Part VIII [pp 114-129]: History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 COMPILED BY WICK W. WOOD. Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland and Tami McConahy An html version of this work may be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW BEDFORD [p. 114] The town of New Bedford is situated in Pulaski township, within three-quarters of a mile of the Ohio State Line. The town takes its name from the original owner of the land, Dr. Samuel BEDFORD, who purchased the land on which the town of New Bedford stands, from the commissioners of the State of Pennsylvania. The town is situated directly on the road between Mercer and Youngstown, and was in olden times, a stopping place for stage coaches running between the two places. The town lies many hundred feet above the level of the waters of the Shenango, and is one of the most healthy localities in this part of the country. James and Thomas BLACK erected a house soon after they arrived in the vicinity, which was probably the first one built in New Bedford. Jacob VANMETER, a brother-in-law of the BLACKs, came to join James and Thomas in the year 1800, and secured two hundred acres of the farm settled upon by the Black brothers. Morgan VANMETER was born in New Bedford, in May, 1802, and consequently was the first white child born in New Bedford. Daniel INBODY, who came shortly after the BLACK brothers arrived, laid out the town of New Bedford, in lots, in 1818. The lots were surveyed by James MCCREADY. The following were the original owners of lots in New Bedford: Josiah COTTON, J. BEGGS, Elizabeth WINTERS, Samuel WINTERS, John C. LITTLE, William BELL, Daniel INBODY, Joseph JACKSON, Owen MCGEARY, John GAILEY, Henry PORTER, John MCCREADY, William POTTER, John HILL, Darby DORAN, Michael DORAN, D. ARMSTRONG, Alexander RAGEN, James WAUGH, Joseph RANDALS, James MITCHELTREE, Thomas MITCHELTREE, Thomas IRWIN, J.H. ANDERSON, Thomas MCDONALD, Timothy SWAN, A. MCFARLANE, C. MARTINES, Barney HARRIS and James WILLIAMSON. The original town consisted of eighty-nine lots. The regular lots were sixty by one hundred and fifty feet. A postoffice was established in New Bedford in 1827, with Dr. John MCCREADY, as the first postmaster. Daniel INBODY started a pottery in 1827. John POLLOCK opened a tavern in the WICK House, which was used as a dwelling by William GEALEY, until recently. John LYNN [p. 115] started a tannery in 1819. Thomas BLACK built a distillery and ran it a few years before the town was laid out. It was the first distillery in this part of the country. Dr. MCCREADY was the first physician in the place. and Dr. GAGE came soon after. James WAUGH opened the first store in the place, in about they year 1819. Archibald DAVIS kept a tavern in the place at an early date. William LEYDA built a steam grist mill about 1851, and operated it for some years. William PORTER and Josiah COTTON started the first blacksmith shops. The first tailor shop was run by a man named MOORE. The first saddle and harness shop was run by Samuel ROGERS. John LEYDA and his two sons, William and James, built and operated a saw mill a few years after the town was laid out. A school was taught as early as 1802, in the old building erected by the Presbyterian congregation at "Hopewell." James WALKER was the school master of this school. George MONTEITH was one of the early teachers. The present frame school house stands in the western part of the town. New Bedford has a population of about three hundred inhabitants. It was made a borough in 1861. The Hopewell Presbyterian church was one of the first organized in these parts, the date of its organization being 1800. The first pastor was Rev. William WICK. The second pastor was Rev. William WOOD, who was installed by the Presbytery in March, 1816. The Free Presbyterian church was formed from a portion of the Hopewell congregation. Rev. John Knox was the first pastor. The Methodist Episcopal congregation was organized quite early. The Disciples hold occasional meetings in New Bedford, and a number of members of this section reside in New Bedford. CRUM & MCVAY This firm is composed of Amos CRUM and A.D. MCVAY, and originated in May, 1886. Mr. MCVAY is a son-in-law of Mr. CRUM, who bought out the store of J.C. MCNABB in the fall of 1885. Mr. CRUM is a native of Armstrong county, Pa., and Mr. MCVEY comes from Washington county, Ohio. The company has a large and elegant assortment of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceries, and everything usually found in a first-class general merchandise store. It is safe to say there is no larger and more complete stock of merchandise, which is for sale at the very lowest possible prices. Mrs. CRUM has a millinery store in New Bedford, and keeps a large stock of goods usually found in such an establishment. This firm is comparatively a new one in this part of the county, but by strict attention to business the company has succeeded in securing a large share of the public patronage. JOHN N. ROGERS Was born March 25th, 1823, in New Bedford. His father, Samuel ROGERS, was a saddler and harness maker, of New Bedford. He died in 1872, at the age of 82. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. John ROGERS was raised and has always resided in New Bedford. His occupation has been that of a stock dealer. In 1884 Mr. ROGERS opened the Rural Hotel here, and has since run the establishment in an excellent manner. He was married May 8, 1851, to Miss Maria Louisa SWISHER, of Peters-[p. 116] burg, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. ROGERS are the parents of three children, all living as follows: Norman, married and living at Mercer; Viola, at home, and Cora, stenographer, of Harrisburg, Pa. CASSIUS ZEDAKER The blacksmith was born September 22, 1865, in New Bedford. He is a son of Levi ZEDAKER, now residing in New Bedford, at the age of forty-five years. Cassius was raised in the place of his birth, and received a fair common school education. In 1883 he entered the shop of Samuel COVER, of New Bedford, and learned the blacksmith trade, which business he has followed ever since. Mr. ZEDAKER is a first class blacksmith and thoroughly understands his business. He erected a blacksmith shop in 1885, and started in business for himself. He has been doing a good business and has a good trade. J.R. JUSTICE Was born January 12, 1845, in New Bedford. He is a son of W.C. JUSTICE, who died when J.R. was about four years of age. Mr. JUSTICE was raised in New Bedford and attended school in the town where he received a good common school education. In 1861 he entered the harness shop of Ad. RANDALL at Middlesex to learn the trade. He also worked as an apprentice at Warren, Ohio. About 1865 he returned to New Bedford and opened a harness shop which he has successfully run ever since. Mr. JUSTICE is a first-class workman and gives the best of satisfaction to his large class of customers. He was married in 1867 to Miss M. L. WYLIE, of New Galilee, Beaver county, and to them one child was born, Jennie, now about thirteen years of age. SAMUEL COVER Was born March 15, 1840, in Edenburg, Lawrence county, on the farm of his father, Jacob Cover, who died in 1882 at the age of 77 years. Mr. COVER was raised in Mahoning township, Lawrence county, where he attended school and received a fair education. In the spring of 1856 he entered the shop of his brother, Jerry COVER, and learned the blacksmith trade. He also worked as an apprentice at Mahoningtown and New Castle. In December, 1865 he came to New Bedford and opened a blacksmith shop which he has been running with success ever since. Mr. COVER has thus been in the blacksmith business in New Bedford over 20 years and has established a reputation for good workmanship and fair dealing. He was married in 1872 to Miss Mary L. WATKINS of Youngtown, Ohio, and is the father of five children, all living at home. They are, Samuel E., Edwin C., Ephriam H., Harvey K., and Lydia A. SAMUEL WALLACE Was born February 22, 1829, in Pulaski township, on the farm of his father, Samuel WALLACE, who died in 1836. Mr. WALLACE was raised in Pulaski township and attended the public schools of the township where he received a common school education. In 1845 he entered the tin shop of Henry HUBBARD at Poland, Ohio, and learned the trade. After completing his trade he made a tour of the country and worked in different parts of the United States. In 1860 he opened a shop in Pulaski [p. 117] where he remained four years, when he came to New Bedford and opened a tin shop. Mr. WALLACE is a good workman, having has over forty years experience in the business. He has a good trade and has made a success of it. He was married January 27, 1865 to Miss R. A. COWDEN, of New Bedford, and to them two children were born, one of whom died in 1884. His son, J.C. WALLACE, is in Parsons, Kansas, clerking in a store. S. PRICE Was born July 30, 1921 in Hubbard township, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the farm of his father, James S. PRICE, who died about 1856 at the age of 73 years. S. PRICE came to New Bedford in 1838 and learned the tailoring trade with Henry HOAGLAND. In 1842 Mr. PRICE opened a tailoring establishment of his own, which he has successfully run ever since in New Bedford. He has thus made the clothing for two generations of people. He was married in 1844 to Miss Mary D. ANDERSON, of Howland township, Trumball county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. PRICE are the parents of five children, all living as follows: James S., a traveling salesman for a Cleveland house; Frank F., in the grocery business at Pulaski, John D., a blacksmith at Canfield, Ohio; Eva P. PORTER at Middlesex, and Sallie MCNABB at Pulaski. I.P.C. MURDOCK, JR. Was born March 18, 1857 in Pulaski township on the farm of his father, I.P.C. MURDOCK, who still resides on the same farm at the age of 69 years. Mr. MURDOCK attended the schools of the township and received a fair common school education. In 1870 Mr. MURDOCK entered the shop of McClain & McKnight of Sharon to learn the blacksmith trade. He worked two years with Samuel COVER of New Bedford, and commenced business on his own account. He has successfully run the same ever since, and has a good share of the