Some Minutes of the Provincial Council (1683-1685); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Liz Harrison ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Some Minutes of the Provincial Council From the Pennsylvania Colonial Records Volume 1 At a Council held at Philadelphia ye 21st of ye 12th Mo., 1683 Present: Wm. Penn, Propor and Govr., Tho. Holmes, Wm. Clayton, Lasse Cock, Wm. Haigue, Chr. Taylor James Claypoole, Jno. Joanes and Wm. Frampton made their returnes to this board concerning the Estate of John Vand Borsons; Whereupon, James Claypoole & Wm. Frampton were appointed to inspect and make up the accts of Jno. VanBorson, and to give an accot of it to tis board when they have made up the Cr. & Dr. Wm. Frampton makes a report of the referance of the Council concerning the Estate of Jno. Vanborson, lately deceased. The Provll. Council ordered Wm. Frampton & Samll Carpenter of this towne, Marchts, to administer on ye behalf of ye creditors and heirs of Jno. Vanborson, and to make report of what they doe therein to this board. Adjourned till ye 27th 12th Mo., 83. At a Council held at Philadelphia ye 27th of the 12th month, 1683. Present: Wm. Penn Propor and Govr., James Harrison, Wm. Haigue, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Biles, Chris. Taylor, Tho. Holmes, Lasse Cock The Grand Jury being attested, the Govr gave them their Charge and the Atturney Genall attended them with the presentmt; their names are as followed: Robt. Euer, foreman, Rich. Orne, Tho. Mosse, Samll Carpenter, Jno. Day, Tho. Ducket, Andrew Griscom, Jno. Fisher, Denis Lince, Benj. Whitehead, Jno. Barnes, Tho. Phillyps, Jno. Barnes, Gunner Rambo, Tho. Millard, Samll Allen, Enock Flower, Jno. Yattman, Jno. Parsons, Henr. Drystreet, Barnaby Wilcox. Post Meridiem The Grand Jury made their returne and found the Bill. Ordered that those that were absent of the Petty Jury should be fined 40s each man. Margarit Matson(s indictmt was read, and she pleads not guilty, and will be tryed by the countrey. Lasse Cock attested Interpriter between the Propor and prisoner at the barr. The Petty Jury inpanneld; their names are as followed: Jno. Hastings Foreman, Albertus Hendrickson, Robt. Piles, Robt. Wade, Nath. Evans, Edwd. Darter, Wm. Hewes, Jer. Collet, Jno. Kinsman, Jno. Gibbons, Walter Martin, Edw. Bezac. Henry Drystreet attested, saith he was tould 20 years agoe, that the prisoner at the Barr was a witch & that severall cows were bewitcht by her; also, that James Sanderling(s mother tould him that she bewitcht her cow, but afterwards said it was a mistake, and that her cow should doe well againe, for it was not her cow but an other person(s that should dye. Charles Ashcom attested, saith that Anthony(s wife being asked why she sould her catle; was because her mother had bewitcht them, having taken the witchecraft of Hendrick(s cattle, and also that one night the daughter of the prisoner called him up hastely, and when he came she sayd there was a great light but just before, and an old woman with a knife in her hand at ye bedd(s feet, and therefore she cryed out and desired Jno. Symcock to take away his calves or else she would send them to Hell. James Claypoole, attested Interpritor betwixt the Propor and the prisioner. The affidavid of Jno. Vaneulin read, Charles Ashcom being a witness to it. Annakey Coolin attested, saith her husband tooke the heart of a calfe that dyed, as they thought, by witchcraft, and boyled it, whereupon the prisoner at ye Barr came in and asked them what they were doing; they said boyling of flesh; she said they had better they had boyled the bones with severall other unseemly expressions. Margaret Mattson saith that she vallues not Drystreets(s evidence; but if Sanderlin(s mother had come, she would have answered her; also denyeth Charles Ashcom(s attestation at her Soul and saith where is my daughter; let her come and say so. Annakay Cooling(s attestation concerning the Gees, she denyeth, saying she was never out of her conoo, and also that she never said any such things concerning the calves heart. Jno. Cock attested, saying he knows nothing of the matter. Tho. Balding(s attestation was read, and Tho. Bracy attested, saith it is a true coppy. The prisoner denyeth all things, and saith that ye witnesses speake only by hear say. After weh ye Govr gave the Grand Jury their charge concerning ye prisoner at ye barr. The jury went forth, and upon their returne brought her in guilty of haveing the comon fame of a which, but not guilty in manner and forme as shee stands indicted. Neels Mattson and Antho. Neelson enters into the recognizance of fifty pounds apiece, for the good behavior of Margaret Mattson for six months. Jacob Hendrickson enters into the recognizance of fifty pounds for the good behavior of Getro Hendrickson for six months. Adjourned till ye 20th day of ye first No., 1684. At a Council held at Philadelphia the 20th day of the 1st month, 1684, Present: Wm. Penn Propr. And Govr., Jam. Harrison, John Cann, Wm. Welch, Thomas Janney, Tho. Holmes, Tho. Lloyd, Chris. Taylor, Jno. Symcock, Wm. Clayton, Wm. Wood Tho. Lloyd, Wm. Clayton, Tho. Janney, Wm. Welch, Jno. Cann, and Wm. Wood attested tp keep secret the debates in Council &c. Complaint being made to this board of a notorious robery comitted on the goods of Hannah Saulter, this board was please to issue out a