BIOGRAPHY: William J. BLETT, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Patty Frank Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. __________________________________________________________________________ The Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley, Comprising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897, Volume I, pages 419-420. __________________________________________________________________________ WILLIAM J. BLETT, Lewistown, Mifflin county., Pa., was born at Milroy, Pa., August 5, 1855, son of Daniel and Catherine (Riegel) Blett. His grandparents, Mr. And Mrs. Peter Blett, were both of German ancestry. Their children were: Jonas; Absalom; Daniel; and Abraham. The second son, Absalom Blett, now resides in Golden City, Col. He went west in 1859, traveling by wagon. He was very successful in prospecting and mining, being one of those whose energy and perseverance bring them to the front in a new and busy community. He became a notable figure in political circles, and by appointment of the President of the United States, served one term as treasurer of the territory of Colorado. The youngest son, Abraham Blett, married and removed to Mercer County, Pa., where he is now engaged in wagon- marking, besides an undertaker. All the Blett brothers learned wagon-making in their father's shop. Abraham Blett has a family of four children: Eva; Austin; William; and Hattie. Daniel Blett, third son of Peter Blett, was born in Snyder county, Pa., where he passed his youth, attending the common schools, and like his brothers, learning wagon-making of his father. He lived with his parents until he became a man. About 1850 he married Catherine, daughter of John and Catherine (Bingaman) Reigle. Their children are: Ellen Patton (Mrs. Frederick Smith), has children, Charles, James, Harry, William, Helen, and Catherine; Frederick, has been since 1873 passenger conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Middle Division; Harriet and William J., twins. Harriet Blett was married to Theodore Loudenschlager, of Lewistown, Pa., and besides two children deceased, Ella and one that died very young, has had nine as follows: Bessie; Maria; Jesse; Mary; Irma C.; William; Harriet; Charles; and Gordon. Soon after his marriage Daniel Blett settled in Milroy, Mifflin county, and carried on the business of wagon- making. In 1859 he removed his business interest and his family residence to Lewistown; but in 1860 his private affairs gave way to the urgent needs of the country, and in the spring, having offered his services to the State, Mr. Blett went to Curwensville, in Clearfield county, Pa., to drill the troops composing the old "Bucktail Regiment" of that county. Soon after the beginning of the Rebellion, Mr. Blett was sworn into the regular service, entering the ranks as a private; he was soon, however, commissioned as captain, receiving promotion as a reward of gallant conduct. Captain Blett served throughout the war, until May, 1864, when he was wounded in the battle of Spottsylvania, and died from the effects of the wound at the military hospital at Georgetown, June 10, 1864. His undoubted worth as a man and as a patriot made his loss deeply regretted. Honorable as well as diligent in business, kind and exemplary in his family and as a neighbor, faithful as a member of the church, the memory of his comparatively short life is still cherished by many friends. Mrs. Blett, who is, like her departed husband, a member of the Lutheran church, still resides in Lewistown. Captain Blett's politics were originally those of the Whig party; he was afterwards an ardent Republican. In his early home, the borough of Lewistown, William J. Blett was first educated in the public schools, and afterwards maintained himself by various occupations. He was frugal and industrious, and faithful to the interest of those for whom he worked. He devoted much attention to local affairs, and served in several borough offices. A warm supporter of the Democratic party, he was honored with its nomination to the shrievalty in 1893, and was elected by a substantial majority, being the only successful candidate on the county ticket of his party. Mr. Blett has shown his public spirit by serving the interests of the community whenever he found it practicable. He promoted the organization of Castle No. 156, K. of G. E., at Lewistown, besides castles of the same order at Reedsville, Belleville, and Milroy, in Mifflin county, and at Adamsburg, Snyder county, Pa. He is a member in good standing of Council No. 1394 of the Royal Arcanum at Lewistown. William J. Blett was married March 6, 1880, to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Duke) Keiser. They have six children: Harriet; Charles D.; James E.; William, deceased; Anna; and Helen, deceased. Mr. Blett and his family attend the Lutheran church, of which Mr. Blett is a member.