NEWS: Marriages and Deaths, Lewistown Gazette, October 11, 1871, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by P. S. Barr <10.emlet AT telus DOT net> Copyright. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ From the Lewistown Gazette of October 11, 1871 MARRIED: At the house of the bride's parents, in Lewistown, Oct. 10, 1871, by Rev. O.O. McClean, D.D., Dr. Geo. W. HOOVER to Miss Kate PARKER. On the 28th ult., at Gettysburg, in Christ Church, by Rev. Dr. Hay, Horace ALLEMAN, Esq., of Selinsgrove, to Miss Tillie J. PIERCE of Gettysburg. DIED: In Wayne township, on Sunday, Oct. 1. 1871, Mary, wife of Jacob YOUTZY, aged about 23 years. In Harrisburg, on the 29th Sept., 1871, Ellen, wife of Thos. WOLFKIEL, and daughter of David RAMBLER, dec'd, aged 27 years, 3 months and 28 days. Her remains were brought to Lewistown and interred in the M.E. cemetery. In Chapman twp, Snyder county, on the 2d inst., Benneville KREAMER, aged 51 years. In Selinsgrove, on the 5th inst., Francis M. SCHNURE, son of Geo. SCHNURE, Esq., and late of the firm of McCarty, Moyer & Schnure, aged 26 years. Near Greenville, Darke co., Ohio, on the 29th Sept., 1871, James J. BARR, son of Samuel BARR, Esq., dec'd, formerly of this place, and intermarried with daughter of John ORT, late of this county, dec'd. In the 43rd year of his age. The deceased leaves a wife and five children. At the Asylum, Harrisburg, on the 7th Oct., 1871, Caroline, wife of Frederick NEUPERT, aged 42 years.