History: Local: Appendix - 4 : The Centennial Fair: Exhibit Classes XIV - XVII: Bean's 1884 History of Montgomery Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Susan Walters USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/montgomery/beantoc.htm URL of html Table of Contents and illustrations. 技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技 BEAN'S HISTORY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技技 xxxvi CLASS XIV. ANTIQUE WEARING APPAREL AND JEWELRY. Allebach, Mrs. Henry V., Kulpsville. Infant's Cap, home-made, nearly 100 years old. Ambler, Aaron, Norritonville. Cigar Case. Pocket Book. Anders, Andrew, Kulpsville. Linen Chemise, 130 years old. Anders, Joseph, Fairview. Hat, over 100 years old, belonged to Abraham Anders. Anderson, Emma, Abrams. Silk Stockings; worn by a bride 75 years ago. Armitage, Jacob, Jenkintown. Lady's Felt Hat, worn 100 years ago. Baird, Mrs., Norristown. Old Bead Bag. Bartman, Mrs. Mary R., Trappe. Pair Infant's Slippers, from Canada. Bechtel, Mrs. A. D., Royersford. Grandmother's Riding Whip, 90 years old. Bechtel Mrs. Elizabeth, Douglass. Old Hat or Bonnet, 85 to 90 years old. Bell, Mrs., Centre Square. Two Shawls; buried during the Revolution. Berger, Mrs. J. F., North Wales. Skirt of White Dress, embroidered by Mary Ann Stover. Bickel, Mrs. E. B., Norristown. Apron, 120 years old. Wedding dress and Shoes, worn by Mrs. Heebner, in 1790, and loaned by Mrs. Nelson. Infant's shoes. 1790. Bickel, Mrs., Norristown. English Watch. Blair, David T., Hatboro. Pair of Spectacles, belonging to Peter N. Hagerman; 136 years old. White Frock which belonged to Adrain Cornell. He was christened in it 1779. Boorse, John C., Kulpsville. Button and four Shoe Buckles, worn by Baltzer Heydrich, 1790. Two Shoe Buckles, worn by exhibitor in 1864. Branin, Ann, Jenkintown. Baby's Corded Bonnet. Brooke Mrs. H., Norristown. Clothing. Brunner, Miss Mary, Worcester. Shawl. Bult, George, Whitpain. Copper Cuff Button, 1744. Cassel, Abraham H., Harleysville. Silk Wedding Glove of Mrs. Yelles Cassel, 1808. Cessel, Isaac R., North Wales. Dress of exhibitor, worn when young. Colton, Mrs. Ann C., Jenkintown. Gold Watch, used since 1764. Comly, Ellwood, Three Tuns. Silver Watch, made in 1670. Conard, Ella V., Port Kennedy. Pocket Book, embroidered by Elizabeth E. Edwards, 125 years ago. Conover, Mrs. C. L., Frederick. Badge, worn by Andrew Marker, when Lafayette visted America in l824. Cope, 0. W., Hatboro. Pocket Book, brought over by William Fletcher in 1682. Gold Watch, made in Copenhagen in l630; an heirloom of one of the royal family of Norway. Copper Button, made in 1798 to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution; unique. Corson, Mrs George N., Norristown. Lady's Dress, worn in the 18th century by the daughter of Francis Rawle, who came over to the country with William Penn. It is a satin hand-quilted skirt, and overdress hand painted. Corson, Mrs. Dr. Hiram, Conshohocken. White Silk Shawl, with colored border. Linen Baby Dress, made about 1748. Craven, Mrs. Alice, Davis Grove. Slippers embroidered in 1776 by Miss Elizabeth Cornell, who afterwards married Isaac Vansant; Wilhelmus Vansant, son of this couple, was the father of the exhibitor. Cresson, Mrs. William L., Norristown. Hat and Dress, brought from China, by Dr. E. F. Corson, U. S. N., before any Commercial Treaty had been made with that Power. Alpenstock. Curwen, George F., Villa Nova. Doll and Dress, 120 years old. Dager, Mrs. Norristown. Wooden Comb, over 120 years old. Dannehower, Mrs. Frank, Springhouse. Baby Dress. 90 years old. Davidheiser, Mrs. Sallie, Douglass. Slippers made in 1643. Davis, Mrs. Hannah, Conshohocken. Silk Shawl, 200 years old. Silk Shawl. Davis, Jesse B., Norristown. Red Sash worn at Benjamin Franklin's funeral. Davis, John J., Jenkintown. Shoe, from Wales. Day, Mrs. Richard H., Philadelphia. Old Gold Sleeve Buttons, painted, in hair. Deal, Mrs. Hannah, Bryn Mawr. Masonic Silk Handkerchief, 150 years old. Detwiler, Jones, Blue Bell. Antique Snuff Box, 80 years old. Curiously Carved Walking Cane, very old. Dorworth, Joseph H., Norritonville. Traveling Companion, 84 years old. Dotterer, Philip, Chestnut Hill. Lady's Riding Whip with silver furrule used by Katy Younkin, of Tinicum, Bucks county, before and after her marriage about 1758 to Conrad Dotterer, of Frederick township. Exhibitor is a grandson of this couple. Drake, Mrs. Aram, Kulpsville. Wedding Gloves of John Lukens, 1753. Pocket Book, 1776. Darrin, Mrs. Thomas, North Wales. Cane, made from the boat Alliance. Eckard, Jane E., Abington. Reticule, 110 years old. Antique fans and modern Fans, contrasted. Antique Collar, embroidered. Tortoise Shell Comb, over 100 years old. Infant's cap embroidered. Lady's Embroidered Cap. Embroidered Short Sleeves. Wedding Slippers, 117 years old. Waist of Wedding Dress, worn 117 years ago. Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth, Kulpsville. Mitten. "This is the mitten given by the ladies as a token of rejection in ye olden time." Edwards, Mrs. Humphrey, Kulpsville. Pair of Wedding Mitts, over 100 years old. Ervien, Mrs. Howard, Shoemakertown. Small Shoes, 75 years old. Erpenship, John, Norristown. Silver watch, 100 years old. Silver Breast Pin, very old. Evans, Charles, Abrams. Silver watch, 100 years old; not running. Evans, Gertrude, Hatboro. Pocket Book, dated 1762; worked with various colored worsted and lined with pink silk. Evans, J. S., Gwynedd. Felt Hat, worn in 1750 by Mrs. Evans when she went riding on horseback. Evans, Mrs. Priscilla, North Wales. Lady's Cap, 125 years Old. Evans, William G., Norristown. Pair of Slippers, 1721. Faust, Mrs. H. H., Frederick. Large Irish Silk Handkerchief, 60 years old. Felton, Mrs. Joseph, Jenkintown. Gold Watch, dated inside 1776. Fetterolf, Mrs. A. D., Collegeville. Grandfather's Umbrella, 100 years old. Fitzwater, Mrs. Joseph, Fort Providence. Lady's Hat, worn 100 years ago. Fox, Mrs. C., Collegeville. Wedding Shawl of exhibitor's mother, 1816. Frey, Mrs Jacob, Douglass. Home-made Stocking, 50 years old. Fryer, Miss Fanny S., Skippack. Pair of Linen Stockings made by Susanna Schmoyer, owned by Mrs. Fanny S. Fryer; 100 years old. Home-made Spectacles, 200 years old. Fryer, Henry S., Skippack. Wedding Shawl of Mary Shoemaker, wife of Bernhart Fryer, married April 27, 1783. Home-made Shirt, worn by Bernhart Fryer; 70 years old. Garsed, Mrs. Robert P., Norristown. Antique Dress, worn previous to 1810, and owned by Mrs. Hannah Pennypacker, Schuylkill, Pa. Gerhart, Mrs. Eliza, Douglass. Black Shawl, 120 years old. Hair Comb, 125 years old. Godshalk, Jacob M., Kulpsville. Gingham Apron, 100 years old. Green, Mrs. Harry, Davis Grove. Knee Breeches. Griesimer, Mrs. Rachel, East Greenville. Beaver Hat, 120 years old. Griffith, Miss Hannah, Jenkintown. Pocket Book, made in 1777. Griggs, Miss Clara, Norristown. Silk Dress, over 100 years old. Griscom, Mrs. Joseph Jenkintown. Lady's Dress and Calash. Hallman, A. S., Norristown. Pocket Handkerchief, 1734. Hallman, Mrs. Lewis, Hartranft. Lady's wrapper, over 100 years old. Hallman, Mrs. William F., Skippack. Fan, supposed to be 100 years old; presented to exhibitor by her grandmother. Hallowell, Mrs. C. R., Norristown. Silk Dress and Stockings, worn in 1795. Hamill, Miss, Norristown. Large Fan, used as a sun shade, 100 years old. Handmade Lace Collar, very old. Pair Hand-made Linen Gloves, 100 years old. Hange, Mrs. M., Worcester. Lace Infant's Cap, 60 years old. Harley, David B., Kulpsville. Shoe Buckle, worn by Christopher Saur. Harps, Mrs. Elizabeth, Jenkintown. Satin Cloak, worn seventy-five years ago. Harry, Mrs. Anne, Conshohocken. Silver Watch and Key, 90 years old. Harvey Mrs. J. J. C., Jenkintown. Shoe Buckles set with stones, worn by Dr. Beatty. Heacock, Annie, Jenkintown. Pair of