McKean-Elk County PA Archives News.....1925 Marriages in Democrat Newspaper ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald Reid January 16, 2011, 2:15 pm McKean County Democrat 1925 MARRIAGES IN MCKEAN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 1925 THE MCKEAN COUNTY DEMOCRAT NEWSPAPER, (SMETHPORT) The following marriage notices appeared in the McKean County Democrat during the year of 1925. The date of publication is shown prior to the item(s). There is no implication that this is all that may have been published in these editions since some editions may be missing and many of the pages or portions thereof are unreadable. Transcribed by Ronald J. Reid, 2011 January 1, 1925. Page 1. The marriage of Wm. A. Brownell of Smethport to Miss Kathryn Kahn of Chicago, Ill., was solemnized at the chapel of Christ Episcopal church, Chicago, at 3:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon, December 21st, 1924. The ceremony which was performed by the Rev. Hubert Buckingham, rector of the church, was informal, those present being members of the bride’s family and a few friends. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride, who is a charming, attractive young lady, is socially prominent in Chicago being the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Kahn of that city. She is a member of the Senior class of the University of Illinois at Urbana, where Mr. Brownell has been a member of the faculty. The marriage is the culmination of a pretty college romance. Mrs. Brownell, who has been prominent in student affairs is a member of the Delta Gamma Sorority. The groom, who is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brownell of Smethport, is a well known educator who for some time was assistant principal of the borough schools. During the World War he served as a lieutenant of artillery. Mr. Brownell is now Instructor of Educational Psychology in the College of Education of the University of Illinois. He is a splendid popular young man. Following the wedding ceremony the newlyweds left on a honeymoon trip the itinerary of which included Detroit, Mich., and Buffalo. They arrived at his home in Smethport Tuesday night of last week to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Brownell leave today for Urbana, where they will take up their residence, it being Mrs. Brownell’s intention to complete her studies at the University. Page 5. The marriage of Miss Ethel Irons of Smethport and Milford Braugham of Farmers Valley was solemnized at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Irons Christmas night by the Rev. W.E. Van Dyke of St. Luke’s church. Page 5. Burdick – Simonsen Just as the Democrat goes to press word is received of the marriage of Miss Anna Burdick, daughter of County Auditor and Mrs. Frank Burdick of Smethport, and Mr. Albert Simonsen of Detroit, Mich., which event was solemnized in that city Christmas eve. Page 5. Steinhauer – Haylett The marriage of John E. Steinhauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steinhauer of Farmers Valley, and Miss Stella M. Haylett of Irwin, Pa., was solemnized in Buffalo, N.Y., Saturday, Dec. 20, by the Rev. Geo. Ernest Merriam of the First Congregational church that city. Mr. Steinhauer, who holds a responsible position with the Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co. at East Pittsburgh, Pa., is a splendid young man who is well known in Smethport. The bride is spoken of as a charming and accomplished young lady. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Steinhauer left on a honeymoon trip, spending Christmas with his parents at Farmers Valley. They will reside in East Pittsburgh. January 8, 1925. Page 1. Haley – Lawrence The Democrat has received announcement of the marriage of Harry E. Haley and Miss Edith M. Lawrence, both of Bradford, Pa., which occurred at the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Miami, Florida, Sunday, Dec. 28. The bride is a graduate nurse and a charming and accomplished young lady. The groom is a former Smethport boy and for a number of years conducted a barber shop in this borough, later locating in Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Haley will reside in Miami during the winter months, where the former recently accepted a position. January 29, 1925. Page 2. Miss Edna Fritchman of Ridgway and J.R. Tipton of Kane were married in Ridgway on Wednesday of last week. Mt. Tipton is chief of police of Kane. Page 5. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Todd of Huntingdon, W.Va., formerly of Smethport, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Todd, to Mr. George Albert Swartz of Andia, Ind., which event was solemnized in Huntingdon Thursday, January 22nd, 1925. Page 5. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Huff of Cleveland, Ohio, announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Thos. Westcott Barber of Cleveland, which even was solemnized in that city Thursday, Jan. 22, 1925. The groom is a nephew of Mrs. T.W. Camp of Main street and has visited this borough on numerous occasions where he is well known. February 26, 1925. Page 1. The wedding of Miss Aletha Jones of Smethport and John Reading of Mt. Jewett was solemnized Saturday afternoon at 1:00 o’clock in Mt. Jewett, Rev. Father Gleason of St. Joseph’s church, that place, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Jones of Smethport and is a charming and popular young lady, who has a wide circle of friends. She is a graduate of Smethport High school. Mr. Reading is the son of the manager of the Interstate Window Glass factory at Mt. Jewett and holds a responsible position in that plant. Mr. and Mrs. L. Raessler of Hazelhurst were best man and matron of honor, respectively. The bride was attired in a dark blue satin dress, blue hat and brown coat trimmed with muskrat. Mrs. Raessler wore a green hat and black coat trimmed with squirrel fur. The bridal party enjoyed a luncheon in Kane and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reading to Bradford by motor where they left for an extended honeymoon on the 3:29 B.R.