BIOGRAPHY: Henry J. WALTERS, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by P. S. Barr Copyright. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ The Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley, Comprising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897, Volume I, page 420. HENRY J. WALTERS, Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa., one of the oldest living residents of the borough, was born in Lewistown, September 7, 1812. His parents were Charles Stewart and Jane (McDaniel) Walters. His paternal grandfather was Jacob Walters, the first poor-master of Mifflin county, during the administration of General Washington; the poor-house was then an old log building at Lewistown. Charles S. Walters, father of H. J. Walters, was a native of Lewistown; he was a practical watchmaker, having perfected himself in that handicraft by study in Europe. He became later a purser in the United States navy. Mrs. C. S. Walters was born in Newville, Cumberland county Pa. Besides their sons, Henry J. and Charles D. Walters, they had one daughter, who died at about twelve years of age. The father died of cholera, in 1837, in the State of Indiana; the mother died in Harrisburg, Pa. In the youth of Henry J. Walters, a superior education was not as easily acquired as it is to-day, and his education in the schools was limited to about nine months; but whatever may have been lacking in his early advantages has been largely compensated for by Mr. Walters' intercourse with the world, and his wide experience of men and affairs. Early in life he learned the art of printing; he was in later years publisher of the Lewistown Republican, and the Democratic Sentinel. He was elected prothonotary, and served six years in that office; he was also for several terms clerk to the county commissioners. For eleven years, he has served as justice of the peace, from which office he retired at the end of his last term, on May 4, 1896, and is now engaged in the practise of law. Henry J. Walters was married in Lewistown, December 31, 1843, to Henrietta M. P. Horner, whose parents are deceased. Mr. And Mrs. Walters have had three children: Charles W.; W. Edwin; and Elizabeth L.; one alone surviving, W. Edwin, who is in South America, where he has been for several years.