public patronage. He is a first-class workman and always pleases his customers. He was married November 8, 1877 to Miss Flora J. MOORE, daughter of James A. MOORE, of Pulaski township. One child is the result of the union. His name is Frank and he is four years old. PLAINGROVE A postoffice was established in Plaingrove township and named after the township about 1835. H. BOVARD was the first postmaster. The town of Plaingrove is scattered along a public road for a distance of a mile and a half, and the town contains two stores, a blacksmith shop and churches. The GEALEYS, the MCCUNES, the MCKEES, the OFFUTS, the RAMSEYS, the TAYLORS and the BLAIRS and WALLACES were among the earl settlers. There are no manufacturing establishments in or about the town, and the business of the stores comes from the trade of the farmers of the neighborhood. [p. 118] ENON VALLEY The first settler on the land now comprising Enon Valley proper, was Samuel HARRIOT, who came from Allegheny county, Pa., in 1800. David SMITH built the second home in the place in 1803, and shortly after the town was laid out in lots was built by John SPEAR, who opened a store in a part of the house. The first blacksmith in the place was Patrick MORGAN. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad was completed to Enon Valley in the fall of 1856, and during that fall and winter the station building, St. Lawrence Hotel and Rumage & McQuiston's store were built. The hotel was built by Thomas WOLF. Samuel HARNIT and William MCGEORGE owned the land on which the town plot was laid out. The first shoe shop was built by R.C. MOORE, William MCKEAN was the first tailor in Enon. W.P. MUELLER built a saw mill about 1853, and operated it two years, when it was burned down. A broom factory was built soon after the town was laid out. A distillery was built by Joseph WHORLEY in 1859. It was run only a short time. A brick yard was worked for some time, but was abandoned. A handsome two-story building was erected in 1870. About a year after the present town of Enon Valley was laid out the postoffice was moved from the old town of Enon to the modern town, and John SPEAR was the first postmaster. The first physician in the place was Dr. A.P. DUTCHER, who resided between the two towns. Enon Lodge I.O.O.F. was installed in November, 1875 with twenty-seven charter members. The lodge is still in existence, and in a flourishing condition. The Christian church of Enon was completed in March, 1873. an organization of Disciples was formed as early as 1831. Rev. VAN HORN was the first pastor of the congregation. The Enon Presbyterian church organized in July, 1873 with eighty-one members. Rev. D.H. LAVERTY was the first pastor. A Sunday school has been connected with the church ever since the organization of the congregation. Enon Valley is a town of nearly seven hundred inhabitants. The Enon station is a great shipping point, both east and west. The country around Enon is excellent for farming purposes, and the town has many natural advantages. Nearly all the trains on the P. Ft. W. & C. Railroad stop at the Enon station, and one train makes the town a starting point every morning. A large number of railroad employees make the town their home. Enon Valley is growing every year, and new houses are being completed. The old town of Enon was laid out in lots in 1838 by Enoch MARVIN. Just north of the town the two branches of the Little Beaver creek unite, and from this circumstance the town is said to derive its name. Josiah M. CASKEY named the place, the name meaning the "meeting of the [p. 119] waters." The first lot was purchased by John MARTIN, who erected a frame house thereon. The first store was opened by the TAYLOR Bros. and John S. MCCOY built the next one. John CROWL was the first blacksmith. Samuel KING had the first wagon shop. Robert MOORE owned the first shoe shop. John ROOF had the first tailor shop, and John MARTIN had a cabinet shop as early as 1838. A postoffice was established at "old Enon" in 1830, and John CASKEY was the first postmaster. John O. CASKEY is the present postmaster of Enon Valley. Old Enon was a changing station in the days of the stage coach lines between Cleveland and Pittsburg. The Little Beaver Presbyterian church was organized in 1835, and a brick church built, which has since been torn down. Rev. Robert DILWORTH was the first pastor. With the march of time the old town is but little else than three or four houses, while the new town has swallowed up the old Enon of long ago. JOHN VON BERG Who owns and runs the only place of amusement in Enon, was born May 20th, 1857, in Pittsburgh, and is a son of George VON BERG, now residing in Enon. When John was quite a young boy his parents moved to Enon, where he received the most of his common school education. In 1875 he learned the boot and shoe making business, and followed that business for a number of years. He then went to Pittsburgh and accepted a position as clerk in an establishment in that city. In 1885 he returned to Enon Valley, and purchased the pool and billiard room of Benjamin EMERY. He has been running the place ever since, and