&P. train. The bridal party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. L. Raessler of Hazelhurst, the Misses Virginia Balsley, Hannah Hamlin, Mary Gallup, Edith Andrews of Smethport, and E. O’Neill Kane of Kushequa. Mr. and Mrs. Reading will make their home in Mt. Jewett. Page 5. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ripley of East State street, Olean, former well known local residents, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Eva Ripley to Leo Carl Swartz, of 12th street, Olean. March 5, 1925. Page 8. McKean – Bloomster Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Marian Bloomster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bloomster of Bloomster hollow and Robert McKean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKean of Marvin Creek. The wedding was solemnized Tuesday, Feb. 24 at St. Calistus Church, Clermont, Rev. Father Liebel officiating. The attendants were Carlton McKean, brother of the groom and Margaret Bloomster, sister of the bride. A wedding breakfast at the home of the bride’s parents was tendered the happy young couple following the ceremony. Miss Bloomster is a graduate of Smethport High school and for some time has been engaged as a teacher near Clermont. The groom is a well known young man who has a host of friends here. March 19, 1925. Page 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Hafner of 19 West Willow street, highly respected residents of this borough will observe the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day on March 23. A family dinner will be served at noon, after which Mr. and Mrs. Hafner and their family will be at home to their relatives and friends, during the afternoon from 2:00 o’clock to 5:00 o’clock and in the evening from 7:00 to 10:00. No cards will be sent out, the gathering to be an informal one. Page 8. Iddings – Leasure Bradford Star-Record, Tuesday. – the marriage of Miss Ruth Maxine Leasure of Derrick City and Glenn Reve Iddings of Red Rock took place last evening at 9 o’clock at the parsonage of the Methodist church in Limestone, the ceremony being performed by Rev. F.W. Bolender. The attendants were Miss Mable Iddings and John Lewis Iddings, sister and brother of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Iddings will reside at Red Rock. The Iddings family formerly resided in Smethport and the many local friends of Mr. Iddings will join with the Democrat in offering him congratulations. March 26, 1925. Page 1. Schlabig – Stockett The marriage of Miss Adelaide Schlabig, of 5963 Trinity place, daughter of Mrs. M. Schlabig of Smethport and Mr. Paul W. Stockett of 1413 North 61st street, took place Saturday March 14 in the Arch street Presbyterian church, 18th and Arch streets, at 4 o’clock, the Rev. Clarence A. McCartney, pastor of the church officiating. The bride, who is a graduate nurse of the Joseph Price Hospital, was attended by Mrs. Joseph Banz, as matron of honor. Joseph Banz served as best man for Mr. Stockett. The bride wore an orchid georgette dress with hat to match and carried white roses and sweet peas. Mrs. Banz, matron of honor, wore brown canton crepe and hat to match, carrying pink sweet peas. A reception at the home of Mr. Stockett followed the ceremony and the happy couple left for Atlantic city to spend their honeymoon. After the honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Stockett will be at home at 5960 Springfield avenue. Page 1. With fourteen members of their family and six invited guests gathered around their festive board, Mr. and Mrs. William Hafner on Monday celebrated the golden anniversary of their wedding day. The dinner was served at noon and promptly at 2:00 o’clock friends and relatives began to gather to offer congratulations. By 9:30 sixty guests had registered at the family home. The house was beautifully decorated with yellow roses, daffodils and jonquils. Members of the family were all present with the exception of a niece. Miss Charlotte Spanogle of Philadelphia and two nephews, Holmes Spanogle of Buffalo and George Grabe of Port Allegany who were unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Hafner were married in Jersey Shore March 23rd, 1875. To them were born four children, Mrs. F.M. Spanogle of Smethport, Mrs. H.F. Grabe of Port Allegany, Mrs. C.B. Corwin of Smethport and Earl P. Hafner of buffalo. To the unions of these children nine grandchildren have been born, six boys and three girls. It is noteworthy that there has never, thus far, been a death among the progeny of Mr. and Mrs. Hafner, each child and grandchild born being alive and enjoying enviable health. Out of town guests were; Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Grabe, daughter Pauline and son Frederick of Port Allegany; Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Hafner and two sons of Buffalo; Fred P. Brown, and Miss Mary Overdor of Jersey