Kid Gloves, worn in 1824. Heacock, E. W., Jenkintown. Baby's Hood 100 years old. Gloves made in Montgomery County. Heebner, P. D., Norristown. Pen Knife, 125 years old. Helm, Miss Mary, Philadelphia. Wedding Dress and Wedding Slippers, worn by Susan Pierce, 1794. Hobson, Mrs. F. M., Collegeville. Linen Handkerchief, over 100 years old. Hoffman, Mrs. H. A., Frederick. Infant's Robe worked by exhibitor. Homer, Mrs. Anna, Norristown. Shoe Buckle, over 100 years old. Howe, Mrs. Hannah K., Norristown. Black Crepe Dress, years [sic] old xxxvii Hurst, Miss Annie, Norristown. Short Gown, over 100 years old. Dress, 100 years old. Lace Veil, 96 years old. Hutton, Mrs. Addison, Bryn Mawr. Little Girl's Silk Dress. Silk Dress, 60 years old. Black Satin Slippers, 60 years old. Three Infants' Dresses, about 50 years old. Iredell, Phoebe, Norristown. Cloak, worn over 100 years ago by exhibitor's great-grandmother. Iredell, Robert, Norristown. Lady's Riding Hat, over 100 years old. Jarrett, Mrs. Annie, Ambler. Spectacles, 150 years old. Silk Mantilla, 100 years old. Jenkins, Mrs. Eliza, North Wales. Six Solver Buttons, 150 years old, family relics. Jones, Josiah, Oak Lane. Gold Watch, with Case. Silver Watch and Chain, 150 years old. Kawarick, Mrs. Sebastian, Jenkintown. Shoe Buckle, set with cut stones, worn 150 years ago. Keisel, Miss Annie, Ambler. Tatting Handkerchief. Kettarar, Roman, Somerton. Four Hats, from 70 to 100 years old. Two Caps. Two George Washington Suits; a Quaker Suit; and two William Penn Suits. Three Pairs Shoes. Cane, belonged to the first beer-maker in this country. Kirk, Edwin, Neshaminy. Silver Wedding Ring, belonged to A. E. Bodey, married 1782. Kite, Mrs. George R., Norristown. Pink Silk Petticoat, taken from a man-of-war, in 1812. Piece of Calico, over 100 years old. Kneedler, Mrs. Jacob H., North Wales. Crape Shawl and Silk Stockings, wedding apparel, 45 years old. Kohl, George M., Jenkintown. Cane, cut by the late Nicholas Kohl on his property near Willow Grove, Moreland township, and finished about 1843. The sapling from which it was made, grew in a stone pile. It grew with the small end at the ground, thus entirely reversing the laws of nature. Kooken, Miss Bertha C., Trappe. Ancient Brest Pin and two Rings. Krewson, Mrs. John, Philadelphia. Two Reticles, made by Mary Leech, Hatboro, 1770. Krewson, Mrs., Shoemakertown. Two pairs Spectacles, over 100 years old. Kreible, Abraham K., Kulpsville. Grandmother's White Dress. Kreible, Mrs. Isaac, Mainland. Gray Beaver Hat, 100 years old. Kreible, Septimus A., Kulpsville. Silk Handkerchief, 100 years old. Shawl, 100 years old. Kulp, Elias K., Lederachville. Money Purse of Readwork, the workmanship of Barbara Hunsicker, and by her presented to Isaac H. Kulp; it has the phrase "Love and Friendship" worked on it; about 60 years old. Necklace, made by the late Benjamin Kulp, the exhibitor's father. Land, David C., Gwynedd. Spectacles of the grandfather of the late Jacob Cassel, surveyor, of Montgomery township. Landes, Mrs. J. G., Norristown. Money Belt, worn for many years. Leiser, Mrs. David, Douglass. Wedding Dress, 75 years old. Three-cornered Shawl, 75 years old; embroidered by the exhibitors's mother when 12 years old. Square White Shawl, embroidered in colors; 75 years old. Lightfoot, Ellen, King-of-Prussia. Pair of Silk Mitts, worn by ladies in beginning of 1800. Wedding Hat, worn October 30, 1782. Lowe, Mrs. T. S. C., Norristown. Old Silk Chinese Fan. Carved Fan from China, 250 years old. Old Muslin Chinese Fan. French Beaded Vinaigrette. Knee and Shoe Buckles, worn in 1779. Old Chinese Satin-paper Fan. Two Carved Chinese Fans. French Snuff Box, 1780. Luckens, Mrs. Jaywood, Conshohocken. Green Silk Calash, worn about the beginning of the present century. Silver Shoe Buckles, set with brilliants. Luckens, J. R., Horsham. Beaver Hat, 100 years old. McCarty, Samuel, Norristown. Cane, 100 years old. Mackey, Mrs. Edmund R., Norristown. Old-fashioned Dress. Maderia, The Misses, Jenkintown. Combs, about 70 years old. Mann, Jesse, Pittville. Cane. Mann, Mrs. Jesse, Pittville. Leather Overshoes. Mann, John H., Horsham. Pair Silver Spectacles, 50 years old. Mann, Mrs. John H., Horsham. Pair Linen Mitts, made and worn by Miss Rachel Shoemaker, Whitpain, eighty years ago. Markley, John, Sr., Schwenksville. Pocket Book, dated 1769. Made by Jacob Markley, grandfather of the exhibitor. Markley Freundshaft, The. Tobacco Box of Paul Markley, from Frankfort, Germany, 1745. Crossed the Atlantic nine times. Cane of John Markley; 100 years old. Mather, Mrs. C., Jenkintown. Pearl Snuff Box. Tabitha Phoenix's; about 100 years old. Mather, Miss Mary W., Jenkintown. Reception Slippers, worn by Susan Pierie, 1792. Dress, worn about eighty years ago. Coat and Breeches, worn seventy-five years ago. Miller, Samuel, Jeffersonville. Coat, worn by exhibitor's father, Joseph Miller, when married, in 1825. Moek, Mrs. Jacob Frederick. White Linen Shawl, over 100 years old. Molony, Mrs. Dr., Norristown. Hand-embroidered Infant's Cap, 60 years old. Morey, Miss Amanda, Douglass. Paper Kerchief. Moyer, Daniel, Frederick. Small colored Shawl, 120 years old. Naille, Miss Annie M., Royersford. Pair of black satin Slippers, made in 1811. Nice, George T., Jenkintown. Spectacles, very old. Nyce, George S., Frederick. Infant's Cap, worn by exhibitor. Owen, Mrs. William W., Norristown. Silk Cloak, nearly 100 years old; worn by the exhibitor's great-grandmother Schrack. Carved Shell Comb, over 100 years old. Painter, Mrs. William, Norristown. Baby Dress, made by Mary Cole. Masonic Apron, very old. Fan. Belonged to Elizabeth Allmeyer, who died in 1771. Pannepacker, Miss, Klein's. Pair of Shoes, 44 years old. Black Cap, 100 years old. Pawling, Mrs. Dr., Norristown. Vinaigrette, of the olden time. Pechin, John W., King-of-Prussia. Shawl, brought from Australia. Cane, owned by Mr. Sisler in 1812. Pennock, Mrs. Joseph, Hartranft. Shawl. Peterman. Frederick, Collegeville. Ancient Breast Pin, presented by an English lady twenty-five years ago. Fan, carved from a block of wood with a picket knife. Phillips, Jonathan, Abrams. Antique Clothing. Quillman, Mrs. Jacob, Norristown. Dress made in 1804; worn by Mrs. Lorentz Jacoby. Quillman, Mrs. Philip, Norristown. Infant's Shirt, 80 years old. Two Infant's Caps, over 50 years old. Neck Handkerchief, 67 years old. Rambo, Mrs. Martha, Oaks. Fan, 125 years old; originally owned by Mrs. Horning. Black velvet Slippers, bought from England by Mrs. Lane; now owned by her granddaughter. Light satin Slipper, 100 years old. Chinese Slipper, 115 years old; formerly owned by Mrs. Weir. Infant's Cap, made by Mrs. Weir, one hundred and twenty-five years ago. Ramsey, Ellen D., Abrams. Child's Cap, embroidered by Jane Peterson fifty years ago. Rawlins, Mrs. M., Lower Merion. Coat and Vest, once the property of Jacob Christler, on of Washington's body-guard. Reichelderfer, Mrs. Chester F., Collegeville. Grandmother's Night Cap, over 100 years old. Reid, Mrs. Dr. John K., Conshocken. Two Bonnets. Reiff, Mrs. Enos L., Ambler. Silver Snuff Box, formerly the property of the exhibitor's grandfather. Rennard, Mrs. David, Edge Hill. China Snuff Box. Used in company in General Washington's time. Renninger, Mrs. Mary A., Douglass. Night Cap, 120 years old. Rex, Jacob L., Blue Bell. Infant's Clothing, about 60 years old. Ancient Night Cap. Rex, Mary S., Blue Bell. Sword Cane, 60 years old, silver mounted, with a buck-horn head. Once owned by John Rex, of Whitpain, who used to say laughingly that it was for protection against dogs when he went courting. Velvet Reticule, with an ancient clasp; about 75 years old. Formerly owned by Mary Slingluff, of Whitemarsh. Bead Purse. Formerly owned by Maria Moore, of Gwynedd. Richards, Mrs. M., Norristown. Piece of linen Underwear. The flax was