Chap XV - Part I: 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland An html version of this volume may be found at ************************************************ CHAPTER XV TOWNSHIPS AND TOWNS [Original land warrants and patents can be seen on the Survey Maps, and land owners can be seen on the 1872 Atlas. ] BIG BEAVER [p. 227] Big Beaver was one of the original townships of Lawrence County. It has an area of about ten thousand acres, being one of the smaller townships of the county. Big Beaver River forms its eastern boundary and receives numerous small branches, which have their sources in the township. The Erie & Pittsburg and the Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railways traverse the township in a north and south direction, keeping close along the river. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway crosses the southwest corner, and besides these are numerous tracks running to the limestone quarries and coal banks in the eastern part of the township. The township contains the villages of Newport and Clinton, and the borough of Wampum, which latter was incorporated on the 19th of February, 1876. Wampum and Clinton contain a large proportion of miners and men who work in the limestone quarries and coal mines. EARLY SETTLEMENT. The first settlers were John and Robert Davidson, who left Ireland in the year 1791, and came to America, landing at Philadelphia. Robert went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he bought some property, and afterwards returned east to Pittsburg. In the early part of the year 1796, the two men came to the spot where Wampum now stands, and settled a two-hundred acre tract. Their mother, with four other sons, left Ireland in 1793, and for three years after landing in the United States staid in the eastern part of Pennsylvania. In March, 1796, they came to Lawrence County. The land in the vicinity of where they settled was surveyed into tracts of 200 acres each, and any person locating on one of these tracts was entitled to one-half for settling, and by paying $100 could get the other hundred acres. Thomas Davidson came out a year or two after the rest arrived. The seven boys were John, Isaac, Robert, Charles, James, Andrew and Thomas. They settled from one hundred to three hundred acres each, along the Big Beaver River, and part of the farms are still occupied by their descendants. Their lands extended into what is now Beaver County, the farm of James Davidson reaching a short distance across the line. Robert Davidson was, for a short time, agent for Benjamin Chew, who controlled a large quantity of land in Big Beaver, Wayne, Shenango, Perry and Slippery Rock Townships. He was also the first postmaster when the office of Wampum (called Irish Ripple Postoffice, from the rapids in the river) was established. The farm of John Davidson, Esq., was probably settled, about 1798 or 1800, by John Somerville, and included 200 acres. [p. 228] Andrew Davidson traded his 100 acres to Somerville for the farm. The first house built on the place was a small log cabin, which stood in an orchard on the east side of the road, opposite John Davidson's residence. John Somerville, who settled this farm, was cousin to the John Somerville who afterwards became a Methodist preacher. To distinguish them apart, when mentioning them, they were nicknamed "Big" and "Little" John. James Davidson was married to Elizabeth Somerville about 1805, and his was the first marriage in the Davidson family after they settled. Alexander Wright came, soon after 1800, and purchased 100 acres south of the Somerville or Andrew Davidson farm. This tract was Population Company's land and extended north to the Chew land. Jesse Lightner bought the hundred acres next east of Wright's and running to the river. Most of the Davidsons became extensive landholders, it being among the best in the township, and afterwards valuable owing to its location on a well-traveled highway and the coal it contains. A tract of land was surveyed in pursuance of a warrant issued April 14, 1792, and granted by the Commonwealth to Charles Massey. The Pennsylvania Population Company became possessed of this tract, among others which they held in the county, and it was transferred to the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank by William Griffith and wife, and John B. Wallace and wife, December 1, 1818. William Grimshaw was the banking company's attorney and sold it to David Crawford, September 19, 1833. From him it was purchased by James Cochran. On the dissolution of the Pennsylvania Population Company many of the lands in the neighborhood became the property of William Griffith and John B. Wallace. The title was vested in Griffith, in trust for an undivided moiety, for Wallace. Maurice and William Wurtz, of Philadelphia, also had a claim, and their attorney was H. J. Huidekoper, who sold a portion of the land to James Davidson. The first improvements on the place now or lately owned by Mr. Cochran, which includes portions of the Davidson and Crawford land, were made by a squatter, who staid only a short time on the farm. Mr. Crawford was, however, the first actual settler. David and Robert Ramsey came, originally, from Ireland, with their father, who settled first near the site of Youngstown, Ohio, some time previous to 1812. They afterwards removed to Little Beaver Township. William Whan came from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, about 1808-9, with his wife and two children?a son and a daughter?and settled 200 acres. Samuel Naugle came about 1800 and settled near the site of the village of Newport. Robert Paden came to the township about 1800 and settled in the northwest part, where members of the family still reside. James McCandless was an early settler in the same neighborhood, but, possibly, came after Mr. Paden. James Patterson came from County Armagh, Ireland, and in 1822 located on a farm subsequently owned by his son, Robert Patterson. The tract originally included 400 acres, and was patented by George Leslie, in 1795 or 1796. The place occupied by Robert Patterson was first improved by William McKim, about 1832. The New Castle & Darlington Railway was intended to intersect the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago road at New Galilee, Beaver County, and, about 1858-59, was graded from New Castle to within a mile and a half or two miles of that point. Owing to the fact that much of the grading was paid for in calico, the road was called the "Calico road." It was, however, never completed. The Beaver Valley Railway was opened for travel in the fall of 1863, and now [p. 229] forms a part of the Erie & Pittsburg Railway. It was built from New Castle to Homewood, Beaver County where it connected with the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway, and, for four or five miles out from New Castle used the old grade of the New Castle & Darlington Railway. The Beaver and New Castle wagon road was laid out by the State, being surveyed about 1801. It was sixty-six feet wide, and was called the State road. In 1839 it was re-surveyed and the route graded through. MILITARY. Among the early settlers of Big Beaver who served in the War of 1812 were the following: Andrew Davidson, who came in 1796; was out a short time at Erie. David Ramsey went to Erie from Youngstown, Ohio, where he was living at the time. He afterwards removed to Little Beaver Township, Lawrence County Pennsylvania. John Whan was married in the fall or winter of 1813, and was out two months at Erie immediately afterwards. He served in Capt. Wilson Kildoo's company. James Paden went to Erie, and probably his brother Hugh, also. The Padens lived in the western part of the township. Militia organizations were kept up after the war was over, and held regular drills and musters under the militia law of the State. The annual review days were looked upon as grand holidays; whisky flowed in unlimited quantities, and the song and merry shout resounded on every such occasion. During the War of the Rebellion, Big Beaver was represented by many a gallant son who fought in the ranks of the Union army. More on this subject may be found in the chapter devoted to the military history of the county. SCHOOLS. The first school in what is now Big Beaver Township was kept in a vacated log cabin, which stood on the Baker farm, just in the edge of the present county line. Richard Johnston was the teacher. The first building erected specially for school purposes stood about twenty rods north of where the Methodist Church at Clinton now stands. It was built of very large, round logs, about the year 1820. A "one-eyed, cross old man," named Robert Creighton, first taught in it. Before this schoolhouse was built, Creighton taught in James Davidson's old log weaving shop, the loom having been removed to make room. Just below the old log schoolhouse was a spring, where the pupils went to drink. MANUFACTURERS. In 1876 an establishment was built on the hill just south of the limits of Wampum borough, for the manufacture of cement, the company being known as the Wampum Cement and Lime Company. The article manufactured is said to be superior to any other cement known. It took the first prize at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. The man employed to make it was a German named William Pucall. The company was organized about 1869-70, as the "Wampum Mining and Manufacturing Company." The principal ingredients used in the manufacture of this cement are limestone and blue clay. The limestone is quarried in the hill above the works, and the clay is taken out in the valley below. In the process of making, the limestone is first ground to flour and bolted, after which it is mixed in certain proportions with the clay and put into a "dry-kiln" and dried. It