McKean-Elk County PA Archives News.....Marriages in Newspaper - 1913 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald Reid September 25, 2010, 5:50 pm The McKean Democrat 1913 MARRIAGES IN MCKEAN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA-1913 FROM THE THE MCKEAN DEMOCRAT NEWSPAPER, (SMETHPORT) The following marriage notices appeared in the McKean Democrat during the year of 1913. The date of publication is shown prior to the item(s). There is no implication that this is all that may have been published in these editions since editions may be missing and many of the issues have sections that are unreadable. Transcribed by Ronald J. Reid, 2010 January 2, 1913 Page 1. Glass-Bronk Married at New Castle, Pa., Christmas morning, December 25, 1912, by Rev. John A. Clemens, pastor of the M.E. church, Mr. Clair Glass to Mrs. Myrtie Bronk. Both of the high contracting parties to this marriage are well known in Smethport, the bride having resided here for many years, and the groom for some time held a position as a cutter at the Smethport glass Co.’s plant, he going to New Castle, his old home, about a month ago, where he secured a fine position, and where his prospective bride joined him a week ago last Saturday. For about four months previous to going to New Castle Mrs. Glass was an inmate of the writer’s home, and during that time by her pleasant and agreeable manners ingratiated herself into the good graces of the household, and when she departed for New Castle, which will be her future home, we all felt that we had lost a member from the family circle, but as it was understood that someone else had a prior claim on her we all had to bow in humble submission to the demand of Cupid, and the above tells why. During the time Mr. Glass was a resident of Smethport he proved most conclusively that he was a straight-forward industrious young man, and by reason of this he made many friends while he remained with us. He demonstrated during his residence in Smethport that he was a man of many admirable parts, and that he will make a good husband to the one whom he has chosen for a life companion, the Democrat does not have a doubt. Mr. and Mrs. Glass will reside in New Castle. The Democrat unites with a wide circle of friends of the happy couple in wishing them a long and prosperous life. January 9, 1913 Page 5. Barnsdall-Ramsbottom The Bradford Star-Record of Wednesday says: The marriage of Mrs. Grace Barnsdall, of this city, to David Haworth Ramsbottom, of Pittsburgh, took place this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Barnsdall, No. 24 West Corydon street. The Rev. William Coonan, of St. Bernard’s church, officiated. The marriage rites were said in the front parlor of the lovely home. There were no attendants and only the immediate members of Mrs. Barnsdall’s family were present. The affair was very quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsbottom left on the B.R.&P. 3:35 train for Buffalo and New York. From the latter point they will sail for Hamilton, Bermuda, where they will spend their honeymoon. After March 15, the couple will be at home at South Negley and Elmer streets, Pittsburgh. Mrs. Barnsdall, now Mrs. Ramsbottom, is one of Bradford’s most charming women. She is deservedly popular in the social circles in which she moves in this city and she has hosts of friends who will greatly regret her departure from Bradford. Mr. Ramsbottom is identified with the National Tube company of the United States Steel corporation in Pittsuburgh. He is prominent both in business and social circles in that city. He is member of several Pittsburgh clubs. January 23, 1913 Page 5. Miss Helen M. Gould, and Finley J. Shepard, of St. Louis, were united in marriage at the former’s country home, near Tarrytown, N.Y., at 12:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon. The bride is not only one of the richest women in this country, but one of the best beloved. Her mission in life has been that of doing good. Mr. Shepard certainly has cause to congratulate himself on his ability to gain the love of this charming lady, and the American people will all unite in extending heartfelt good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Shepard. February 6, 1913 Page 1. Murphy-Oliver St. Mary’s church, Sartwell, was the scene of a very pretty wedding Wednesday morning, Jan. 29, when Miss Teresa Oliver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver, was married to William P. Murphy, of Pittsfield, Mass., Rev. J.S. Doyle officiating. The bride wore a beautiful traveling suit of light brown and a hat to match. The bridesmaid, Miss Cecelia Oliver, sister of the bride, wore a dark brown suit. Mr. George Oliver, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony the wedding party returned to the bride’s home, where they partook of a very sumptuous breakfast, covers being laid for twelve at the bride’s table, which was decorated with sweet peas and smilax. A dinner was given at noon. The bride is one of Sartwell’s most popular young ladies. She has been a milliner in Buffalo and that vicinity for the last four years. The groom is one of Pittsfield’s popular business men. The young couple left on the evening flyer for Washington, returning by the way of New York city to Pittsfield, where they will be at home after Feb. 8. February 13, 1914 Page 1. A Burlington, N.J., dispatch of last Friday has a local significance, in that the lady in the case was formerly of Kane, the county; A romance of the State Masonic Home, near Burlington, was