spun and woven, and the lace was make by on the Richards family, one hundred and fifty years ago. Ridpath, J. W., Jenkintown. Picket Book, in the family nearly one hundred and fifty years; containing deed of 1793, and other old papers. xxxviii Rieg, John, Jenkintown. Silver frame and steel Spectacles, circular lens. Rittenhouse, Samuel, Fairview Village. Pocket Book. Roberts, Mrs. Mary R., Norristown. Child's Dress, 60 years old. Roberts, Septimus, Whitpain. Knee Buckles. Rosenberger, Mrs. I. D, North Wales. Two white Skirts, over 100 years old. One was the property of exhibitor's grandmother, Mary P. Howell. Royer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Trappe. Leghorn Bonnet, worn at a reception to Lafayette in Philadelphia in 1827. Rue, Louisa, Norristown. Parasol, property of Ellen Kennedy during the Revolution; now of exhibitor. Satterthwait, Edwin, Jenkintown. Tapestry Pocket Book, used by John Hallowell in the early part of this century. Schaefer, Miss, Norristown. Chinese Hat, 50 years old. Small white Plug Hat. Schultz, Amos, Niantic. Hand-made Pocket Book. A wedding present by Mrs. Abraham Schultz to her husband in the year 1771. Schultz, Solomon, Fairview Village. Beaver Hat, 1708. Schweinhart, Miss Ejuma, Douglass. Satin Handkerchief, 80 years old. Shambough, Jackson, Collegeville. Old silver Buttons. Shannon, Mrs., Norristown. Pair of Slippers, 100 years old. Shearer, Miss Alice W., Oaks, Antique Dress, trimmed with pea fowl feathers. The dress was worn by a Miss Ramsey at a ball in New York City, to which she was accompanied by Gen. George Washington, who danced with her. The dress is in a good state of preservation. Shearer, Mrs. E. Norris, Jeffersonville. Dress, 100 years old. Sheppard, Mrs. Elizabeth, Norristown. Two Dress 75 years old. Shoemaker, Hannah Y., Norristown. Silk Boots, brought from Japan ninety years ago, Bonnet, 100 years old. Shoemaker, Mrs. Thomas S., Jarrettown. Pair of silk Mitts, age not known. Infant's Shawl and Hood, made by exhibitor. Lady's Shoulder Cape, embroidered by exhibitor. Shreiner, Sarah P., Gwynedd. Two worsted Pocket Books. Two bead Reticules, made by Sarah Taylor in 1783. Handkerchief and bag. This bag was used in 1789, to carry the handkerchief. Shultz, John, Norristown. Pair of Spectacles, very old. Shupe, Mrs. Frank, Trappe. Check linen Apron, spun one hundred and forty years ago, and made in the style of that time. Pairs of Mitts, 97 years old. Sisler, Mrs. Edmund, Pottstown. Pocket Book, over 100 years old. Slater, Mrs., Norristown. Shawl, worn by General Washington's nurse. Slemmer, Mrs. William, Norristown. Chinese Fan, brought from China about one hundred years ago. Slifer, Dr. H. F., North Wales. Part of Mrs. Peale's Handkerchief. Velvet Cap, ornamented with silver from Jerusalem; old. Slingluff, Mrs. Charles, Norristown. Reticule, 95 years old; very odd. Slingluff, John, Fairview village. Spectacles and Case, of the Revolutionary time. Slingluff, Joseph, Norristown. Tortoise shell cased Watch, 125 years old. Slingluff, Mrs. William H., Norristown. Parasol, owned at one time by H. Schlater. An old Fan. Tortoise shell Comb. Swiss Infant's Cap, 150 years old. Slingluff, Mrs. W. F., Norristown. Tortoise shell Comb. Smith, John A., Norristown. Silk Neck Scarf, 100 years old. Sower, F. D., Norristown. Two Washington Badges. One of plain white satin, the other of figured white silk, having printed upon them, in black ink, at finely engraved bust portrait of Washington in General's uniform, encircled with the words: "Washington, Father of his Country." One Washington Breast Pin, worn in 1818. Lafayette Funeral Badge. The design on it is an urn standing upon a pedestal, surrounded by the American and French flags; upon the die of the pedestal is a medallion of Lafayette. It is printed in black ink on white silk, and bears the following words: "State Fencibles, 1st Co. A Grateful Nation's Mournful Tribute. Gen. Gilbert Mottier Lafayette. Born in Auvergne, Sept, 6th, 1757. Died May 20th, 1834. Aged 76 years, 8 months, and 14 days. Funeral obsequies performed to, his memory July 21st, 1834. Philadelphia." Spencer, Mrs. Ella, Jenkintown. Satin Dress Sleeve, worn by the mother of exhibitor seventy-five years ago. Tapestry Pocket Book. Stackhouse, Mrs. Joseph, Jarrettown. Fan made of canvass Made in England, and brought to this country in Washington's time. Stannard, E. J., Broad Axe. Pair of Spectacles, worn by Jemima Wilcocks, the exhibitor's great-grandmother, one hundred and twenty years ago. Stannard, Mrs. E. J., Broad Axe. Comb. 85 years old. Collar, worked and worn by Eliza Shepard, the exhibitor's stepmother, eighty-five years ago. Steiner, Mrs. J. F., Norristown. Silk Dress Waist, worn one hundred years ago. Old style knit Purse. Stewart, Mrs. Eliza, Abington. Black satin Bonnet and Cloak, nearly 140 years old. Homespun linen Apron, 130 years old. Two large Inside Pockets, much in use among the ladies years ago. Pair of satin Slippers, 100 years old. Baby's Bonnet, 1820. Two Infant's Caps, 1815. Piece of Calico Dress worn during the Revolution, and a piece of Dress purchased at the same time. Stout, S. K., Norristown. Riding Habit, 100 years old. Dress, 80 years old. White satin Reticule, embroidered at Bethlehem boarding school in 1805. Stover, C. S., Kulpsville. Parchment Pocket Book and Knife, used by exhibitor's great-grandfather. Stover, Matthias S., North Wales. Pocket Book, of calf Skin. On the inside compartments are cut out the date "1762" and the letters "A. C.," the initials of the names of Anna Clemens, the exhibitor's grandmother. The name of the exhibitor's father, Abraham Stauver, also, appears. On the outside are stamped tulips and an ornamental border. Size 5 1/2 by 3 3/4 inches. Streeper, Mrs. Samuel, Broad Axe. Silk Badge, worn by a lady when Lafayette entered Philadelphia. Supplee, Mrs., Norristown. Old-fashioned Money Purse. Swartley, Emeline S., Skippack. White Vest, worn by Zenas Saride for his wedding, in Coventry township, one hundred years ago, and owned by his daughter, Mrs. Hannah Bossert. Swift, Samuel, Norristown. Pair of white satin Slipper, 100 years old; wedding slippers of Margaret McCall. Thomas, Mrs. Abel, Royersford. Mother's wedding Shawl and Collar, made by Mr. Bringhurst's sister. Tripler, Mrs. Jacob L., Norristown. Infant's Dress, over 80 years old. Trumbaur, J. B., Jenkintown. Wedding Vest, 32 years old. Unruh, Mrs. Edward, Weldon. Tapestry Pocket Book. Utzy, Mrs. George, Jenkintown. Lacquer Snuff Box, used in and brought from England. Walker, E. H., Jarrettown. Silver Spectacles, 100 years old. Walker, Sarah S., Abrams. Jewelry. Walton, Eber, Blue Bell. Old-fashioned Pocket. Hook and Eye, over 70 years old. Way, Mrs. George P., Jenkintown. Two Leghorn Bonnets. Webster, Mrs. Sarah, Jenkintown. Figured silk Bandana, believed to be 200 years old. Weinberger, Mrs. E. H., Collegeville. Amber Beads, 1790. Lady's Riding Whip and Fan, 1800. Grandfather's wedding Stockings, 1793. Wentworth, Mrs. George B., North Wales. Wild Turkey Fan, 125 years old; made of the tail of a wild turkey. Whitcomb, Catharine M., Jarrettown. Pair of Spectacles over 100 years old. Willard, J. Monroe, Ashbourne. Baby's Shoes, over 100 years old. Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth S., Pittville. Lady's Riding Whip 110 years old. Williams, Frank, Pittville. Cane. Williams, Mrs. M. J., Jarrettown. Two Infant's dress, over 50 years old. White Silk Shawl, embroidered with floss, 50 years old. Silver Watch. Williamson, Mrs. Dr., Trappe. Large tortoise shell Comb, 75 years old. Wilson, Mrs. A. H., Conshohocken. Bead Bag. Wilson, Mrs. Frank, Norristown. Leghorn Bonnet, 50 years old. Wilson, Mrs. Dr. F. S., Jarrettown. Lady's satin Sleeve, former fashion, worn in 1780 by Catharine Rex, great grandmother of Mrs. Hannah E. Wilson, and Jacob L Rex. Wolf Mrs. George, Plymouth. Tortoise shell Comb, worn in 1800. Wood, Mrs. Ann L., Conshohocken. Old Crewel Pocket Book. xxxix Worrell, Elisha, Centre Square. Quaker Coat, 185 years old; made of silk. Wright Mrs. Comly, Norristown. Infant's Stays, 200 years, old; came from one of the first settlers in Germantown. India Cashmere Shawl, introduced into Philadelphia in the latter part of the seventeenth century. Wright, Mrs. William, Conshohocken. Gold Watch, 150 years. Gold Buckle. Silver Buckle. Silver Knee Buckle. Wurfflein, Mrs. John, Edge Hill. Pair of gold enameled Earrings, at least 125 years old; made and worn in Germany by the great grandmother of Mr. John Wurfflein. Yeakle, S. Y., Norristown. Felt Hat, 100 years old. Yerkes, Martha, Huntington Valley. Handkerchief, embroidered by Ann Potts. Yerkes, The Misses, Norristown. Clothing. Yost, Mrs. Isaac, Centre Square. Infant's Lace Cap, 48 years old. Young, Miss Annie, Lower Merion. Silver Watch and Chain, 150 years old. Young, Miss Margaret, Trappe. Calico wedding Dress, 140 year old. Owned by Mrs. Moser. Zearfoss, Mahlon, Blue Bell. Cane, 125 years old. First used by Samuel Hagy. Zimmerman, Mrs. G. W., Collegeville. Beaded Reticule. Zimmerman, Mrs. J. M., Yerkes. Slippers, 100 years old. CLASS XV. ANTIQUE HANDIWORK IN SILK, FLOSS, OR WOOL; NEEDLEWORK AND LACES. Acker, Mrs. Dr. F L., Norristown. Sampler, 100 years old. Alderfer, Miss Mary, Collegeville. Pin Cushion, over 100 years old. Allebach, Mrs. Henry V., Kulpsville. Needlework, nearly 100 years old. Anders, Andrew, Kulpsville. Table Cloth and Towel, over 100 years old; fine needlework. Anders, Mrs. George S., Kulpsville. Needlework, 1804. Anders, Joseph S., Fairview Village. Frame of old Zephyr Flowers. Vase of Lilies. Vase of Hyacinths. Anderson, M. P., Trappe. Album Quilt, belonging to Rebecca Zimmerman. Sampler, worked in 1829 by R. Bean. Armitage, Hannah, Jenkintown. Sampler, 1803. Atkinson, Robert, Bryn Mawr. Sampler, dated 1787. Bean, Mrs. Peter, North Wales. Bureau Cover, 103 year, old; made by Sarah Haas. Berger, Mrs. J. F., North Wales. Sampler, made by Mary Ann Stover in 1825. Bevan, Mrs. Emily, Hartranft. Embroidery, worked in 1827. Bickel, Mrs. E. B., Norristown. Piece of Curtain Calico, 100 years old. Blackfan, Mrs. Joseph, Norristown. Sampler, worked In 1801. Work Box, 100 years old. Blackfan, Miss, Norristown. Specimen of Darning, 1811. Bright, Mrs. S., North Wales. Embroidered Handkerchief, done by Elizabeth Wanner, aged 12, in 1776. Brown, Christopher, Port Kennedy. Stand Cover, needle work, by Sarah Brown, fifty years ago. Carr, Mrs. Streeper, Plymouth. Sampler, made in 1791 by Mary Streeper, aged 11 years, of Barren Hill. Colton, Mrs. Anna C., Jenkintown. Fire Screen, in form of a sampler, worked in 1788. Cope, O. W., Hatboro. Picture of Dog, worked in silk on satin; done in 1740, when 15 years old, by Elizabeth Ferguson, the only daughter of Sir William Keith. Corson, Mrs. George N., Norristown. Specimens of Embroidery, 75 year old. Craft, Mrs. Jacob, Norristown. Pen Holder, over 100 years old. Cresson, Mary J., Norristown. Pin Cushion, made from a piece of the altar cloth presented by Queen Anne to Gloria Dei (Old Swedes Church) Southwark, Philadelphia. Crewson, Miss Sarah, Conshohocken. Bureau Cover, 100 years old. David, John J., Jenkintown. Sampler, 1813. Pin Cushion, old. Detwiler, Mrs. Milton V., Oaks. Old Sampler. Eckard, Jane E., Abington. Lace Veil 100 years old. White Lace Mitt, 100 years old. Square of Lace Needlework, about 120 years old. Three pieces of Antique Lace. Three specimens of embroidered Indian Muslin. Small silk embroidered Portfolio. Antique Window Curtains, more than 100 years old. Edwards, Mrs. Humphrey W., Kulpsville. Home-made laces. Frame over 100 years old. Elkinton, Mrs. George, Blue Bell. Sampler dated 1697; worked by Mary Sergeant, born at Kingston-on-Hull, and the great-great grandmother of exhibitor. Sampler made by "Sarah Sergeant who ended this in 12th yr of her age, 1741." It is remarkable for the freshness and beauty of the silks. Three Samplers and specimen of Darning wrought by Mary Sergeant, great-aunt of the exhibitor, at Ackworth school in 1783, 1785 and 1786. The last is a copy of Cowper's hymns. Sampler without date. Sampler, marked "Ellis Storr of Scarborough her Sampler 1705," containing good advice, copies of remarkable dogs, family names, and monograms. Sampler, worked by M. Megson in 1780. Contains representations of animals, trees, etc.; also two ships, The Hope and The Dove. Eshbach, Mrs, Abraham, Norristown. Pocket Companion, 145 years old. Fillman, Mrs., Norristown. Ancient white satin Pin Cushion. Fisher, Mrs. John, Worcester. Sampler. Fitzwater, Mrs. Joseph, Port Providence. Pin Cushion, 100 years old. Embroidery, hand-made, by Sarah Brower, over sixty years ago. Fancy homespun Towel, made one hundred years ago. Fornance, Mrs. Ellen Knox, Norristown. Two Samplers, in one frame; work of Sarah Ann Leedom, afterwards Mrs. Thomas P. Knox, while a school girl, in 1826 and 1827. Foulke, Annie J., Conshohocken. Sample of Darning, by Hannah Foulke, in 1808. Fryer, Mrs. Barney, Skippack. Sampler, made before marriage by the exhibitor's grandmother, Catharine Yeakel, who was born in Towamencin township August 11, 1764, and who was married to George Anders, in 1793. Garsed, Mrs. Robert P., Norristown. Sampler, worked in 1806. Gotwals, Mrs. John U., Oaks. Watch Case, 150 years old. Owned by J. Gotwals. Grafly, Miss Sallie, Flourtown. Quilt, ever 100 years old. Every patch in it cost seventy-five cents per yard. Haines, Mrs. Robert B., Cheltenham. Pin Cushion, 65 years old. Work Bag, 140 years old. Sample Frame, made by Margaret Wistar in 1738, being then in her 9th year. She was the daughter of Caspar Wistar, of Philadelphia, who came from Hilspach, near Heidelberg, Germany, At the age of 21, landing in this country on September 16, 1717. She was a benevolent, kindhearted woman, and did much to relieve suffering humanity. She was active in administering relief in the times of the yellow fever in 1793 and died of that disease on the 3d of Tenth Month, 1793. This worthy woman was the great-great-grandmother of the exhibitors husband, Robert B. Haines, and the great-great-aunt of the exhibitor, Margaret Wistar Haines, the families being reunited by the marriage of her descendents in 1852. Hallman, Mrs. William F., Skippack. Work Box, inlaid with straw; made by John Ziegler, the exhibitor's father. Hallowell, Mrs. C. R., Norristown. Sampler, 1791. Harley, Mrs. L., Port Providence. Homespun linen Towel, embroidered seventy years. Beaded Purse, 100 years old. Work Box, brought from Wales one hundred years ago. Harps, Mrs. Elizabeth, Jenkintown. Pin Cushion, old. Harrison, James, Spring House. Watch Case. Heebner, John S., West Point. Two pieces of Needlework; from Europe, dated 1733 and 1749. Helm, Mrs. A., Philadelphia. Silk Quilt; 70 years old. Henvis, Mrs. William, A., Bryn Mawr. Sampler, worked by Abigail Corbett in 1741. Hobson, Miss Mary M. Collegeville. Samplers, 1788, made by Mary Lewis, the great-grandmother of exhibitor. Hoffecker, R, F., Norristown. Hand-painted Box, 125 years old. Hollinghead, Charlotte, Upper Merion. Four ancient Samplers. Homer, Mrs. Anna, Norristown. Pocket Pin Cushion and Chain, over 100 years old. Hoover, Hiram C., Hartranft. Two Pin Cushions, from Bethlehem. Houpt, Mrs. George, Three Tuns. Watch Case, brought by Mr. Williams from Wales one hundred and fifty years ago. On the back of it is a portrait of his daughter Mary. Hughes, Mrs. William, King-of-Prussia. Sampler. Huston, Lizzie, Blue Bell. Two Needle Books, worked in silk. Jarrett, Anna R., Jeffersonville. Hand Bag, made from the lining of Benjamin Franklin's vest. xl Jones, Mrs, Eleanor, Jenkintown. Lady's Work Box, made by