has been doing well. His room is fitted up in a neat and tasty manner, and receives a liberal patronage. A shooting gallery is also connected with the billiard room, and the local marksmen find ample opportunity for practice. Mr. VON BERG has made a success of the business, and has made his place a popular one for the entertainment of the young men of the neighborhood. He lately moved into a new room which he constructed for the purpose of a billiard room, and the building is well arranged. He invites everybody to call and see him. He also has a restaurant connected with his place, and can always furnish a nice lunch to all who call on him. D R. W.H.H. HIPPLE Is the only dentist in this part of the county, and he was born November 8, 1840, in Butler county, near Prospect, on the farm of his father, John HIPPLE, who died in 1882, at the age of 75 years. Dr. HIPPLE attended school in Butler county, as well as the Witherspoon Institute, in Butler town, and the Iron City Business College of Pittsburgh. He has therefore an excellent education. In 1863 he entered the dental rooms of LeFevre & Moore, at Butler, to learn the business. He remained with the above dentist about three years, and practiced with them a year after serving the three. He moved to Enon Valley about the year 1870, and opened a dental establishment. The doctor has thus been in active practice in Enon Valley for over seventeen years, and is doing well. He makes monthly trips to Wampum, New Castle and New Middletown, and has a number of patients in each of these places. By close attention to his profession the doctor has built up a large practice, and has been [p. 120] unusually successful. He has all the latest improvements in use by gentlemen of his profession, and keeps up to the times. The doctor has two brothers dentists, Dr. J.M. HIPPLE, at Jefferson, Ashtabula county, Ohio, and Dr. W.S. HIPPLE, in New Bethlehem, Clarion county, Pa. Hon J.H. MITCHELL, United States Senator, from Oregon, is a full brother of Dr. HIPPLE, but owing to family difficulties had his name changed from HIPPLE to MITCHELL. Dr. H.H. HIPPLE was married June 25th, 1863, to Miss Lizzie R. SHANNON, daughter of Samuel R. SHANNON, of Mt. Chestnut, Butler county, now deceased, and to them nine children have been born, all living, as follows: Marion F., in the real estate business, at Pittsburgh; Edith, Samuel R., John H., Clara E., Frank, Pearl, Mabel and Harry W., all at home with their parents. THOMAS F. RUSSELL The proprietor and landlord of the American House, in Enon Valley, is a son of John RUSSELL, of New Castle, and was born February 15, 1860, in Newborough, Canada. In 1865 the RUSSELL family moved from Canada to Lawrence county, and resided in New Castle. Thomas attended the public schools of New Castle and received a good common school education. He worked in the rolling mills of New Castle for a number of years, and was connected with the Fountain House of New Castle as clerk for a number of years. In April, 1865, he leased Charles FISCHER's American House, of Enon Valley, and immediately took charge, and has been running the same ever since. Mr. RUSSELL, although a young man, makes an excellent landlord, and receives a very liberal patronage. He is a careful and conscientious hotel proprietor, and does his best to please his customers. He was married to Miss Lizzie BAKER, of Shenango township, October 27, 1884, and is the father of one child, Sannie L., a bright little boy of two years. Mrs. RUSSELL, is a daughter of James BAKER, of Shenango township, who was killed while a soldier in the Union Army. GEORGE L. HERR Is a son of Anthony HERR, deceased. George L. HERR was born January 7, 1832 in the town of Harmony, Butler county, Pa. Mr. HERR attended the public schools at Harmony and received a fair common school education. In 1847 he went to Pittsburg and entered the notion store of C. YEAGER, where he remained three years as an apprentice. He then entered the house of W.P. HUGHES, dry good merchants, as a clerk, and remained with that company until 1857. In the spring of 1857 Mr. HERR went to Omaha, and clerked in that place the remainder of the year when he returned to Pittsburg and clerked for White & Smiley, dry goods merchants, until January, 1859. In March 1859 he bought the store of W. C. CHIDESTER at Mendon, Westmoreland county, Pa., and entered into partnership with James REYNOLDS in the general store business, the firm name being Reynolds & Herr. In the spring of 1860 Mr. REYNOLDS sold his interest to Mr. HERR, who ran the store in his own name until the spring of 1852, when he returned to Pittsburg. He remained in Pittsburg in business until the spring of 1867, when he bought the store of Seanor & Painter at Enon Valley. He ran the store at Enon until 1882, when he sold it to Hice & Burns. Mr. Herr has not been in active business since, [p. 121] but has been engaged in the stock business to some little extent. He owns a valuable farm in the vicinity; has a pleasant dwelling and is one of the most respected men in the county. He was married May 16, 1861, to Miss Margaret L. GUY, daughter of J.A. Guy, of