is then baked in another kiln and finally crushed, ground and bolted, when it becomes ready for use. WAMPUM BOROUGH. This borough was first settled by two brothers, Robert and John Davidson, who came from Ireland, in 1791, landing at [p. 230] Philadelphia. Robert first went to Cincinnati, where he purchased property; he subsequently returned to Pittsburg, and thence he and his brother John proceeded to the tract covering the site of Wampum Borough, in March, 1796. Their mother, with the rest of the family, left Ireland in 1793, and remained in the eastern part of Pennsylvania until her sons had made a settlement at Wampum, when they joined them. Thomas Davidson, a half brother, joined the settlement a year or two later. They settled on a two hundred-acre tract, of which they received half for settling, and afterwards purchased the balance for $100. The family consisted of seven sons, all of whom settled in the vicinity, along the Beaver River. Robert Davidson erected a grist-mill on the site of the mill afterwards owned by Edward Key, about the year 1830. It was run by water from springs, and contained two run of stone. Mr. Davidson died in 1846. His heirs ran the mill about four years, or until 1850, when it came into possession of Captain Archibald Reed. It afterwards passed through several other hands and was at different times enlarged and improved. The people of the borough of Wampum are extensively engaged in mining and manufacturing. BLAST FURNACE. The first furnace was built in 1856 by Porter R. Friend & Co., of Pittsburg, who operated it for a number of years, but the business was so unprofitable that the property was finally sold at assignee's sale, August 1, 1866. Samuel Kimberly purchased the establishment on behalf of the "Eagle Iron Company," of Cleveland, Ohio, though the latter company never really owned it. The name was changed to "Wampum Furnace Company." Its capacity was about twenty tons of metal, daily, or about seven thousand tons per annum. The works were employed in the manufacture of pig-iron exclusively, using Lake Superior ores mostly. A small proportion of the red limestone ore found in Shenango and Wayne Townships was used in connection with the red ores. The company owned, in connection with their furnace, extensive coal and limestone deposits. The amount of coal taken out of their mines being annually from 40,000 to 50,000 tons. The capital invested in the furnace property, in coal mines, stone quarries, cars, coal-chutes, etc., was fully $250,000. This business was discontinued and the works dismantled many years ago. The coal business at Wampum is quite extensive. The firm of Davidson, Green & Co. formerly handled annually from thirty to forty thousand tons. Captain O. H. P. Green, of this firm, claimed to have been the first man to export the Beaver Valley gas coal to Erie, which was in 1852. The captain invested several thousand dollars in the business, in which he continued some two years by himself, when he took in, as partners, Abner C. Penton and Henry Manning, of Youngstown, Ohio. In 1854, he sold his interest in the business to Jonathan Warner, of Youngstown, Ohio. Captain Green had commenced industrial life as a common laborer when fifteen years of age, near Greenville, Mercer County. When the canal was completed, he had gone into the boating business, in which he continued until he engaged in coal-mining and shipping. After he sold out his interest in the coal business, he returned to his old occupation on the canal. In partnership with Captain M. S. Marquis, he owned and operated as many as twelve boats at one time. In 1857 he removed to the vicinity of Edenburg, where he purchased at various times several farms, on one of which is situated the famous prehistoric mound, near the site of the old Indian town of Kush-kush-kee. (See history of Mahoning Township.) He continued to do business on the canal until about 1869. In 1867 Capt. Green removed to New Castle. In addition to the coal business at this [p. 231] point, there has been a considerable trade carried on in quarrying and burning limestone. Large quantities of cement are also manufactured from the lower stratum of limestone, familiarly known as the "blue-stone." The coal of this valley is bituminous, and has excellent coke and gas-producing qualities. Wampum was erected into a borough by the Court of Quarter Sessions, February 19, 1876. Edward Kay was the first burgess. The first post-office was established at Wampum about 1832, by the name of "Irish Ripple," so called from the rapids in the Beaver River. It was moved back and forth between Wampum and Newport until about the year 1868, when the people of the former place had the name changed to "Wampum," since which it has remained there. The name "Wampum" is said to, have been derived from a tribe of Indians who formerly dwelt there, and who wore the wampum belt. The town is picturesquely situated on the Beaver River, nine miles below New Castle. The American Cement Tile Manufacturing Company is a prosperous concern engaged in the manufacture of a fine grade of tile without wire reinforcement. They are practically without competition in their line of business. The president of the company is Isadore Meyers; vice-president, Joseph Freund; superintendent, James H. Stewart. The plant covers about twelve acres of ground, the main building being 565x65 feet, and there are about sixty people employed. A successful milling business was established in Wampum in 1883, by John J. Miller and Jacob Pitts. They purchased a mill near the railroad and started the milling enterprise which has since developed into the Wampum Milling Company. The partnership lasted until 1900, when Mr. Miller died. The property and business are now owned and conducted successfully by Mrs. Sarah J. Miller and her sons?Charles W. and William J. Wampum has two comfortable hostelries which offer shelter to the passing traveler: The Arlington Hotel was purchased by its present proprietor, Kasper N. Trunk, of its former proprietor, James Stewart, in May, 1902, and is being conducted by him with success. The Wampum Hotel is conducted by John H. Conn, who purchased it of Charles Stapf in March, 1907. Mr. Stapf had been its proprietor for about eighteen years, its former owner having been Jacob Hyle. The Wampum Hardware Company is a thriving concern of its kind, carrying a large stock of general hardware and explosives for mining purposes. Besides its main store building it has a storage room across the street and another in the vicinity of the railroad tracks. The business was purchased in February, 1905, by F. M. Davis & Brother, Dr. Charles Davis, who are carrying it on very successfully. The firm of Miles & Aley are also engaged in the hardware business here. A general store is carried on by Frank P. Major, while David M. Marshall is engaged in business as funeral director and furniture dealer. William W. Yoho carries on a blacksmith shop. The financial needs of the borough and the vicinity are accommodated by the First National Bank. The first meeting to organize this bank was held December 29, 1902, and the bank was organized March 10, 1903, with the following officers: W. H. Marshall, president; W. H. Braby, vice president; W. H Grove, cashier; airectors?W. H. Marshall, W. H. Braby, S. P. Major, Joseph Stiglitz, F. M. Davis, Geo. H. Mehard, W. H. Grove, J. H. Stewart, W. H. Phillips, F. M. Withrow, M. S. Marquis, T. D. Wilson, and Joseph Freund. The capital stock was placed at $25,000. W. H. Grove acted as cashier until November 1, 1906, when C. C. Johnston succeeded him and still holds office. The president and vice-president are still the same. The bank is located [p. 232] on Main street, the intention, however, being to build a modern bank structure on property owned by the bank just across the street. In January, 1907, H. E. Marshall, son of the president, was elected assistant cashier, which position he still holds. A fine school building was erected in 1877. The borough has several religious societies. There are two convenient hotels, and the usual stores of various kinds, blacksmith shops, wagon shop, etc. Of secret orders, there are a lodge of Odd Fellows, one lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, one lodge Order of United American Mechanics, and one grange Patrons of Husbandry. The Beaver River at this point is spanned by a fine iron bridge built by T. B. White & Sons, of Beaver Falls. It is about four hundred feet in length, and cost some $30,000. The Pittsburg and Erie and Pittsburg and Lake Erie railways pass through the place. A narrow-gauge railway connects Wampum with the iron ore beds, in Wayne and Shenango Townships, extending a distance of about four miles. This was built to facilitate the shipment of ore to various points in Pennsvlvania and Ohio. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Wampum was organized May 15, 1871, with six members, who formed a class. William Thompson organized a Sabbath-school in 1869, with about ten scholars, which number was soon increased to twenty-two. The Rev. J. E. Johnston was the first pastor and preached for about six months. He was succeeded in 1872 by the Rev. N. Morris, and he by the Rev. J. E. Johnston, who continued for two years. Subsequent pastors were Rev. C. F. Edmonds, Rev. George H. Brown, and Rev. John Perry. A church was erected in 1871 at a cost of about $4,000, of which Mr. Edward Key contributed about $3,000. Of the present membership a portion resides in Chewton, on the opposite side of the river. The society supports a Sabbath-school with some ten or more officers and teachers, and sixty-five or seventy scholars. The school has a well selected library. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The United Presbyterians of Wampum asked the Beaver Valley Presbyterians to grant an organization at Wampum. Accordingly, permission having been obtained, about the latter part of August, 1875, a lot was selected on Beaver Street, and on the second Sabbath of November following, there was preaching in the new house. The building is of brick, 40 by 60 feet in size and of a capacity to comfortably seat 300 people. The total cost was $3,140. On the 7th of October, 1875, the session appointed by the Beaver Valley Presbytery to organize a congregation at Wampum, met at the house of W. H. Witherspoon. The members present were: Rev. J. I. Frazier (Moderator), Robert Mehard, A. M. Barbout and A. D. Gilliland. A sermon was delivered by Rev. J. I. Frazier, from Matthew 16-18, after which the following persons presented certificates of membership: Mrs. Margaret Davidson, William McMillen, Mrs. Eleanor McMillen, W. H. Witherspoon, Mrs. Christine Witherspoon, W. W. Davidson, Mrs. Nancy Davidson, Mr. Asa Eckles, Mrs. Elizabeth Eckles, Alice Minor, Mrs. Mary Whan, Miss Bell Whan, Mrs. Matilda Davidson, William Witherspoon, Mrs. Emily Witherspoon. An election for elders, by ballot, was then held, resulting in the choice of Asa Eckles and William Witherspoon. On the 1st of July, 1876, an invitation was extended to Rev. J. J. Imbrie, to become pastor of this congregation, which was accepted, and Mr. Imbrie took charge and subsequently labored with a good degree of success. The congregation at this [p. 233] writing (January, 1908) numbers one hundred persons. WAMPUM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Newport church was moved to Wampum in 1889, and from that time it was called the Wampum Presbyterian Church. Rev. George S. Rice was the pastor of the church here for a few months after it was dedicated, resigning some time late in 1889. He was pastor for several years at Newport. Rev. J. C. Pickens was installed pastor on December 23, 1890, and remained until February, 1902, when he resigned. Rev. B. J. Long was installed and ordained pastor in May, 1902, and remained until December, 1906. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Edgar R. Tait, who was installed December 17, 1907. The elders of the church are Thomas Wilson, Abner Gibson, D. M. Marshall, C. M. Kirkbrige, John Marshall, Edward Cochran and Dr. H. H. Davis. C. M. Kirkbrige is the superintendent of Sabbath-school and has been for seven years. The church has a membership of 160; the Sabbath-school of 175. The church was united under one pastorate with Moravia Presbyterian Church until December, 1907, when, having become self-supporting, they called the present pastor. VILLAGE OF NEWPORT. The tract of land upon which the village of Newport now stands was settled about the year 1800 by Conrad Coon, who came, with his wife and three children, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and located on the place. John Coon laid out forty acres of land in 1833. A number of small log houses were built soon afterwards, James Morrison probably erecting the first one. James Morrison and John Naugle built the first frame houses, in the upper part of town, near the bank of the river. The first general store was opened in a frame building by Cyrus Szvers, very soon after the town was laid out. Samuel Smith opened the second store. A store owned by Joseph Aley was burned down in 1876. Aaron Reed opened the first blacksmith shop. He finally removed to Wampum and started a shop there. Joshua Pierce built the first wagon shop. Mr. Pierce died, and Edward Yoho afterward opened one. His was the second one in the place, William McClosky opened a tailor shop, which he carried on for a number of years. The Newport Presbyterian Church was organized in 1846 or 1847 by Rev. Samuel Henderson, who became its first pastor. The church was mainly organized through the efforts of Benoni Wilkinson, who lived on a farm just west of town. Starting with thirty members, the congregation in a comparatively short time increased to about eighty. The first meetings were held in a large house which was built by John Jackson, and afterward left vacant by him. A portion of the time meetings were held in the school-house. The present commodious frame church was built about 1848, on land donated for that purpose by Robert Davidson. A Sabbath-school has been held in connection with the Newport Church from the time it was organized, and generally has a large attendance. Its first superintendent was David S. Pollock. The postoffice was originally established at Wampum, and took its name "Irish Ripple," from the rapids in the Beaver River at that place, and the nationality of the settlers who located there. The office was established through the efforts of Benjamin Chew, Jr., of Philadelphia, who was out attending to his business in the neighborhood, and at that time there was no postoffice nearer than New Castle, nine miles away. The first postmaster was Robert Davidson, about 1832-34. The office was afterward removed to Newport, where it was kept until 1856, when it was again taken to Wampum. From that time it went [p. 234] back and forth between the two places until the name was changed to Wampum, and the office located permanently at that place. After this Newport petitioned for an office, and finally secured one, giving it the old name of "Irish Ripple." COAL, LIMESTONE, ETC. Limestone is abundant in the township, and besides that manufactured into cement, large quantities are quarried for use at the iron furnaces in different places. Sandstone is also quarried in various places. It was formerly worked quite extensively at and below Thompson's Siding, just above Rock Point Station. Coal was discovered in the township by John Stockman, a blacksmith, as early as 1810. Stockman settled in what is now Beaver County in 1804. In partnership with an Irishman named McMullen, he had a blacksmith shop a mile and a half south of the present line between Lawrence and Beaver Counties. Previous to his discovery of coal, they had used charcoal for fuel. After discovering the coal, Mr. Stockman dug along the hill and took of the outcrop only, carrying it down on a horse in a sack. This discovery was made in "Possum Hollow," on the James Davidson farm, just within the present limits of Lawrence County. Coal has since been worked extensively in the township, the principal mines being in the vicinity of Clinton. CLINTON. This village was laid out by James Davidson about 1829-30, his house being the first one in the place. A crockery manufactory was established by Sanger & Nesbit, and afterward became the property of Andrew Davidson. It was only carried on for two years. There was also a store and a blacksmith shop. A Methodist Episcopal Church was organized about 1823-24, by Rev. John Somerville, an itinerant preacher, who became its first pastor, locating afterward in the neighborhood. Some of the original members of this church were Mrs. James Davidson, Andrew Davidson and wife, John Davidson and wife, and Charles Wilson and wife. At the time the church was organized, it was a missionary station called the "Beaver Creek Mission," and afterward changed to the Petersburg, Ohio, circuit, and subsequently to the Enon Valley circuit. Mr. Somerville preached until the age of disability obliged him to stop, and afterward frequently substituted for the regular pastors. Meetings were at first held in Mr. Somerville's, and possibly, in Robert Davidson's house, also often in barns and groves during warm weather. The frame church now standing was built about 1834, on land taken from the James Davidson farm. The graveyard was laid out about the same time and at the same place. When the Enon Valley circuit was established two ministers were placed in charge. Afterward some of the appointments were discontinued and but one minister appointed. A Sabbath-school was organized about the time the church was built, by Rev. J. K. Miller, with John Somerville as first superintendent. The Clinton Coal Company was organized and a track commenced in 1865, and in 1866 mining was begun on an extensive scale. In one year this company took out 37,000 tons of coal, which was principally purchased by the Pennsylvania Railway Company. Scott, Tait & Co. commenced mining on a large scale in "Possum Hollow" in 1853, having previously begun work in 1851, in "Beaver Hollow." They built a tram road from their mine to the river, where the coal was loaded into canal boats and shipped. William Fruit, the Reeds of Erie, and others afterward bought the "Possum Hollow" mine and worked it for some time, finally disposing of it to John Wilson. Wilson in turn sold to Wilson, Lee & Co. It afterwards came into the posession of Lee & Co., or Lee & Patterson. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LITTLE BEAVER TOWNSHIP. [p. 235] This township, one of the thirteen original townships of Lawrence County, has an area of about 11,400 acres, and is one of the most prosperous in the county. The soil is well adapted to agriculture, being fertile and productive, while the mineral resources of the township are extensive and valuable. There are numerous streams affording abundant water-power, the principal of which are the Little Beaver Creek, with the branch joining it just above old Enon Village, and Beaver Dam Run, which flows through the northeastern portion of the township, and joins the Little Beaver near the line of Big Beaver Township. The power on the Little Beaver is quite extensive, and mills were built upon it very soon after the first settlements. Little Beaver Township was originally timbered with a magnificent growth of oak, hickory, maple, poplar, and various kinds of valuable forest trees. Much of it has been destroyed, and seemingly in a wanton and careless manner, as if the supply were supposed to be inexhaustible. The need of it is now felt in many portions, although the township still contains a fair acreage of timber, at present most valuable to its inhabitants. The stream called Beaver Dam Run was so named because the beavers had built dams across it. These animals were plentiful when the first settlements were made, and the Indians and whites trapped large numbers of them, but they soon disappeared before the advance of the settlers. Little Beaver contains the two villages of Enon Valley (old and new) and the old town of Newburg. During the days of stage-coach travel, Old Enon and Newburg were thriving villages, but owing to the changes wrought by steam have not fulfilled their early promise. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, formerly the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railway, was completed to Enon Valley about 1850-51, and is now the great transportation line of the country. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The Pennsylvania Population Company early got possession of the land in this township, and each settler was entitled to one-half the tract upon which he settled, free of cost. The first actual settlement by whites in the township was made early in 1796, by a company of men who had been out the year previous and made improvements. Some of them now have descendants living on the old homesteads. They chose the finest sites in the township, generally in the valley of the Little Beaver Creek. They called themselves the "Settlers of '96." Among the men forming this company were John and Samuel Sprott, John Beer, James McCowin and William Robison, and possibly Phillip Aughenbaugh, Andrew Moore and others, in all about twelve or fifteen men. The Sprotts were from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Samuel Sprott settled on a farm in the northwest part of the township, where some of his descendants are yet living. John Sprott settled on the farm where Robert and Thomas Sprott now, or recently, lived, on the 17th day of February, 1796. Mr. Sprott brought his wife with him, and their son Robert was born on the place on the 18th of July, 1796, he being the first white child born in the township. He lived on the old farm all his life, and was never farther away from home than Pittsburg. John Sprott was a military officer of western Pennsylvania during the Indian troubles after the Revolution. His principal duty was to supply the different military stations on the Ohio, from Logstown down, with men. At the first militia muster at which he ever served, he was elected major, and afterwards lieutenant-colonel and served until he was beyond the regulation military age. He died in the fall of 1839, aged seventy-nine years and ten months. "In 1798 Mr. Sprott built a grist-mill on his place on Little Beaver Creek. This was the first mill in the township, and [p. 236] was a structure of round logs and contained one run of stone. He procured a number of pine boards on Brady's Run, several miles away, and with them made a bolting-chest. Mr. Sprott was not able to keep up his dam, and the old mill was run but a comparatively short time. It has long been torn away. While it was running, the principal grain ground in it was corn, and people came all the way from Rochester, Beaver County, to this mill. After it was abandoned, no other was ever built upon the site and nothing now remains of it." John and Samuel Sprott reared each a family of twelve children. John and Samuel were old hunters, and had hunted all over the county some ten years before they settled in it. They kept up their excursions, which extended into Ohio also, until the Indian troubles broke out, and General Anthony Wayne went through with his army. Wild turkeys were so thick they could kill them with clubs, and deer were also extremely plentiful. Of the latter, John Sprott killed as many as sixty during one autumn hunt. John Beer, another of the "settlers of '96," settled on the farm adjoining John Sprott's on the north, and lived and died upon it. William Robison, one of the same party, settled in the eastern part of the township. David Clark, John Savers, James Stevenson and Robert Johnston came to the township about 1797-98. John Wilson came in 1796, and settled in the neighborhood on the farm later owned by John Taylor. Phillip Aughenbaugh came from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and in the spring of 1796 settled on the farm where his son George subsequently resided. He brought with him his wife and five children?three boys and two girls. He reared eleven children altogether. The birth of the first child born after the family settled took place in the latter part of the year 1797. None of the children born after they settled lived to maturity, except the youngest, Mary Ann, who was born in March, 1805. Mr. Aughenbaugh died in 1844, aged eighty-four years. His wife had died a number of years previously. Thomas and Joseph Smith were among the early settlers of the township, and located in the northeastern portion. "The settlers passed through many exciting adventures, and had many hair-breadth escapes from the wild beasts of the forest, but no instance is given of any person ever losing his life by them. The greatest pests were the gray wolves, which roamed in packs through the woods, and ever and anon made descents on the sheep folds and pig pens of the settlers and deprived them of their woolly and porcine inhabitants, without the least scruple. Close watch was kept over the children, lest they might fall a prey to their ravenous appetites; and it was also necessary for the men themselves to keep their rifles in order, and always with them, carrying them even to church." John Marshall, originally from Ireland, came from Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1796 or 1797, with his wife and one son, to Little Beaver Township, and settled north of the old village of Enon Valley. He died about 1853 or 1854, aged eighty-seven or eighty-eight years. George McKean came about 1800, and settled on a farm a mile southwest of old Enon Valley, where his son, Porter, subsequently resided. David McCarter and Patrick Wallace also came early. James Marshall came out in 1818, and located on the farm subsequently occupied by William Porter. He bought the land of James Stevenson, who had settled it in 1797-98. Mr. Marshall's daughter was afterward married to William Porter, who came from Ireland and located on the place in 1824. William Madden came from Columbia County, Pennsylvania, about 1815. Thomas Silliman came about 1820, and settled in the eastern part [p. 237] of it, where numbers of the Silliman family are yet living. Rattlesnakes were so numerous in early days that the settlers were obliged to wear leggings, in order to protect their limbs from their fangs. Frequently large numbers of them were killed in one locality in a single day. Their hiding places were among the loose rocks, and in getting out stone for chimneys, or working among the rocks in any way, the hideous and dangerous reptiles were very often found. Charles Long came from Rockbridge County. Virginia, about 1804-05, bringing two children with him, to a place in Columbiana County, Ohio. A child was born somewhere in the mountain while Mr. Long was on his way with his family, and his wife was left behind, he subsequently going back after her. He had been here about 1801-02, and entered the land on which he settled, paying two dollars per acre, and purchasing an entire section. His son, Charles, lived on a portion of the old farm. The farm now, or recently, owned by Israel Long, in Little Beaver, was purchased by his father, of the Pennsylvania Population Company's agent, Enoch Marvin, that is, one hundred acres of it. The other hundred Mr. Long purchased of a man named Andrew Johnston, who had probably settled it. The location is exceedingly fine, being on a gradually sloping hill, and commanding a fine view of the territory around, in every direction, except toward the west, where a belt of timber along the State line shuts it off. Mr. Long improved the place into a fine property. Ezekiel Creighton came from the Valley of Turtle Creek, in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, about 1810, and located on the property later owned by Mr. Wurtzel. He served three months as a volunteer during the Whisky Insurrection of 1794. Robert Andrews, Charles Rainey and William Miller were early settlers in the township. Miller settled on a branch of the Little Beaver, and built a mill. Andrews had a farm north of the one settled by Samuel Sprott. Rainey's farm was next north of Andrews' and Miller's next north of Rainey's. These were all in the northwestern part of the township. "James McCowin came originally from Maryland and located in Washington County, Pennsylvania. In 1795 he was out with the Sprotts and others, making improvements on claims, and in 1796 he came again, this time bringing his family, consisting of his wife and two children. In the first place he stopped below Darlington, Beaver County, where he stayed a year or two, and then came to the farm in Little Beaver Township, Lawrence County?the old homestead now being owned by his descendants. The old house, built on the place in 1795, stood at the west end of William McCowin's present residence. It was a hewed-log structure, two stories high, originally roofed with clapboards, which afterwards gave place to shingles. This was the first house on the place. Mr. McCowin had four hundred acres in his farm, located a mile east of the present station of Enon Valley. He was the father of eleven children." A man named Williams, popularly known as "Onion" Williams, built a grist mill on the Little Beaver Creek, near the old village of Enon Valley, about 1801-2. It was a log mill, had two run of stone, and was