Micmac Indians about 1800; covered with birch bark and ornamented with porcupine quills. Jones, Frances E., Oak Lane. Picture, done in needlework, hair, and paint; 100 years old. Jones, Miss Margaret, Oak Lane. Two Bead Bags, 70 years old. Jones, Margaret H., Oak Lane. Tufted Bureau Cover, 70 years old. Bed Spread, worked in French knots; 70 years old. Sampler, 1785. Jones, Mrs. M., Lower Merion. Sampler, 90 years old. Keely, Mrs. Jacob, Royersford. Picture, done with needle and thread, on white paper; 90 years old. Knight, Miss C. E., Ambler. Floss Silks, brought from Canton, China; 75 years old. Knox, Mrs. A. Jackson, Plymouth. Box, painted by Miss Isbella Crawford in 1820. Sampler, worked by Miss Sarah Rice; dated 1794. Sampler, worked by Mrs. Andrew Knox. Name on it, Rebecca Rice; dated 1790. Painting on Velvet, executed by Miss Isabella Crawford in 1821. Kooken, Miss Bertha C., Trappe. Sampler, 46 years old. Koplin, Mrs. Mary W., Norristown. Needle Case, 100 years old. Sample of Drawn Work, 100 years old. Krieble, Mrs. Isaac, Mainland. Two pieces of Needlework, 125 and 147 years old. Leister, Mrs. David, Douglass. Three-cornered Shawl, 75 years old. Embroidered by exhibitor's mother when 12 years old. Square white Shawls, 75 years old; embroidered in colors. Lightfoot, Ellen, King-of-Prussia. Sampler, made in 1948. Specimen of Needlework, 1778. Lukens, Jonathan Sr., Horsham. Sampler, made in 1789 by Martha Tomkins, of Philadelphia, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Tomkins. Martha Tomkins and William Lukens were married in 1804, and were the grand-parents of the exhibitor. William Lukens was a farmer, and owned the farm in Horsham township upon which the exhibitor now resides. Frame, containing birds, made of feathers. Done by Martha Tomkins about ninety-five years ago. Lutz, Bella, North Wales. Sewing Basket, 150 years old; from exhibitor's great-grandmother. McGowan, Miss I. S., Norristown. Sampler, made in 1785. McNeil, Mrs. George G., Blue Bell. Work Basket, 100 years old. Formerly owned by Elizabeth Bisbing (afterwards Miller), of Springfield. Madeira, The Misses, Jenkintown. Pin Cushion, about 70 years old. Mann, Mrs. Hannah S., Horsham, and Sallie J. Shoemaker, Springfield. Antique Purse, Needle Case and Pin Cushion, used eighty to ninety years ago by Jane Supplee Shoemaker of Whitpain, grandmother of exhibitor. Markley, Freundschaft, The, Sampler of Ann H. Markley, 1829. Mather, Mrs. C., Jenkintown. Lace, made from linen braid by Alice Armstrong. Lady's Companion, presented to Mrs. Susan Armstrong by her intended, in 1792. Sampler, worked by exhibitor's sister in 1831. Bureau Cover, 70 years old. Mather, Miss Martha, Jenkintown. Needle Book, 80 years old. Cushion with Chain, 100 years. Pin Cushion. Mills, Mrs. William, Ardmore. Sampler, worked by exhibitor's aunt, Elizabeth Holland, in 1799, when 10 years of age. Miller, Mrs. Samuel, Jeffersonville. Beaded Bag, worked by Mary E. Gable in 1812, in Philadelphia. Moore, Edwin, Port Kennedy. Sampler, by Phoebe Moore. Moore, Mrs. S. E., Shoemakertown. Poem, on the death of George Washington. Printed on satin. Moss, Miss Rebecca, Jenkintown. Silk Belt, embroidered in fashion of sixty years ago. Silk Apron, embroidered, from Paris, six-four years ago. Ten Commandments, worked on linen. Murray, Mrs. S. C., King-of-Prussia. Sampler. Naille, Miss Annie M., Royersford. Two home-made linen Towels, worked in many designs of different colors; 76 and 80 years old. Home-made Laces. Nyce, George S., Frederick. Large open-work Picture, executed by the late Adam Slemmer in 1819. Owen, Mrs. William W., Norristown. Sample of Darning on canvas, done in 1812 done by Debby Logan Norris at Westtown Friends' school. Canvas work. Copy of Norris Coat-of-arms, left unfinished at death of Eunice Norris. Painter, Mrs. William, Norristown. Needlework, at the age of Mary Cole, who was born in 1621. Paiste, Robert, Norristown. Two Samplers, over 80 years old. Pannepacker, Mrs. William C., Pin cushion. Patch of dress of Barbara Schuttler when she was a girl of 10 years, in 1777. Pannepacker, Miss, Klein's. Two Tidies, 70 and 100 years old. Pawling, The Misses, King-of-Prussia. Two pieces of silk embroidery, viz.; a Basket of Fruit, on black satin; a Bouquet of Flowers, on white satin. Both something over 100 years old. Pechin, John W., King-of-Prussia. Sampler. Pomeroy, Mrs. H. S., Norristown. Sampler, 83 years old. Potts, Mrs. William W., Swedeland. Infant's Basket. Belonged originally to the mother of Mrs. Counsellor Ross, and contained her infant clothing at her birth, July 17, 1754; hence it is 130 years old. Presented by Mrs. Major Holstein, of Norristown, to the exhibitor. Rambo, Mrs. J. R., Norristown. Sampler, made by Debby Logan in 1781. Rambo, Mrs. Susan, Bridgeport. Embroidered Bag. Belonged to S. Rambo in 1769. Ramey, Miss S., Norristown. Sampler. Reid, Mrs. Dr. John K., Conshohocken. Sampler, 1818. Reiff, Mrs. Enos L., Ambler. Sampler of Point Russe, made by exhibitor fifty-six years ago. Reiff, Miss Sallie W., Ambler. Embroidered Sampler, made by exhibitor's grandmother, Mary Lewis, in 1788. Renninger, Miss Mary A., Douglass. Quaint Sewing Box, Germany, with old painting on the lid of Jonah and the whale. Rex, Mrs. Jacob L., Blue Bell. Knitted Card Basket. A gift to Mrs. Rex from John B. Sterigere, Esq., at a fair for St. John's Church, held in the old court house, at Norristown, forty years ago. Rex, Mary S., Blue Bell. Sampler, worked in 1783. Formerly owned by Marla Moore, of Gwynedd. Rex, Miss M. D., Flourtown. Sampler, over 100 years old. Ridpath, J. W., Jenkintown. Herder's, Companion, to hold knitting needles and bell of yarn while walking and knitting; made of one piece of wood. Roberts, Mrs. Clara V., Norristown. Lace Work. Bridal veil, done fifty-five years ago. Rogers, Mrs. George W., Norristown. Frame Sampler. Worked by a little girl of 12, in the year 1796. Rossiter, Mrs. George G., Blue Bell. Sampler, worked by Catherine Barnhart in 1829. Rudy, John, Norristown. Very old Work Box. Presented to Mrs. John Rudy by her grandmother. Rue, Louisa, Norristown. Pin Cushion and Needle Cases, 100 years old. Schlater, Mary Amanda, Norristown. Sampler. Schultz, Joseph, Worcester. Several Samplers. Shainline, Jonathan, Abrams. Sampler; a landscape, by Jane Shainline. Shearer, Mrs. E. Norris, Jeffersonville. Needlework Couterpanes, made in 1828 by Mrs. Shearer, Needlework Counterpane, executed in 1806 by Mrs. Charles Norris. Needlework on paper, executed by Elizabeth Schrack ninety years ago. Shearer, Mrs. J. S., Oaks. Silk Globe, made by Ann Williams; 150 years old. Shoemaker, Mrs. Hannah S., Horsham. French Embroidery, slipper pattern; done by exhibitor in 1860. Shoemaker, Hannah Y., Norristown. Bureau Cover, 100 years old. Shoemaker, Isaac, Norristown. Sampler, pretty work, 1882. Shoemaker, Richard C., Jarrettown. Pin cushion, made in 1800. Shoemaker, Sallie J., Springfield. Embroidered Night Dress, done twenty- five years ago. White muslin Skirt, style of twenty-five years ago; embroidered and owned by exhibitor. See Mann, Mrs. Hannah S. Shoemaker, Mrs. Thomas S., Jarrettown. Sample of Darning and Sampler done by Anna Bonsall at Westtown boarding school in 1812; both owned by exhibitor. Pin Cushion, over 100 years old. Shreiner, Sarah P., Gwynedd. Basket 106 years old. Belonged to exhibitor's great-grandmother. Combination Work Bag, 109 years old. Sampler made in 1804 by Sarah L. Taylor, grandmother of the exhibitor. Shulz, John, Norristown. Two Bureau Covers, very old. xli Slingluff, Mrs. William H., Norristown. Knitting Basket, very old. Stannard, Mrs. E. J., Broad Axe. Sampler, worked by the exhibitor's great-grandmother, Mary Satterthwaite, in 1773. Steiner, Mrs. J. F., Norristown. Sampler, worked in linen spun and woven ninety years