Sewickley, Allegheny county, and to the couple four children were born, all living as follows: Margaret V., and Olive D., at home in Enon; Walter G., at Pittsburg in the house of Joseph Horne & Co., and Louisa B., at home. S. T. SHANER Was born January 1, 1827, at West Newton, Westmoreland county, Pa. He is a son of John SHANER, who died in 1868 at the age of 68 years. Mr. SHANER's mother is living with her son in Enon at the age of 84 years. Mr. SHANER learned the machinist and mill wright trade and worked at that until 1870, when he went into the revenue department of the United States as store keeper for the distilleries at Harmony and Zelienople. He was in the employ of the government for four years. He then came to Enon Valley, bought the planing mill of Brooks & Chain, put in new machinery and placed it in first-class running order. Mr. SHANER has run the establishment ever since in a satisfactory manner, both to himself and the public. He also has a first-class cider mill in connection, and does a nice business in the fall in that line. In 1885 he was elected a justice of the peace by the people of Enon Valley, and he has so far made an excellent officer. He was married May 28, 1850, to Miss Elinor PILLOW, who died in 1868. Mr. SHANER is the father of four sons, who are living as follows: William J., in the co-operative foundry at Beaver Falls; Harry P., in the sewing machine business in Washington county, Pa.; Millon R., in the sewing machine business, and in the oil business at Butler, Pa., and Albert, a plasterer and paper hanger, married at Enon. C.M. BURNS Was born October 20, 1857, in Clinton, Allegheny county, on the farm of his father, Thomas BURNS, who is now living at the age of 65 years, in Allegheny county, Pa. C.M. attended school at Frankfort Springs, Beaver county, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and at Eastman Business College. He received a first-class business education. In 1882 he bought the interest of G.L. HERR, and went into partnership with S. HICE, at Enon. The two did business in the general merchandise line under the firm name of Hice & Burns, for three years, when C.M. BURNS bought S. HICE's interest, and ran the same in his own name. Mr. BURN's store is well supplied with dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceries and everything usually found in a first-class general store. He has a reputation for doing business on the square, and has a good trade. He was married March 26, 1885, to Emma L. BEST, daughter of Charles BEST, now living in Enon Valley. Mr. and Mrs. BURNS are the parents of one child, a bright little boy of nearly two years. WILLIAM FOERTCH Was born February 22, 1859 in Enon Valley. He is a son of John FOERTCH who runs the harness shop in Enon. When William was about 18 years of age he learned the tinsmith trade with S.E. CRAWFORD, of Enon Valley, and remained with Mr. CRAWFORD until 1881, when he [p. 122] bought the shop and store of his employer, and has been running the business ever since. Mr. FOERTCH is a fine workman and has lately moved his stock of tin and hardware and house furnishing goods from Main street to the room in the Town Hall. He carries a large stock of house furnishing goods and hardware and tinware. In the roofing and spouting business he cannot be excelled, either in workmanship or in prices. He guarantees to please and will give satisfaction in every particular. He invites the public to call and examine his stock and hear the prices quoted. His is the only hardware and tinware store in Enon Valley. HENRY L. HERR Was born February 15, 1853, in Pittsburgh, in the Third Ward. Mr. HERR is a son of Henry HERR , living in Pittsburgh, at the age of 62 years. Henry was raised in Pittsburgh, and attended the public schools there where he received a common school education. In 1869 he entered the office of a prominent glass firm as clerk. He remained with the company about two years when he came to Enon Valley, and entered as a partner in the store of G.L. HERR & Co., in the old brick store. He remained with the company nine years when he went into business for himself and bought the general merchandise store of Jacob L. HERR. he subsequently purchased the building in which the store was located from David MOOS, of Pittsburgh. Mr. HERR has been in the general merchandise business ever since, and by strict attention to business and dealing honestly with all with whom he comes in contact, he has built up a first-class trade. In addition to the store business he is also local agent for the Adams Express Company, and is the notary public of Enon Valley. He has served the people of Enon for ten years as postmaster, and made a good, efficient officer, but, fro force of circumstances on account of the Democratic administration he relinquished the office in October, 1885. Mr. HERR was married to Miss Phoebe WILSON, March 2, 1876. Mrs. HERR is a daughter of John C. WILSON, now living in the immediate vicinity of Enon. The couple are parents of three children, all living at home, their names being as follows: Bessie, Harry and Gilbert. ADDENDA [p. 123] OUR CITY SCHOOLS The