BIOGRAPHY: Henry BOSSINGER, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by P. S. Barr Copyright. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ The Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley, Comprising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897, Volume I, page 679. HENRY BOSSINGER, Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa., a resident of Granville township, was born at Magstadt, district of Boeblingen, Wurtemburg, Germany, December 29, 1843, son of Henry and Frederica (Knoll) Bossinger. Their family included nine children: Henry; Andrew, married Matilda Kauffman, who died in 1878, leaving five children, after which he married Miss Harshbarger, by whom he had four children, and died in June, 1896; Frederick, who married Martha Heineman, and has three children, keeps the Keystone Hotel in Lewistown; Catherine (Mrs. August Miller), has eight children; Louis, married and resides at Lewistown, has three children; Christian, died in early life; Rachel C. (Mrs. James N. Bylmyer), has three children; Mary (Mrs. Philip Young), died in December, 1895, had two children, the family residing in Louisville, Ky.; and Sophia (Mrs. Abraham Kitting), has three children. The father of the family, Henry Bossinger, Sr., who was born November 1, 1814, died October 16, 1877. He was greatly esteemed for his kindness and hospitality. The eldest son, Henry Bossinger, Jr., received the good common school education that the law of Germany assures to its citizens, and was confirmed at the age of fourteen. He then learned coopering and afterwards brewing with his father, serving a full apprenticeship. He then worked several years in the principal towns of Germany, and a year and a half in France, afterwards residing at home for a time, and conducting a brewery for his father. At last, thinking that he would find more lucrative employment in America, he left home, December 18, 1863, and embarked at Havre on the 31st of that month. More than six weeks later, February 17, 1864, the young man landed in New York. After working at his trade on Staten Island, and in other places in the vicinity of New York, he went to Philadelphia, in October, 1864, and pursued his vocation in that city for a year. In October, 1865, he went to Milford township, Juniata county, Pa., where he was employed in coopering, and some time later purchased 1,700 acres of timber land. His brother, Andrew Bossinger, came to America in the spring of 1864, and in July of the same year the father came, with Catharine and Frederick. All worked in Philadelphia until the removal to Juniata county, where all the family were reassembled; for in that year - 1865 - Henry Bossinger, Sr., sent home for his wife, her mother, Margaretta (Holzapfel) Knoll, and the rest of the children. In 1868 the family once more removed, this time to Lewistown, where at first they conducted a coopering establishment, and in 1870 added a brewery. In both these enterprises they did a flourishing business, the unity of the family contributing greatly to their success. In November, 1869, Henry Bossinger, Jr., went to Indiana, where he worked for about a year at brewing, and then returned to Lewistown. In 1882 he bought the homestead on which he now resides, comprising 112 acres, to which he has since added 40 by purchase. He has made many improvements in the way both of utility and of beauty; in 1884 he built the large and convenient house in which he now resides. He is an enterprising man, and ready to adopt anything which he sees to be a real improvement. He takes much interest in local political affairs, and is a worker in the Democratic party. Mr. Bossinger is a member of the A. O. U. W. Henry Bossinger, Jr., was married, April 15, 1869, to Mary, daughter of Carl and Mary (Attinger) Frasch. The children of this marriage are: Christiana (Mrs. William Bossinger), has two children; Frederica; Henry; Mary; Carl Frederick, who died in early life; Joseph; Bertha; Sophia; and Louisa.