ago. Stem, Mrs. Levi, Whitpain. Sampler, worked by Rachel Selser over one hundred years ago. Silk Needle Book, worked in floss. Silk, 75 years old. Sampler, over 100 years old. Worked to represent a pine-apple on canvas. Stewart, Mrs. Eliza, Abington. Two Pin Cushions, 1780 and 1784. Samplers, very old. Two embroidered satin Stove Holders, 1730. Stewart, Mrs. R. T., Norristown. Sampler, 100 years old. Stillwell, Mrs. Clara, North Wales. Two Mats, antique. Two plaited Mats. Stiteler, Mrs. Edwin D., Gulf Mills. Sampler. Stockdale, Hannah F., Gwynedd. Thread Case, made in 1768 by the exhibitor's great-great-aunt. Stout, A. D., Edge Hill. Sampler. Stout, S. K., Norristown. Easter Egg, hand painted, in 1830. Streeper, Miss Amanda, Broad Axe. Sampler, made by grandmother Shay in 1805. Supplee, Myra, Bridgeport. Three Samplers, worked by exhibitor in 1821. Swartley, Emeline S., Skippack. The first piece of Sewing Machine Work, done in cloth fifty years ago. Owned by Hannah Buzzard. Thomas, Anna B., Upper Marion. Needlework, done in 1774. Thomas, Anne L., Upper Merion. Five very old Samplers. Tyson, B. F., Belfry. Three pieces of Embroidery, 30 years old. Tyson, Mrs. Sarah H., King-of-Prussia. Needlework of Mrs. E. H. Roberts, done from 1814 to 1825. Unruh, Mrs. Edward, Weldon. Sampler, ancient. Unruh, Misses R. and K., Weldon. Bureau Stand Cover. Walton, Eber, Blue Bell. Sampler, worked In 1834 by Alevia Walton (formerly Shaw), of Whitpain township. It contains the names of her parents and words of advice to her brothers and sisters. Walton, Harry C., Blue Bell. Sampler, worked with vines and flowers. Done in 1818 by Alevia Shaw, of Richland township, Bucks County, who afterwards married Eber Walton, of Whitpain township, and died in 1880. Weinberger, Mrs. E. K., Collegeville. Souvenirs of Needlework, to be worn on watch case, 1800 and 1812. Wall Pocket and Pin Cushion, 1795. Wilson, Mrs. Lizzie, Plymouth Meeting. Embroidered in Silk done in 1790 and 1793 by Rebecca Maris. Wood, Mrs. Ann L., Conshohocken. Sampler, 1767. Wright, Mrs. Comly, Norristown. Ancient piece of French Embroidery. Sampler, made by Hannah Gibbons, Fifth-month, 1775. Yerkes, Martha, Huntingdon Valley. Pin Cushion, from the Potts family. Young, Miss Annie, Lower Marion. Sampler, dated 1797. Zimmerman, Esther, Norristown. Sampler, 1734. Contains the English alphabet in large capitals and small letters, the Episcopal church creed, and the Lord's Prayer; was worked by Isabella Best in the year 1734, when she was 9 years of age, as appears thereon. She was afterwards a governess in the family of Henry Pawling, Esq., of Lower Providence township. One of his descendants was married to the exhibitor's sister, Rebecca Pawling, from whose hands it came to the exhibitor. Sampler, 1775. Bears the alphabet in capital and Small letters, with marginal decorations; was worked by the exhibitor's aunt, Sarah Butler, of Upper Dublin township, in the year 1775, at which time she was but a child. Work Basket, over 100 years old. Zimmerman, Mrs. Joshua, Collegeville. Pin Cushion, over 100 years old. Two Samplers, 1818. Zimmerman, Mrs. J. M., Yerkes. Silk Cushion, pieced by a lady 76 years old. CLASS XVI. ARTISTIC HANDIWORK, THE PRODUCT OF EITHER BRUSH, PENCIL, OR MODELING, KNIT, CROTCHET, OR NEEDLEWORK, OF OUR OWN TIME. Aldred, Mrs. J. A., North Wales. Cloth Quilt, modern. Ambler, Aaron, Norritonville. Embroidered Table Cloth. Anders, Edwin, Kulpsville. Fancy modern Quilt. Anders, Joseph, S., Fairview Village. Lambrequiin. Anderson, Kate, Abrams. Silk Quilt, patty-pan pattern, 8,500 pieces. Darned Net Tie, 1884. Anderson, Mrs. M. P., Trappe. Wreath of Hair flowers, modern; made of the hair of the Zimmerman family. Auge, Miss E. M., Norristown. Large case, Containing Hair Wreath, 1884. Bean, A. J., Worcester. Pillow Shams. Tidy. Berger, Mrs. J. F., North Wales. Sofa Pillow, modern. Beyer, Mrs, Ida, Worcester. Patchwork Quilt, modern. Brooke, Mrs., King-of-Prussia. Cushion. Brown, Christopher, Port Kennedy. Picture of a Bird; 50 years old; made of feathers. Cascaden, Mrs. Robert, Norristown. Two knit Bedspreads, modern work. Conard, Ella V., Port Kennedy. Sofa Pillow and silk quilt by Eliza Conard, in her 65th year. Braided Pillow Shams, by Eliza C. Walker, 1876. Conrow, Mrs. George E. B., Norristown. Painted state Table Top, 1882. Cottman, Mrs. J. F., Jenkintown. Embroidered Piano Cover, modern needlework. Crawford, Mrs. V. Virginia, Bryn Mawr. Pin Cushion and Bureau Cover, modern. Jug, ornamented, modern. Cresson, Mrs. Caleb, Oaks. Towel, made by the exhibitor's daughter, 10 years old. Davis, Miss Mary, Jenkintown. Modern Point Collar. DeHaar, Mrs., Norristown. Fancy work: handmade lace Handkerchief, Stomacher, and Cuffs. Ebersole, Mrs. S. A., Hartranft. Silk Quilt, made in 1883. Eckard, Jane E., Abington. Three specimens of India Muslin, embroidered. Two tatting lace Collars, modern. Brocaded Silk. Satin Portfolio, embroidered with silk. Painting on Rice Paper. Elliott, Miss S. E., Jenkintown. Modern Point, Beadwork, and Lace. Ferguson, Miss Belle P., Cheltenham. Modern Embroidery. Fillman, Mrs., Norristown. Embroidered Toilet Cover. Fornance, Mrs. Ellen Knox, Norristown. Piece of Embroidery, worked on flannel by Mrs. Anne B. Fornance, 1882. Freedley, Miss S. S., Norristown. Two panel Pictures of Flowers, painted by Sophia S. Freedley, of the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, 1883. China Cups and Saucers, hand-painted, modern. Fry, Miss, Plymouth. Fire Screen, modern work. Garsed, Mrs. Robert P., Norristown. Specimens of Drawing and Painting by Montgomery county pupil, at the Philadelphia School of Design for Women. Two China Plates, hand pointed, modern. Two Cups and Saucers, hand-painted, modern. Gilbert, Miss Elizabeth, Norristown. Plush Table Cover and satin Banner. Griscom, Mrs. Joseph W., Jenkintown. Fire Screen, embroidered modern. Table Cover, embroidered on linen in wash silks. Lady's Knit Sack. Shelf Cover, Oriental crazy work. Purse, in red silk and beads. Groff, Mrs. Catharine, Worcester. Patchwork Quilt; modern. Gumbes, Mrs. F. S., Oaks. Counterpane, made in the present day by exhibitor. Harper, Mrs. Thomas B., Jenkintown. Lady's lace Sack, made by a gentleman. Haws, Katie, Jeffersonville. Pillow and Sheet Shams. Heebner, Mrs. C. B., Collegeville. Velvet Cushion. Hobson, Mrs. F. M., Collegeville. Two knit Counterpanes. Hobson, Miss Mary M., Collegeville. Crazy Quilt. Hoffecker, R. F., Norristown. China Painting on cups and Saucers. Hoffman, Mrs. H. A., Frederick. Sofa Cushion, worked by exhibitor. Hollinshead, Charlotte, Upper Merion. Pocket Book, made from a piece of Lafayette's coat. Holstein, Charles E., Bridgeport. Inlaid Box, from the Lakes of Killarney, representing scenes in Ireland. Hughes, Miss Anna, Gulf Mills. Fancy work, modern. Crane and Sunflower. Jones, Margaret H., Oak Lane. Modern work, Ancient adorning of Cards. Keisel, Miss Annie, Ambler. Tatting Tidy, modern fancy work. Crochet Feather Edging. xlii Keisel, Miss Lizzie, Ambler. Knit woolen Mittens, modern fancy work. Knipe, Miss Amanda, North Wales. Hair Wreath, 900 fine flowers, made by exhibitor. Kohl, George M., Jenkintown. Urn, painted by the owner. Kooken, Miss Martha C., Trappe. Crewel embroidered Dress. French embroidered Pillow Shams. Krieble, Abraham, Kulpsville. Sun Quilt, new. Lauderbach, Miss M., Norristown. Knitted Sack, 1884. Leister, Mrs. H. F., Phoenixville. Set Bed Spread and Pillow Shams, darned in net; worked by exhibitor. Small Afghan. Linen Towel, worked in scarlet. Lenzi, Anne C., Norristown. Tile, Chrysanthemums, painted on oil. Tile. Pansies, in oil. Pottery Vase, with roses in relief. Lightfoot, Ellen, King-of-Prussia. Pin Case, made from Penn's treaty elm tree, with an autograph letter of Roberts Vaux. Patchwork Quilt. Lunens [sic, should be