shore; Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Raymond of Mt. Jewett; Mrs. Christina Hafner and Jacob Amend of Clermont; Mrs. Ella Maloney of Punxsutawney; Mrs. J.C. Martin of Marvindale; Mr. and Mrs. E.B McKean of Kasson; Mrs. Minnie Reed, Mrs. Lena Martin, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Rumsey and Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bond of Bradford. Page 2. Kane Republican, Saturday. – Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Repine of this city, residing at 101 Clay street, quietly observed their sixtieth wedding anniversary, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Repine are among the oldest residents of Kane, having come to this place from Indiana, Pa., over 61 years ago. Mr. Repine was a carpenter by trade and was much in demand by the early settlers, who came here about that time. He was one of the first to erect a residence in this vicinity soon after his arrival in these parts. He built a home on the Smethport road (in dense woods at the time) which stand opposite the ice plant. He and his family resided there for a number of years before taking up their residence in this city. The aged couple have many friends in Kane and immediate vicinity who extend congratulations on this their sixtieth wedding anniversary. April 16, 1925. Page 1. Saturday morning Rev. Chas. Whelan of the Methodist Episcopal church, this borough, solemnized the marriage of Miss Esther Johnson and Raymond Yard, both of Kane. April 23, 1925. Page 1. Terry – Boyter Announcement has just been received of the marriage of Miss Mary Boyter of Akron, Ohio, and Emmet Terry, a well known Smethport young man, which occurred at the bride’s home in Akron Saturday evening, March 28th. The ring ceremony was used, and the Rev. J. Theodore Bucher officiated. Attendants were Miss Marle Horning and MR. Charles Boyer. Guests were immediate relatives and a few friends. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyter, 19 West Salome avenue, Akron. The groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Terry of Smethport. Mr. and Mrs. Terry will reside at 665 May street, Akron. Page 7. Carey – Babinger Miss Cameron Babinger of Allegany and Forest Carey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carey of Eldred, were united in marriage Tuesday morning, April 14, at 8 o’clock at St. Bonaventure’s church, Allegany, Father Angelus Tintle, O.F.M., performing the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Mary Colligan of Allegany and Philip Sackinger of Bolivar. After a short wedding trip they will reside in Eldred, where the groom is employed in the oil fields. Heartiest best wishes for a happy wedded life are extended to the young couple. May 21, 1925. Page 5. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gleason of Green street announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Almira, to Mr. Donald Jamison of Blairsville, Pa. June 4, 1925. Page 3. Anderson – Stull Miss Marie Louise Stull, daughter of Mrs. Stella Stull of this place and Robert Miller Anderson of Clermont were united in marriage Wednesday May 27, at 11 o’clock a.m. at the home of the bride’s mother on North Main street. Rev. E. Jones Burton performed the ceremony. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the immediate members of both families. The bride is a graduate of Eldred High school, Class of 1920, and for the past few years has followed the vocation of teaching. She is one of Eldred’s most highly respected young ladies and her numerous friends here wish her much joy. The groom is a hustling young man, being engaged in the grocery business at Clermont. The happy young couple left Wednesday evening for a trip including Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Rochester and upon their return will reside at Clermont. Heartiest congratulations are extended. – Eldred Eagle. Page 5. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Grace Hamilton Olmstead, granddaughter of Doctor and Mrs. Henry Lane McCoy of West Main street to Mr. Hiram Wayne Cummings of Edinboro, Pa., which will be solemnized at St. Luke’s Episcopal church, Smethport, Tuesday, June 16, at 12:00 o’clock. June 11, 1925. Page 1. Wood – Brownell The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Specht of Fulton street was the scene of a pretty wedding at 2:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon, June 7th, when their niece, Miss Harriet Adelaide Brownell became the bride of Mr. Harry Benjamin Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin wood of Ormsby. The ceremony which was witnessed by immediate relatives, was solemnized by the Rev. Charles H.M. Whelan, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church. The attendants were Miss Alva Lindholm of Smethport and Mr. Arthur Parsons of Ormsby. Little Mary Ellse Brownell, niece of the bride, was flower girl. The single ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a gown of green silk and carried a shower bouquet of cream roses. The bridesmaid wore a gown of blue silk and carried pink roses. Following the ceremony a buffet wedding luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Brownell left on a wedding tour to Watkins glen, N.Y., and other points of interest at the conclusion of which they will be at home in this borough. The bride, who is a daughter of the late Postmaster F.W. Brownell is one of Smethport’s lively young ladies. She is a graduate of the Smethport High School and until recently