Bios: Sebastian Schmidt/Smith c. 1700-1750: Philadelphia (now Montgomery) County Copyright © 1997 by Robert E. Smith. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation without the consent of Vi Limrick or her legal representative. Sebastian Schmidt/Smith c. 1700-1750 Philadelphia (now Montgomery) County Data from: PHILADELPHIA WILL BOOK Goshenhoppen Reformed Records in: PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS AND ADDRESSES. Vols. 27-28. (Lancaster, PA: Pennsylvania-German Society, 1918-1919). Burgert. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EMIGRANTS. (Sebastian cited in entry on Anna Barbara Fessler). James Y. Heckler. HISTORY OF SKIPPACK & VICINITY, (Montgomery Co. TRANSCRIPT, 1895-6, reprinted by Adam's Apple Press, Bedminster, PA, 1992). Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg. The Journals of Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg (Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1942). Charles H. Glatfelter. PASTOR AND PEOPLE , (Breinigsville, PA: Pennsylvania German Society, 1981), 2 vols. Notes: Bostian Schmidt is listed in the Wiesloch, Kraichgau Reformed KB as being from Gross Bockenheim. He was married to Anna Barabara Fessler in Wiesloch in May 1727. (Burgert) Sebastian and Anna Barbara were associated with Rev. George Michael Weiss, who, according to his credentials from the Reformed Church (Upper Consistory of the Palatinate, dated 1 May 1727), had firm plans to travel with friends and well-known associates to America for economic reasons. The records of the Synods of North and South Holland confirm these details about Weiss. Weiss was born in Eppingen in the Palatinate. (German Postal Code: 7517) Bastian Smith is listed arrived on the ship "William & Sarah" on 18 September 1727. William Hill, Master. He is listed as a family of two, presumably he and his wife. He arrived with Rev. Weiss on this ship. (Goshenhoppen History) According to Rev. Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg, his wife's name was Barbara, born 10 August 1702 in Wiesloch, Palatinate. Wiesloch KB has her baptismal date as 19 August 1701. (HMM is a year off in his dates, based upon using the Julian Calendar, I think). Her father was Heinrich Fessler (Vestler), her mother Anna Christina. They had eleven children, five of whom (two sons, three daughters) still lived in 1777. (Muhlenberg Journals 3:94). A report to the Synod of South Holland (3-13 July 1731) states that Rev. Weiss set up a consistory at Skippack and built a wooden church there. (source of this information is presumed to be Rev. Weiss and Jacob Reiff, then in Holland fund raising) Weiss also organized the Reformed Church of Philadelphia, Germantown and Goshenhoppen. Rev. Weiss has no entries in the KBs of these congregations. (Goshenhoppen History) On 10 May 1730, the Consistory of the Weiss faction of the Skippack Reformed Church sent a letter to the Classis of Amsterdam, complaining about the ordination of a lay preacher, John Philip Boehm and his assignment to Skippack as pastor. Sebastian signed this letter as an elder or deacon of the church. Upon arriving in America, Weiss discovered that Boehm had been preaching for two years in the region, establishing a church in, among other places, Skippack. Weiss did not recognize Boehm or his parishes, since Boehm was uneducated and not ordained. It appears Weiss' colony simply set up their own church in town, called it the only Skippack Reformed Church and attracted a few members of the existing parish. The war between Boehm and Weiss seems to have gone on for the rest of their lives and caused great confusion and damage to the churches. It resulted in all reformed churches in Skippack of the time dying out. (Goshenhoppen History) Sebastian is purchased his land from Abraham Schwartz on 20 September 1737. It is located, according to map in Heckler, just south of Skippack, a little west of Skippack Creek. Sebastian's son and three daughters (none named) appear as confirmands on a list of those confirmed at Goshenhoppen between 1748-1758. Rev. George Weiss, who had served parishes in New York from 1730-1745 returned as pastor of Goshenhoppen in 1746-1761. (Goshenhoppen History) Sebastian's second daughter (Anna Maria?) is listed as married to a Stoffel Wagner in 1747-48. The daughter not named in the record. (Goshenhoppen Record) Another daughter's marriage is recorded as Sebastian Schmidt's from Skippack. The name of groom is unreadable. The daughter not named. According to Muhlenberg, Sebastian died 17 October 1750. Barabara lived the last few years of her life in Providence. She died Sunday, 26 October 1777. Heavy rains, mud and high water prevented her burial on Tuesday, 28 October. Muhlenberg buried her on Wednesday, 29 October. Funeral text: Eccl. 41:3-4. She had chosen the hymn: "Herr Gott, Mein Jammer Hat ein End." (Journals 3:94) The abstract of Sebastian Smith's Property, in the possession of Patricia Tromp (Email: Part of 150 Acres Mathias Van Bebber to Daniel Dismant 12 June 1708 E-4-7/ Daniel Dismant 28 December 1727 the above 138 Acres part of the 150 Acres to Abraham Swartz/ Abraham Swartz and Ann 25 September 1737 to Sebastian Smith 138 Acres/ 138 Probated to eldest son John 138 Acres/ To Heirs 24 October 1765 1756 Barbara Smith 3 Children 1766 John Smith 8, Children 100 Acres, 2 H, 4 C 1769 John Smith, 125 Ac 3 H 5 C 1774 John Smith, 110 AC 2 H 5 C 1779 John Smith, Tax 1 Sebastian's will from PHILADELPHIA WILL BOOK 1/435 1751 #278 Copy in possession of Patricia Tromp, is dated 16 September 1751. It reads: To Son John, 138 Acres, 1/2 part of lands of Adj. 56 Acres To Son Leonard, 133 Acres bought from Peter Reiff To Wife: 12 Pounds/Month as widow To Sons: His smith tools Eldest Daughter Anna Margaretha, 100 Pounds when youngest son is of age. 2nd Daughter, Anna Maria, 100 Pounds when youngest son is of age Youngest Daughter, Catharine, 20 Pounds at marriage. Wife sole executor [Abstract lists as Anna Barbara Smith] Witnesses: Frederick Gotz and Christian Weber, 19 October 1751 OTHER SMITHS AT GOSHENHOPPEN: Jacob Schmid: Contributed to pastor's land deed 5 August 1794 Jacob Schmid: On registration to sail for PA from Buchss, On registration to sail for PA from Buchss, 24 February 1735. Family of six. Christopher Schmidt: Signed letter of complaint of Indian troubles. 17 May 1728. John H. Schmidt: Deacon at Falkner Swamp, 1734. Wilhelm Schmidt: Signed letter rejecting Rev. Boehm, 10 May 1735. Georg Schmidt: At baptism of daughter Anna with unnamed wife, 28 May 1758. CURRENT RESEARCH GOAL: To connect George Smith of Sussex Co., NJ, fl. 1770s, to Sebastian Schmidt. The Tohickon Reformed Church Records, which list George's marriage by Caspar Wack. Wack lists Sebastian as George's father, but Sebastian appears to have only two sons, John and Leonard. We are looking into Sebastian's whole family group to see if we can connect the two.