Chap XV - Part VII: 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland An html version of this volume may be found at ************************************************ CHAPTER XV - Part VII TOWNSHIPS AND TOWNS [Original land warrants and patents can be seen on the Survey Maps, and land owners can be seen on the 1872 Atlas. ] WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. [p. 352] The three townships of Washington, Plaingrove and Scott formerly existed as one?Slippery Rock Township, in Mercer County. When, in 1849, that county was divided and a portion of it assigned to the new county of Lawrence the township was called North Slippery Rock on account of the adjoining township in Beaver County, also set off as a part of Lawrence County, being called Slippery Rock. North Slippery Rock was cut in two April 13, 1854, and two townships formed from it, viz. Washington and Scott. Washington included the northern portion of the old township and Scott the southern, and North Slippery Rock Township ceased to exist. February 14, 1855, the eastern portions of both Washington and Scott were taken off and a new township erected, called Plain Grove (now often written Plaingrove). On the 15th of February, 1859, the shape of the several townships was finally settled by enlarging Washington on the east by the addition of a strip three-fourths of a mile in width from Plaingrove, and another strip on the south half a mile in width taken from Scott. This left Washington Township as it is at present, containing about 10,800 acres, or sixteen and seven-eighths square miles. The township presents a surface little broken by hills or cut up by streams and contains abundance of fine farming lands. It is exclusively agricultural in its character and is in a highly improved condition, bearing witness to the energy and industry of its inhabitants, from the first who entered the wilderness as pioneers to the present generation. Neshannock Creek flows across the northwest corner of the township, and just as it enters Wilmington Township receives the mingled waters of several smaller streams or "runs" which have their sources in Washington Township. In the southern part of the township Hettenbaugh Run, or East Brook, has its principal source at a fine spring on the Michael Jordan farm, and is also fed from numerous other springs in the vicinity. It flows in a southerly course until it gets into Scott Township. A portion of the village of Volant is in the northwest corner of the township, on the small strip which lies west of the Neshannock Creek. The Western New York and Pennsylvania Railway is built along the west bank of the creek and has about half a mile of track in the township. Coal underlies the township to some extent, but is not worked within its limits. A fine quality is mined just across the line, in Scott Township, and the vein very probably reaches far into Washington. Iron ore, of the blue quality, abounds along Neshannock Creek, but at present is not worked in the township. It is so hard and contains comparatively so small a percentage of iron that it is not manufactured as extensively as the softer ores, although furnaces formerly were in operation for working it, one at Neshannock Falls, in Wilmington Township, having run for some ten or twelve years, getting its supply of ore along the creek.[p. 353] EARLY SETTLEMENTS. Probably the first white settler in the township was George Hettenbaugh, originally from Germany, who came in 1797 and settled on the farm later owned by George and Michael Jordan. He was accompanied by two sons, Michael and George. Hettenbaugh Run takes its name from this family, who settled at its source. The same year the Hettenbaughs settled a number of families came to the township and located in the immediate neighborhood. Alexander Anderson came to America from Ireland about 1789-90. Some time during the year 1797 he came to what is now Washington Township and settled the farm now owned by his descendants, the Tottens. James and John Smith came the same year (1797) from the Chartiers Valley. James Sharp and family came about the same time and settled in the same neighborhood, as did also Mr. McLaughlin, who located on the farm later owned by Jonathan Bonny. Dennis McConnell was also of that period, coming perhaps a little later. Joseph Campbell came with the first settlers and settled near the Henry Jordan farm. He became quite prominent in after years. William Michaels came in early and made some improvements on a place, but owing to the fact that he had no title to the land he was obliged to leave it. A few years after, or in the spring of 1802, Robert Mason located on the same farm. Henry Jordan, Sr., came to the township with his wife and eight children in the fall 1802 from York County, Pennsylvania, and bought for one dollar and seventy-five cents per acre 200 acres of land, one-hundred of which his son Henry lately owned. In January, 1803, Michael Jordan, who latterly lived on a part of the old Hettenbaugh farm, was born. Kinzie Daniels came from New Jersey about 1805-6 and located southwest of the Jordans. Samuel Brown, father of Solomon Brown, came from Lancaster County some time between 1805 and 1810 and settled in Beaver County. About the year 1828 Robert Donley came to the township from Westmoreland County and settled on the farm later owned by John Donley. He was originally from Ireland, and though arriving at such a late day was the first white settler on the 100-acre tract which he bought and located upon in the northeast part of the present township of Washington. William Martin came from Ireland and settled in Washington Township about 1818-20, purchasing 200 acres of land of a Mr. McClurg. The first settler on the Samuel Collins place was Robert Collins, who bought the land of Thomas Astley and Enoch Marvin in 1837 and made the first improvements on it. Adam Grim came from the foot of Laurel Hill, in Fayette County, first to Washington County, where he staid three or four years, and afterwards to Washington Township, Lawrence County, in the month of July, 1814, or 1815. Revolutionary Soldiers.?Henry Jordan, Sr., settled in 1802, had served during the Revolution, and was the only one among the settlers of the township who took part in that struggle, as far as we have been able to ascertain, although it is possible there were others. Of The Soldiers Of 1812 the number is greater. Henry Jordan enlisted in the fall of 1812 for six months, and went with Captain John Junkin's company, the "Mercer Blues," to Fort Meigs, or rather through by way of Mansfield and other points to Sandusky and the Maumee River, or "Miami of the Lakes," where he helped build Fort Meigs. Mr. Jordan was the last surviving member of the original "Mercer Blues." Mr. Jordan's time expired some time during the spring of 1813, and he was afterwards out three times to Erie. His three brothers, John, Nathaniel and George, were also out at Erie, and John Jordan died at Black Rock in the winter [p. 354] of 1813. Samuel Anderson, a son of Alexander Anderson, was out in 1813 to Erie. War Of The Rebellion. In the four years from 1861 to 1865 Washington Township was also well represented and sent many of her sons to the front. The Regiment represented principally by Lawrence County men was the One Hundredth or "Roundhead" Regiment, commanded by Colonel Daniel Leasure, of New Castle, and a large number from Washington Township joined this regiment. Other regiments had representatives from this township, but to a small extent. VOLANT POST-OFFICE. This post-office was established some time about 1840-45, with William Hoover as the first postmaster. It was kept for a while in the mill which stood on the west side of Neshannock Creek. James Rice afterwards opened a store and had the post-office removed to it, and acted as postmaster. When the new town of Lockeville was laid out, in 1872, the office was removed to that point, and kept by William Graham in the store belonging to Graham Brothers, near the railway station. A Seceder Church was organized, and a frame building erected on the Martin farm about 1835-6. Rev. Mr. Boyd was probably the first preacher who had charge of the society. The church lot and cemetery were both taken from the farm of William Martin, and included an acre of ground. The cemetery is still in use and well cared for. Meetings have not been held for many years, and there is now no church building in the township, the one built having long since passed out of existence. SCHOOLS. Schoolhouses in the pioneer days were built by voluntary subscriptions and the schools carried on by the same means. A schoolhouse was built in the fall of 1803 on the Jordan farm, of logs. The first teacher was Joseph Campbell, one of the earlier settlers of the township. The school consisted of from twenty-five to forty pupils, many of whom came a distance of several miles to attend. This was the first schoolhouse and the first school within the present limits of the township. Mr. Jordan donated the land it stood on. The next building for school purposes was erected on land donated by Kinzie Daniels about 1807-8. John Mitchell was the first teacher. A third schoolhouse was put up not long afterwards on the Robert Mason farm. These three buildings were the first ones erected in the township, and were in use for a number of years. There are now five substantial school buildings in the township, some of them frame structures and the others built of brick. They are comfortable and neat, well equipped throughout, and the school work has been maintained at a high standard by competent instructors. There are five teachers, who in 1908 were paid $1,520, and there is an enrollment of 102 in the schools. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAYNE TOWNSHIP. [Original land warrants and patents can be seen on the Survey Maps, and land owners can be seen on the 1872 Atlas. ] [p. 354]Wayne Township was created from a part of North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, at the same time Lawrence County was erected, and at first took in only that portion of it north of Conoquenessing Creek; that south of the creek remained as North Sewickley until some time afterwards, when it was added to Wayne. The township has an area of about 11,500 acres, and is peopled with a prosperous agricultural class. The improvements throughout the township are of a high order of excellence and the resources it possesses, both from an agricultural and mineral point of view, are almost inexhaustible. The surface is broken to an extensive degree, the hills in many places rising three or four hundred feet above the valleys. The approaches to Slippery Rock and Conoquenessing Creeks are through deep [p. 355] gorges and thinly settled localities, although along the latter stream the land is more easily adapted to farming purposes. On the south side of it, towards the line of Beaver County, is a broad level table land, reaching back a mile or two to a range of hills bounding it on the south. The land here is rich and fertile. The township contains the three villages of Wurtemburg, Chewton and Staylesville, the latter one of the places which sprang up while the old canal was in existence, and was superseded by Newport, in Big Beaver Township, after the canal was abandoned and the railroad built. The borough of Ellwood City also lies within the borders of the township. Wayne Township has for its western boundary the Big Beaver River, numerous tributaries of which head within its limits. On the east Slippery Rock Creek forms the boundary between Wayne and Perry, and the Conoquenessing enters on the south from Beaver County, and after receiving the waters of the Slippery Rock curves around through the southern part of the township, and finally enters the Big Beaver on the line between Lawrence and Beaver Counties. Slippery Rock Creek flows in a southerly direction until it reaches Wurtemburg, and here it is met by a towering bluff 395 feet high, and obliged to turn aside. From here it flows to the westward until it joins with the waters of the Conoquenessing, the two streams meeting from almost opposite directions. At this point the streams turn squarely to the north, proceeds in this direction perhaps a hundred rods, then winds its way westward, then eastward, and back again until the Beaver is reached. The scenery along the streams is wild and impressive, especially that of the Slippery Rock and Conoquenessing. The latter has no bottom lands at all, and the former only very narrow strips in some places. High above the streams, however, and at the base of a still higher range of hills there are comparatively broad plateaux, the surface of them being extremely fertile. The greater part of the land in Wayne Township is in the Chew district and was divided into 400-acre tracts, each settler on a tract becoming entitled to one-half for settling. There are also numerous tracts which were granted to the Washington Academy, of Washington, Pa. Coal was discovered near Wurtemburg, about 1826, by James Dobbs, who was at the time working at Moses Matheny's salt wells. Since then coal veins have been developed in various localities in the township. A bank was opened on a tract of Academy land, south of Chewton, and worked for some time. Above Wurtemburg several mines are worked, and in the northern and western portions of the township a considerable number of persons opened banks. The vein is called a three-foot vein, but has only about twenty-eight inches of coal on an average, the rest being more or less mixed with slate. The coal is generally of a very good quality. Limestone is found in many localities, but, like all the limestone of this region, lies in thin, ragged strata, and is not fit for building purposes, although it makes a very good quality of lime. The limestone exists near the summits of the hills, and is simply what remains of a once continuous bed, before the country was cut so deeply by the numerous streams into the rough condition we now behold. The stone is found at an average height, and of a nearly uniform thickness and quality, proving that the stratum was once continuous. Iron ore is also found, both of the red and blue varieties. About 1855-6, Charles Rhodes bought half an acre of land on the stream which empties into the Big Beaver below Chewton, and intended to erect a saw-mill. While excavating a place in which to set his wheel he struck a vein of the "blue ore," and immediately abandoned the purpose of building a saw-mill, and began taking out ore. The business [p. 356] paid him well, and raised a great excitement in the vicinity. It was the first iron ore discovered in the township, and immediately a number of persons began prospecting. Finally, John Warner discovered a bank of the "red ore," in some places reaching a thickness of twenty-two feet. Dr. John Wallace purchased this bank and worked it extensively. The existence of the red ore was not known until after the discovery of the blue ore, but, when it was developed, the working of the latter was abandoned, as the other quality was much richer and more easily worked. EARLY SETTLEMENT. About the year 1800, Abraham McCurdy came from the Susquehanna Valley and settled near where Wurtemburg now stands. John Newton came to the township in the neighborhood of 1800, and settled on the farm where his son, Jacob Newton, lived for many years after. William and Benjamin Cunningham came from Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in the year 1796. William settled on the farm lately owned by R. S. Cunningham, and Benjamin on that lately owned by Ira Cunningham. They came in the fall of that year and built cabins and made other improvements on their places, then returned to Fayette County for their famlies. They returned to their new possessions in the spring of 1797. The Cunninghams now occupy a considerable portion of the north part of Wayne Township, and have contributed much towards its improvement. The year 1796 marked the arrival of eight persons, six besides the Cunninghams. They were Abel Hennon, Robert and Samuel Gaston, William Cairns, Charles Morrow and John Moore. Only a portion of them settled or remained in what is now Wayne Township. After the Cunninghams came to the township they hewed out the end of a block "dish fashion," and pounded their corn in it for about two years, when a grist-mill was built by Ananias Allen, and they had their grinding done there. Abel Hennon, who was one of the settlers of 1796, located on a 400-acre tract, of which he received one-half for settling. Joseph Hennon came in 1798 and bought a settlement right to a 400-acre tract of Jesse Myers, who had built a cabin on the place. The place was later occupied by his son, George Hennon, who was the first child born in the family after their settlement, the date of his birth being April 19, 1800. The Hennons were originally from Ireland, and located first in the State of Maryland. They afterwards removed to the valley of Jacob's Creek, in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and from there came to Beaver County. Two of the earlier members of the family, George and Thomas Hennon, Sr., were soldiers in the American Revolution. Nicholas Vaneman located in New Castle about 1802-3, where he rebuilt and refitted a grist-mill on the Neshannock, which had been originally erected about 1800 by John Elliott. The mill was partially destroyed by a freshet in the creek, and Vaneman removed to Wayne Township about 1808-9 and put up a grist and saw-mill on what is now known as "Mill Run," or "Big Run," which discharges its waters into the Big Beaver below Chewton. The mills stood for a good many years, and finally fell to pieces, and none have been rebuilt on the site since. He operated the mill until unable to run it longer, when his son continued the business for some time. George Allen settled a farm in Wayne Township previous to 1800 and sold it to Solomon Egner in 1818. Henry Booher came first to Neshannock Township about 1806 and bought land of Jesse Du Shane, of New Castle, about 1810. Thomas McConahy came from County Antrim, Ireland, in 1817, leaving his family [p. 357] there. They followed him two years later (1819) and came to Beaver Town, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Here they stayed until 1821 when they removed to a farm of 100 acres, lying in Shenango Township, Lawrence County. The John McConahy (son of Thomas McConahy) farm, in Wayne, was originally settled by Peter Book, who made the improvements upon it. The original tract was 400 acres, and, with a few other tracts in the neighborhood did not belong to the land in the Chew district. Peter Book was of German descent, and came from Northampton County, Pennsylvania, to Pittsburg, from which place he came to what is now Wayne Township in 1796-7. Joseph Work came originally from the State of Maryland to Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. In the year 1797 he came to Crawford County, where he lived until 1824, then moved to the farm in Wayne Township, Lawrence County, later occupied by his son, William Work. The land is part of a tract of 400 acres, originally settled by Moses McCollum in 1797. William Ward came from