NEWS: Marriages and Deaths, Lewistown Gazette, October 23, 1847, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by P. S. Barr <10.emlet AT telus DOT net> Copyright. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ From the Lewistown Gazette of October 23, 1847 MARRIED: On Wednesday evening, October 13th, by the Rev. J. N. Burket, Mr. John LONG, of Newton Hamilton, to Miss Margaret SCHRINER, of Huntingdon, Pa. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. D.L. Hughes, Samuel BARR, Esq., to Miss Sarah STOUT, all of Decatur township, in this county. On Tuesday morning, the 5th inst., by the same, Mr. William KERR, of Centre county, to Miss Margaret Ann ALEXANDER, of Little Valley, Mifflin county, Pa DIED: On Sunday morning, the 17th inst., in this borough, Miss Rachael Jane, eldest daughter of George W. and Maria PATTON, aged about 17 years. On Sunday morning, the 17th of October, in Centre county, Pa, at the residence of her brother, Dr. G.H. IRVIN, Mrs. Ann S. WORRALL, the youngest daughter of Major John IRVIN of York, Pa.