attended Mansfield Normal School. Mr. Wood who is extensively engaged in the oil business, is well and favorably known throughout this section. Out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brownell of Urbana, Ill.; Mr. Howard Brownell of New Brunswick, N.J., and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Specht and daughter of Rochester, N.Y. June 18, 1925. Page 1. Cummings – Olmstead St. Luke’s Episcopal church, Smethport, was the scene of a brilliant wedding at high noon Tuesday, June 16, 1925, when Miss Grace Hamilton Olmstead, granddaughter of Doctor and Mrs. Henry Lane McCoy became the bride of Mr. Hiram Wayne Cummings of Edinboro, Pa. The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. W.E. Van Dyke, rector of St. Luke’s and by Rev. C.E. McCoy of Williamsport, Pa., uncle of the bride. The wedding party advanced to the altar to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, Mrs. W.E. Van Dyke presiding at the pipe organ. The bride was given in marriage by her grandfather, Dr. McCoy. The attendants were Mrs. Robert Digel, matron of honor; Miss Virginia Olmstead of Hollywood, Calif., sister of the bride, and Miss Ruth Kessler of this borough, bridesmaids, and Miss Mary Elizabeth McCoy, Smethport, flower girl. The groom was attended by J. Lee Reynolds of Edinboro, Pa. The bride was charmingly gowned in a creation of white chiffon, picoted in silver. The bride’s veil, the same as worn by her mother, was of snow white tulle, with coronet of white lace. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The matron of honor was attired in gown of georgette shaded coral and wore large beaded black feather hat, carrying bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Virginia Olmstead wore a gown of coral georgette, trimmed with ecrue lace, wearing gray picture hat, faced with coral. Carried pink roses. Miss Kessler wore ecrue lace gown over coral satin crepe with picture hat of black lace. Carried pink roses. Miss Mary McCoy wore a robin’s egg blue crepe de chine with white silk braid hat. Carried a white basket of pink roses. The users were Dr. Ed. L. baker and Dr. Henry A. Baker of Erie, cousins of the bride; Robert A. Digel of Smethport and Harold F. Carlton of Franklin, Pa. Following the wedding a reception was held at the residence of Dr. and Mr. H.L. McCoy on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Cummings left on a wedding rout to Canada at the completion of which they will reside in Erie where Mr. Cummings is prominently identified with education al work. The bride of this happy marriage is one of Smethport’s fairest daughters who has been prominently identified with social and musical circles being the possessor of a trained singing voice of rare quality and sweetness. Many friends will unite with the Democrat in extending congratulations on this occasion. Page 1. Jones – Teerkes Wednesday morning, June 17, 1925, at ten o’clock, Vera J. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Jones, became the bride of Earl W. Teerkes, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Teerkes of Kane. The ceremony took place at the pretty St. Elizabeth’s rectory and was performed by Rev. P.J. Donohue of St. Elizabeth’s church. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Harriett Jones and Leon Johnson of Kane acted as best man. The bride wore a lovely gown of powder blue canton crepe with a blonde poke hat and carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses and swansonia. The bridesmaid was attractively gowned in orchid canton crepe wearing a sand colored hat and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses and sweet alysium. After the ceremony, a delicious luncheon was partaken of by the immediate relatives and bridal party at the home of the bride’s parents on West Main street, served by the Misses Helen Jones and Louise Heath, daintily dressed in white. The dining room was attractively decorated in pink and white with floral decorations of pink and white peonies and laurel. Mr. and Mrs. Teerkes were the recipients of lovely and profuse gifts of china, silver and glass, attesting to regard of a legion of admiring friends who wish them a life of happiness. Miss Jones is one of Smethport’s most charming daughters, having spent her lifetime here where she has a host of friends. She is a graduate of Smethport High School, class of 1918 and later attended Lock haven Normal. She has been a capable teacher I Grade 1 of the borough schools for the past five years. The groom is a fine young man, deservingly popular, a graduate of the Kane High School and having later attended Gettysburg College. The happy couple left at noon for a week’s trip which will include Pittsburgh Philadelphia and Washington D.C. They will make their home in Kane where both number their friends by the score. The out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Teerkes and Leon Johnson of Kane. Page 1. Gleason – Jamison A very pretty home wedding was solemnized yesterday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Gleason when their daughter, Helen Almira, became the bride of C. Donald Jamison of Blairsville, Pa. The house was tastefully decorated for the occasion carrying out a color scheme of pink and white, with peonies and laurel boughs, the latter being arranged to form a beautiful altar where the ceremony was performed. Rev. Chas. H.M Whelan, pastor of the First M.E. Church pronounced the words that made the twain one. The bride was beautifully