News: Items from the Lebanon Daily Times, February 13, 1900, Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA Contributed and transcribed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Items from the Lebanon Daily Times, February 13, 1900 IN ALDERMANIC COURTS. John Kleinfelter was arrested on a warrant issued by Alderman Miller, charged by Mary A. Brown with having jumped a board bill of $23. He waived a hearing and furnished $100 bail for court. The arrest was made by Constable Hunter. John Thomas and John Mooney, who were charged by Annie Wireback with surety of the peace, and who while drunk demolished the contents of their cells during their confinement at city hall and in the county jail, have been discharged from arrest by Alderman Snyder. They paid the costs of the prosecution and the damage done to the city hall cells. The amount paid for destroyed city property was handed to the mayor by Alderman Snyder. Celebrated Their Birthdays. A pleasing event took place yesterday, when James N. Rogers, the well known South Ninth street tinsmith, celebrated his birthday anniversary, as did also Mrs. Darlington, residing with Mr. Rogers. Among those present on the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rogers, of Trenton, N.J., the former being a son of Mr. Rogers, and Mrs. and Mrs. Wilbur Shepherd, of Steelton. Mrs. Shepherd is a daughter of Mrs. Darlington. A fine dinner was served in honor of the event. CYCLE CLUB OFFICERS. Election Held Last Evening for the Ensuing Year. At a meeting of the Lebanon Cycle Club last evening, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing year: President, Wm. T. Atkins; vice president, M. J. FitzGerald; recording secretary, F. E. Krause; financial secretary, C. D. Weirich; treasurer, A. B. Carmany; lieutenants, Stanley Bruce, Harry G. Umberger; bugler, J. Hauar Reinoehl; color bearer, John R. Rod-armel; house committee, Louis Reizenstein, John W. Haner, A. Hess; board of directors, Jas. T. Branson, G. W. Nitrauer, A. Rise Bowman, Enoch Snyder, Stephen Reilly. It was decided to hold a progressive euchre party on the evening of March 1.