Schools of our city were consolidated under one Board of Controllers in 1886. Since then good progress has been made in all the departments of the work. We have four school buildings, located in different parts of the city. The central building has ten schools, and also the High School. Jefferson street building has nine schools. Lincoln building, seven schools and one vacant room. Croton school building has four rooms, but only three schools. On account of the crowded condition of some of our primary grades, two additional schools were opened in City Hall. We employ thirty-seven teachers, and our enrollment for the year closing June, 1886, was over eighteen hundred pupils. The average attendance last year was one thousand three hundred and eighty-one. The High School is doing good work. Two teachers are employed. We have seventy pupils in attendance. The course is three years. From twelve to fifteen graduate annually. We have a practical course for those who desire it, and a college preparatory course for those who wish to prepare to enter college. The term for the present year, closing June, 1887, is nine months. The Board of Education have purchased grounds for a High School building. The location is central, and the erection of a building with modern improvements will soon be commenced. THE NEW CASTLE BOARD OF TRADE The New Castle Board of Trade was organized in 1885 with William PATTERSON as President, John BOWER, first Vice President, E.S. DURBAN, second Vice President, A. W. Thompson, Secretary, W.D. Clark, Treasurer. The Board of Trade of New Castle has been a great benefit to the City of New Castle. The following is a list of the members: R.M. ALLEN, J.C. ALLEN, G.V. BOYLES, A.B. BERGER, Geo. B. BERGER, F.G. BLACKFORD, O.H.P. BROWN, WM. M. BROWN, John BOWER, S.R. BALDWIN, C.S. CLARK, W.D. CLARK, J.P.H. CUNNINGHAM, John CRAWFORD, Chas. M. CRAWFORD, C.C. DICKSON, David DICKEY, E.S. DURBAN, S.W. DANA, W.S. FOLTZ, Jos. A. FIELD, W.B. HERRIOTT, A.W. HARBISON, L.S. HOYT, G.C. HAGAN, S.S. HAMILTON, Geo. W. JOHNSON, C.J. KIRK, John W. KNOX, E.T. KURTZ, S.D. LONG, Horace G. MILLER, John MCALVEY, Joseph K. PEARSON, H.E. PICKETT, Wm. PATTERSON, R.C. PATTERSON, L. RANEY, E.M. RICHARDSON, J.B. STEWART, James STRITMATER, T.M. SWEENY, A.W. THOMPSON, H. Warren TERRY, David TIDBALL. [p. 124] [p. 125] COLONEL OSCAR L. JACKSON Jackson Oscar L. JACKSON was born in what is now Lawrence county, Pa., September 2, 1840. His ancestors were Scotch-Irish, and very early settlers in the State. His great-grandfather, Samuel JACKSON, settled in 1797 on a farm a short distance south of the city of New Castle, which has ever since remained in the possession of the family - now owning and occupying it. He is a brother of Dr. D.P. JACKSON, and Hon. E.W. JACKSON, of Mercer. They have an unmarried sister, Mary, the youngest of the family. His great-grandmother JACKSON's maiden name was Janet STEWART. She was a sister of John Carlyle STEWART, who laid out the town of New Castle, and built the old forge on the Neshannock where the first bar-iron was made in this part of the State. Janet STEWART was a daughter of Major John STEWART, who settled near Philadelphia in an early day, and served in the American army during the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, James JACKSON, was a soldier in the American army in the war of 1812. His mother's maiden name was Nancy MITCHELL, a native of Indiana county, and a descendant of a Scotch-Irish emigrant who settled on the banks of the Susquehanna river, her father having been born there. Col. JACKSON was teaching school at Logan, Ohio, the winter before the late war, and at the breaking out of the war in 1861 he recruited a company in that vicinity, and entered the Union army as captain in the 63d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served continuously to the close of the war - a term of four years - from August 1861 to July 1865. His first [p. 126] active service was in Missouri, under Gen. POPE, including the actions at New Madrid and the operations that resulted in the capture of Island No. 10. Afterwards his regiment joined Halleck's army at Pittsburgh Landing, and took part in all the operations of the siege of Corinth, being a part of the troops engaged in the action at Farmington, and the assault on the 28th of May, 1862. Was in Gen. Grant's movements in September, which resulted in the battle of Luka Springs, Miss., his regiment being in Stanley's division, which had the principal part of the fighting to do in that regiment. In Gen. ROSENCRANS' command, gained very distinguished credit, and is prominently mentioned in Greeley's history. On the second day of this battle he was very seriously injured by a gunshot wound in the right cheek. In the official report he is named as being severely, and, it is feared, mortally wounded, and his conduct is meritoriously mentioned for having held the company, which he then commanded, in good order until two-thirds of his men were either killed or wounded, he being among the very last of his regiment to be disabled. After recovering from his wound he rejoined has regiment, and in 