OBIT: Joseph PAINTER, Sr., 1908, Myerstown, Lebanon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Nancy Lorz Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ DEATH SUMMONS JOSEPH PAINTER, SR. Myerstown's Pioneer Iron Manufacturer and Respected Citizen. FUNERAL HELD ON TUESDAY Mr. Joseph Painter, Sr., died at his home on West Main St., on Thursday evening of last week at 9 o'clock. Deceased had been confined to bed for several weeks due at first to dysentery and hiccoughs and later complication of diseases manifested themselves, which hastened his end. He was aged 86 years, 4 months and 10 days. Surviving are nine children, as follows: Jacob H., Joseph M., and Mrs. John Spangler, this place; George and Mrs. George Peiffer, Reading; Stephen, of Beverly, Kan.; Samuel G. of Kansas City, Kan; Mrs. John Shoemaker, of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Milton Gockley, of Lebanon. The funeral took place from his late residence on Tuesday forenoon. Services were conducted in the local U. B. church by the pastor, Rev. Dr. H. Franklin Schlegel, assisted by the Rev. E. E. Stauffer. Interment was made on the U. B. cemetery. The pallbearers were his five sons, Jacob, Joseph, George, Stephen and Samuel and son-in-law, John Spangler. The popularity of the aged man occasioned a very large funeral. After the services refreshments were served at the Bahney House. Mr. Painter spent the greater portion of his life at this place where he located the first foundry, which up to the time of his death he was connected therewith. His father, Jacob Painter, was an Englishman and likewise an iron founder. Under the care of his father, deceased learned the moulding trade, and in his early life was located at Lebanon, and later started in business for himself at Bernville, Berks Co., where he was quite success during the progress of the Union Canal, which was located near the town. Thereafter he came to this place where he has since resided. Mr. Painter was a man in high standing in this town. He was a devoted christian, a member of the United Evangelical church and an appointive minister thereof, filling the pulpit upon a number of occasions. In politics Mr. Painter was a staunch Republican, and at one time served the county as a commissioner for a term of three years. Deceased was one of Myerstown's financially well-to-do citizens. About 12 years ago he retired from active business life, altho he still continued as a member of the firm of Joseph Painter & Sons, iron founders, with whom were associated his two sons, Jacob H. and Joseph M, who conducted the business. By the last will and testament of the late Joseph Painter, Sr., deceased, three of his sons, Jacob H., Joseph M., of this place and George, of Reading, are named as executors. The will specifies that the real and personal effects of deceased not including his clothing, be disposed off at public sale and an even division of the case be made between his 9 children and the heirs of his deceased son, John Painter late of Lebanon. The executors are given two years to settle up the estate. Myerstown Enterprise, October 16, 1908