Land Record: John MacPherson, 1788: Buffalo Twp, Northumberland County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lowell Thomas. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. __________________________________________________________ The Date of this Indenture 10 March 1788 The Geography for this Indenture This was written in January 2001 as follows: Northumberland County was formed in 1772. Buffalo Township was formed then also. In 1792 Buffalo Township was divided into West Buffalo Township and East Buffalo Township. In 1813 Union County was formed and all lands west of the Susquehanna River were made a part of Union County. In 1815 East Buffalo Township was further divided forming parts of additional townships. Union Township, formed in 1815 is the location of this tract or Parcel described hereinafter: Reference: "Union County Pennsylvania, A Celebration of History", by Charles M. Snyder, published by the Union County Historical Society, 2000 page 186 Names mentioned in this Indenture are: Samuel Brady William Clark Frederick Collins Casper Gids Thomas Grant Jacob Landes George Leech John MacPherson Elizabeth MacPherson, wife of John John Simpson David Steele Locations for this Indenture are: 1788 - 1792 Buffalo Township, Northumberland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1793- 1813 East Buffalo Township, Northumberland County, PA 1813-1815 East Buffalo Township, Union County, PA 1815-2001 Union Township, Union County, PA Northumberland County DEED BOOK D pages 114 and 115 John Macpherson Deed/sell to George Leech This Indenture made the tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, Between John Macpherson of the township of Buffalo in the county of Northumberland Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Elizabeth wife of the one part; And George Leech of the township of Sadsbury in the county of Lancaster, Yeoman of the commonwealth aforesaid of the other part. Where as William Clark late of Northumberland County also yeoman by the name of William Clark of the township of Salsbury in the county of Lancaster and province of Pennsylvania, spinning wheel maker foe the better securing the payment of two hundred and two Pounds lawfull money of Pennsylvania at a certain day now part unto George Leech did by his certain Indenture bearing date the twenty seventh day of April An-Dom One Thousand seven hundred and seventy five, grant bargain and sell unto this George Leech and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that piece or tract of land called "Georgia" situate in Buffalo Township in the county of Northumberland, aforesaid. Beginning at a marked, White Oak tree in a line of land of Samuel Brady. Thence by the same east fifty four perches to a marked Black Oak, Thence by the same and Casper Gids land. North one hundred and sixty five perches to a marked, Chestnut. Thence by land, late of Frederick Collins and other land last two hundred and four perches to a post. Thence south two hundred and sixteen perches and a half to a marked Hickory. Thence by land, late vacant, and land late of Jacob Landes south eighty degrees west sixty five perches to a White Oak. Thence by said Landes's land northwest sixty perches to a marled White Oak. And south eighty degrees west thirty nine perches to a marked Hickory, Thense south sixty five degrees west one hundred and four perches to a marked pine and north fifteen degrees west seventy four perches to the place of the beginning, containing two hundred and sixty seven acres and thirty perches and the usual allowance for sads. And is subject neverthele William Clark should pay unto the said George Leech the sum of one hundred Pounds like money (as before) on certain days and times in the same indenture also mentioned and which are now past, that then the said indenture should be void, And whereas afterwards the said debt or sum or sum of one hundred and one pound, nor any part there not being paid, agreeable to the tenor of the said indenture in the term of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, in the court of common pleas holden at Sunbury for the county aforesaid. Before the Justice of the same court the same, George Leech, recovered of the said William Clark the said sum of two hundred and two Pounds to be made of the lands and tenaments aforesaid, and also four Pounds thirteen schillings and six pence for costs of the court. And whereas afterwards by a writ of the Commonwealth aforesaid. of Levar Jones, if sued out of the court of common pleas aforesaid, tested the thirteenth day of November last past, and to me directed, I was commanded that the tract or parcel of land aforesaid, with the appurtenances, I should expose to sale and out of money arising bv therefrom, I should have the debt and costs aforesaid, before the Justices of the court of Common Pleas aforesaid, at Sunbury the fourth Tuesday of February (then) next coming to render to the said George Leech for his debt and costs aforesaid, and the ? writ, And whereas I the said sheriff having given due and publick notice of the time and place of sale, did on Tuesday the last day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight expose the lands tomorrow and premises aforesaid, to sale by publick auction and out cry and sold the same lands and tenaments to John Macpherson of the township of Buffalo in the county aforesaid, for the sum of sixty Pounds lawfull money of Pennsylvania, he being the highest and best bidder, and that the highest and best price bidder for the same, And the aforesaid, Thomas Grant Sheriff by his deed Poll dul January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight conveyed the above described tract of two hundred and thirty seven acres and thirty perches of land unto the said John Macpherson. Reference there into being had will more fully and at large appear, Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said John Macpherson and Elizabeth his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred pounds lawfull money of Pennsylvania to them in hand paid by the said George Leech at and before the sealing delivery hereof the receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged. Have granted bargined, sold aliened enfeoffed confouned and by these presents they the said John Macpherson and Elizabeth his wife do and each of them doth grant bargain see alien, enfeoff and Confoun unto the said George Leech, his heirs and assigns all that the said and hereinbefore described tract or Parcel of land together with all and singular the buildings, barns, stable, gardens, orchard, and improvements with rights liberties priviledges Theredilaments and appurtenances whatsoever there unto belonging or many wise appurtenances and the reversions Remainder and Remainders rents, houses, and profits thereof, and also all the estates right title interest use possession, property claim and demand of them the said John Macpherson and Elizabeth his wife either in law or otherwise into and out of the said described tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances, to have and to hold the said described tract or parcel of land and premisses with the appurtenances hereby granted or meant mentioned, intended sotobe with the appurtenances to the said George Leech his heirs and assigns. To the only proper use be and behoof of him the said George Leech his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said parties have to these presents interchangeable set their hand And affixed their seals the day and year listed above , John Macpherson [circle with 3 in it] Elizabeth Macpherson [circle with 8 in it] Sealed and delivered in the Received on the day of the date of the forgiving. Deed/sold, and from the within named George Leech aforesaid the sum of six hundred Pounds lawfull money of Pennsylvania being in full of the consideration money above mentioned, John Macpherson Testified John Simpson; Northumberland County Justice: Be it remembered that on the 12th day of March in the year of our Lord 1788, before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the court of Common Pleas for said county came the above named John Macpherson and Elizabeth his wife and acknowledged the written Indenture to be their act and deed and desired that as such , the same may be recorded. The said Elizabeth being by me separate and apart examined from her husband did declare that she knew the contents thereof and that she freely and voluntarily executed and became a party to the same without compulsion or the fear of the displeasure of her said husband; Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid, John Simpson [circle with s in it] Lowell S. Thomas