Revolutionary War, Pension Request: John MacPherson, 23 March 1789: Buffalo Twp, Northumberland County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lowell Thomas. or USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. John MACPHERSON pension request Northumberland County S s. John MacPherson appeared and did depose that at the time he received a discharge from Captain Nicholas Biddle bearing the date 10 Sept. 1777, that he was at the time so disabled on account of two wounds, one in the groin and the other in his right leg, as not to be able to perform any of the services requisite on board the ship from which he was discharged, he, this deponant then bearing the character of a Midshipman on board the Randolph Frigate commanded by the above named Nicholas Biddle. This deponant received his wounds in an action with a twenty gun ship called the "True Brition" which ship was taken and carried into Charleston, South Carolina. And further doth say that for the afore said services he has neither received pay or prize money nor any other compension. Sworn in Orphans Court Present the 28th. day of June 1786. John Byers Charles Getteg William Boyd Sir: Please to let the Bearer John Byers, have the amount due me on my pension of drawn. If not please to deliver him the warrant or warrants of coubcil that he may present them to the State Treasurer himself, and youll oblige, Sir, your humble servant, John MacPherson. John Nicholson, Esq. 23 March 1789