Lukens], Mrs. Jawood, Conshohocken. Modern Plaques, made in Antwerp. Mann, John H., Horsham. Specimen of Free Hand Drawing, by Albert Mann, 18 years of age. Moore, Emma, Port Kennedy. Needlework, 1883. Moyer, Mrs. Harry W., North Wales. Embroidered Towel, made by the exhibitor. Sofa Pillow, made by the exhibitor. Naille, Miss Annie M., Royersford. Canvas Toilet set, worked in old gold floss. Painter, Mrs. William, Norristown. Needlework, 1861. Randle, Mrs. William, Jenkintown. Mantel Lambrequin, embroidered, modern. Fire Screen, embroidered, modern. Fire screen, embroidered, modern. Rex, Mary S., Blue Bell. Vase, hand-painted, with blackeyed Susans. Cup and Saucer, painted with Michaelmas daisies. Twelve Dessert plates, painted by the exhibitor. Plaque, painted by the exhibitor. Rothenberger, Mrs. Ella, Kulpsville. Afghan, new. Royer, Mrs. Dr. J. W., Trappe. Two German Scissor pictures, cut from Black paper. Group of Mexican Feather Pictures of birds; made of feathers laid on a dark background. Shainline, R. Janie, Abrams. Work and Embroidery, from Merion school, 1884. Sheive, Mrs. Mary, Norristown. Case of ancient and modern Needlework and Fancy Embroidery. Sherridan, Mrs. Thomas, Collegeville. Silk Quilt, 4,562 pieces. Shoemaker, Mrs. Thomas S., Jarrettown. Painted Plaque with glass. Lambrequin, worked by the exhibitor and Miss Minnie Robertson, of Gwynedd. Whisk holder. 0ld Chair, with the worked seat, and Tidy; ancient and modern combined. Seed Wrath, made by exhibitor from two hundred and one different kinds of seeds. Slemmer, Mrs. H. W., Norristown. Silk Quilt, modern. Slemmer, Mrs. William, Norristown. Silk Crazy Quilt, modern. Spencer, Miss Lillian, Jenkintown. Decorated Mull Window Curtains. Tropical bird, flowers, and grasses. The first attempt of the artist, when but 15 years of age, and without a previous lesson; remarkably true to nature. Window Lambrequin, Altheas muslin. Painted from the flower. Window Lambrequin. Painted sea weeds, very difficult of execution; unique. Stackhouse, Mrs. Joseph, Jarrettown. Fruit work, of cloth made by exhibitor in 1830. Stand, made of Job's tears, in 1853, by Mrs. Evans, of Philadelphia. Stewart, Mrs. Eliza, Abington. Bureau Cover, made by Miss P. Stewart, and owned by Emily Stewart. Stillwell, Mrs. Clara, North Wales. Carriage Afghan, modern. Fancy Box. Strassburger, Mrs. J. A., Norristown. Vase, hand-painted. Swartley, Emeline S., Skippack. Rose buds and Leaves of chenille, done in cloth. Made at Williams' Grove, Cumberland county, at the Grangers' picnic, August 20 to 24, 1884. Piece of Hair Painting. Swartley, Mrs. Vienna, Fairview Village. Lap Cover, macreme cord, modern. Taggart, Martha, King-of Prussia. Fancy Work, 1884. Taylor, Alias, Blue Bell. Macreme Work, modern. Thompson, Mary L., Jenkintown. Drawings, from objects and copies, by pupils of Audenried public school. Unruh, Misses R. and K., Jenkintown. Embroidered Bureau Cover, modern. Embroidered Stand Cover, modern. Way, Mrs. George P., Jenkintown. Bureau Cover, Mexican Lace. Weber, Mrs. John, Worcester. Sofa Cushion. Williams, Mrs. Emma C., Jarrettown. Wreath of Zephyr Flowers, made by the exhibitor. Decorated Thermometer, ribbon work. Williams, Miss Hannah E., Jarrettown. Toilet Set, worked on Java canvas by exhibitor. Wall Pocket, made of cones, by exhibitor. Painted Plaque, in velvet frame on easel; painted framed, and easel made, by exhibitor. Wise, Mrs. J. S., Flourtown. Crazy Patchwork. Crochet Lace. CLASS XVII. SCHOOL BOOKS OLD AND NEW. Blackfan, Miss, Norristown. Copy Book, written in 1814. Boorse, John C., Kulpsville. Four Copy Books of Baltzer and George Heydrick, 1783 to 1794. Buck, William J., Jenkintown. Two MS. Instruction Books for the Piano. Prepared by Charles Fortman for his pupil, Jacob E, Buck, in 1814-16. MS. Instruction Book in Vocal Music. By Joseph Hess for his pupil, Miss Catherine Afflerback, wife of J. E. Buck, 1815-16. Columbian Orator, 1817. A school book, once popular, becoming rare. Toy Geography, with numerous copper plate engravings, Philadelphia, 1800. Cassel, Abraham H., Harleysville. The Child's Guide to Spelling and Reading, Philadelphia, 1810. Fourth edition. The Parlor Primer, for Children. Philadelphia, 1814. The Symbolic Primer. with 492 cutd. Philadelphia, 1830. The Ferst Buk in Fonetic Reading. London, 1853. Spelling Book: A New Guide to the English Tongue. By Thomas Dilworth. Thirty-sixth edition, 1773. This book was extensively used in England and America ever since, 1740, and for many years the only one in America, and was used yet in some parts of this county in the recollection of Mr. Cassel. The last edition was printed in New Haven in 1827. The old editions had a full-page likeness of the author, a very comprehensive preface, a dedication to the schools of Great Britain and Ireland, a full-page poetic compliment to its Reverend author, besides numerous recommendations, all over the date of 1740. The new American Spelling Book, improved. By John Pierce. Sixth revised edition, Philadelphia, 1808. The Sunday School Spelling Book. Compiled at the request of the Sunday and Adult School Union of Philadelphia. Third edition. Philadelphia, 1819. The Critical Pronouncing Spelling Book. By Hezekiah Burhans. Philadelphia, first edition, 1821. A New Spelling Book. By John Comly. Philadelphia, 1834. Reading Books. The Child's Instructor, consisting of Easy Lessons for Children on subjects which are familiar to them. By a Teacher Of Little Children in Philadelphia 1809. The Reader's Cabinet. In prose and verse. Baltimore, 1809. Lesson in Elocution &c.,1848. for the Improvement of Youth in Reading and Speaking. By William Scott, 1815. The Rhetorical Reader. By Ebenezer Porter. 1848. Introduction to the English Reader. By Lindley Murray. 1818. The English Reader. By Lindley Murray. Philadelphia, 1819. Sequel to the English Reader. By Lindley Murray. 1817. A Pleasing Companion for Little Girls and Boys. By Jesse Torrey, Jr. Twenty-fifth edition. Philadelphia, 1835. The Moral Instruction And Guide to Virtue. By Jesse Torrey. Tenth Edition. Philadelphia, 1825. A Mental Museum for the Rising Generation with appendix. By Jesse Torrey 1829. The American Preceptor, Improved. By Caleb Bingham. Sixty-fourth edition (fourth improved edition). Boston, 1821. The Philadelphia Vocabulary, English and Latin, put into New Method. By James Greenwood. Philadelphia, 1806. Amitniculum Puerile; or, An Help for School Boys in Obtaining a Knowlege of the Latin. Fourth edition Philadelphia, 1785. The American Practial Lunarian and Seaman's Guide, Illustrated with plates &c. By Thomas Arnold. Philadelphia, 1822. The Columbian Orator. By Caleb Bingham. Boston, first edition, 1811. The America Orator. Joshua P. Slack, 1817. A Short Introduction to English Grammar, with Critical Notes. By Robert Lowth. Printed by R. Aitken, Philadelphia, in 1775. English Grammar, adapted to the different classes of learners, with an appendix of rules and observations. By Lindley Murray. (First) American edition. Philadelphia, 1800. Key to the Exercise, adapted to Murray's English Grammar 1825. Conversations on English Grammar, explaining the principles and rules of the language. By Charles M. Ingersoll, 1835. The Schoolmaster's Assistant: being a Compendium of Arithmetic, both Practical and Theoretic in Five Part, to which is prefixed a Preface Dedicatory. and an Essay on the Education of Youth, humbly offered to the consideration of parents and guardians. xliii It has also his full-page likeness, two full pages of poetic compliments, to the author, besides numerous recommendations. etc., all over the date of 1743. It passed through more than one hundred editions in this country and Europe, and was also for many years the only one used in country by our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers. Several editions of it were printed here by R. Aitken, in Philadelphia, before the Revolution, and the twenty-second American edition was printed by Hugh Gaine in New York already in 1784. The American Tutor's Assistant. Philadelphia, 1813. The American Tutor's Assistant, improved. By Zachariah Jess. 1811. Intellectual Arithmetic, upon the inductive method of instruction. By Warren Colburn. Boston, 1826. Arithmetic upon the Inductive Method of Instruction. Being a sequel to Intellectual Arithmetic. By Warren Colburn. 