1863 was with the division which escorted Straight's calvary through the enemy's lines when starting on his famous raid, and afterwards engaged the enemy sufficiently to draw attention from the movement. He subsequently took part in the various operations in the Summer of 1863, of Gen. Dodge's command in Northern Alabama and Mississippi, and along the Mississippi river from Memphis to Vicksburg, during the siege of the latter city. His regiment during this time belonged to the sixteenth army corps, and had a full share in all the movements of that corps. After the fall of Vicksburg he was with that part of the army which marched with Gen. Sherman overland from the Mississippi river east to the relief of Chattanooga and Knoxville, his division being detached and sent to the right to secure the railroad at Elk river. In the campaign of 1864, from Chattanooga to Atlanta, his regiment was in the Seventeenth Army Corps, Army of Tennessee, under the command of General McPherson. He was constantly with his regiment and engaged in the battles of Snake Creek Gap, Ressacca, Dallas, Kennesaw Mountain, siege of Altoona, and many smaller engagements connected with this campaign. He was with that part of the army which drove the enemy off the Macon railroad, and thus secured the fall of Altoona. This campaign from Mission Ridge to Altoona was an almost continual battles. After crossing the Chattachoochee river his regiment for nine consecutive days had men killed and wounded by the enemy's musketry. After the fall of Altoona, when the enemy under Gen. Hood moved in rear of the Union army, he took part in the operations to drive him off the railroad, and was at that time in command of his regiment, as he had been on frequent occasions before. Was with Sherman on the march to the sea at the capture of Savannah, and on the campaign through the Carolinas. Commanded his regiment in the operations preceding and at the surrender of Johnston's [p. 127] army, and at the grand review at Washington, and then conducted it to Louisville, Ky., where it remained until ordered mustered-out in July, 1865, by reason of the close of the war - a regiment which, by four years active service in the field, had made most a magnificent record. Col. JACKSON has been, during the war, successively promoted to be Major and Lieutenant Colonel of his regiment. The Colonel of the regiment having lost a leg in the battle of 22d July, 1864, before Atlanta, had never been able to rejoin it, leaving Col. JACKSON for a long time previous to the muster-out of the regiment its permanent commander in fact, although no vacancy in the coloneley to which he could be commissioned. He was, however, on recommendation of his brigade, division and corps commanders, commissioned by the president, Colonel of United States Volunteers by brevet, "for gallant and meritorious services." After the close of the war he returned to New Castle and resumed the study of law in the office of S.W. DANA, Esq., having been a student before the war in the office of Hon. J.P. BLAIR, now president judge of the Indiana district. He was admitted to practice in 1866, and opened an office in New Castle. In 1868 he was elected district attorney and served the term of three years. In 1876 he was appointed by the governor of Pennsylvania a member of a commission of lawyers, authorized by the Legislature, for the purpose of revising the laws for the government of the different cities of the Commonwealth. Col. JACKSON was elected in 1884, a member of the Forty-ninth Congress by the largest majority ever given any candidate in the district, and is now serving in that position. In 1886 he was given a unanimous re-nomination and re-elected to the Fiftieth Congress, which term will expire March 4, 1889. In congress he has taken an active part in favor of high protective tariff, and in favor of additional laws to pension union soldiers who served in the late war. He is a member of the Committee on Public Lands and advocated the passage of laws that will preserve the public lands exclusively for actual settlers. He opposes either sale or gift of large bodies of land to any person or corporation. HON. HENRY EDWARDS Was born in Washington D.C., Sept. 21, 1814. His father was a farmer and a slave-holder of St. Mary's county, Maryland. He came to Washington City soon after President Jefferson's inauguration and was appointed a midshipman in the United States navy. His father was 87 years old when he died, and his mother had reached the age of 75 years. When a child Henry EDWARDS came to Beaver county, near Homewood, with his father, who bought a farm there in 1818. Mr. EDWARDS was married to Margaret CLARKE, of near Moravia, Dec. 12, 1839, and came to Moravia (West side) in 1845 and has resided on his present farm ever since. He has five children living and six dead. Those living are: Mrs. Mary HOFFMAN, at home; Joseph, married, at home; Mrs. Maggie GRAHAM of Shenango township; Mrs. Jessie CROSS, of Nebraska, and Henry, Jr., at home. Probably the oldest mill in the county stood on his place until Mr. EDWARDS tore it down and erected a new grist mill, which