BIOGRAPHY: Joseph H. ALTER, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by P. S. Barr Copyright. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ The Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley, Comprising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897, Volume I, pages 464-465. JOSEPH H. ALTER, Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa., was born at New Berlin, Union county, Pa., April 14, 1825, son of Abraham Alter. The parents were German by birth. Left an orphan at six years of age, Joseph grew up in the home of his brother-in-law, Michael Uppermyer, in Snyder county, Pa. It was in a rural district, and the lad received the usual training of farmers' sons. When he was eighteen, he began an apprenticeship of three years at carpentry, with his brother, Daniel Alter. For several years after, he was a journeyman. Coming to Lewistown in 1845 he worked as such at boat building, and continued for several years in the same occupation. Then, associating with himself Charles Gaskin, under the firm name of Alter & Gaskin, they carried on a prosperous trade in boat building until 1865. Mr. Alter enlisted January 31, 1865, in Company C, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Captain Selheimer, and was assigned with his regiment to the western army, under General Thomas. He was honorably discharged at the close of the war, and returned to Lewistown. There he was soon after employed by the Glamorgan Iron Company as master carpenter, an honorable and responsible position, which he has held since that time. Mr. Alter is esteemed as a good friend and neighbor, and a worthy citizen. He is a member of the F. and A. M., Blue Lodge, No. 205; of Chapter No. 186, and Commandery No. 26, all of Lewistown; also of K. of P., Lodge No. 255; of Ougpatonga Tribe, I.O. of R. M., and of Post No. 176, G. A. R., all of the same place. He is of the Republican party. Joseph H. Alter was married, July 5, 1852, to Martha, daughter of Martin and Jane (McCurdy) Webb. Having no children, Mr. And Mrs. Alter in 1854 adopted Matilda Mann, a young girl of Swedish parentage, as their daughter. She is now the widow of Jacob C. Blymyer, and has had a family of six children, two of whom are deceased: Jacob J. and Ray Mann. Those surviving are: Martha A.; Josie A.; Lafayette Webb; and Henrietta Mann. Mr. Blymyer died November 12, 1894. Mr. Alter and his family attend the Lutheran church. Mr. And Mrs. Martin Webb, Mrs. Alter's parents, were born, the former in 1800, the latter in 1805. Mr. Webb died in 1857, and Mrs. Webb in 1862, both at the age of fifty-seven. Mr. Webb was for some years superintendent of a warehouse in Lewistown. Three of their children died in infancy. The others are: Lafayette, married Mary McFadden; Martha (Mrs. Alter); Thaddeus B., married Louisa Nicholas; Robert McCurdy, died at St. Louis, Mo., and is supposed to have been killed for his money; and Martin, died when about one year old. Mrs. Alter was born in the Kishacoquillas valley, and the family removing to Lewistown while she was still very young, she was educated in the public schools of that place, and resided in the home of her parents until she was married.