gowned in American Beauty red georgette trimmed with lace and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Donald Bovaird of Bradford wore a dress of white crepe de chene. Vernon Jamison, brother of the groom, acted as best man. The bride is one of Smethport’s best known and most charming young ladies. Mr. Jamison is manager of the Jamison Hotel, Blairsville, and a highly successful business man. The Democrat joins with a wide circle of friends in extending congratulations. After the wedding delicious refreshments were served to the guests and bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Jamison left last evening by automobile for a trip to points of interest in Canada and the Adirondack mountains. After June 30th they will be at home in Blairsville. Out of town guests at the nuptials were Mrs. D.B. Jamison, Miss Bernice Jamison and Vernon Jamison of Blairsville; Francis H___ of Johnsontown; Leonard McGowan of Punxsutawney; Mr. and Mrs. George McGowan and children of Blairsville. June 25, 1925. Page 1. Herzog – Okerlund The marriage of Miss Fern Herzog and Edwin Okerlund, two of Smethport’s best known young people, was solemnized this Thursday, morning in Port Allegany, Rev. Woodell of that place officiating. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Herzog of Smethport. The ceremony took place at 8:00 A.M., after which the happy young couple left for a wedding trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canada. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Nora Herzog of Smethport. She attended the local high school and is a practical nurse. The groom has held a responsible position with the Backus Novelty Co., for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Okerlund will reside in East Smethport where they have a handsome, modern home. Page 1. Smith – Swanson Announcement was made yesterday of the marriage of Maree Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Smith of Farmers Valley to Julius A. Swanson of Ludlow. The ceremony was performed in Warren June 20th by Rev. Percy of the Warren M.E. Church. The bride, who has a wide circle of friends here, is a graduate of Smethport high school and has been teaching school in Ludlow for the past two years. The groom is superintendent of the tannery in Ludlow and is a fine young man. After a wedding trip the newlyweds will be at home in Ludlow. Page 1. Word has been received in Smethport of the marriage of Mrs. Tillie M. Soderquist and Edward R. Benson, both of Mt. Jewett, which was solemnized at the Swedish Lutheran church, Elmira, June 9. The bridal couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Anderson of Corning, N.Y. A wedding dinner was served at the parsonage. Mr. Benson has a wide acquaintance in Smethport and served in the Pennsylvania legislature, 1910-1914, representing this county. He has held a number of other important political offices and last year was a candidate for Congress from this district, making a splendid run. Mrs. Benson, the bride, is very active in church work, having made munificent donations to home and foreign missions. She was the widow of the late John Soderquist, one of Mt. Jewett’s most successful business men. The happy couple will make an extended wedding tour, including Iowa and Idaho. They will also attend the evolution trial in Tennessee. July 23, 1925. Page 1. Jones – Walker Miss Ruth Walker, daughter of Mr. Samuel Walker of East Smethport and William Jones Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Jones of West Main street, were united in marriage at St. Elizabeth’s church parsonage, this borough at 7:30 o’clock Saturday morning, the Rev. Fr. P.J. Donohue officiating. The bride and groom were attended by Helen and John Jones. The bride, who is a popular and charming young lady, was formerly employed at the offices of the Redfield Publishing company. A week prior to her marriage she was painfully injured by being struck by a motor truck in Bradford and was confined to the hospital in that city for several days necessitating the date originally set for the marriage being postponed. She has now completely recovered from the injuries she received. Mr. Jones who is a well known and popular local young man holds a position with the Dresser Manufacturing company in Bradford and the newlyweds have taken up their residence in that city. July 30, 1925. Page 1. Oviatt – Knauff The marriage of Miss Clara Oviatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Oviatt of East Smethport to Harris Knauff of Williamsport was solemnized in the latter city Saturday evening at 8:00 o’clock, Rev. Beck of the Baptist church officiating. Both the bride and groom have a legion of local friends. Miss Oviatt for some time past has been employed at the Bell telephone exchange. Mr. Knauff is manager of the Williamsport district of the Davis co., and is a baseball player of wide reputation, appearing in the lineup of the Smethport nine several times this season as catcher. Page 1. McDermott – Benson The marriage of Thos. J. McDermott, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. McDermott of West Main street, and Miss Anna Benson of Port Allegany, was solemnized at St. Elizabeth’s parochial residence at 7:00 A.M. Wednesday, July 20, the Rev. P.J. Donohue officiating. Mr. McDermott who for several years past has been an employe of the Redfield Publishing Co., is a popular local young man. The bride, who has resided in Smethport for some time past, is a charming young lady. The