the neighbor-[p. 111] hood when Gen. John Neville's house was burnt by the insurrectionists He came to what is now called Scott township, about 1797-8, and settled four hundred acres under Dr. Peter MOWRY, of Pittsburgh, including the site of the village. He afterwards removed to the farm now owned by the heirs of George MCCRACKEN. While living on his first tract he laid out the town of Harlansburg in 1800, built the first house in the place, and put up a grist-mill just east of the village, on the small run which empties into Slipperyrock creek, some distance below, the mill being built probably previous to the laying out of the town. The house he built was constructed of round logs, and stood on the hill just above where the "Benard House" now stands. The house was standing until about 1840. When Mr. HARLAN came to the place he brought with him his wife and three children, and seven children were afterwards added to the number, the first born after their settlement being a daughter, Sarah. After Mr. HARLAN removed to the farm, below town, he built a second grist-mill, already mentioned. About the same time HARLAN came Abraham and Levi HUNT made a settlement on a farm adjoining him, and Abraham HUNT, in 1802, built the first tavern in the village, the building still standing, and known as the "Benard House." It was the first frame building for many miles around, and has been used as a tavern ever since it was erected. The HUNTs afterward removed to a farm in the neighborhood or where the DEANs now live, a couple of miles west of the village. William ELDER came to Harlansburg about 1807-8, two or three years after his father, John ELDER, settled in the township. He soon after opened a small general store, in a space of about five by ten feet, where the bar now is in the "Benard House." A postoffice was established in the village, probably about 1811-12, and Mr. ELDER also had the honor of being the first postmaster, so far as can be learned from those who remember. John BENTLY came from Chester county in 1814, and, with his wife and six children - five boys and a girl - located in the village. Robert BENTLY, Esq., the oldest son, has lived within three miles of the place ever since, and is now living in the village. A log school house was erected about 1820, and the first teacher was an Irishman named David GOURLEY. Before this, schools had been kept in private houses. Joseph CAMPBELL taught a small school in his own house about 1815-16, and James MCCUNE always kept one in his house. In the winter of 1818, William JACK taught a school east of town, in a house which was built by John Martin for a dwelling. During the winter of 1818-19, snow fell to the depth of twenty-six inches, and unless the snow of the present winter equals it, the like has not been known since. So say the "old residents." A two-story brick school house was built on the hill, in the western part of the village, in the neighborhood of 1857, and is still standing. The school has been run as a high-school most of the time since, and, at present, has an average attendance of about one hundred. A hewn log church was built by some German families as early as 1799. Among the churches next in age is the Methodist Episcopal church, [p. 112] which was originated in 1834. The first church building was a frame structure put up for a dwelling by John BOYD. The third church in age was a Cumberland Presbyterian church, which was organized about 1836. The congregation became so small that they ceased to meet as a church congregation in 1865. The U.P. church, a short distance from the village, was built in 1855, although the congregation was organized about 1852. The building is a brick one. The Cumberland Presbyterians sold their church to the Presbyterians who organized a congregation in Harlansburg about 1875. The first blacksmith shop was started by John SMITH, in 1816, south of the village. The first one in town was started by Jesse BENTLEY, in 1831. Charles BOOK operated the first wagon shop in 1862. Ira EMERSON opened the first boot and shoe shop, which James STURLING had the first tailor shop in 1833. The Harlansburg Agricultural and Horticultural Association was organized in 1871, and twenty-four acres of land leased. Fairs were held until some ten years ago, when the company dissolved. The population of Harlansburg is about two hundred. A railroad which would develop the coal and mineral lands in this neighborhood would be great value to the growth of the town. RAMESEY BROTHERS The present firm organized in April, 1887, when David G., and Richard M. RAMSEY purchased the general merchandise of J.G. JORDAN at Harlansburg. The brothers are sons of Richard RAMSEY, deceased, 1861. The brothers are natives of Plaingrove township, where they were raised and attended school. David G., was born October 4, 1853, while Richard M., was born on May 3, 1857. David was married to Miss Nettie CUNNINGHAM, September 2, 1878, and is the father of four children, all at home. Richard was married January 31st, 1884, to Miss Lida Brown, and is the father of two children. Ramsey Brother's store is well stocked with dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceries, and everything usually found in a first-class general merchandise store. They carry an unusually large stock which they sell at the very lowest possible prices. The Ramsey Brothers have been long known in this part of the county as careful and honest business men, whom it is always safe to patronize. JAMES BURNSIDE Was born May 11, 1818, in Slipperyrock township, one mile and a half from Princeton. His father was Samuel BURNSIDE, deceased, who came to this country from Ireland in 1817. In 1868 James BURNSIDE came to Harlansburg and bought the hotel property from Michael and Henry JORDAN. Mr. BURNSIDE has thus been in the hotel business in Harlansburg for nearly twenty years. He was married in 1848 to Catherine HOWE, of Butler county and to them ten children were born, seven of whom are living as follows: Samuel H., married, of Harlansburg; Robert F., at home; Fannie GLASS, of Harlansburg; John A., James E., William H., and Joseph P., all at home. Mr. and Mrs. BURNSIDE are a pleasant old couple. They run a good hotel and are well thought of by all who know them. [p. 113] OTHER BUSINESS MEN John EPPINGER, the blacksmith, has been in the village many years and is a good workman. Brown & Caldwell, the general merchants, purchased the general store of David RAMSEY, in 1886, and have been running it ever since. J.J. RAMSEY, who was the former partner of J.G. JORDAN in the general merchandise business, has the only drug store in town and does a good business. Washington CUNNINGHAM, the furniture dealer and undertaker, has been in Harlansburg over sixty-five years and has been in the business the most of that time. NESHANNOCK FALLS Neshannock Falls has a local reputation as a picnic grounds. The first school house was built in 1872. The WILSON Brothers built a grist mill on the Neshannock about 1826. The present dam was built in 1850. John WILSON built and ran a paper mill at the "Falls" in 1852. He sold it in two years to J.C. SHAW who operated it until 1866, when it was burned down. An iron furnace was built at Neshannock Falls in 1850, which belonged to W.G. and C.A. POWERS, who also started the first store in the place. The furnace was run ten or twelve years when it was abandoned. J.C. SHAW bought the store of POWER brothers in 1857. Reuben WISMAN was the first wagon and carriage builder in the place. Neshannock Falls postoffice was established in 1874 with Samuel HOLSTEIN as the first postmaster. There are two general stores there now at the present time, viz.: James SHAW's and W.W. COLEMAN's. Swogger & Hartman run the only flouring mill in the place. They have lately refitted the mill and furnished it with a set of rollers. William BOYD had the only blacksmith shop in the place. The scenery around Neshannock Falls is beautiful and the place could be made a popular summer resort. FAYETTEVILLE Lies in Wilmington township. The town was laid out in lots by James WATSON in February 1828. William MAYS moved his house from New Wilmington and his was the first house in the place. The first school [p. 114] house a frame one, was erected in 1845. The present brick structure was built in 1859. John COLLINS had the first blacksmith shop. A man named MILLER had the first wagon shop. Robert LINDSEY opened a general store in Fayetteville in 1837. The old "Backwoods Tavern" was run by a man named SAMPSON years before the town was laid out. The first hotel was built by James MORROW after the town was laid out. The Lutheran church in the village was organized and a church building erected in 1854, with Rev. J.H. BROWN as the first pastor. The town is one of the oldest in the county and is strictly a farming village. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by: Tami McConahy Updated 22 Feb 2000