the second mill in the township. Some time afterward a man named Woodruff built a grist mill on the same stream, some distance east of Enon Valley, and Jacob Shoop built one about a mile east of town, also on the Little Beaver. Nothing is left of any of these old mills. Samuel Andrews came originally from Ireland, and settled first in Center County, Pennsylvania, where he lived some thirty years. About 1820 he came to Beaver County, and located on a farm about two miles from Enon Valley, Lawrence County, lately owned by Arthur Bradford, and still within the limits of Beaver County. [p. 238] His son, John, married Elizabeth Harnit in 1822. Her father, Samuel Harnit, was the first settler on the ground where Enon Valley Station now stands. SCHOOLS. A schoolhouse was built of round logs, in the year 1800, on the piece of land subsequently owned by John Scott. John Boyles was probably the first teacher. Other log-cabin schoolhouses were erected in the neighborhood, and used until 1834, when the free school law was passed, and new buildings erected. A schoolhouse of round logs was built in the southwest part of the township as early as 1807-08, Joshua Hartshorn being probably the first teacher. "Master and pupils all played ball, the old-fashioned game, in which, in order to put a person out who was running bases, he must be "patched" or stuck, with the ball while between bases. In those days buckskin pants were worn, and they retained the marks made by the ball for some time. Some of them were fairly mottled by the numerous 'patches' they had received, and a person whose buckskins showed the least number of spots was considered the best player. It took an active person to dodge the ball, for they were all practical in the art of throwing, and seldom missed their mark. They were not particular, either, about 'sending the ball in' slowly." The number of schools in Little Beaver Township in 1908 was six, with an enrollment of 121 pupils. The total expenditures for the year for school purposes were $3,302.24, of which $1,885 was paid to eight teachers, for an average term of seven months taught. NEWBURG. The pioneer settler in this place was Bryce McGeehan, who came to the township about 1798-99, and occupied the tract which was afterward the farm of John Sampson. In 1799 Mr. McGeehan planted a few apple trees, which Major Edward Wright had given him. Major Wright settled in North Beaver Township. Mr. McGeehan was a prominent man among the early settlers. He took an active part in organizing the Bethel United Presbyterian Church, of North Beaver Township, and was one of its first elders. Mr. McGeehan's son, James, laid out a few lots and called the place McGeehansburg, but it was afterwards changed to Newburg, which name it still retains. This town was on the old stage route, and was at one time a lively place, but its glory has long departed. "The long band of iron which connects the East with the West, and passes through the southern portion of the township, proved a deadly enemy to stage coach travel, and with the decline of the stage line, Newburg saw her sun set, and her bright future flicker and go out in darkness, and transfer itself to the rising station of Enon Valley. Where erst the crack of the driver's lash resounded, and the merry notes of the horn were heard, are seen no more the well-filled coaches, spanking teams, and the bustle attendant upon the 'arrivals' and 'departures' and 'changes' which were so common fifty or more years ago." James Mountain, who had the only shoe shop in 1877, came with his uncle, David Ritchie, to the neighborhood about 1820. His father went out from Allegheny County during the War of 1812, and died while in the service. William Murphy, John Powell and others have carried on blacksmith shops at different periods. In the fall of 1855 a postoffice, called "Marvin," was established here, the first postmaster being Joseph S. Williams. At present there is no postoffice at the place. Newburg is located in the northern portion of the township, in the midst of a fine farming country, and all around it are excellent improvements. "The land is high and rolling, and the country around affords a beautiful panoramic spectacle, with its hills and valleys, neat residences [p. 239] and comfortable outbuildings, fine groves, silver streams, and well-kept fields, and in the summer season must be truly a pleasing picture to look upon. Western Pennsylvania is remarkable for beautiful scenery, and Little Beaver Township, though possessing little of the rugged outline found in other parts of the country, still has its beautiful peculiarities in every section. ENON VALLEY (OLD TOWN). This village was laid out into lots in 1838 by Enoch Marvin, who was the agent of the Pennsylvania Population Company. Mr. Marvin had considerable property in the neighborhood, including the site of the village and the farm lately owned by Thomas G. Dalzell. The brick house on Mr. Dalzell's place was built by Marvin, who died there in 1840. Just north of the village the two branches of Little Beaver Creek unite, and from this circumstance the town is said to derive its name. Josiah M. C. Caskey named the place, the name interpreted meaning the "Valley of Many Waters." There are other versions as to the origin of the name, but this is the most plausible. The first lot was purchased by John Martin, who built a frame house upon it. Mr. Marvin sold the lots in order to induce mechanics to settle at the place. He furnished the necessary logs to be used in building, and Robert Sprott sawed them into lumber at his mill, and thus the village was gradually built up. The first store was opened by the Taylor brothers, before there was any village, and John S. McCoy built the next one, which is still standing. William P. Alcorn had a store in the same building after McCoy had left it. John Crowl was the first blacksmith. Philip N. Guy, a native of Wayne Township, is now conducting a blacksmith shop here, and is very popular. James A. McCowin, also of an old county family, is successfully engaged in this business. Samuel King, David Smith and others formerly had wagon shops, while Robert Moore owned the first shoe shop. John Roof kept the first tailor shop, and Frank McLean and others worked at the business also. John Martin had a cabinet shop at an early day. Harness and saddle shops have also been carried on, William Imboden being now engaged in that business here. His brother, Michael Imboden, is now proprietor of a shoe store on Main Street, and also of a large general store on Vine Street. Andrew K. Robertson also keeps a good general store. His parents were natives of Scotland. Another prosperous general store is kept by McNees & Wolf (Elmer E. McNees and Milton J. Wolf), they purchasing the business from N. S. Nicely. Barney T. Gealy has a lumber yard and planing mill and is doing a prosperous business. He purchased the plant in 1893. The American Hotel is a popular hostelry, kept by H. G. Gilbert, who purchased it of Philip Fisher in 1903. Under his capable management it has largely increased its prestige. The Mt. Air Elgin Butter Company is a prosperous concern turning out 400 pounds of butter per day. Emmet W. Dungan is manager. The Enon Valley Telephone Company, of which O. I. Riddle is president and manager, furnished good local service in this now important branch of public utilities. Mr. Riddle has been at the head of the concern since it was organized in 1906. A postoffice was established here in 1830, before the town was laid out, J. M. C. Caskey being the first postmaster. This office was established on the old stage line between Beaver, Pa., and Cleveland, Ohio, running through Petersburg and Youngstown. Old Enon was a changing-station on the line, and was well known to travelers over it. Previous to the War of 1812 this was made a postal route, and the mail was carried over it on horseback until the stage line went into operation. At that time the nearest postoffice was at Darlington, [p. 240] Beaver County, five miles away. In order to accommodate the settlers about Enon, John Beer made a box and set it upon a post near his house, and made arrangements with the postmaster at Darlington to have the carrier drop the mail into it for the families living in the neighborhood, and that was done, thus saving a five-mile trip to the postoffice. The Little Beaver Presbyterian Church was organized about 1834-35, and a brick edifice built, which has since been torn down. The members had previously held meetings in connection with the congregation at Darlington, which was organized at a very early day. A frame church was built in the summer of 1873. The ground on which the old church stood was donated by Enoch Marvin, and that occupied by the cemetery was given by John Beer, Esq., whose wife was the first person buried in it, her death occurring in the fall of 1797. The first regular pastor who had charge of this congregation was Rev. Robert Dilworth, who continued to minister until nearly the time of his death, which occurred about 1869-70. The next pastor was Rev. Mr. Miller, who stayed three or four years. After him came the Rev. Robert S. Morton. In July, 1873, a portion of the congregation went to Enon Valley Station and organized a church there. Since the Little Beaver church was organized, a Sabbath-school has been kept up most of the time during the summers. ENON VALLEY (NEW TOWN). This place was first settled by Samuel Harnit, who came from near McKeesport, in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, first to what is now Beaver County, and in 1800 to the site of Enon, where he took up one hundred acres of Population land. Mr. Harnit brought his wife and three children?two sons and one daughter?with him. He built a log house, which stood on the site of the present town hall. Two children were born in the family after they came to the township?a daughter, Elizabeth, January 21, 1802, and a son, Samuel, February 9, 1804. A grandson of Mrs. Harnit, also named Samuel, went to Illinois, and was for a number of years warden of the State penitentiary at Joliet. His brother, Joseph, went also to that State and engaged in the practice of medicine. Elizabeth Harnit was married to John Andrews, and they took up their residence at Enon. Mr. Harnit was killed in 1804 by the caving in of a coal bank at which he was in the habit of procuring coal. He was a blacksmith, and built a shop near his house, which stood until the town plat was surveyed. The first blacksmith in the new town was Patrick Morgan, who worked in a shop which stood on Henry Wolf's property. David Smith built a house, and in one end of it had the first wagon shop in the place. Before the town was laid out, the only houses standing on the land were Samuel Harnit's old log house, then occupied by his widow, Mrs. Barbara Harnit, a frame house close by, occupied by her son, Nathaniel Harnit, and a frame house occupied by Samuel Harnit, the latter building on the south side of the railroad track. The first house after the town was laid out was built by John Spear, in one part of which he opened afterward the second store in the place. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway was finished to Enon about the fall of 1851, and during that fall and the ensuing spring the station building, the St. Lawrence Hotel, and Ramage & McQuiston's store?the first one in the town?were built. Samuel Harnit and William McGeorge owned the land on which the town plat was laid out, and Mr. Harnit sold a quantity of it to H. P. Mueller, who laid out the first lots, probably the next summer after the road was built. R. C. Moore built and opened the first shoe shop. William McKean was probably the first tailor. H. P. Mueller built a sawmill about [p. 241] 1853 on the south side of the track, and operated it until 1855, when it was burned down. A distillery was built about 1858-59, and run by Joseph Worley. The building is yet standing, but the machinery has long since been sold and removed. A planing-mill was started by David Preston & Bro., about 1870, and a sawmill, built by the same parties, about 1869. A steam grist mill was built by Miller & Whitmire. Among the industrial activities are the round-house and repair shops for the eastern division and branches of the P., Ft. W. & C. Railway, which employ about twenty or more hands. A brickyard was worked at one time near the Preston sawmill, by Wilson, Herr & Co. The population of the place is about 500, including a large proportion of Germans. For some years after the place was laid out, a brick schoolhouse, which stood between the two towns, was attended by pupils from both. In 1857-58, the frame building occupied by William Reed & Co. for a store-room, was built for a schoolhouse, and used for a number of years. A brick, two-story schoolhouse was built about 1870, and, owing to the increasing number of pupils, became inadequate for the purpose for which it was designed. There are now three schools in the borough, and the number of school children in attendance in 1908 was ninety. There were three teachers employed, at a cost of $1,220, and the amount expended for school purposes was $1,693.19. The average number of months taught is seven. About a year after the town was laid out, the postoffice was removed to it from the old town, and John Spear appointed the first postmaster. The first physician in the place was Dr. A. P. Dutcher, who lived between the two towns. Dr. McPherson afterward had an office in the new town, and lived where Dr. Dutcher had resided. Other members of the profession have since practiced here. Enon Lodge No. 916, I.O.O.F., was organized November 9, 1875, with a membership of twenty-seven, which has since largely increased. The first officers were: John O. Caskey, N.G.; John Sloan, V.G.; R. P. McCurley, secretary; E. Herwig, treasurer. The lodge room is in the large building in the north part of the town, in which are located the town hall and two store rooms. The Christian Church of Enon was completed March 11, 1873, and dedicated the 22nd of the same month. An organization of this society was completed as early as 1831, with William McCready, Ephraim Phillips, Euphemia Nicely, Nathaniel Harnit, John McCready, John Taylor and Josiah M. C. Caskey, as members. Rev. Mr. Van Horn preached to them about that time, also Rev. Mr. Applegate and others. A few years later the society disbanded, and had no organization subsequently until 1859, when a reorganization was effected by Rev. Mr. Winfield. He was followed by Rev. William Hillock, and next came the Rev. John Phillips, who stayed two or three years. Since then, Revs. Ephraim Phillips, S. B. Teegarden, and others, have had charge. Rev. J. M. David was the first pastor after the church was built. Enon Presbyterian Church was organized about the 1st of July, 1873, with eighty-one members. It was formed from a portion of the Little Beaver congregation at old Enon Valley. Rev. D. H. Laverty was installed as its first pastor, in August, 1874. A Sabbath-school was organized in March, 1874; its first superintendent was Captain E. L. Gillespie. The church, a neat, commodious frame building, was erected in 1873. In December of that year a 750-pound Meneeley bell [Meneely Bell Foundry of West Troy, New York] was placed in the belfry. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Enon was organized in 1857-58, with about forty members. Before this meetings had been held in the schoolhouse, which stood between the two towns. The church was built before an organization was completed, [p. 242] and Rev. Samuel Krause (or Crouse) preached occasionally to them. The first pastor after the church was built was Rev. William H. Tibbals. A Sabbath-school has been kept up since the organization of the church. Its first superintendent was probably George Adams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HICKORY TOWNSHIP [p. 242] This township, formerly a part of Mercer County, was erected from the eastern part of Neshannock Township during the winter of 1859-60. It comprises an area of about 9,800 acres, and is rich in both agricultural and mineral resources. It is watered by the Big Neshannock Creek and its tributaries, on all of which there is extensive water power. The principal branch of the Neshannock in the township is East Brook, or what was formely[sic] known as Huttebaugh or Hettenbaugh Run. On this stream there are a number of dams, located within a comparatively short distance of each other. The surface of the township is more or less hilly and broken, owing to the many streams which flow through it, and the summits of the highest hills or ridges are probably 300 feet above the Neshannock Creek. The creek forms the boundary between the townships of Hickory and Neshannock. The New Castle and Franklin Railway, now operated by the Pennsylvania Company, passes along the left bank of the creek, until it reaches East Brook Station, where it crosses to the other bank. "Along the creek is found some most romantic scenery. In places the channel is narrowed down to a rocky gorge, with precipitous overhanging piles of sandstone frowning upon the valley, their sides and summits covered with a dense growth of hemlock, and an occasional gloomy-looking ravine, affording greater solemnity and loneliness, which is hardly surpassed in its effect anywhere. The rock is sandstone, and generally piled up in thin and broken strata, caused by some mighty upheaval, although in a few localities the strata are thicker and afford very good building stone. They rest usually on a lower stratum of shale, or slaty fragments, approaching the coal measures. "Springs are numerous and constant; timber is abundant; desirable building sites are found in almost every locality; the lover of the beautiful in nature can have his most exquisite taste gratified; the manufacturer finds every facility for promoting his business in its various branches; the health of the community is excellent; schools and churches of the best character serve to immense advantage in furthering the social, moral and intellectual standing of an already prosperous and refined people; numerous and costly improvements evince the taste and refinement of the inhabitants; the student of geology and history finds his research amply rewarded; and, taking into consideration these manifold advantages, with others we have not space to mention, the township may be classed as one of the first in the county. Coal of an excellent quality has been found in the township, but the vein is quite thin, and on that account chiefly, not much worked. Some, however, is mined for local use, and a considerable quantity has been taken to New Castle, the glassworks at Croton formerly making use of it. This was obtained from a bank just outside the city limits on the Harlansburg road. Iron ore of a good quality has been found in paying quantities along the Neshannock Creek, but the same disadvantages attend its development which are met with in opening the coal veins, or at least some of them. It lies generally close to the surface, and in taking it out the land is broken to a greater or less extent, rendering it unfit for agricultural purposes. On account of these drawbacks, comparatively little has been done toward bringing out in full the resources of the township in this line. The township contains the village of Eastbrook, and the station of the same [p. 243] name on the New Castle and Franklin Railway. The railway was completed in 1874 and affords ample facilities for shipping the products of the neighborhood, both agricultural and mineral. In a few localities limestone is quarried, but is not of sufficiently good quality to be used as a building stone. A lime kiln was put in operation a number of years ago, a short distance from the city limits of New Castle on the Harlansburg road. The stone has a bluish cast, and is by no means equal to that found in greater quantities in other portions of the United States. It has been used for fluxing purposes in blast furnaces. Sandstone is found largely throughout the township, and is utilized for building purposes, and also ground up and used in the manufacture of window glass. The sandstone deposit forms the principal geologic foundation of Hickory Township. The first coal-bank opened in the vicinity was worked about 1830. A coal-bank was opened on the Harlansburg road, by Michael Ryan in 1870, on land belonging to Anthony Henderson. The vein averaged about two feet in thickness, and was largely used by the Croton Glass Works. A considerable number of persons have been engaged in the business, and a few banks have been worked out. The coal veins increase in thickness as they trend northward, and reach the maximum thickness somewhere in the neighborhood of Stoneboro, Mercer County. They also dip to the south on about the same grade as the beds of the different streams. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. In the year 1798, Robert Gormley, an immigrant from Ireland, settled on the farm now owned by John H. Gormley. He had first worked for a while east of the mountains. While in the eastern part of the state, he witnessed a transaction between a Revolutionary soldier and a person to whom the soldier sold a tract of land, donated him by the State for his services during the war. The price paid for the land was a quart of whisky, the hero of Revolutionary fields considering that worth more than the land, which he said was "somewhere out West, but didn't know exactly where." The tract thus cheaply disposed of embraced 500 acres. Mr. Gormley also purchased 500 acres, which was divided among his brothers, John and Thomas, who had followed him from Ireland, William Patton, and himself?making 120 acres each. The price paid was fifty cents per acre. Schoolhouse No. 5 is located on a part of the tract. Mr. Gormley built a hewed log house, 20 by 22 feet, in 1804, and it was considered a very remarkably fine house for the time. It stood until the fall of 1869. Robert Gormley was married in 1807-08, to Sarah Hammond, of Washington County, and John Gormley married her sister, Elizabeth. The first birth in the Gormley family was probably that of Martha, daughter of John Gormley, about 1809. The first deaths were also in that family, two sons and a daughter dying during the year 1822. The first road through the neighborhood was what is known as the Harlansburg road. Previous to its being laid out, the only highways were zig-zag paths through the woods, following the best route they could around hills and across streams?the latter always being forded. Grain was carried to mill on pack-saddles, and Mr. Gormley often "packed" corn from Beavertown, where he paid a dollar a bushel for it. Wheat could not be raised to any extent for some time, on account of the great number of squirrels, deer, "ground hogs," and other animals which came into the fields and destroyed the crops. Deer were so tame that they would come into a wheat field in broad daylight, and had to be repeatedly driven off. Wild turkeys were also exceedingly plentiful, and in the fall of the year created sad havoc among the fields of buckwheat.[p. 244] Agriculture was carried on according to somewhat primitive methods. The first metal plow in the neighborhood was owned by Francis Irvin (or Irwin), and Robert Gormley had the second one. The plows in use before these had wooden mould-boards, and a paddle was carried to clean the plow at the end of every furrow. The harrows also had wooden teeth, and both plows and harrows were rude and clumsy affairs, compared with the vastly improved implements of the present, although they answered their purpose and their owners were content, knowing of no better ones. Robert Gormley died March 26, 1858, at the ripe old age of eighty-six years, and sleeps by the side of Sarah, his wife, in the old Neshannock graveyard, his wife having died on the 18th of June, 1853, at the age of sixty-five years. Though sixteen years her husband's junior, she made him a loving and exemplary wife for forty-four years. John Gormley died December 27, 1848, aged seventy-nine years, and his wife, Elizabeth, followed him March 27, 1858, aged seventy-four. William Patton was originally from Ireland, and settled first in Center County, Pennsylvania. From there he came to Lawrence (then Mercer) County, and settled on a portion of the Robert Gormley tract. When he came from Center County, he had a horse and an ox harnessed together to haul his goods. Mr. Patton and the Gormleys afterward donated ten acres each to Thomas Speer, in order to get him to settle near them. Mr. Speer was from South Carolina, and came to Hickory Township about 1805-6. He lived to a very old age, and died within a few years past. "Some time during the year 1802 Samuel McCreary came from the Buffalo Valley, in Union County, in the eastern part of the State, and located on the east side of Neshannock Creek, about two miles northwest of the present village of Eastbrook. He was the first settler on the place, and made the first improvements. He built a round log house, and lived in it with his wife and one child, Enoch McCreary who was but two years of age when his father came to the county. Mr. McCreary's brother, Thomas, accompanied him, and they each took up a tract of one hundred acres. Shortly after their settlement Thomas McCreary died, and his was consequently one of the first deaths in the neighborhood. Samuel McCreary was out several times to Erie during the War of 1812-15. He eventually became the owner of some 600 acres of land in the vicinity of the place where he settled, chiefly lying along the Neshannock Creek. He died shortly before the breaking out of the Southern rebellion. The McCrearys were originally from Ireland, emigrating from that country at some period subsequent to the War for Independence between the American Colonies and Great Britain. He was the father of ten children. The first birth in his family after he came to Lawrence County was that of his daughter, Betsey, about 1804. In 1806 another daughter, Sarah, was born, and in 1808, a son, Thomas. Robert Simonton, who lived for a number of years in Hickory Township, settled originally on the Shenango River, in Neshannock Township. He was out during the War of 1812, and went to Erie. He died about 1853-54, at an advanced age. John C. Wallace, also a soldier of 1812, having served as captain of militia at that time, was an early settler in the southeast part of Hickory township. Jacob Baker settled near Mr. Wallace in the southeast part of Hickory Township, and was a soldier of 1814. He lived in the county in the neighborhood of fifty years, a part of which time he resided in New Castle. Abel McDowell came from Westmoreland County early, and lived for several years with his uncle, Thomas Fisher. He afterwards located in the northwest part of Hickory Township.[p. 245] About 1812-15, George Hinkson came from Chester County, and located in Washington County, where he stayed until about 1817, when he removed to Belmont County, Ohio. There he lived for eleven years, or until 1828, when he again packed up his worldly goods and came back to the Keystone State, this time locating in Hickory Township, on a 500-acre tract, later owned by his son, Aaron Hinkson, and others. All the lands in the township are "donation lands," and the fact that the territory was not settled until a comparatively late day is attributable to that circumstance. But few of the original patentees ever located in the county, and the land at time was deemed too far away to be reached. It was not, however, until the completion of the Erie Extension Canal that the growth of any part of the western portion of the State became marked; but since that time the development has steadily and generally gone forward. Samuel Casteel, a veteran of the second war with Great Britain, came from Allegheny County in 1816, and located near the Neshannock Creek, southeast of the present Eastbrook Station. By his industry and frugality he amassed considerable property, and when over eighty years of age, the sound of martial music, or the strains produced by a more pretentious band of brass instruments, would awaken the old military fire within him, and recall to his mind the scenes and incidents during the strife of more than sixty years before. Thomas Glass, John McKnight and John Stunkard came from near Pittsburg in the year 1825, and purchased a 500-acre tract. The McKnights and Stunkards still reside on the old homestead. These persons were the first actual settlers on the tract, although two or three squatters had been there before them. One of these squatters was a roving character named Chair, who did little else than hunt. CHURCHES. The Covenanters or Reformed Presbyterians organized about 1818, and held their first meeting in William Patton's barn. Rev. William Gibson presided at the organization, and also took charge of the congregation as its first pastor. After the first meeting in the barn, they held "tent meetings" in a rude structure made of corner posts and roof, and fit only for warm weather worship. The "tent" was put up principally for the use of the minister, while the congregation occupied log seats in front of it. Their first church was a rude log building, about 22 by 24 feet in dimensions, and covered with a shingle roof, being about the first roof of the kind in the neighborhood. About 