happy young couple have many friends who will unite with the Democrat in extending best wishes. August 13, 1925. Page 8. Haynes – Mix Miss Wilma D. Haynes, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haynes of Shinglehouse and Mr. Leighton C. Mix of Shinglehouse were united in marriage Wednesday, August 5th at 4:30 P.M. by the Rev. Oviatt, pastor of the U.B. church of East Smethport. They were attended by the Misses Doris Haynes and Irene McKendrick, sister and cousin of the bride. After a short wedding trip they will take up their residence in Shinglehouse where they have a host of friends who wish them many years of happiness. August 20, 1925. Page 1. Hull – Herzog Miss Harriet Lena Herzog and Louis J. Hull, two of Smethport’s popular young people, were united in marriage Monday, August 17, at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Rose Herzog of Mechanic street. Rev. W.E. Van Dyke of St. Luke’s Episcopal church performed the ceremony, the ring service being used in a beautiful and impressive manner. The bride was attractive in a suit of tan satin-back crepe with blue georgette trimmings and hat to match. The bride is a graduate of Smethport High School and a student of Indiana State Normal. She is an accomplished musician. Mr. Hull is a son of Mrs. J.F. Hull and is employed in a responsible position by the Smethport Garage Company. He is a prominent athlete in baseball and basketball activities. After the ceremony the newlyweds left on a week’s motor trip to include Chautauqua Lake Erie and other places of interest. They will make their home in this borough. September 3, 1925. Page 1. Greathouse - Haven The marriage of Miss Ruth Haven and Mr. William J. Greathouse of Montevale, Ala., took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Haven on Friday afternoon, August 28th. The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. T.D. Ware, formerly pastor of the local Baptist church who officiated at the wedding of the bride’s parents twenty-five years ago. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Jessie Haven. Mr. Earl Maxfield, friend of the groom, served as best man. The bride of this happy alliance is a graduate of the Smethport High School, class of 1920 and is a charming, talented young lady. Mr. Greathouse who is an expert jeweler was for some time located in Smethport, where he has many friends. Following the wedding, a reception was held in the evening guests being relatives and a few intimate friends. The happy couple left Sunday night by motor for Bessemer Alabama, where the groom will follow his profession of watch-maker and they will make their future residence. The best wishes of Smethport residents follow them to their new home. September 10, 1925. Page 3. Edel - Tanner Olean Herald, Sept. 3. – St. Mary of The Angels church was the scene of a very pretty fall wedding this morning, when the Rev. Edward J. Rangel united in marriage Miss Eliese Belle Tanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tanner of Smethport, to Ernest John Edel, son of Benjamin Edel of 801 West Hanley street, at a nuptial high mass at 8 o’clock. The bride wore peach colored georgette with rose outlined with pearls and a picture hat of panae velvet, with trimming of gold and blue to correspond with her gown. She carried an arm bouquet of Columbia roses. She was attended by her cousin Miss Alice Ferman of Smethport who wore a costume of fawn colored georgette, ribbon trimmed, and a picture hat of green and fawn colored satin trimmings. She carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. The best man was John Hadley of Olean. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding breakfast to the immediate members of the family was served at the Olean House. Garden flowers were used and the favors were boxes of wedding cake. After a wedding trip to Buffalo, Philadelphia and Atlantic City, Mr. Edel and his bride will take up their residence at 801 West Hanley street. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Tanner, Clarence Lewis and Carlton Tanner, parents and brothers of the bride, from Smethport and Henry Riggs also of Smethport. Page 8. Nourse – Gorst The home of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Davies of Wellsville was the scene of a very pretty wedding Saturday, September 5th, at 5 P.M. when their niece, Maria W. Nourse became the bride of William Gorst of Rochester. The bride is a charming young lady who is well known in Smethport. Mr. and Mrs. Gorst will make their home in Rochester. September 17, 1925. Page 5. John e. Johnson and Miss Alma Sofi Carlson, both of DeKalb, Ill., were quietly married at the Swedish Mission church parsonage, Wednesday, Sept. 9, by Rev. J.E. Hallmertz. Mr. Johnson motored from DeKalb to New York City to meet Miss Johnson who has been visiting for three months in Sweden. After the wedding ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Johnson drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Olson, near Smethport, where they will visit for a short time after which they will return to DeKalb. September 24, 1925. Page 5. Washburn – Nourse Saturday evening, September 19th at 8:00 o’clock at the St. Luke’s Episcopal Recotry, Gladys Marie Nourse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Nourse of this place and Laurence Washburn of Bradford were united in marriage by Rev. W.E. Van Dyke. Miss Nourse is one of Smethport’s most attractive and popular young ladies with a host of friends. She is a graduate