revealed today in the announcement of the wedding last night of Stephen Smith, superintendent of the institution, and Miss Vashti Beebee, of Kane, Pa., matron of the orphanages under the same management. Following the death of the superintendent’s former wife, two years ago, Miss Beebee was engaged as matron. Inmates of the home and children from the two orphanages, with a few intimate friends from Burlington, were the only witnesses of the ceremony performed by Rev. Charles Bowden, of Camden, chaplain of the institution. April 24, 1913 Page 5. Mrs. Clair White attended the 60th wedding anniversary of her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Allard, of Port Allegany, Wednesday evening. Sixty years is a long lease of married life, and such a record is of rare occurrence. Mr. Allard is 84 years of age, and the sharer of his joys and sorrows for three score years is 82. The Democrat unites with many friends in the sincere hope that the lives of this venerable couple may be spared for many more years of usefulness. May 8, 1913 Page 5. Announcement has been received in Smethport of the birth of a daughter to Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Monagan, of Rew City, which happy event occurred on Thursday, May 1st. This announcement came as a surprise to Dr. and Mrs. Monagan’s many Smethport friends, all of whom will join with the Democrat in extending hearty congratulations to the happy parents. Mrs. Monagan is a Smethport girl, and as Miss Bessie Hopkins spent her girlhood days in this borough, going with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Hopkins, to Kane some fifteen years ago. May 29, 1913 Page 1. Brooks-Barbour Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barbour, of Center street, Saturday, May 24, 1913, by Rev. W.E. Vandyke, rector of St. Luke’s church, Miss Iva Barbour and Mr. Luther Brooks. This young couple are both well known in Smethport, where they have many friends all of whom will join with the Democrat in wishing them a long and prosperous voyage on the matrimonial sea. Mr. Brooks is a capable chemist, and has for some time past held a position in Pittsburgh, where it is expected that Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will make their home. June 19, 1913 Page 5. The marriage of Miss Pearl E. Camp, daughter of Mrs. Emily T. Camp, of Bradford, but formerly of Smethport, and Robert T. McQuilken, of Bradford, was solemnized at the First Baptist church, in that city, last Monday, Rev. W.M. Corson officiating. After a honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. McQuilken will begin housekeeping in Bradford. The Democrat joins with many Smethport friends in tendering congratulations to his happy young couple. Page 5. The engagement is announced of Leo F. McNally, of Rochester, N.Y. and Miss Kathryn Hawley, of Buffalo. Mr. McNally is a nephew of Mrs. T.H. Purtle, of Main street, and has many friends in Smethport, where he is a frequent visitor. June 26, 1913 Page 1. Donovan-Will The following marriage notice clipped from the Alliance, Ohio, Daily Review, of last Friday, will interest many Smethport friends of the bride, who is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Dunn, of this borough, and who made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Dunn for many years, and was known to our citizens as Miss Mazie Dunn. The Review says: Miss Marian E. Wilt, of Alliance, and James B. Donovan, of Detroit, Mich., were married Friday morning at 9 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. M.H. Wilt, on West Summit street. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J.A. Ulman in the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends. The attendants to the bride and groom were Morris Wilt, a brother of the bride, and Miss Nellie Miller. The wedding march was rendered by Miss Osie Stahl. After the ceremony a fine breakfast was served by Mrs. Wilt, assisted by Miss Osie Stahl and Miss Bertha Wang. The wilt home was prettily decorated in pink roses. The color scheme was pink and white. The bride was prettily gowned in white. She has been a resident of Alliance for some time and while here was a teacher in the public schools of this city. During the past year she has been teaching in the public schools in Youngstown. She is a young lady of Christian character and is a member of the Queen Esther society of this city, also the Marigold club. The groom has resided in Detroit for some time. He is employed with the Edison Electric company in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan left Alliance Friday afternoon for Lake Brady, the summer home of the bride’s family, where they remain for a fort time, after which they will go to Detroit to reside. Miss Bertha Wang, of Canton, was an out of town guest at the wedding. July 3, 1913 Page 1. Butler-Curtis Married at the residence of Wm. J. McGavern, 679 Richmond Av., Buffalo, N.Y. at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, June 26, Mr. Henry M. Butler, of Port Allegany, and Miss Rosenia M. Curtis, of Smethport, Rev. J.W. McGavern, formerly pastor of the M.E. church, of this borough officiating. The bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Timerman, of Gary, Ind. The bride is a life-long resident of this borough, while Mr. Butler, who has been employed extensively in the oil fields of this vicinity as a driller, is a fine young man who is well known in Smethport. The Democrat unites with the many friends of this happy couple in extending