Northumberland-Cumberland County PA Archives Biographies.....Fawcett, Henry E. 1853 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 31, 2005, 9:47 pm Author: Biographical Publishing Co. DAVID L. SOLLENBERGER, the popular postmaster at Shamokin, and one of the best known newspaper men of Pennsylvania, is a son of Samuel S. and Anna M. (Lehn) Sollenberger, and was born October 14, 1853, in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pa. At the age of sixteen years he became a compositor in the office of the Newville Pennsylvania Star, at Newville, Cumberland County, Pa., where he served three years; in 1873 he went to Pittsburg, Pa., where he worked at his trade as a journeyman until 1877, when he removed to Northumberland County and purchased the Watsontown Record and published it ten months, when he sold out and bought a half interest in the Sunbury Democrat, and was associated with it until June, 1879. In November, 1879, he purchased a half-interest in the Shamokin Times, and continued in connection with it until 1891. In 1886 he formed a partnership with W. S. Ginterman and founded the Shamokin Daily Dispatch, which he continued to publish until 1891, when he severed his connection with the Dispatch and Times and entered a new field of labor, that of editing the Sunbury Evening Item. August 24, 1894, during the latter part of the Cleveland administration, our subject was appointed postmaster at Shamokin. His popularity and worth as a public servant have been recognized by the head of the Postoffice Department at Washington and Mr. Sollenberger has been honored, as well as rewarded, for his efficient service, by being continued in office under the present administration. John Sollenberger, great-grandfather of our subject, was born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1774, but removed to Cumberland County, locating in Monroe township, near Carlisle, where he followed the occupation of a farmer. He died in 1856, having attained the ripe age of eighty-five years. Our subject's maternal grandfather was born in Lancaster County in 1794, and was a farmer by avocation; he died at the old homestead in Cumberland County in 1878, lacking but one year of having lived as many years as did his venerable father. Religiously, he was of the German Baptist persuasion. The grandfather on the maternal side was David Lehn. Samuel S. Sollenberger, father of our subject, was born in Mechanicsburg, Pa., in 1830, and lived all his life in his native county. In the later years of his life he engaged in teaching school. He was a valued, citizen, and his premature demise was deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. His death occurred in 1873, he having crossed the threshold of only forty-three years. The marriage of Samuel S. and Anna M. Lehn was blessed with but one child, David L., subject of this sketch, who was educated in the common schools of the county of his birth. He was a close student and by diligent application to his studies at school he acquired a good practical education. Politically our subject is a Democrat and always has taken an active interest in party work and is a successful party organizer. In 1884 he was a delegate to the Allentown state convention and an alternate to the national convention of the same year. Socially he affiliates with the Odd Fellows and is a member of Lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F., of Pittsburg, Pa. November 29, 1876, he married Annie A. Brown, an accomplished and charming lady, and to them have been born five children: Erie G.; Helen Pearl; Mary G.; Vida C., who died August 22, 1898; and David B. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Book of Biographies of the Seventeenth Congressional District Published by Biographical Publishing Company of Chicago, Ill. and Buffalo, NY (1899) This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb