McKean County PA Archives News.....Marriages in McKean County, July-Dec 1920 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald Reid November 23, 2014, 11:01 pm McKean County Miner 1920 MARRIAGES IN MCKEAN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA-JULY TO DECEMBER 1920 FROM THE THE MCKEAN COUNTY MINER, (SMETHPORT) The following marriage notices appeared in the McKean County Miner from July to December 1920. The date of publication is shown prior to the item(s). There is no implication that this is all that may have been published in these editions since editions may be missing and many of the issues have sections that are unreadable. Transcribed by Ronald J. Reid, 2014 July 1, 1920 Page 1. The marriage of Thos. Ryan, former Smethport resident and ex-service man, who now resides in Chicago, and Miss Dorothy Lewis of Kane, occurred at the home of the bride’s parents yesterday. The wedding was a quiet one attended only by relatives of the young people, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Gleason of Smethport being among those present. The bride is described as a most charming young lady by those who know her. Tom Ryan made a notable record in the world war and was awarded the croix de guerre by the French government for exceptional bravery. He is a grandson of the late Thomas Ryan, who lived in Smethport for a number of years and was a Civil war veteran with a notable record. Page 1. Eldred Last Saturday, June 19, at noon, at the home of Mrs. Minnie Duryen, occurred the marriage of her youngest daughter, Miss C. Genevieve, to Francis L. Wheeler of Eldred. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. I.C. Gale, the impressive ring ceremony being used. The only guests were the bridesmaid, Miss Beatrice Taylor, the groomsman, Ronald Williams, and Miss Abigail Wheeler, aunt of the groom. The bride was daintily attired in light blue silk georgette crepe, trimmed with beads. Immediately after the ceremony, which was performed at the table, they sat down to a bountiful wedding breakfast. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canton, Ohio, where they will spend their honeymoon with the groom’s father. Page 4. Eldred The marriage of Miss Lelia G. Regan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Regan of 736 Garden Avenue, Olean, to Merton Earl Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Wood of Eldred, was solemnized Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, at the home of the bride, Rev. E.J. Fairweather of Eldred performing the the ceremony under an arch of syringas and pink peones. Page 4. Eldred At the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Geuder, in Flint, Mich., Tuesday occurred the marriage of John Robertson of that city, and Miss Bertha Geuder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Geuder, of Eldred. The newly-weds are visiting the bride’s mother and relatives here for a couple of weeks, after which they will return to Flint, where they will make their future home. Page 4. Eldred At Olean, Saturday noon, Rev. Golmire of the Lutheran church, united in marriage, Walter Geuder and Miss Elizabeth Barden, two popular young people of Eldred. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Rice of Richburg. They returned Wednesday from their wedding trip and will reside in Eldred. Page 4. Eldred At St. Raphel’s church Sunday, the banns of marriage between J.H. McNulty and Miss Rebecca Tuohy were published. Page 4. Mt. Jewett Miss Madeline Beatrice Tanner of Mt. Jewett and Harry A. Wade of Scotch Plains, N.J., were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Tanner, Sunday, June 20th, at high noon, Rev. C.B. Livingston of Stanton, Pa., brother-in-law of the bridegroom and former pastor of the bride, officiating. The couple were attended by Miss Ethel Howe of Delevan, N.Y., and Mr. Max Tanner, of Wellsville, N.Y., a brother of the bride. Page 4. Mt. Jewett Miss Dorothy Edgar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Edgar, and Mr. Dewey Walker, son of MR. and Mrs. J.H. Walker, both of Hazelhurst, were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents on Tuesday, June 22, Rev. C.J. Zetler, pastor of the M.E. church, officiating. The wedding was a very quiet one, only the immediate relatives and friends being present. The left for Buffalo on a wedding trip, after which they will reside in Rochester, N.Y., where the goom is employed. Page 5. Maurice T. Lynch, chief engineer of the Highway Department of this district, with headquarters at Smethport, and Miss Helen Frances Doyle of Danvers, Mass., were married at the home of the bride, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch are now at home to their many friends in Smethport. Page 5. Miss Edna Heilman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heilman of Smethport and Henry William Fulkrod of Kane were married June 19. The MINER extends congratulations to this popular young couple. July 15, 1920 Page 4. Farmers Valley Rev. A. Jordan of Coudersport and Mrs. Effie Champlin of Coryville who were married on July 2, were Farmers Valley visitors one day last week. July 22, 1920 Page 6. Marriage Licenses Paul Laschack of Auburn, N.Y. and Nellie Ladio of Betula, Pa. Fred William Peterson of Jamestown, N.Y., and Gertrude Mary Olson of Eldred, Pa. LeRoy F. Seekins of Kane, Pa., and