Census: 1840 : Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service: Luzerne Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jerry Dittman. DittDad@aol.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ____________________________________________________ Abstracted and transcribed by Jerry Dittman. Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service with their names, ages and place of residence as returned by the Marshals of the Several Judicial Districts Under the Act for Taking the Sixth Census in 1840 Washington; Printed by: Blair and Rives 1841 Reprinted Southern Book Co., Baltimore 1954 Distributed by: Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore LUZERNE COUNTY NAME AGE RESIDED WITH JUNE 1, 1840 BUTLER William Betterley 75 William Betterley HANOVER Elisha Blackman 80 PROVIDENCE Parley Hughs 85 Parley Hughs PITTSTON Samuel Carey 77 Samuel Carey SUGARLOAF Jacob Rittenhouse 82 Jacob Rittenhouse WILLKESBARRE John Carey 82 John Carey WILKESBARRE BOROUGH Job Barton 71 Job Barton Rufus Bennett 81 Rufus Bennett Jonathan Buckley 62 Jonathan Buckley GREENFIELD Reuben Taylor 85 Reuben Taylor William O'Bryon 95 William O'Bryon James Brown 85 James Brown Reuben Taylor 75 Reuben Taylor Josiah Pell 75 Josiah Pell BENTON Solomon Freeman 75 Solomon Freeman WINDHAM Chandler Robinson 79 Chandler Robinson Josiah Rogers 79 Josiah Rogers Isiah Adkins 79 Isiah Adkins Elisha Ames 89 Elisha Ames KINGSTON Abiathar Jenkins 88 Abiathar Jenkins Aaron Perkins 77 Aaron Perkins Peregrine Jones 83 Peregrine Jones Benjamin Bedlock 81 Benjamin Bedlock TUNKHANNOCK Gabriel Eley 85 Horatio G. Eley EXETER Samuel Van Scoy 74 Daniel Van Scoy Elizabeth Jacobs 100 John Jacobs EATON Lydia Harding 77 Stephen Harding Thomas Hawkins 83 Thomas Hawkins NORTHMORELAND Lydia Strong 82 Josiah Rogers John S. Jenks 70 John S. Jenks ABINGTON John Phillips 88 John Phillips Marcy Colvin 83 Joab Colvin George Reynolds 79 William Rice SALEM John Varner 81 John Varner William Moore 82 William Moore Nathan Beach 78 Nathan Beach FALLS Azor White 74 Nathan Philo NICHOLSON Simeon Foot 78 Simeon Foot DALLAS Elam Spencer 76 Simeon Spencer Daniel Spencer 79 John Waldon Dorothy Darby 78 Tiffany Darby MONROE Ebenezer Parrish 79 Ebenezer Parrish, jr. BRAINTRIM David Lovelass 77 David Lovelass Ambrose Gaylord 84 Ambrose Gaylord David Doolittle 74 David Doolittle PLYMOUTH William Walton 77 Abram Walton George P. Ransom 78 George P. Ransom Catherine Fuller 80 Freeman Altherton FAIRMOUNT Sears Shay 64 Sears Shay Adam Shafer 75 Adam Shafer UNION Ichabod Shaw 94 John Glass HUNTINGDON Thomas Stevens 82 Thomas Stevens Epaphras Wadsworth 86 Epaphras Wadsworth Josiah Edson 77 Josiah Edson Joseph Potter 79 Joseph Potter Christopher Boston 86 Christopher Boston Thomas Taylor 85 Thomas Taylor