of the Smethport High School, class of 1921, a student of Lock Haven Normal and a graduate of Westbrook’s Business College. For the past two years Mrs. Washburn has held a position as secretary to H.H. Redfield. The groom is a popular young man who is employed by the Star Garage Company of Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Washburn will reside in Bradford. This young couple have a host of friends who wish them much happiness. October 1, 1925. Page 1. McDermott – Larson The marriage of Arthur McDermott star first baseman of the Smethport baseball club, and Miss Helen Larson, a popular clerk at the Geary store, Main street, was solemnized this morning by the Rev. P.J. Donohue, pastor of St. Elizabeth’s church. Both are well known local young people. Following a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. McDermott will take up their residence at Davis where the former is employed on an oil lease. Page 2. Crouse – Carpenter Larabee, Sept. 24. – The marriage of Miss Nila Beth Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carpenter of this place to Francis Crouse of Kinzua, Pa., took place at the home of Rev. and Mrs. George Smith of Haymaker, Thursday morning, September 17. Rev. George Smith officiated. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Crouse left on a motor trip which will include Montrose, Pa., where they will be guests of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Amelia Hollenbeck and family. On their return they will reside in Bradford. October 15, 1925. Page 5. Last Saturday, October 10th, Mr. and Mrs. John Oviatt, prominent residents of Smethport, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding. The hospitable home of this highly respected couple on Green street was the scene of a delightful celebration on this auspicious occasion, all their children and their childrens’ children, together with a large concourse of near relatives from Smethport and other points in this section assemblying to honor Mr. and Mrs. Oviatt, who are the “youngest” elderly couple to be found anywhere on their completion of a half century of happily wedded life in the host of vigorous good health. At 1:30 p.m. a delicious dinner was served which was a culinary epic, following which dancing and games furnished the afternoon’s amusement. For many years, up to the time Mr. Oviatt retired from active pursuits and moved to Smethport several years ago, this splendid couple resided on one of the finest farms in this section at the head of Potato creek. Mr. Oviatt, an enthusiastic sportsman and one of the foremost authorities on wood lore in Pennsylvania is the head of the famous Oviatt family of big game hunters. He has probably killed more bear and deer that any other man in this section of the state and still retains his remarkable eye for marksmanship and secures his quota of game each season. The Democrat in congratulating its dear friends on this happy occasion wishes them many more years of serene existence. October 29, 1925. Page 1. Bamberger – McKean Mr. and Mrs. E.B. McKean of this borough have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Kathryn Esther McKean, former well known Smethport girl, who for a number of years past has resided in buffalo, to Mr. Joseph Bamberger of Buffalo. The wedding was solemnized at St. Paul’s church, Kenmore, last Saturday, Oct. 24, at 7:30 a.m. The wedding was quiet, guests being the immediate families of the high contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. E.B. McKean, daughter Mrs. Robert McKean and granddaughter, Doris McKean and Mr. and Mrs. John Peeler motored to Buffalo Friday in the Peeler car to be present at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bamberger will be at home after Nov. 1st at 387 Winspear Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. The bride of this happy marriage is a charming young lady who has been a resident of Buffalo for a number of years where she has held a responsible position with an optical company. Mr. Bamberger is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bamberger of Utica, N.Y., and holds a splendid position in Buffalo. Page 3. The marriage of Miss May Warde, a popular young lady of Kane, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Warde of Clay street, and Howard Ross, a well known young man of Mt. Jewett, was solemnized last Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock at St. Luke’s parish house, Smethport. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. W.E. Van Dyke, rector of St. Luke’s church, Smethport. November 5, 1925. Page 1. Morton – Stickles Thomas H. Morton of Sabinsville, Pa., and Mrs. Carrie H. Stickles of Smethport were united in marriage by the Rev. Chas. Whelan at the Methodist parsonage, this borough, Saturday evening, Oct. 31 at 8 o’clock. Page 5. Announcement has been received of the marriage of John McDermott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDermott of this borough, to Miss Grace N. Cornell of Greenville, Pa., which event was solemnized in Greenville Friday, October 23. The popular local young man has been located in Greenville for some time past as manager of the Western Union Telegraph company’s office in that city. His bride is a charming young lady who is prominent in the social life of Greenville. The Democrat unites with many friends of this splendid young man in extending to him and his bride best wishes on this happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott will reside in Greenville. November 19, 1925. Page 1. At the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, this borough, Saturday, Nov. 14, the Rev. Chas. H.M. Whelan united in marriage Mr. Waldemar E. Anderson and Miss Ruth Victoria Omundson, both of Mt. Jewett. Page 5. Neil – Acre The marriage of Marguerite Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Neil of Bell Vernon and Seeley Acre of Smethport was solemnized Sunday, Nov. 