Bernice E. Rhinehart of Kane, Pa. Isham Kule of Bradford, Pa., and Belle Wheelis of Bradford, Pa. July 29, 1920 Page 1. Chase – Porter Announcements have been received by friends of Mr. Sherwood Rightnyer Chase, formerly of Smethport, but later of Tulsa, Okla., of his marriage to Mrs. Alma Collier Porter, at Kansas City, Mo on July 15, 1920. Mr. and Mrs. Chase have been “honey mooning” I Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Olean and are now in Smethport for a few days’ visit with Mr. Chase’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Chase. Before returning to their future home in Tulsa, going by way of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis for a few days stay. Mr. Chase who is well known in Smethport is permanently located in Tulsa, as superintendent of the Illinois Torpedo Co., in that city. Mrs. Chase who has been a resident of Tulsa also is well known in business and social circles. Page 1. Foster – McKinley On July 23, 1920, Iona Foster was united in marriage to Kenton G. McKinley, both of Overbrook. The wedding took place at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. The Rev. Mr. W.E. VanDyke officiating. The MINER extends best wishes to the young couple. Page 1. Hansen – Thomas On July 24, 1920, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church the Rev. Mr. W.E. Van Dyke joined in marriage Hazel Consuelo Hansen of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Ray Ostrander Thomas of this place. The bride is a very charming young lady and the groom is a very popular young man with a fine war record. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will make their home in East Smethport where the groom is employed. The MINER joins many friends in extending best wishes. August 12, 1920 Page 5. Miss Florence Oakley was pleasantly surprised last Friday evening when a number of her friends invaded her home while she was at the movies. The occasion being her birthday and Miss Oakley received many beautiful presents. Delicious refreshments were served. The biggest surprise of all, was the announcement of Miss Oakley’s engagement to Andrew Peterson of Mt. Jewett. August 19, 1920 Page 5. Miss Grace Shattuck of Limestone, Pa., and Mr. Homer S. Boyle of Conneauville, Pa., were married Thursday, August 12, at the Shattuck cottage on Conneaut Lake. Miss Shattuck is a sister of Mrs. H.L. Backus, and has numerous friends in this place. August 26, 1920 Page 3. Shattuck – Bail A very pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday afternoon at the cottage on Conneaut Lake owned by Hon. F.J. Shattuck of Linesville, when his daughter, Miss Grace Monroe Shattuck, was united in marriage to Homer Milton Bail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bail of Conneautville. Promptly at 2:30 the parties took their places on the porch, where the marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.J. Baldwin of Conneautville, Miss Corinne Thompson Keeton of Elmira, N.Y., acting as ring bearer. The bride was handsomely gowned in gray taffeta, and wore a corsage bouquet of pink rose, while her going away gown was of brown silvertone. The porch was decorated in an attractive manner, one end being banked with ferns and wild flowers. Immediately after the ceremony, congratulations were extended and later a buffet lunch was served. The bride is the youngest daughter of Hon. and Mrs. F.J. Shattuck. She is a graduate of Danna’s Institute, Warren, Ohio, and is well known socially and among musical circles. Mr. Bail is a graduate of Allegheny College, Meadville, and was at one time principal of the Linesville High School, his work last year being in the High School at Conneaut, Ohio. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Shattuck, Miss Mabel Shattuck, Linesville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bail, Conneautville; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvenus Dennis of Linesville; Ned Collins, Sharon, Pa.; Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Phillips, Wallace H. Phillips, Jr., Meadville, and Miss Corinne Keeton of Elmira, N.Y. September 2, 1920 Page 6. Bermender – Sasse A very pretty wedding was solemnized Tuesday evening when Miss Marie Sasse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Sasse became the bride of Norman Bermender of Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. W.E. Van Dyke performed the ceremony. The bride was attired in white and carried a bouquet of roses. After the wedding, delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bermender left today with Mr. Theron Lyle for New York city in an auto. After a short visit they will go to Philadelphia to live. The many friends of this popular couple wish them a long and happy married life. September 9, 1920 Page 1. Hornline – Fenton Edwin Hornline, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hornline of this place and Miss Esther Fenton of 219 N. Sixth street, Olean, N.Y., were married Monday, September 6, at 7:30 a.m., Father Gardner officiating. The young couple left at 8:40 for Pittsburgh. After a few days visit will return to Olean where they will reside at 219 N. Sixth street. The groom has many friends from here, who wish him happiness. September 30, 1920 Page 1. Abbey – Heath On Wednesday at 12 o’clock, Miss Clytie A. Abbey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Abbey, and Frank E. Heath of Corry, pa., were quietly married at the home of the bride on Bank street. The Rev. Edmonds of Crosby, Pa., officiating. There were no attendants. The bride is one of Smethport’s most popular young ladies, and the groom is a well known business man of Corry. After an extended motor trip to the Thousand Islands they will be at their home in Corry. October 28, 1920 Page 2. Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter of this place announce the engagement of their daughter, Mayme to Harry T. Thrieber of Kane. November 4, 1920 Page 5. Married at the M.E. parsonage October 30th, Sidney W. Yates and Lillian P. Fitch, both of Johnsonburg, Pa. The Rev. Arthur Gregson officiated. November 11, 1920 Page 1. Rinn – Kidder Miss Norine Kidder, daughter of Mr. Alfred Kidder of Smethport and Walter Rinn, son of Dr. Rinn of Port Allegany, were married Wednesday morning, November 10, 1920, at the residence of Paul Swanson, 120 South Main street, Olean, N.Y., by the Rev. Hugh Boyd, minister of the Methodist Church. After the ceremony they left for Buffalo and other points of interest. The bride is a graduate of Smethport High School and by her cheerful manner and accommodating ways has made many friends. She is one of Smethport’s popular young ladies. The groom is one of Port Allegany’s most popular young men. After November 15 they will be at home in Cleveland, Ohio. The MINER unites with a host of friends in wishing this young couple a happy married life. Page 6. Potter – Schreiber A very pretty wedding was solemnized Thursday, when Miss Mary B. Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter, of Smethport, formerly of the city of Kane, became the wife of Harry G. Schreiber, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Schreiber of Sergeant. The ceremony was performed at the St. Callistus, at 7:30 o’clock by the Rev. Father D.S. Sheehan. The young couple were attended by Mrs. L.F. Siegel and William Schrieber, sister and brother of the bridegroom. The bride was attractively attired in a dark blue suit with a hat to match and wore a corsage bouquet of tea roses. The bridesmaid was gowned in a brown suit and wore a corsage bouquet of American Beauty roses. Immediately following the ceremony a three course wedding breakfast was served to the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nagel. The tables were tastefully decorated in yellow and white chrysanthemums. The happy couple left at noon for Buffalo, Cleveland and Erie, after which they will be at home in their apartment at the New Fleming. Mrs. Schreiber is a well-known talented young lady of Kane. She is the competent stenographer in the law office of Mullin & Wood. The groom is equally popular with a host of friends in Kane who extend congratulations to him and his bride. Page 6. The marriage of Miss Beatrice Knapp and Mr. Bryan Brunner of Eldred, Pa., took place at the Baptist parsonage on November 8th. December 2, 1920 Page 1. On last Friday evening, November 26, Miss Lena Young, daughter of Mrs. Jane D. Young of South street of this place, was married to Mr. George Albert Sears of Cleveland, Ohio. The ceremony was performed in St. Paul’s Episcopal church in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Sears will reside in Cleveland where Mr. Sears occupies an important position with the McKinney Steel works. The bride calls Smethport her home as she was born here and lived here, graduating from the local high school, and leaving Smethport only a few years ago to go into training as a nurse in the Geneva City Hospital, of which place she is a graduate. Mrs. Sears consequently is well known to all people of the town who have been for any length of time all of whom she could confidently number as friends for her charming personality and graceful manners won all to her. The MINER for her many friends takes this opportunity to extend the congratulations and good wishes of the community to Mr. and Mrs. Sears. December 9, 1920 Page 5. Mr. George Warren of this place and Mrs. Myrtle B. Baker of Sugar Grove will be united in marriage at Ceres, N.Y., by Rev. Frank Jackson. Page 8. Eldred, Pa., Dec. 1 – Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Robarts have announced the engagement of their daughter, Glennie Angeline, to Theodore Russell Bartlett of Tulsa, Okla. Miss Robarts is teaching history in the departmental work of the Tulsa schools. The wedding will take place in the early spring. December 16, 1920 Page 1. Announcements were received in town Monday of the marriage of Miss Margaret Sartwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Sartwell of King street. The ceremony took place in Erie, Pa., on Saturday. The groom, Mr. William C. March, is acquainted quite widely in Smethport by reason of his visits to this place and he enjoys the sincere friendship and liking of all who have had the pleasure of making his acquaintance. The bride is a real daughter of Smethport, for she was born here and has spent her whole life here with the exception of the months she has been away at school. She has taken a real place in the life of the community and her reward is the fact that she has here a very great many friends, who wish her well in her new life. This file has been created by a form at File size: 16.0 Kb