NEWS: Items from the Myerstown Enterprise, January 1, 1909, Lebanon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Nancy Lorz Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mrs. Franklin Noll, West Main street, is seriously ill with a complication of diseases. Isaac Reber of near West Myerstown, was stricken with paralysis on Wednesday of last week. He is confined. H. Wilbur Moyer will engage in the manufacture of cigars. He has located his industry on the third floor of the United States Hotel. Some unknown person broke a large pain in the show window of the John N. Sherk store room to be occupied by Miss Beckie B. Dubbs next month. Joseph Forry, who is a breeder of fancy pigeons, had a display of his stock at the poultry show at Lebanon during last week and won several first prizes. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Leibig was christened Ruth Rebecca by Rev. J. Lewis Fluck, after regular church service Sunday morning. Mr. George S. Bleistein greatly appreciates the Christmas gift of a Masonic charm given by his friends and further desires to thank those interested. Forgetting to close a gate at a heater in the home of Jonathan Merkey, South College St., before retiring on Saturday evening, several members of the family were made ill by sulphur fumes, which penetrated the bedrooms on the second floor. Mock Lem, the leper, of Harrisburg, who was under quarantine and isolation died Wednesday of last week. His only wish was that he could live to celebrate another Christmas as he was aware of his short time here on earth. He was 27 years old wrote and spoke the English language well and spent much time in prayer. Fred. Kunz who for a number of years was employed as a machinist in the plant of the Stoever Foundry & Manufacturing Co, this place, resigned to accept a similar position at Edwardsville, Ill. He will leave tomorrow and will be followed by his wife and son several weeks thereafter. Mr. and Mrs. George Painter returned from a visit to their daughter at Clearfield. George Kurtz and wife, of Highspire, were guests of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Moyer. John Eburman and family, of East Greenville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller. Howard M. Smith wired the entire home in course of completion for Prof. C. S. Kelchner with the call bell system. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bleistein were in attendance at the "smoker" given in the new rooms of the order of Elks, in Reading, last evening. Prof. C. S. Kelchner is wanted to manage the Sharon, Pa., baseball team next season. He forwarded his terms, and it is said, the promoters of the team want him at most any price. Mr. and Mrs. James Kalbach are entertaining their children and respective families to a family reunion today. There are four generations represented. The reunion is an annual occurrence. Miss Mary Behney, a teacher in the high school at Egg Harbor, N. J; Chas. Behner, a student at Ursinus College, and Mr. John Moore, a teacher and student at Cornell University, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Coover Tuesday. Rev. H. J. Welker was handsomely remembered at the Christmas services held by the Union Sunday School of Stouchsburg on Sunday evening. A purse containing a neat sum of money was presented him from the officers and members of the school. The retiring County Commissioners on Wednesday appointed Mr. George S. Bleistein of this place mercantile appraiser. Mr. Bleistein is one of the county's most prominent young Democrats and this appointment is a reward for the interest he has taken in the policies of his political faith. Henry L. Corl, Frank H. Uhrich, Isaac Stupp, Miss Nora Yiengst and Maggie Stambaugh, delegates of the Lutheran Sunday school, attended the 34th annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Bible Schools of Lancaster Conference which is being held in Trinity Lutheran church, at New Holland. Rev. Youse is also in attendance. BUILDING ON THE INCREASE The building boom at this place is not abating but rather on the increase. Real Estate Agent M. E. Donough recently sold two building lots the property of N. R. Yost, on South College street, upon which modern buildings will be erected. Ephraim Klopp, of near Half Way, purchased one of the lots with a frontage of 60 feet and the erection of a double frame house will be commenced in the immediate future. Aaron Wolff purchased an adjoining 40 foot lot. The lots were sold at $6.00 per foot. PERSONALS Leonard Schreiber and Mrs. Emma Kurtz spent several weeks at the home of the latter's mother, in Fredericksburg. Harry Karsnitz and family of Pottstown, former residents of this place were guests among friends here during this week. John S. Gockley, wife and daughter, were visitors among friends in Denver, Ephrata and other towns in Lancaster County. They made the trip overland. Mrs. Florence Rashias, of Philadelphia, was a guest of the family of James B. Moyer. Howard S. Kelchner, Fleetwood, was the guest of his brother, Prof. C. S. Kelchner, on Christmas. Rev. Butterwick of Florin, Lancaster County, greeted friends at this place on Monday. Myerstown Enterprise, January 1, 1909