York County, Pennsylvania, when a young man, with his mother and step-father and located first in Beaver Town, Beaver County. This was in the neighborhood of the year 1800. Mr. Ward was married at Beaver Town to Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker, and afterward came to Lawrence County. He located on a farm on Slippery Rock Creek about 1806-8. Hugh Wilson came to the township previous to 1800, and settled on the farm now owned by his heirs. He was originally from the State of Maryland, and settled in the Chartiers Valley, in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, about twelve miles from Pittsburg, from whence he came to what is now Lawrence County. The year after Mr. Wilson arrived, his brothers, William, Andrew, James and Alexander, also came out. William Wilson commanded a militia company in the neighborhood during the time of military organizations, and from that circumstance received the title of captain. Moses Guy came to the township about the same time as the Wilsons and settled on a part of the same farm. Moses Matheny came from the Shenandoah Valley, West Virginia, about 1800, and settled first in the edge of Beaver County, Pennsylvania. He afterwards removed to a farm in Wayne Township, Lawrence County, three-fourths of a mile from Wurtemburg. Mr. Matheny was a cabinetmaker, the first mechanic in the neighborhood, and made the first rough coffin. In 1807 he was married to Hannah Nye, whose father, Andrew Nye, had settled early on the farm on the south side of the Conoquenessing, yet owned by the Nye family. Mr. Matheny was closely identified with the plans for the early improvement of the country in which he had settled. In 1839 he built a stone tavern on the north side of the Conoquenessing, at its mouth, and rented it to Samuel Copper, who kept it for some time; other persons also kept the tavern, but when the canal business stopped it was discontinued. Paul Newton was among the first settlers in the township and purchased land of William Thomas, who must have been a very early settler. About 1812-15 a company of Quakers came from the eastern part of the State, purchased a large acreage of the hilly lands of the Conoquenessing, and went to work to improve the water-power. They tried to build a dam twenty-eight feet high across the creek, but the attempt proved a failure, and they afterward built a brace dam on a smaller scale, and cut a hole in the rock and built a strong stone grist-mill in it. The creek rose shortly afterwards and washed both dam and mill away. After this failure the Quakers went to Beaver Falls. Hazel Dell post-office was established about 1871-2, near Matheny's mill. The [p. 358] first postmaster was John H. Marshall, and he was succeeded by Andrew Cole. About 1823-4 a log-mill was built on nearly the same spot as the Matheny mill by Orrin Newton. In 1834, J. N. Nye purchased the mill and operated it awhile. About 1840 some parties who were fishing carelessly dropped some fire into it and it burned down. The Matheny mill, which was built in 1847 by Jonathan Evans, was owned by Thomas Jones at one time. He was caught in the machinery in some way while oiling the wheel and killed, about 1864-5. Under the management of E. C. Matheny the mill developed into a flourishing plant. Orrin Newton, the same person who built the original mill on the site of Matheny's building, had a primitive affair long before this, consisting of a wheel set in a crevice in the rock, and run by hand when the water was low. This was the first mill on the creek below the mouth of the Slippery Rock, and was of the simplest kind. It could grind but very slowly, and did nothing more than crack the grain. The old Newton mill was at Conoquenessing Falls. A log grist-mill, with a saw-mill attachment, was built about 1830-32 by Nicholas Mayne, and stood a short distance above the Matheny mill. James Latimer built a grist-mill two or three miles above this, about 1855. It was a good frame mill, but, as the power was not sufficient at the place it was abandoned. Henry McQuiston built a grist-mill on the Conoquenessing, a little distance above the mouth of Slippery Rock Creek, but it was only run a short time. Saw-mills have been built in nearly every portion of the township, though but very few are now in operation, and those portable. Edward McLaughlin had a saw-mill close by the McQuiston grist-mill. About 1852, William Gaston built a saw-mill on his place, above Chewton, on a small run flowing through it, and had good water power. MILITARY RECORD. Wayne Township was well represented in the United States army during the War of 1812, among those who went to the front being: Abraham McCurdy, Sr., John Newton, Benjamin Cunningham, Thomas Hennon, at Black Rock; William Ward, in Capt. James Stewart's company, was at Black Rock, and Hugh Wilson and Moses Guy, who were at Black Rock. In Wayne, as in other townships, military organizations were kept up, William Wilson commanding one company. A company known as the "North Sewickley Marksmen" was organized about 1830-31, with some sixty men, and the number afterwards increased to seventy or eighty. John M. Hennon was the first captain, and Isaac Newton, William Sherrard and others served as lieutenants. The men were dressed in ordinary apparel, but their citizens' hats were decked with red and white plumes, and they wore red sashes and belts; they were armed with common rifles. The organization existed until about 1873. Wayne Township furnished her quota of troops during the War of the Rebellion, scattered through various regiments. Most of those who went to the front, however, were members of the famous Round Head (One Hundredth Pennsylvania) Regiment. EARLY SCHOOLS. A log cabin schoolhouse was built on the McCollum tract, in Wayne, previous to 1815, and school was conducted in it for some time. It finally was destroyed by fire. About 1820 another log schoolhouse was built about a half mile northwest of the first, and it too was finally burned to the ground. Robert Grandy was a teacher in the first building, and Robert Laughlin was the first teacher in the latter. Other primitive schoolhouses were built at different times [p. 359] by the citizens, and carried on by subscription until the law was passed establishing free schools. In 1908 the number of schools in Wayne District (Township) was nine. The enrollment of school children for the same year was 276. A total of $2,750 was paid for teachers wages, the number of teachers for the year being nine. The total expenditures for the year for school purposes were $3,825. This was aside from Wurtemburg and Chewton villages, which are independent districts. CHURCHES. "Slippery Rock" Presbyterian Church is the oldest organization in the township, and takes its name from Slippery Rock Creek, on the banks of which it held its first meetings, in Allen's old grist-mill, as early as 1800, and possibly before. The congregation was organized about 1800, and some of the original members were Jesse Bell, William Cairns and Nancy, his wife (of Shenango Township), Joseph Hennon and Margaret, his wife; William Cunningham and Mary, his wife; Jonathan Peppard and Elizabeth, his wife; Jacob Van Gorder and Margaret, his wife (Van Gorder and wife later, about 1806); Andrew Elliott and wife, and a few others. The first official record of the existence of this church is found in the minutes of the first meeting of the Erie Presbytery, held in this region April 13, 1802. At this meeting of the Presbytery the church asked for supplies, and in 1803, united with Lower Neshannock, now New Castle, in selecting Rev. Alexander Cook as pastor. Mr. Cook had charge about six years. The first elders of this church were Jesse Bell, William Cairns, Joseph Hennon and Jonathan Peppard. Isaac Cole and Andrew Elliott were ordained elders October 25, 1812, and Donald MacGregor in May, 1818. These were the early elders only. The second pastor of this congregation was Rev. Robert Sample, who had charge of the New Castle congregation as well. Some say he preached twenty-six years. He was ordained and installed April 10, 1811, and served until 1834, according to the history of Erie Presbytery. In 1838, after many discouragements for three years, they united with New Brighton, Beaver County, in support of Rev. Benjamin C. Critchlow, New Castle having by that time become able to support a minister alone. Mr. Critchlow was ordained and installed pastor of Slippery Rock and a New Brighton congregation September 5, 1838, and continued his pastorate for seven years. In 1845 he assumed charge of New Brighton alone, and Rev. James S. Henderson was ordained and installed pastor of Slippery Rock in October of that year. November 1, 1846, he began preaching one-half of his time at North Sewickley Church, in Beaver County. Since the departure of Mr. Henderson the following have been regular pastors of the Slippery Rock Church for the length of time stated: Amos S. Billingsley, January 10, 1854, to January 11, 1865; Rev. R. S. Morton, February 21, 1866, to May 14, 1869; Rev. J. H. Aughey, December 26, 1870, to May 5, 1873; Rev. George S. Rice, October 19, 1874, to June, 1889; Rev. William G. Reagle, May 26, 1891, to April, 1893; Rev. Samuel Barber, January 23, 1894, to April, 1898, and Rev. Charles Bell, September 13, to the present time. In the Slippery Rock Presbyterian Church, proper, the present membership is 250, and that of the Sabbath-school, 175; but a mission is conducted under the care of the church, with a membership of 100, and its Sabbath-school, 250. The mission reports through the church, which thus has a total membership of 350, and the Sabbath-school a membership of 425. The Sabbath-school was organized during Mr. Critchlow's pastorate and has been conducted almost continuously since that time. The church officers at the present are as follows: Rev. Charles Bell, moderator; W. C. Hennon, R. C. Shoemaker, Robert [p. 360] W. Grandy, William Wellhausen, James A. Brown and John W. Houk, elders; John M. Houk, Sabbath-school superintendent; E. E. Yoho Y. P. S. C. E. president, and Mrs. Ellen G. Bell, president of the Women's Missionary Society. The first church built by the society was a log building, which stood a few rods north of the spot occupied by the present church. The log church was built about 1803, and stood on the Hugh Wilson farm. The old log church was used until the year 1825, when a frame building was erected just south of it. This church continued in use as such until a new and more commodious edifice was built in 1863, and was then removed. A parsonage was later built by the society for its pastor. On the territory once all tributary to Slippery Rock Church, there are now fourteen different organizations, yet with all this, and the colonies which have gone out from it and founded other congregations, the church has held its own well and is in a prosperous condition. The cemetery near the church is an interesting spot, containing the remains of nearly all the pioneers in the region immediately surrounding it. It is located on the brow of the hill, in the rear of the church, and is shaded by forest trees on all sides. The first person buried in it was James Wilson, who was killed by the falling of a tree soon after his arrival here. The Primitive Methodists organized in the fall of 1876, and have a frame church, standing on land donated by Samuel Booher, who was one of the prominent members of the organization. The lot includes one acre. This congregation is made up of members from the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wampum and "Mount Pleasant" congregations. VILLAGE OF STAYLESVILLE. The land occupied by this settlement was originally a part of the Peter Book farm. William Hough at different times bought several acres of land from Mr. Book, and laid it out into town lots some time between 1827 and 1833, about which latter date the canal was opened. Hough built the first house in the place?a log structure?and kept a store. He also opened a tavern, and afterwards sold it to John Wallace, who carried it on for awhile in connection with a store. James Miller had the last store conducted in the place, and closed out about 1874. Samuel Wilkinson and John Houk worked at the blacksmithing business in the place for some time. A strong dam was built for slack water purposes during the time of the canal, but has been destroyed long since. The bed of the Beaver River here was partly quicksand, and, to keep the dam from being washed away, it was made of strong cribs sunk in the sand and filled with stone. Considerable business was done at the place during the time the canal was in operation, but there are now left but a few dwellings on the town site to mark what once was an active business point. The town was named by Hough, when he laid it out, after a man named Stayles, who was a prominent worker in the canal enterprise. A swift rapid or "ripple" is in the river opposite the town, and as the canal men had a "hard scrabble" to get their boats safely over it the place received the nickname of "Hardscrabble," by which it is now more familiarly known than by Staylesville. Some distance below, at Wampum, there is another rapid called "Irish Ripple," and from it the original post-office at Wampum, and now at Newport, took its name. CHEWTON. This town was laid out by Benjamin Chew, Jr., about 1830-31, and includes all the territory comprised in what are now commonly known as "Upper" and "Lower" Chewton?in all about one hundred acres, but a comparatively small portion of which is built up. The first house in Lower Chewton was built either by Hon. J. T. Cunningham or Jacob Allen.[p. 361] Fulton Reed opened the first store in the place, about 1835-36. John Wallace established the second, some ten years later. John Egner opened the third, about 1848- 1849, and afterwards sold it to William Roth (or Rhodes). It stood about a quarter of a mile below where the iron bridge now spans the Beaver. Roth sold out to Friday & Jackson, who moved the store to the upper part of Lower Chewton. Henry Potter afterwards purchased Friday's interests, and the firm name became Potter & Jackson. In Upper Chewton, soon after the town was laid out, Jacob Lightner, Nancy Lightner, Milo Connor and John Lightner all built houses of the log pattern, which stood for many years. There was but one log house built in Lower Chewton, that by one of the Roth (Rhodes) family. A school was opened in the town in 1834 or 1835. immediately after the school law was passed, and a schoolhouse was built. A brick schoolhouse, standing in Upper Chewton, was built about 1859-60. Chewton was set off as an independent school district in 1872 or 1873. It has three schools and three instructors, who, in 1908, received $1,010. The enrollment is 159 pupils. WURTEMBURG. The first settler on the land where Wurtemburg now stands was probably Ananias Allen, who came about 1796-7, and built of logs a grist-mill on nearly the same spot where a more modern grist-mill, in after years, was erected. This was a famous mill in its day, and had customers from as far as New Castle, before there was a mill at that place. In this mill the first meetings of the Slippery Rock Presbyterian congregation were held. Allen built the first house on the ground where the town now stands. Jacob Liebendorfer and his family came from Butler County in 1829, and for a time lived in a log house, which had been erected by an early settler named Smith. In 1831 a grist-mill was built by Jacob Liebendorfer and his son, Michael. After the father died, Robert Mehard united with Michael Liebendorfer in its management, and finally became sole proprietor, after they had remodeled and improved the mill to a considerable extent. Mr. Mehard afterwards sold out to George and Harrison Fiddler, who in turn disposed of it to William Mellen and Phillip Freichtag. The next proprietors, McCray & Hutchison, also operated a saw-mill in connection. A saw-mill and linseed oil-mill were built by Jacob and Daniel Liebendorfer, Frederick Rapp and Peter Noss, about the same time the grist-mill was built?1831. The mill race supplying them gave way, and the mills were abandoned after running about twenty years. The saw-mill, adjoining the grist-mill, was built by Robert Mehard. Peter Noss had a distillery at one time, and a cooper shop in connection. A salt well was put down to a distance of about five hundred feet by Matheny & Hemphill, in 1821, and was worked for nine years, producing about two barrels of salt per day. On account of oil and the scarcity of water, the well was finally abandoned. Just before the Civil War the oil excitement ran high, and this well was worked by a company who tried for oil. The oil they lost, principally because the flow of water was too strong. The post-office at Wurtemburg was established about 1845, and derived its name from the fact that the Germans who settled here were from Wurtemburg, Germany. The first postmaster of whom we find any mention was Frederick Rapp, who was the second to fill that office; after him came Ebert and Brown. Up to this time it was kept on the north side of the creek, but was afterwards moved to the south side, and kept in the store of Fleming & Freichtag. James Liebendorfer next had it, on the north side, then Morrison & Fisher on the south side.[p. 362] The first store on the South side of the creek was opened by three Hyde brothers, John, Joseph and Thomas. The first store on the north side was opened by a man named Vincent, who only kept it a year or two. A man named Coulter had the second one, and Frederick Rapp the third, and the latter also built the brick hotel, kept by Benjamin Wilson in after years. The first blacksmith shop was probably started by Jacob Weis. J. N. Kirker has conducted a flour and feed store here since 1902. James H. Newton is proprietor of the largest general store, which was established in 1900. E. G. French operates a stone quarry just on the edge of the town. It has been operated by him since 1900 and still the vein is not exhausted, although at the present time he is working it heavily, employing as many as fourteen men. A two-story brick school building was erected in 1872, on the north side. The village of Wurtemburg is an independent school district, and had an attendance in its two schools in 1908 of ninety-four pupils. Two teachers are employed and in that year were paid $650. The total expenditure for school purposes was $828.57. CHURCHES. The United Presbyterian Church of Wurtemburg was organized in 1859 by Rev. Thomas Guthrie, D. D., who supplied it for some time. The members originally belonged to the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Perry Township. The first regular pastor of the new organization was Rev. J. H. Peacock, who came about 1867 and preached five years. The next regular pastor was Rev. John D. Glenn, who was installed November 1, 1874, and also had charge of the Center Church in Shenango Township. The original membership was about eighty. A Sabbath-school has been kept up most of the time. The church lot was furnished by James Mehard, one of the members of the congregation, and a large frame church built upon it in 1860. A portion of the