NEWS: Ruth SNYDER, Leah HOFFMAN Injured, August 1918, Mifflin County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja and Donna Thomas Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ Lightning Strikes Auto-truck. Special to the Tribune. Lewistown, August 13. - Miss Ruth Snyder was painfully and Miss Leah Hoffman slightly injured on Monday evening when the auto-truck driven by Miss Hoffman was struck by lightning on the state road east of here, causing the wheels to lock and the car to swerve into the concrete coping of a culvert. Miss Hoffman has been driving the delivery car of the Hoffman bakery for some time past as a means of doing her "bit" toward whipping the Kaiser, and it was while on a trip to Mifflintown with Miss Snyder as her guest that the car encountered a real electrical storm. Altoona Tribune, Wednesday morning, August 14, 1918, page 5