1833 a frame church was commenced near the site of the old one, and finished some two years later. This building was burned down in April, 1867. A building committee was at one[sic] appointed, and work was immediately begun on a new structure?the fine brick church now standing. Just one year from the day the old church was burned, or April 14, 1868, the first sermon in the new building was preached by Rev. Mr. Martin. In the fall of 1868 or 1869, owing to considerable trouble having been previously experienced in securing preachers, the church changed to a United Presbyterian congregation. The Associate Presbyterians built a church east of Eastbrook, about 1840-41. The building, a roomy frame structure, is still standing. The denomination is now United Presbyterian. The first pastor was Rev. William A. Mehard, and the second Rev. R. Audley Browne. The building occupies a pleasant situation in a grove, on the hill which rises on the South side of Hettenbaugh Run, or Eastbrook. A Methodist Episcopal society was organized in 1847, and meetings held in schoolhouse "number two," a mile northwest of Eastbrook. It is not definitely [p. 246] known how many members there were in the original congregation. On the 17th of March, 1851, an acre and fourteen perches of ground were purchased of Robert Rea and wife, and the frame church erected, which is still standing. The trustees, at that time (1851), were Samuel Black, Cornelius Miller, Robert Rea, Enoch McCreary and William Rea. A graveyard occupies a portion of the ground purchased. SCHOOLS. About 1815-16 a round log schoolhouse was built near the south line of what is now Hickory Township, on the road running south from Neshannock United Presbyterian Church. A hewed log schoolhouse was put up in the corner of the graveyard, near the old Neshannock Church, about 1828-29. This was the only hewed log schoolhouse in this part of the country, and the first teacher was a man named John Tidball. There are at present seven schools in the township. The total value of school property for 1908 is about $6,000. The number of pupils enrolled for 1908 was 169. The total expenditure for school purposes in 1908 was $3,452.23, of which amount $2,448 was paid to seven teachers. For many years subsequent to the settlement of the township there were no grist-mills erected, and the nearest one in the early times was to the south, in the present Shenango Township. About 1825 Henry Reynolds built a grist-mill on Hettenbaugh Run, a mile east of the village of Eastbrook, and operated it until 1837, when he sold out to William Adams and went West. This mill was the first one erected within the present limits of the township, and became very popular, the work done being excellent. The supply of water in the run is usually large enough so that no inconvenience is experienced with a low stage. It is fed almost entirely by springs. The "Eastbrook Mills" were built originally by John Fisher, in 1836, and rebuilt in 1959. The mill is a fine, large building, containing three run of stone. About 1816-17 Thomas and John Fisher built a sawmill near the site of the grist-mill. Two have since been erected at the same place, the last one is still standing, though unused and much dilapidated. A woolen mill was built east of Eastbrook about 1830-32, by Lot Moffatt who sold out in the spring of 1837 to Joseph Burnley & Company. These parties operated it until about 1840, when they in turn sold to James Glover. Glover died and the mill became the property of his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hardaker, and it was afterwards carried on for some time by Mr. Hardaker, though doing but a small business. About 1872 John Hickson built a shop on the south branch of Eastbrook (Hettenbaugh Run) for the manufacture of pruning shears, using an engine which had been used since 1861 in a saw-mill on the same site. VILLAGE OF EASTBROOK. About 1816-17 some members of the Reynolds family put a man named Buckmaster as a tenant on the tract of land near where Eastbrook now stands in order to hold their claim. Thomas Fisher, having an eye on the same tract, kept a close watch, and when Buckmaster left it for a time he put a man on the place and kept him there till he became entitled to the land by settler's right. Buckmaster afterwards settled elsewhere and the Reynoldses also. A man named Terry was a very early settler in the neighborhood, and located on the farm now owned by John McCreary, northwest of Eastbrook. A part of the tract is owned by James Patton. John Fisher was a soldier of the War of 1812, and came from the Ligonier Valley in Westmoreland County. He settled the tract, including the site of Eastbrook, about 1819, this was the third tract he had [p. 247] located upon, the first being in 1809. His brother, Thomas Fisher, came afterwards. Thomas Fisher, (the first) came to the county in 1802, and located in the present limits of Neshannock Township, on the Shenango River, where he put up a carding machine, said to have been the first one in the State west of the Alleghenies. About 1817 Thomas and John Fisher built a woolen-mil1 in Eastbrook, above the site of their saw-mill. John McCartney also built a woolen-mill about 1850, and operated it for some time. It was afterwards bought by David Stewart, and still later by James Craig. The mill was in operation the greater portion of the time, for many years, and its capacity was often taxed to the utmost to supply the demand for the products, but little if any manufacturing is now done there. The manufactures were stocking yarn, woolen blankets and barred flannel. The saw-mills built along the brook since the country was settled have been almost without number, and we have merely mentioned the first ones and not taken the trouble to hunt up all of them. Many of the old frames are yet standing. The first store at Eastbrook was kept by John Fisher, about 1835-6. It was a general store and still stands at the west end of the bridge. Another store the same class was opened in 1838 by T. H. Harrah, who afterward built another, which he and J. B. Hardaker operated together. James McFarlane & Co. also kept a store for a year and a half or two years subsequent to 1844, the firm afterward being changed to Dickey & McFarlane. McFarlane finally removed to Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, and Hardaker & Harrah continued the business. Hardaker & Simonton were in it from 1852 to 1856. In the spring of 1860 John Waddington went into the firm, which was known for a time thereafter as J. B. Hardaker & Co., then it was again changed to John Waddington & Co. The first postoffice was established in 1837, the petition being circulated by John Waddington. The candidates for the position of postmaster were T. H. Harrah and John Fisher; the latter was the successful man, after Harrah had done most of the work to get the office established. However, Harrah afterwards had his ambition satistied, and obtained the office after its affairs had been administered by Fisher and Alexander Carpenter. The first shoe-shop was opened by Oliver Bascom, about 1840; after him Carson Campbell had a shop; Samuel Douglas opened one about 1841-3. The first blacksmith-shop was opened by Phillip Crowl, in 1832. He has had quite a number of successors. John McNickel had the first wagon shop in 1840, and it afterwards became the property of his son, John M. McNickel. The village and postoffice take their name from the stream which flows through the place. The stream was named by Thomas Fisher (the first), the spot on its banks upon which he located being just five miles directly east of the place where he first settled on the Shenango. The first schoolhouse in the village was built in the neighborhood of 1825. "About 1843 a volunteer rifle company, known as the 'Eastbrook Rangers,' was organized, and drill was kept up for seven years. The officers were: Captain, Andrew Buchanan; first lieutenant, Alexander Carpenter; second lieutenant, John Staton; orderly sergeant, William McConahy. The company numbered about 100 members and was uniformed with white pants, blue coats and red sash, and a hat trimmed with cord and green feather. They were armed with common rifles, in the use of which they were very expert. The officers held commissions from the Governor of the State. "Another company was partially organized in 1860, just before the rebellion broke out, but when the war came on they consolidated with a small company from Princeton, in Slippery Rock Township, and the two were mustered in as Company F, of the 100th (Roundhead) Regiment, which afterward [p. 248] saw much hard service in the Carolinas, Virginia and elsewhere." EASTBROOK STATION. This place was established at the completion of the New Castle and Franklin Railway. Thomas Walton opened a grocery store soon after and a number of dwellings were erected, a short sidetrack laid, and a fine iron and wooden truss wagon-bridge built across Neshannock Creek, which stream here makes an extensive and beautiful bend, receiving just east of the station the waters of East Brook or Hettenbaugh Run. "Part of an extensive colony of German Mennonites, or Amish, occupies a considerable portion of the north and west part of the township, the remainder of them being in Wilmington, Neshannock and Pulaski townships. They came principally from Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, and have schools, and a church of their own, the church building being in Wilmington Township. They are a quiet, industrious class of people, keep their farms in good order, and but two or three of the original families have left the township since they came into it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens, Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908 Updated: 19 Oct 2001