congregation, some forty-five members, left the church in 1873, and formed a new congregation in Perry Township called Camp Run. They built a church in 1874, and have meetings in connection with Mountville United Presbyterian Church, in the same township. The German Lutheran Church at Wurtemburg, which has long been out of existence, was the outgrowth of meetings held in the house of Jacob Liebendorfer, about 1830-31, he having been a member of the German Lutheran Church at Zelienople, Butler County, prior to that time. The pastor of that church conducted the meeting in the Liebendorfer home, his name being Rev. Schweitzerbart. Meetings were subsequently held in private houses and for a time in the schoolhouse, which was built about 1832-33, near where the United Presbyterian Church now stands, and still later in a schoolhouse which stood south of the creek. A church was not built until 1868-69, when a frame structure was erected, north of town, on the New Castle road. About the year 1877 there was a split in the church on the language question, many of the members desiring services in English, and a long drawnout law suit resulted. Finally a part of its members withdrew and built a church, known as Zion's, or Mt. Hope Lutheran Church, on the Harlansburg Road, about two miles north of the old church. Some time in the nineties the old church building was given to Rev. H. Voegel, of Evans City, who removed it to Ellwood City, but after a few years the congregation there died out. In 1903, Mr. A. P. Lentz organized a congregation, composed entirely of Austro-Hungarians, and services are conducted in German. The congregation is very prosperous. The Methodists held meetings at intervals for some twenty years, part of the time in the schoolhouse, prior to erecting a church. In the summer of 1876 the present frame building, called the "Centennial Methodist Episcopal Church," was built. [p. 363] Here, Rev. J. S. Ross preached three years and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Writer. The bridge still spanning Slippery Rock Creek was built either in 1829 or 1830 by James Mehard, then living in Harmony, Butler County. He afterwards came to Wurtemburg and bought the place where his son, Joseph, afterwards lived. Wurtemburg has always been regarded as a progressive place, its transition from conditions of pioneer days having been rapid, and its improvements of a permanent character. ELLWOOD CITY. Prosperous and thriving borough that it is, with its enormous manufacturing plants which produce millions of dollars' worth of products and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries, yearly, with its well stocked stores and its modern homes, Ellwood City, located within the limits of Wayne Township, has a history which dates back less than a score of years. It is the home of such plants as those of the American Steel Car Forge Company, Glen Manufacturing Company, Ellwood Foundry Company, Standard Engineering Company, National Tube Company, Ellwood City Glass Company, Ellwood Brick and Limestone Company, Standard Tube Company, the Tindel-Morris Company, the Garlock Packing Company, the National Supply and Construction Company and the Ellwood Lumber Company. The American Steel Car Forge Company is the outgrowth of a business begun in 1894 under the name and style of the Baker Forge Company, which was organized for the purpose of manufacturing wagon hardware. The plant occupies seven and one-half acres of land and gives employment to about 700 men. Its officers are J. M. Hanson, president; C. W. Wright, secretary; T. A. Gillespie, treasurer, and C. A. Martin, general manager. Standard Tube Company, the largest seamless tube plant in the world, was originally conducted as a stock company, with R. C. Steifel as president and general manager; the stock was owned by R. C. Steifel, J. H. Micholson and C. E. Pope. It was conducted as an independent concern until 1901, when it was purchased by the National Tube Company, and shortly afterwards incorporated as a part of the United States Steel Corporation. The various seamless tube manufacturing plants are operated under the Shelby Steel Tube Company, with general offices in Pittsburg. The Ellwood City plant covers nine acres and has a capacity of 350 tons per day, employing 2,200 men. Its capital stock is $600,000. The Ellwood Brick and Limestone Company is successor to the Ellwood Brick Company, Limited, which was organized in May, 1892, and was one of the first plants of any consequence in the borough. J. M. Montgomery is president, and T. J. Fulmer, secretary and treasurer. It is capitalized at $30,000. The Glen Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of gray iron castings, derrick fittings, wire fencing, builders' iron work, etc., originated in 1902, and started in business in January, 1903. It bought out the Hartman Manufacturing Company, which was established in Ellwood City in 1892. H. S. Blatt serves as president, and A. M. Jones as secretary and treasurer of this company, which is capitalized at $100,000. The Standard Engineering Company, employing about 250 men, is engaged in the manufacture of rolling and tube mill machinery, pipe threading machines, sand rolls and high grade gray iron castings, up to thirty tons weight. It is capitalized at $3,000,000, and its officers are C. D. Coban, president, and H. M. Criswell, secretary and treasurer. The plant was erected in 1902. The plant of the Tindel-Morris Company in Ellwood City was erected in 1895, and incorporated in 1898. It had its inception in 1862 as the Frankfort Steel Company, a plant having been established at that date in Frankfort, Pennsylvania. [p. 364] The name was later changed to the Frankfort Steel and Forge Company, and in 1895 the factory was moved to Ellwood City, where it covers two acres of ground. Two hundred men are employed in the manufacture of machine tools, gas and steam engines, and automobiles. The officers of the company are Adam Tindel, president: L. G. Morris, vice-president; L. W. Gruber, secretary, and G. B. Reed, assistant vice-president and manager. The Ellwood City Glass Company, with capital stock at $60,000, in 1905 grew out of the re-organization of the Clark Bros. Glass Company, which was established in 1892 by Harry Northwood. It manufactures a high grade of blown tumblers and employs about 210 men. Charles Runyon is president and treasurer, and W. M. Gertman, secretary. The Garlock Packing Company, with main office and factory at Elmira, N. Y., operates a plant in Ellwood City, as well as in most of the largest cities of the United States. They are patentees and manufacturers of the Garlock fibrous and Pitt metal packings, their product reaching the markets of all the civilized world. This company has been in operation in Ellwood City since 1905, when it leased the plant of the Pitt Manufacturing Company, which had been organized and was operated by Pittsburg capitalists. The Garlock Packing Company was incorporated in 1905 with O. J. Garlock as president; F. W. Griffith, vice-president and treasurer, and J. H. L. Galagher, secretary. E. T. R. Holt is superintendent of the Ellwood plant. Zeigler & Lambert, manufacturers of carriages and wagons, making a specialty of delivery wagons, established a factory in Ellwood City in 1907, and conducts a thriving business. The Ellwood Lumber Company, with principal office and yard at Ellwood City, was incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania, May 21, 1904, and has a capital stock of $100,000, although it was in operation many years prior to that date. It operates branches at Aliquippa and Ambridge, Pa., having a large planing mill at the latter point. The officers of the company are W. J. McKim, president; Thomas L. Haines, vice-president, and John F. Haines, secretary, treasurer and general manager. The National Supply and Construction Company, which is engaged in general contracting, the lumber and planing mill business, was organized in 1906, and has a capital stock of $50,000. Its officers are Albert C. Frey, president; B. F. Ross, vice-president, and B. F. Mosher, secretary and treasurer. Ellwood City boasts of two banking institutions which class with the leading financial institutions of Lawrence County, the First National and the People's National Bank. The First National Bank of Ellwood City was organized in 1892, and has a capital stock of $100,000; its officers are John A. Gelbach, president; H. S. Blatt, vice-president, and W. J. McKim, cashier. The People's National Bank was organized May 9, 1907, and is capitalized at $50,000. Its officers are C. A. Martin, president; J. E. VanGorder, vice-president, and J. E. Cobler, cashier. The borough is well provided with good substantial public service companies, particularly the Ellwood Water Company and the Manufacturers' Light and Heat Company. It has two newspapers of a high order, namely: The Ellwood Citizen and the Ellwood Eagle and Motor. The affairs of the borough are efficiently administered by the following officers: John H. Hassler, burgess; John A. Gelbach, treasurer; William McElroy, clerk; Captain Moon, chief of police; H. R. Johnson, chief of the fire department; George Cron, high constable; Jacob Bair, tax collector, and Matthew Stroheceker, road commissioner. The council consists of the following: Dr. Silas Stevenson, president; James Lenigen, E. J. Hazen, Henry W. [p. 365] Dambach, M. D. McCarthy, W. J. Krok; and Dr. D. C. Vosler. The school board is made up of the following citizens: Joseph Humphrey, president; George Dambach, Dr. C. M. Iseman, R. G. Brown, secretary; Charles