best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Butler will make their future home in Smethport. July 10, 1913 Page 1. Herzog-Davis Married at Salamanca, N.Y., Saturday, July 5, 1913, Rev. D.E. Sprague officiating, Miss Eva L. Davis and Mr. Robert C. Herzog, both of Norwich township, McKean county, Pa. The bride is well known in Smethport, she having been a student of the Smethport High School for nearly three years and has many friends in this borough. The groom is one of Norwich township’s best known and most popular young men, and is now holding a responsible position with the Standard Gas Co. Mr. and Mrs. Herzog have been resident of that township all their lives, and a host of friends will join with the Democrat in wishing them a long and prosperous married life. Page 5. Married at Clermont, on Thursday, July 3, 1913, Miss Elia Wendell, of that place, and J.A. Crawford, of Buffalo, N.Y. The marriage ceremony took place in the Methodist church, at Clermont, Rev. J.A. Perkins officiating. July 31, 1913 Page 1. McKay-Curtiss. Word has been received in Smethport of the marriage of Miss Margaret Curtiss, of New Castle and Andrew William McKay, of Ithaca, N.Y., which event occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gram Curtiss, of New Castle, on Tuesday of last week. For two terms, up until last years, the bride was teacher of Latin and German in the Smethport High School. She is a charming and accomplished young lady who has many friends here. The groom is a member of the New York State Dept. of Agriculture. Both Mr. and Mrs. McKay are graduates of Cornell University and their marriage is the culmination of a college romance. August 21, 1913 Page 5. A pretty home wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Sprague, of Davis City, at noon inst. Thursday, when their daughter, Miss Bernetta Maude Sprague, became the wife of Herman M. Digel, of Coleville, Rev. E.S. Beacom, pastor of the Smethport M.E. church, performing the nuptial ceremonies. The groom is well and favorably known in this section as a wide awake and honorable business man, who has a wide circle of warm personal friends, and the bride is spoken of as being a young woman of charming personality – one of McKean county’s fairest daughters. After a honeymoon trip to Toronto and the Thousand Islands Mr. and Mrs. Digel will be at home in Coleville. August 28, 1913 Page 1. Sharro-Barber At the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Barber, on Center street, at 9:00 o’clock Monday morning, their daughter, Miss Cora, became the bride of Antonio Sharro, Rev. W.E. Van Dyke, of St. Luke’s church, performing the ceremony. Page 5. Judge Gleason, at his chambers, last Saturday afternoon, said the words that untied in the bonds of matrimony, Mr. Harry Carter and Miss Aletha Kunselman, both of Norwich, Pa. September 18, 1913 Page 5. Invitations have been received in this borough announcing the wedding of Miss Anna Waterman Jackson, daughter of Rev. William Francis Bennett Jackson, of Providence R.I., to Rev. Charles Everett McCoy, of Bristol, R.I., son of Dr. and Mrs. H.L. McCoy of Smethport, which will take place in St. Stephen’s church, Providence, R.I., on Wednesday, October 1, 1913, at 12 o’clock, noon. The groom to be was born and reared in Smethport, where he has a host of friends, all of whom will unite in extending their best wishes thus early to him and his prospective bride to this most happy alliance. October 2, 1913 Page 1. Richards – Robinson A home wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Richards, in Marvin Valley, was the occasion of the marriage, Wednesday evening, Sept. 24, 1913, of their son, Dr. R. Wayne Richards, to Miss E. Claire Robinson, of Philadelphia, Pa. Only the members of the immediate family were present. A former pastor of the family , Rev. A.S. Hopkins, of Erie, Pa., officiated. Dr. and Mrs. Richards will return to Philadelphia, where he is practicing in a few days. Page 1. McCoy – Jackson At noon yesterday, at the St. Stephens P.E. church, Providence, R.I., occurred the marriage of Rev. Charles Everett McCoy, formerly of Smethport, but now of Bristol, R.I., and Miss Anna Waterman Jackson, of Providence. The groom is a son of Dr. and Mrs. H.L. McCoy, of Smethport. He is a graduate of Cornell University and is a young man of high accomplishments. He was ordained to the clergy about three years ago and his rise has been rapid. He now holds a responsible charge in Bristol. The bride is a daughter of Rev. William Francis Bennett Jackson, a prominent churchman of Providence, and is a charming young lady who is admirably fitted to assume her full share in the life work of Rev. Mr. McCoy. (A longer description of the wedding was published on October 9, page 1.) November 6, 1913 Page 1. Marriage Licenses Oct 31. Floyd Elmer Frank, Eldred, and Marion Irene Fairchild, Coryville. Nov. 2. Richard Praud and Theresa Frances Faiss, Bradford. Nov. 4. Ben Stantonsky and Frances Kamitross, Norwich. Page 1. The Chester, Pa., times of October 25th says: Mr. and Mrs. John White, of Upland, announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Mabel Gertrude White, to Rev. O. Grey Hutchison, formerly of Manassas, Va., of Smethport, Pa. The prospective bridegroom, who graduated for the Crozer Theological Seminary last spring, is well known in this city and vicinity. He is pastor of the Baptist church at Smethport. Miss White, who is a native of Upland, was a school teacher for several years and also been very active in playgrounds work. She is an active member of the Baptist church and is prominently identified in the Young People’s and Sunday School work. Mr. Hutchison is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Westwood Hutchison, of Manassas, Va. During his pastorate in Smethport Rev. Hutchison has made hosts of friends with whom the Democrat unites in extending congratulations to the principals of the forthcoming nuptial event. Page 5. The marriage of Miss Myrtle Baker, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, of Cyclone, and J.F. Gates, of Prentiss Vale, took place at the home of the bride’s parents at 11:30 o’clock last Saturday morning. Rev. C.J. Edwards, pastor of the Lewis run Free Methodist church, performed the ceremony. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Gates will reside at Prentiss Vale. November 13, 1913 Page 1. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Holder, on East King street, was the scene of a pretty home wedding at 8:00 o’clock last evening, when their youngest daughter, Miss Beulah Holder, became the bride of Mr. Raymond James Day, son of Mrs. N.M. Day, of this borough. Rev. W.E. Van Dyke, of St. Luke’s church, pronounced the words that united the lives of this popular young couple. The ceremony took place in the back parlor of the Holder home. The room was prettily decorated, being banked with smilax, ferns and yellow flowers. The bride was becomingly attired in a handsome gown of yellow crepe de shene. The marriage was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride of this happy alliance has been a lifelong resident of this borough and is one of Smethport’s most charming and popular young ladies. Mr. Day, up to two or three months ago, resided in Smethport for many years, holding a responsible position in Monheimer’s clothing store. He is now manager and part owner of the large clothing store of B.F. Stursky & Co., at Hazelhurst, a new and flourishing business, which is forging to the front under his capable management. He is a young man of sterling character who is universally respected, and numbers his friends by the legion. At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony a fine wedding luncheon was served under the skillful direction of Miss Millicent Pattison., At 10:00 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Day started in Jas. Quirk’s automobile for Hazelhurst, where they will make their future home. Out of town relatives at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Studeholme, Port Allegany; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Studholme, Olean, and Harold Day, of Syracuse. Page 5. The marriage of Miss Leona Simar and George Ristine, both of Port Allegany, took place at the home of the bride’s parents in that place at eight o’clock Wednesday morning, Nov. 5, 1913, Rev. M.L. Tate, of emporium, performing the nuptial ceremony. The bride has many friends in Smethport who will join in extending congratulations to the happy young couple. November 20, 1913 Page 5. Mr. and Mrs. George Alcock announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Violet Alcock, to John P. Maze, of Kane, Pa., which occurred at Jamestown, N.Y., Nov. 1, 1913. Mr. and Mrs. Maze will make their home at Kane. December 11, 1913 Page 1. Kidder – Hafner At the manse of the Rev. Edwin I. McIlwaine, at Ridgway, at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1913, occurred the marriage of Alfred H Kidder, of Smethport, and Sophia L. Hafner, of Clermont. The announcement has just been made public, and the news of this happy event comes in the nature of a pleasant surprise to the many friends of the contracting parties. Mr. Kidder is a well known contractor and builder of this borough, who is one of Smethport’s substantial citizens. The bride was the efficient clerk at the local postoffice for several years and during her residence in Smethport made hosts of friends. She is a deservedly popular young lady. The Democrat unites with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kidder in the hope that their journey through life may be a happy and prosperous one., Mr. and Mrs. Kidder will make their future home in Smethport. Page 1. Marriage Licenses Dec. 6. Joseph E. Piatz and Katherine Magee, Custer City. Dec. 8. Boyd Woodward of Pitcaren, and Leona Mangold, Port Allegany. Dec. 9. A.B. Anderson and Ida Anderson, Prot Allegany. H.W. Oberg and Iva M. Nogar, Mt. Jewett. Dec. 10. Russell T. Stewart, York, Pa., to Grace L. Willard, Bradford. Page 5. A Franklin, Pa.,, dispatch of the 8th inst. Says: Hon. Joseph C. Sibley and Miss Ida L. Rew, daughter of O.L. Rew, were married at the new river ridge residence of Mr. Sibley at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon, by Rev. Herbert A. Ellis, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church. The ceremony was witnessed only by the member of the two families. MR. Sibley’s host of McKean county friends will join with the Democrat in extending congratulations to that popular gentleman and his happy bride, and wish them a long life of happiness and prosperity. It is perfectly plain now to the lay mind Mr. Sibley’s reasons for building that magnificent home, an account of which appeared in the Democrat two weeks ago. Page 5. Mrs. Catherine Magee, of Custer City, and Rev. Joseph E. Platz, a former pastor of the Degolia circuit of the Untied Brethren church, were united in marriage at the home of the bride last Saturday afternoon. Rev. J.A. Robinson, of Degolia, performed the ceremony. This file has been created by a form at File size: 22.2 Kb