1828. The Teacher's Assistant. By Stephen Pike. Philadelphia, 1852. Rudiments of Arithmetic. By John F Stoddard, 1867. Practical Arithmetic. By John F Stoddard. 1868. The American Philosophical Arithmetic, 1856. The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic and Business Manual. By John Grossback. Philadelphia, 1874. Introduction to the National Arithmetic. By B. Greenleaf. 1869. The National Arithmetic on the Inductive System; combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods. By Benj. Greenleaf. 1869. The Normal Written Arithmetic. By Edward Brooks. 1863. The Normal Higher Arithmetic. By Edward Brooks, 1876. An Introduction Algebra, with Notes and Observations. By John Bonnycastle. Second revised edition. Philadelphia, 1811. A Treatise on the Elements of Algebra. By B. Bridge. 1835. Intellectual Algebra; or, Oral Exercises in Algebra for Common Schools. By David B. Tower. Seventh edition, Algebra zum gebrauch Hoherd Niederer Schulen, Leipzig. 1761. Cassel, Isaac R., North Wales. Primer and Table Book, used by exhibitor when a boy. Greek Grammer, 1636. Note Book, bought by Joseph Skeen In 1788. Cresson, Walter. Conshohcken, Cocker's Arithmetic, 1677. The title-page is as follows. Cocker's Arithmetick: Bring a plain and familiar Method, suitable to the meanest Capacity, for the full Understanding of that incomparable Art, as It is now taught by the Ablest School-Masters in City and Country. Composed by Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and Published, By John Hawkins. Writing Master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematicians and Writing-Masters in and near London. The Forty-Sixth Edition, carefully Corrected and Amended. By George Fisher, Accompt. Licensed September 3, 1677, Roger L'Eatrange. London: Printed for A. Betisworth and C. Hitch and the Red-Lyon, and F. Osborn at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster Row; S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball in Avemary Lane; and F. Hodges. at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge. Perrins Instructive Exercises, with Rules of French Syntax, 1793; and Perrin's French Conversation, 1794. Used by the exhibitor's father, John H. Cresson, of Philadelphia (born 1780), when a pupil under the eminent Quaker preacher, Stephen Grellet, in 1796. Lancaster System of Education. Cutler, C. D., Three Tuns. Ancient United States History. Detwiler, Jones, Blue Bell. New England Primer, 1807. Columbian Orator, by Wythe, 1817. Murray's English Reader,1821. American Speaker. Comly's Spelling Book. By Hunt. Lot of old Copy Plates, for writing. Two Ciphering Books. Belonged to Amos Roberts, of Whitpain township. Isaac McGlathery, the teacher, signs his name on the last page, March 6, 1792. How to Learn German and English. By Christopher Saur, Germantown, 1751. Description of the Globes and the Orrery. By Harris. Detwiler, Mrs. Milton V., Oaks. Physiology, 1779. Ainsworth's Dictionary. London, 1713. Dotterer, Henry S., Philadelphia. Columbian Orator. By Caleb Bingham, A. M. Boston: J. H. A. Frost. 1828. Pennsylvania German Mannal. By Rev. A. R. Horne, A. M. Kutztown, 1875. This work contains Pronouncing Exercises, Pennsylvania German Grammar, Pennsylvania German Literature, and a Pennsylvania German Dictionary. Fornance, Mrs. Ellen Knox, Norristown. School Book, dated June 15, 1790. Contains solution of mathematical problems (Navigation). Frank, J. B., Jeffersonville. Examination Questions and Answers, by pupils of Indian Creek school, of which exhibitor is teacher. 1884. Garsed, Mrs. Robert P., Norristown. Bonneycastle's Algebra, 1818. Bonneycastle's Mensuration and Practical Geometry, 1835. Godshalk, Charles D., Kulpsville. American Instructor. By Benjamin Franklin and Hall, 1748. Grimley, Solomon K., Schwenkville. The American Tutor's Assistant. Philadelphia: Joseph Cruishank, 1810. Owned by John Wireman, 1821. Heacock, Annie, Jenkintown. Guthrie's Geography and Book of Maps, 1820. Heller, George K., Cheltenham. American Universal Geography and American Gazetteer. By Jedediah Morse, D. D. Boston: Thomas Andrews, 1816. American Tutor's Arithmetic. About 1814. German Reader. By Peter Leibert. Germantown, 1792. Ciphering Book. Done at Fort Washington school-house. Heydrick, Daniel, Kulpsville. Engraved Copy Book, 1766. Hobson, F. G., Collegeville. Columbian Orator. Middlebury, Vt.: Printed by William Slade, Jr., April, 1816. First Vermont edition. Hollinshead, B. M., Upper Merion. Atlas, published in 1814. Johnson Mrs., Norristown. Old School Books. Jones, Jonathan R., Conshohocken. Two Ciphering Books, 1799 and 1812; the work of the late Jonathan R. Jones. Keller, Charles M., Douglass. English Reader, 1826. Three old Spelling Books. Keller, F. M., Douglass. Juvenile Reader, 1843. Malte-Brun's School Geography, 1836. Kriebel, Abraham, Niantic. Hebrew Grammar, 1752. German Grammar, 1808. English Schoolmaster's Assistant, 1790. McNeill, George G., Blue Bell. Columbian Orator, 1817. Used by exhibitor's father, Hiram McNeill, Springfield. English Reader, 1818. Ramsey, Miss S., Norristown. History of England 1804. Columbian Orator, 1813. Rex, Jacob L., Blue Bell. Ciphering Book. Used by John Rex (born 1800), formerly of Chestnut Hill. Harvey's Mensuration. Used by John Rex. Rittenhouse, Samuel, Fairview Village. Cocker's Arithmetic. Glasgow, 1787. Roberts, Lloyd, Norristown. Practical Arithmetic, 1809. Roberts, Septimus, Whitpain. Comly's Spelling Book, 1814. Child's Geography, very old. Arithmetic, very old. Pike's Arithmetic, very old. Juvenile Astronomy, 1817. Bennett's Arithmetic, 1808. Astronomical Definitions, 1821. Geography and Astronomy, 1808. Algebra, 1822. Schoolmaster's Assistant, 1800. English Reader, 1816. Geometry, 1812. English Grammar, 1815. Surveying. By Roberts Gibson, 1811. Second Class Reader, 1830. Nugent's Dictionary, 1825. School Atlas. Universal Multiplier. Noy's Penmanship, 1830. Atlas, 1828. American Preceptor. Schlichter, J. Warren, Conshohocken. Examination Papers of Conshohocken High School. Spring of 1884. Diploma, framed. Scholl, Albert, Conshohocken. System of Natural Philosophy, 1735. Schultz, Amos, Niantic. Billmeyer's German A, B, C, Book, 1792. Latin Lectures, 1667. Shainline, Jonathan, Abrams. Manuscript Arithmetic of Isaac Eastburn, 1795. Shoemaker, Robert, Shoemakertown. English Syntax, 1785. Geography of the World, 1795. Stewart, Mrs. Eliza, Abington. Scott's Lessons, 1799. Used by the late Ardemus Stewart, and now owned by Emily Stewart. The Young Book-keeper's Assistant, 1798. Used by Jesse B. Dillin. Sunnyside School, Ambler. Schoolmaster's Assistant, 1702. English Syntax, 1783. Taggart, Martha, King-of-Prussia. Six School Papers, work from King-of-Prussia school, 1884. Walter, E. H., Jarrettown. English Reader. By Lindley Murray 1838. Walton, Eber, Blue Bell. English Reader, 1811. Sequel to the English Reader, 1812. Weinberger, Mrs. E. K., Collegeville. Introduction to the English Reader. By Lindley Murray. Philadelphia, 1801. Comly's English Grammar, 1819. The Critical Pronouncing Speller. Published, In Phila. in 1834. By Hezekiah Burhaus, counsellor-at-law. Wolfe, Dr. Samuel, Skippack. Murray's English Reader. Philadelphia, 1817. Murray's English Grammar. Albany, N Y., 1819. Ready Calculator of Interest. Reading. 1816.