E. Whistler and William Kearns. The following constitute the Board of Health: Rev. A. R. Lentz, president; Dr. S. S. Davidson, Dr. D. D. Cunningham, John Scheidamantle, Howard McCliman and John McKim. R. A. Todd has been postmaster of the borough since 1901, when he was appointed by William McKinley, president; he was re-appointed by President Roosevelt in 1905. The following are the officers of the Ellwood City Board of Trade: Charles E. Whistler, president; A. M. Jones, vice-president; D. J. Mulcahy, secretary, and A. C. Frey, treasurer. Its board of directors includes Charles E. Whistler, Matthew A. Riley, A. C. Frey, H. S. Blatt and J. A. Gelbach. The moral tone of a community is ever reflected by the number and conditions of its churches and benevolent societies. Both of these agencies for the accomplishment of good are numerically strong in Ellwood City, and the individual bodies in a prosperous and healthy condition. Following are the churches in the borough, together with the names of the pastors: Baptist, Rev. G. M. Davis; Catholic, Rev. Father Hisson; Christian, Rev. F. L. Taylor; Free Methodist, Rev. J. T. Barkas; German Lutheran, Rev. A. P. Lentz; Lutheran, Rev. A. P. Lentz; Methodist, Rev. A. Renton; Reformed, Rev. A. K. Kline; Presbyterian, Rev. Rendall; United Presbyterian, Rev. J. A. McDonald. The following are the fraternal societies of Ellwood City: Masons, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Odd Fellows (two lodges), Knights of the Golden Eagle, Knights and Ladies of Honor, German Beneficial Union, Uniformed Rank, Knights of the Maccabees, Ladies of the Maccabees, Protective Home Circle and Sons of Veterans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP. [p. 365] Wilmington is one of the original townships of Lawrence County, and was erected when it formed a part of Mercer County, from parts of Neshannock (Lawrence County) and Lackawannock (Mercer County) Townships, in February, 1846. Its area is about eleven thousand five hundred acres. The surface is diversified with hill and valley, wood and stream, and for agricultural purposes is generally fine. The borough of New Wilmington was created from a portion of the township, April 4, 1863, and includes between three and four hundred acres. The other villages of the township are, Fayetteville, Neshannock Falls and Lockeville (Volant post-office). Abundant water power is afforded by numerous streams, the principal ones being the Big and Little Neshannock. The township is traversed along Big Neshannock Creek by what was the New Castle and Franklin Railway, later known as the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railway, and now a part of the Pennsylvania System. The stations upon it are Wilmington, Neshannock Falls, East Brook and Volant. The Beaver and Mercer State road was cut through about 1814, and was open for travel in a few places by 1815. EARLY SETTLEMENT. The first settler in Wilmington Township was probably William Hodge, who came up the Beaver and Shenango River in a canoe, in company with Simon Van Orsdel, in the month of February, 1797. Van Orsdel did not remain. Hodge built a cabin on his place and made a small clearing, and, in 1798 sometime, sold out to William Porter, who had come from Westmoreland County, and was the second settler in the township. After Porter's settlement, the year 1798 witnessed a number of arrivals. James Hazlep settled the land now occupied by the borough of New Wilmington, and afterwards became the possessor of some eight [p. 366] hundred acres in the vicinity. John McCrum came the same year, also James Waugh; the latter afterwards, about 1824, purchased the ground where New Wilmington now stands, and he and his sons laid out the town about that time. Hugh Means arrived in 1800 and built a grist-mill on Little Neshannock Creek, east of what is now New Wilmington. This was the first mill in the neighborhood, and was extensively patronized, customers coming somtimes ten or twelve miles. It was then within the bounds of the newly created county of Mercer, and elections were held in it. His son, Daniel, served in the War of 1812-15, and another son, Henry, hauled supplies for the soldiers. Hugh, Watson came from Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pennsylvania, in 1806, and settled near Neshannock Falls. John Watson came in 1808, and located on a part of the same farm as Hugh Watson. His son, James Watson, came in 1809, and lived for a while with his father, and afterwards removed to the site of the village of Fayetteville, where he had purchased 185 acres of land. The first settler on this place was Thomas Sampson, who bought a claim from William Whiteside, in 1804. John Sampson purchased a piece off the same tract, east of him, and located upon it in 1805, during which year he opened what was long known as the "Backwoods Tavern," an establishment widely known in those days. The tavern was a log building, and quite a roomy structure for the time. William Hodge, William McCrum (son of John McCrum) and Samuel Hazlep (son of James Hazlep) were in the War of 1812. Adam Wilson came from Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, in 1806-7, and located near Neshannock Presbyterian Church, west of New Wilmington. Mr. Wilson had two still houses on his place. James Banks came from Juniata County in the year 1815, and on arriving in Lawrence County (then Mercer), located on the farm where he lived with his son, Andrew Banks. In 1811 he had purchased the land, 200 acres, of Hugh Johnston, paying $4.25 an acre. He was out and looked at the land in 1814, but did not locate upon it until 1815. Johnston, who had come to the place about 1808, had cleared about forty acres and built a hewed log house twenty-four feet square. John Banks, brother of James, came out about 1818, and was afterwards elected the first member of Congress from Mercer County. He located at Mercer, and read law in the office of Mr. Sample at that place. NESHANNOCK FALLS. This village is located on the north side of Big Neshannock Creek, in the bend of the stream, and is named from the rapid in the creek near Holstein's grist-mill. Here the channel of the stream is narrowed to a considerable extent, and for some forty or fifty feet the descent is such as to create a swift rush of the waters, and, as they dash among the fragments of rock which lie in the bed of the stream, they make noise enough for the respectable waterfall. The place is a great resort for picnic parties during the summer, and the rocks bear witness to the frequency of the visits in the many names cut in them; the earliest of them reach back as far as 1826 or 1827. In a cavern or hollow beneath the rocks was accidentally found, many years ago, a stone image, some eighteen or twenty inches in length, carved to represent a chief, with all his paraphernalia, even to the imitation of his head necklace. Whether the relic of a prehistoric race, the creation of later Indians, or the hoax of a practical joker, was never ascertained. The first schoolhouse at Neshannock Falls was built about 1835, a frame building, which was replaced by a brick structure, about 1871-72. Thomas, John and James Wilson built a flouring mill on the Big Neshannock, about sixty rods above the present mill, in the [p. 367] neighborhood of 1826-7. Before the grist-mill was built the Wilsons had erected a saw-mill, since torn away. The original dam was removed and a new one built on the same site about 1850. A new mill was built in 1841 by the same parties who built the first one, and the old one was remodeled and for a time used for a woolen factory. It was finally torn down. The new mill did a large custom and merchant business, shipping most of the flour manufactured to New Castle and Pittsburg. Thomas, John and James Wilson were sons of Adam Wilson, who settled in 1806 or 1807, near New Wilmington. John Wilson built a paper mill about 1852, and, after running it for two years, disposed of it to J. C. Shaw, who operated it until February, 1866, when it was destroyed by fire. Samuel Holstein built a grist-mill and a saw-mill (the saw-mill first) some time between 1835 and 1840. A woolen mill was built somewhere about the same time. The old grist-mill was finally removed and a new one built, about 1856-7, by Hugh and Thomas McConnell, for Mr. Holstein, they having the use of the mill for a term of years. A saw-mill was built at the head of the Holstein mill-race as early as 1810-12, by Hugh Watson, and was the first one in the neighborhood. It was running for several years subsequent to 1815, but the mill and dam were both finally removed. An iron furnace was built at Neshannock Falls about 1850-52, and belonged to W. G. & C. A. Powers, who also had the first store at this place. The furnace was operated some ten or twelve years, the ore being taken from the immediate neighborhood, and much of it from the farm of James Banks. Charcoal was exclusively used for fuel. The ore was of a good quality, said to yield sixty per cent of iron. The country along Neshannock Creek is extensively underlaid with iron ore, and the land is necessarily cut up so much in mining it, owing to its approaching so near the surface, that it is no longer taken out. The same trouble is met with in getting out the coal; the vein is thin, also, although the coal is of an excellent quality. Neshannock Falls post-office was established about 1864-66 with Samuel Holstein as the first postmaster. He held the office some six or seven years, when he was succeeded by J. C. Shaw. The village and postoffice bear the same name. John C. Blevins is the proprietor of a general store, which was established twenty-six years ago. He has been postmaster for twelve years. At this place is a large grist mill, operated by John Y. Walker. Neshannock Falls Creamery is also a flourishing concern. FAYETTEVILLE. James Watson laid out the village of Fayetteville into thirty lots and sold them at auction, February 8, 1828. William Mays moved his house down from New Wilmington, and his was the first in the place. The next morning after erecting it in Fayetteville, he sold it to Robert Calvin, who opened a tailor shop in it. Mays was also a tailor by trade, but kept no shop. The first school-house was a frame building, erected in 1845 by James G. Thompson. It stood on the site of the brick schoolhouse, which replaced it in 1859. The brick for the building were manufactured by David Stewart. John Collins built the first blacksmith shop in the fall of 1830. A man named Lord, who had previously owned a store in New Castle, came to Fayetteville in 1837 and opened a general store, which he carried on for about three or four months?from June till October?when he left. Robert Lindsay opened another store the same month in which Lord left, and conducted it a number of years, then was succeeded by Thomas Elliott. After Fayetteville was laid out the first tavern was opened by James Morrow. It was afterwards occupied by Simon V. Hodge, Daniel Davis and Daniel McLean. [p. 368] James Armstrong also kept a tavern for a while, as did William Meadow. The Lutheran Church in the village was organized; and a frame building erected in 1854. The congregation was originally organized in New Wilmington, but no church was ever built there. When organized, the congregation consisted of about forty members. Its first pastor was Rev. J. H. Brown. A Sabbath-school was organized before the church was built, in 1852, and the first Sabbath-school was held in the Phillips' schoolhouse, south of New Wilmington. The first superintendent was William Heime. LOCKEVILLE (VOLANT POST-OFFICE). In April, 1868, J. P. Locke came from Mercer County, Pa., purchased the grist mill from Samuel Bowan, and also bought one hundred acres of land, on a part of which he in 1872 laid out a town of some thirty lots, giving it the name Lockeville. Volant post-office was removed to the place in 1874, and from the post-office the railway station takes its name. New Castle and Franklin Railway was completed to the place in 1873. Part of the lots in the village are in Washington Township, a small corner of which is on the west side of Neshannock creek. A covered bridge was erected over the Neshannock. A church was built by the Methodist Episcopal Society, and dedicated in the fall of 1875. Rev. Mr. Crouch was its first pastor. John and William Graham built a store soon after the town was laid out, it being the first building erected in the new town. William Graham was the first postmaster after the office was removed to the village. Jonathan Wilkin also opened a store, and, besides these, two shoe shops, owned by George Carr and Frank Herman; one blacksmith shop by Isaac Kirk, and two harness shops, owned by John Potter and Archibald Carr, were soon established. It in a short time grew to be a thriving and prosperous little village. A grist mill was built on the Neshannock as early as 1810-12, and in 1815 was run by Thomas Barber. The Barber mill was changed materially, and in later days became the property of Simison Brothers. SCHOOLS. About 1810 or 1812 a schoolhouse was built on land belonging to William Hunter, the first teacher being James White. Among the other early teachers in this building were a Mr. McCready, Hugh Watson and a Mr. Bellows. A log schoolhouse was built about 1810-12 a quarter of a mile west of New Wilmington. "Rich Hill" schoolhouse was built of round logs, with a cabin roof, about 1824-25. One of the first teachers was George Carlon. This schoolhouse gave place to a frame building 24x24 feet, built about 1835. The second building was put up in another part of the township, in order to accommodate all the pupils in the district, and was afterwards burned. A third building was erected near the site of the second one and stood until about 1868-70, when a substantial brick structure was erected, and used by pupils from both Wilmington and Washington Townships. The schools in the township now number seven, with an average attendance in 1908 of one hundred and seventy-nine. The sum of $2,240 was paid seven teachers, and the total expended for school purposes was $3,187.44. CHURCHES. The oldest church organization in the township is the "Neshannock Presbyterian Congregation," which was organized about 1800. The first pastor was Rev. William Wick, who was ordained September 3d, 1800, in connection with Hopewell, the latter congregation being at the present village of New Bedford, in Pulaski Township. Mr. Wick was released from his charge June 30th, 1801, and the second pastor was Rev. James Satterfield, an [p. 369] original member of the Erie Presbytery, and the second preacher who settled within the limits of Mercer County. He was ordained and installed by the Presbytery of Ohio, March 3d, 1802, and installed as pastor of Neshannock Congregation in connection with Moorfield, in the present limits of Mercer County. The first elders of Neshannock Church were William Jackson, Thomas Scott and Robert Stevenson. Mr. Satterfield was pastor until the early part of the year 1812. In July of that year Rev. William Matthews took charge of the church and served it till some time during the year 1815. He was succeeded by Rev. William Wood, who commenced his labors March llth, 1816. Mr. Wood preached at Hopewell, in connection with Neshannock, until July 1st, 1828, when he gave all his time to the latter. He was released January 1st, 1837, after a pastorate of twenty-one years. The next pastor was Rev. Absalom McCready, who was installed October 14th, 1839, and released in 1857. The next pastor was Rev. Robert Dickson, who was installed in 1858, and released from his charge in 1867. He was succeeded by Rev. John M. Mealy. A number of other churches have been organized from parts of the Neshannock Congregation, among them the ones at Pulaski, Rich Hill and Unity, the latter in Crawford County. The congregation is a large one, and the church has been well supported, the organization being in prosperous condition. The first church edifice at Neshannock was built of round logs, and was thirty feet square. The next building was of hewed logs, and was thirty by seventy feet in dimensions. This was considered a very pretentious structure for that time. A frame structure was built in 1839, being the third house the congregation had at this place. The cemetery near the old frame building contains the graves of many of the pioneers. Rev. John M. Mealy, D.D., served the church till 1898, a pastorate of 31 years, crowned with success. Rev. Hubert Rex Johnson followed, closing in 1901 a brief but effective ministry among this people, in which his tact and winsome personality steadied the congregation through the tension and crisis growing out of the controversy over the site of the new church building. Many from the west side favored the old grounds from beauty of location and sacredness of association, others preferred to erect the temple of worship in the neighboring town of New Wilmington. Advocates of either site were tremendously in earnest, and not always discreet, and feeling ran high. But tactful leadership without and grace within were sufficient to hold them together when it was decided to build in the town; and a large and beautiful brick structure erected by the mutual toil and sacrifice of all, now stands with adjoining manse and surrounding lawn the pride of a united people. The present pastor, Rev. Sherman A. Kirkbride, stated clerk of the Presbytery of Shenango, came in 1901 and divine blessing still attends the preached Word. The membership has grown to more than 400. Dr. Mealy's pastorate was fruitful of missionaries, ministers and mission teachers. His eloquence and personal magnetism gave him power over young people to inspire high ideals, and largely through his influence Neshannock church has furnished far more than its normal share of missionaries, including Rev. Dr. Eugene P. Dunlap and his wife in Siam, Mrs. McCauley in Japan, Dr. Jessie Wilson Lawrence in Persia and Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Porter in Brazil. Almost 40 young ministers have gone out from this congregation to preach the gospel and more are coming on. All indebtedness on the church building?which cost about $15,000?was cancelled last year, and contributions to benevolence are constantly increasing. Rich Hill Presbyterian Church was organized at the Spring Session of 1840, by a committee from the Presbytery of [p. 370] Allegheny (now Butler). It takes its name from the tract of land on which the church is located. The lot was purchased from B. Anderson, formerly of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the owner of the tract. The original congregation consisted of about thirty members, and was made up of members from the Neshannock Congregation principally. Some came from New Castle, some from Mercer, and some from Plain Grove. The church stands on the old Beaver and Mercer State Road. This church sprung from a Sabbath-school which had flourished for some twenty-five years, holding its meetings in the old schoolhouse. They also occasionally had preaching?Rev. William Woods and Rev. John Munson occasionally holding evening meetings, some time before the church was organized. The first regular