was carried away by the water in 1860. The old mill was built in about the year 1790. [p. 128] Mr. EDWARDS carried on the milling and farming business nearly all his life, although he has been a contractor on public works, such as canals and railroads. he is the grandfather of seven little ones. He has been elected to several small township offices, but would not accept the positions. In his younger days Mr. EDWARDS was a powerful man and has had large experience with horses. In addition to his own boys he has raised four boys of other persons. Mr. EDWARDS has a common school education, procured in the good old log school houses of earlier days. He has never whipped one of his children, now adults. They are all good citizens and an honor to the community in which they live. Mr. EDWARDS is a kind neighbor and a first-class citizen. He was elected to the Assembly in 1886 and made a good and faithful Representative. He was an old line Whig, and now a good Republican. HON. SILAS STEVENSON Stevenson Was born February 18, 1845, in Hillsville, Lawrence county, and is a son of Silas STEVENSON, of New Castle, ex-sheriff of Lawrence county. He graduated at the Cleveland, Ohio, Medical College in March, 1868, and located a short time afterward in New Bedford, where he has been engaged in the practice of medicine ever since. The doctor owns and manages the only drug store in the place in which he resides. He was married June 12, 1870, to Miss Sarah E. ROBINSON, then of Union township Lawrence county. The doctor was a member of Company K, 100th Regiment P.V. During his connection with the regiment he was twice wounded in battle. In the fall of 1884 he was elected to the House of [p. 129] Representatives by the people of Lawrence county. He then received the highest vote ever cast in Lawrence county for a candidate for Assembly. During his first term in the Legislature he was a member of the following committees: Educational, Judiciary, Local Library and Accounts, and was present at nearly every meeting of each committee. In the fall of 1886 he was re-elected by a large majority. He has thus served the people of this county two consecutive terms in the Legislature, with credit to himself and honor to the county. He was highly commended by the press of Harrisburg for his attention to the business which came before the house. In New Bedford, where he resides, the doctor is well thought of. He is a member of the Disciple church of New Castle, but is a regular attendant of the United Presbyterian church of New Bedford. A.M. VOGAN General groceries, No. 51 Washington street. This store is handsomely fitted up and furnished, and will always be found to contain a full and complete stock, including both the necessaries and delicacies of the table. The great specialty of the concern, however, is choice grades of teas, coffees, and spices; and in this line of goods Mr. VOGAN stands pre-eminent in this section of the State. He purchases direct from the most reliable importers, and in large quantities at a time, and is thus enabled to sell at remarkably reasonable prices. His stock of general groceries is also of excellent quality, and includes imported and domestic pickles, sauces, relishes, and other condiments, canned meats, soups, fish, fruits, and vegetables, wholesome breakfast cereals and other delicacies, as well as prime baker's and family flour, and provisions of every description. Mr. VOGAN has been a resident of New Castle for upwards of twenty years. He has always been highly respected and esteemed, both as a business man and citizen, and enjoys the good will, confidence, and well-wishes of all the many who know him. MRS. J.C. MCCOMB At No. 62 Washington street commenced business in 1869 in the old Gazette building on the north side of the Diamond. At that time she bought an interest in the millinery establishment of Mrs. TYLER and Mrs. EMERY. The firm then was Mrs. TYLER and Miss Carrie M. JOHNSTON. She shortly afterwards purchased the interest of Mrs. TYLER in the concern, and ran the millinery store at that place for ten years, when she moved to No. 74 Washington street. From there, after two years, the store was moved to No. 62 Washington street, the present location. In 1878 Miss Carrie JOHNSTON was married to Mr. J.C. MCCOMB, and from then the name of the firm was changed to Mrs. J.C. MCCOMB's millinery store. Mrs. MCCOMB carries a large stock of hats, bonnets, ribbons, trimmings, and everything usually found in a large establishment of the kind, and from year to year she has been adding a line of ladies' furnishing goods, consisting of hosiery, gloves, corsets, woolen and muslin underwear, umbrellas, buttons, and almost everything usually kept in a fancy notion store. Mrs. MCCOMB also carries a full line of infants' and children's wear. The reputation of this house as a first-class millinery, notion, and trimming store has been growing from year to year, until now Mrs. MCCOMB commands a trade second to none in the county. She endeavors to please both in point of quality and prices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by: Tami McConahy Updated 05 Mar 2000