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Obed Ingram of this borough. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.A. Stevens, pastor of the Baptist church. The bride wore a gown of silk georgette and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. The ring service was used. Obed Ingram was best man and Mrs. Obed Ingram, sister of the groom, was matron-of-honor. Following the ceremony an elegant dinner was served, covers being laid for fourteen. The happy couple departed Sunday evening on a wedding tour and will be at home after Dec. 1 at Cole Creek. December 3, 1925. Page 4. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kessler, Jr., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth, to Mr. John C. Edwards of Utica, N.Y., son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Edwards. Announcement was made at a dinner given by Mrs. Kessler on Saturday evening. Covers were laid for eight. The color scheme was red and white, the table decorations being red candles and a centerpiece of red roses and smilax. The guests were met at the dining room door by the little Misses Marjory and Joanne Day of Syracuse, N.Y., who were dressed in red and white and who from a heart-shaped basket presented each guest with a red rose to which were tied the cards of Miss Kessler and Mr. Edwards. Following the dinner, the evening was spent playing bridge. Miss Kessler is a graduate of Wellesley College and is a very charming and accomplished young lady. Mr. Edwards is a graduate of Michigan University and a prominent young business man of Utica. Page 5. Cook – Hazen Mr. Edw. R. Cook of Bradford was married to Miss Helen Hazen, well known Smethport young lady, on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at a very pretty home wedding in the presence of immediate relatives. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Hazen of Willow street. She was very beautiful in a gown of pansy colored georgette and the bridesmaid, Miss Alfretta Stilson, wore a blue canton crepe gown. The groom was accompanied by his friend, Mr. Frank Adams of Durant City. The ceremony was preceeded by the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march played by Mrs. Fred Burlingame. The ceremony y was performed by Rev. E.A. Stevens of the Baptist church. A wedding lunch was served after which the bride and groom with a party of friends, departed for Bradford which is the first stage of a brief wedding trip which will include Jamestown and Buffalo. A number of out of town relatives were present among whom were Wm. Cook of Coleville, Mrs. Harry Cussins of Bradford, Mrs. John Sh___ of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs. William Stilson of Kane. December 10, 1925. Page 3. James Arthur Baker of Kane and Miss Clara Johnson of Mt. Jewett were united in marriage Saturday evening December 5, at the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, this borough, Rev. Charles H.M. Whelan officiating. December 17, 1925. Page 3. Pytcher – Newton David A. Pytcher and Miss Ethelyn Newton, both of Ormsby, McKean county, were married Friday, Dec. 11, at Salamanca in the parsonage of the First M.E. church. Rev. W.E. Davis performed the ceremony. The bride is a teacher in the Salamanca public schools and the bridegroom works in the Pennsylvania oil fields. After a brief wedding trip they will make their home at Cyclone, Pa. Page 4. Doyle – Crawford Elmer Jesse Crawford of Smethport and Miss Vera Mae Doyle of Port Allegany were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage, Smethport, Monday, Dec. 14, Rev. Charles H.M. Whelan officiated. December 31, 1925. Page 1. Wright – Aribel Milton H. Wright of Smethport and Miss Glady Aribel of Betula were united in marriage in Olean, N.Y., Saturday afternoon t 1:30 o’clock by the Rev. A. Frank Houser, pastor of the First Baptist church,, at the church parsonage. The bride is a well known young lady who has made her home in Smethport for the past two years. Mr. Wright is an industrious, popular young man who is employed by Holmes & Gilfillan, Inc., as a motor truck driver. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have taken up their residence on Marvin street, this borough. Page 3. Barton – Carter Miss Dorothy Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Carter, of 118 East Main street, Bradford, was united in marriage with Ralph L. Baron, son of Sheriff L.W. Barton of Smethport, last Thursday night at the home of Rev. W. Davenport Allen. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Allen in the presence of immediate relatives and a few friends. There were no attendants. The bride was attired in a dress of rose colored crepe with hot to match. She wore a bouquet of roses and swansonia. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the bride’s home where at midnight a delightful wedding supper was served. Both young people are well known and have a host of friends who will unite in wishing them much happiness in their wedded life. This file has been created by a form at File size: 43.1 Kb