preacher of this congregation was Rev. Newton Bracken, who ministered for fifteen years. The church is in the southeastern part of Wilmington Township. The names of those who have served as pastor of the Rich Hill Presbyterian Church since 1877 follow: Rev. Cooper, Rev. Hill, Rev. Davis, Rev. Stewart, and Rev. C. B. Wible, who is the present pastor. The church officers are: Elders, Messrs. Snyder, W. W. Drake, D. P. Welker, Reed, W. M. C. Drake, Martin and McKnight; the deacons, Messrs. Carr, Blevins, McDowell and Wilson; the trustees, Messrs. Joseph Martin, John McConnell, William Welker, Fisher, O. A. Morehead; and church treasurer, D. P. Welker. The present church membership is 178, and that of the Sabbath-school 100. The Amish Or Omish Mennonites established a church about two miles southseat[sic] of New Wilmington. It was built in the summer of 1872, and is the only one of the kind in the county. Rev. Shem King was their first preacher, and they had about sixty members at the inception of the church. One of the first of this denomination to settle in Lawrence County was Abraham Zook, who came in the spring of 1846. Shem King brought out his family in August, 1847. Nearly all the families were from Mifflin County Pennsylvania and settled in Hickory, Wilmington and Pulaski Townships principally, with perhaps a few in Neshannock. BOROUGH OF NEW WILMINGTON. New Wilmington was incorporated into a borough by Act of the Legislature, April 4, 1863, from a part of Wilmington Township. The land incorporated includes an area of between three and four hundred, acres, and extends north to the Mercer County line. The ground on which the original town stands was a 100-acre tract purchased by James Waugh, shortly before the town was laid out. New Wilmington was only made a "half borough" in 1863, and it was not until about 1872 that it became a complete borough, with all the powers pertaining to such a corporation. The town of New Wilmington was laid out by James Waugh and sons, about 1824; and the first buildings were erected in that year. A house had been built previously by James Hazlep, the first settler in the vicinity, and was the first one in the place. James Waugh built the second one. He had settled in 1798, in what afterwards became Lackawannock Township, Mercer County. The first house built in the newly laid out town was erected by Dr. Hindman. It was a log structure. Soon a one-story frame building was put up by Phillip Crowl. John Galloway built a tannery about 1824-25, at the east side of the village. David Carnahan opened the first wagon shop in the place; next came J. W. H. Hazlep. Thomas Wilson had the first saddle and harness shop, which stood at the southwest corner of the West Diamond. The first shoe shop was kept by Robert Hamilton. The first blacksmith shop was opened by [p. 371] Phillip Crowl who afterward removed to Eastbrook, in Hickory Township. The first general store in the place was opened by the Waughs about the time the town was laid out; the second by James Hazlep, subsequently sold out to J. & A. Galloway, who carried on the store for a time. Thomas Brown had the first actual tailor shop, although William McCready had done some work in that line before Brown came, but never owned a shop. School was first held in a frame building now or recently used as a dwelling, the teacher being Robert Miller. Long before this house was built a log schoolhouse had been erected a mile west of town, about 1810-12. The two-story brick schoolhouse of more recent times was built about 1868. Thomas Wilson kept the first hotel, about 1834, and was succeeded by Richard Hammond, who built the second hotel building about 1835. The Lawrence House was next built, and conducted for a while by a man named Weir. James Hazlep, previously mentioned, became the possessor of some 800 acres of land in the neighborhood. Thomas Pomeroy came to New Wilmington in 1834, and acted as justice of the peace for several years. In 1855, he was elected one of the associate judges of Lawrence County, and twice elected subseqently. He also served as county auditor, was one year?1863?on the Internal Revenue Board of Pennsylvania, and two years?1846-47?in the State Legislature. William M. Francis came to New Wilmington from Baltimore, Md., in 1839. In February, 1841, he purchased a piece of land south of town, and built a house upon it, which was his residence for the remainder of his life. In the winters of 1858-59-60 Mr. Francis represented Lawrence County in the State Senate, and was speaker of the Senate in 1860. James A. McLaughry came to New Wilmington from Mercer County, Pennsylvania, in 1835, and for two years taught school in the village. He was originally from Delaware County, New York, and from Wayne County, Pennsylvania, when he came to Mercer. The New Wilmington Telephone Co., an independent concern, was organized September 19, 1905, by New Wilmington capital, and after being conducted for a year and a half, was purchased by Martha and Robert J. Totten. Mr. Totten assumed full control on May 1, 1907, and has been enjoying a steady increase of patronage for the past year and a half. The office is centrally located on Vine Street, occupying a two-story frame building. There are 100 subscribers and about forty or fifty miles of wire. Three operators take care of the calls, generally assisted by two or three sub-operators, who are learning. R. S. Mercer & Co.'s department store of New Wilmington was organized about a year ago. This store is on Market Street, and is one of the largest in the city. John Wright and son keep a hardware store. The business was started by the son in 1903, the father entering into the partnership with him in 1907. Wyatt R. Campbell conducts a furniture and undertaking business. He is the only undertaker in Wilmington Township. Norman G. Vance is the proprietor of a feed and hay market?the only one of its kind in the township. J. Frank Williams conducts a dry goods and notion store?the largest business of its kind in the place. The New Wilmington Bank was organized by George H. Getty, who was cashier thereof for twelve years. His son, Howell T. Getty, has held that position for the past year. The bank is a safe and conservative institution, and is a prominent and useful factor in the commercial life of the community. George M. Robinson, with his son, has conducted the leading grocery in town for eight years.[p. 372] CHURCHES. The first United Presbyterian Church was organized as an Associate Reformed congregation somewhere about 1810 or 1812. This church was originally called "Neshannock," but that name was finally dropped, and the present "Neshannock," United Presbyterian Church is situated in the southern part of Hickory Township. The congregation at first worshiped in a rude log structure. They also for some time used the brick building occupied by the postoffice in 1877. Subsequently a substantial and commodious brick edifice was erected in the north part of town. Rev. Alexander Murray served the congregation while they occupied the old log church. Other ministers supplied the church for a number of years, and it was not until about 1832 that their first regular pastor, Rev. Alexander Boyd, was settled. He ministered about six years. About 1840 Rev. David R. Imbrie became the pastor, and served for twenty-five years. Revs. James R. Miller, D.D., J. M. Donaldson and Rev. John H. Gibson came after. While Mr. Murray preached here he had four charges?Neshannock (New Wilmington), New Castle, Prospect (in Neshannock Township), and Wolf Creek (in Butler County). The Second United Presbyterian Church was organized as an Associate Reformed congregation by the Presbytery of the Lakes, February 27, 1850. Rev. William A. Mehard was its first pastor. The original congregation consisted of thirty-two members. A church was built in 1852 and was used until 1862, after which time their meetings were held in the college building. A Sabbath-school was organized in 1852. The Methodist Episcopal society was organized about 1839, and the next year the frame church was built. The building was enlarged and repaired in 1858. The first pastor of this congregation was probably Rev. Mr. Benn. Following him came Rev. Mr. Parker; then the appointment was made a double one, and Revs. Leslie and Lane were appointed. In the spring of 1843, a Sabbath-school, was organized at New Wilmington, with Robert Ramsey as its first superintendent. New Wilmington is the seat of Westininster College, a sketch of which admirable institution may be found in another part of this work. The postoffice at new Wilmington was established January 14, 1828, and was known as New Wilmington Postoffice, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, in which county it was then located, it being before Lawrence County was erected. Its first postmaster was John Carnahan, who was appointed January 14, 1828. In 1850, after Lawrence County was erected the office was transferred to it. New Wilmington is remarkable for the excellence of its sidewalks and stone pavements. This work, begun in 1874, has since been kept up, to the credit of the borough, which thus gives a favorable impression to the passing stranger. It stands well in line with other places of its size with respect to modern improvements, and the presence of the college, with its numerous students coming and going, were there no other causes, would prevent it from lapsing into a condition of stagnation, which from one cause or another, has been the fate of many other promising communities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908 Updated: 26 Mar 2002