Proclamation for apprehending & securing of such persons if found in the Province or Territories, or elsewhere. Ordered that ye first thing to be done tomorrow be the running over the old laws. Adjourned till ye 21st 1st Mo., 84. The 21st of Ye 5th Month, 1685 Several Indians made complaint to ye Secre of abuses they received from ye servants of Jesper Farmer at ye said Jesper Farmer(s Plantation, Vizt: their making ye Indians drunk, then lying with their wives, and of their beeting both men and their wives. The Secretary told them by the Interpreters, Lacy Cock that ye Council would sitt on ye 28th Inst., but they telling him they could not stay so long from hunting. But desired it might be ye 24th Inst., and then they would taulk about ye land not yet bought. The Secretary sent a summons to ye servts by ye Sherriff, to appeare ye aforesaid 24th day, dated 21st Inst., and likewise sent a lettr to Capt. Holmes, Presidt of ye council, to acquaint him of it, date ye 22nd Inst., sent by ye sherriff to Capt. Holmes Plantation. The 23rd of ye 5th Mo., 1685 Capt. Wm. Dearing, Mr of ye Wrenn of London, desired of ye Secrety two summonses, one for Robert White, ye other for Robt Roberts, to appear before ye council ye 28th Inst., as witnesses on his behalfe, in ye differance between his servts and Hanse Peterson; was done & entered. The 24th of ye 5th Mo., 1685 Wm. Haigue request ye Secretry that a hue and cry from East Jersie, after a servant of Mr. John White(s, Marcht at New York, might have some force and authority to pass this Province & Territoryes; the Secretary indorsed it and sealed it with ye seal of ye Province. The 27th 5th Mo., 1685 The Indians yt made complaint against Servts of Jasper Farmer, on ye 21st Inst., and appoynted ye 24th for a hearing before ye council, the Indians mistooke ye day & came not till ye 25th Inst., and ye Sherriff Messenger, with ye summons to Jasper Farmer(s servants, loosing his way in ye woods, returned without summoning them to appear upon wch disappoyntments the Indians concluded to appear ye 28th Insts., and accordingly ye Secretary sent a sumons to John Scull, overseer to Jasper Farmer(s servts, for him and ye Servts to appeare, especially John Below. At Councill in the Councill Roome at Philadelphia ye 28th 5th Mo., 1685 Present: Thomas Holmes, Presdt., Wm. Frampton, Jno. Cann, nich. Newlin, Jno. Symcock, Tho. Janney, Wm. Markham Secre. Majr. Dyer came to ye councill, and tould yt he presented himselfe before them according to his instructions to take an oath, at that had directed him to doe before he entered into his office of ye King(s collecr of his Customes in Pennsilvania, and turned to yt clause in his instructions & ye Secretry read it to ye councill, with his comission for ye comissrs of ye Customes, and ye coppy of ye Lords to them to grant it, coppys of wch both were left. The councill tould him it was against their methods to take an Oath, but if he pleased to be attested, according to ye laws of the Province, they would attest him: he made answer, he understood that before, and expected no otherways, for it was what he had done in East Jersey. Then he attested thus: Thou solemnly declare in ye presents of God, and before this board, that thou will truly and justly performe ye office of ye King(s Collectr of his Customs in ye Province of Pennsilvania, according to ye instructions he received from ye commissrs of his Majesty(s Customes. Majr. Dyer produced a coppy of ye King(s Proclamation concerning Plantation trade, wch was read, and left with ye councill. His comission for Surveyr Genll of his Majts Collonys and Plantations was read and ye coppy left. Then was read Majr. Dyer(s instructions both for Surveyr Genall of all his Majts Collonys & Plantations in America, & for Collectr of Casaria, Pennsilvania and New Jersey. In one paragraph of his instructions for Collector, he was directed to leave the coppy of them with ye Govr, for which he desired at present to be excused, he being in great haste going to New Yorke, and they would take up much time coppying, but intended shortly here againe, ten would present them with one. Majr. Dyer brought with him before ye councill one Christopher Snowden, telling them that he intended to make him his Deputy Sercher and Wayter of his Majts Customes in Pennsilvania, and desired he might be attested accordingly, to performe his office as usuall, wch was don. A letter from Wm. Clark, no date, in answer to a summons sent to him baring date ye 11th 5 month, 1685 was read. Samll. Carpenter being present, who desired ye opinion of ye councill whether James Claypoole ought now to give in security and appeale for England or not; if he ought, he desired it might be done forthwith, for there he said he hoped to have some redress; or if of ye contrary opinion, begg(d that he might have speedy redress here. Then Samll Carpenter was asked whether any body had refused to execute that execution; answered no, for he had not tryed any with it yett. Then ye councill gave their opinion that Wm. Clark(s letter confirmed ye execution, he only objecting against ye wording it, the wch in his sense, seemed to be as well against James Claypoole as against ye Goods of ye Society, ech to them appeared otherwise, Wizt: that James Claypoole was only mentioned therein as ye person yt managed ye Cause for ye Society, Samll Herent, ye Sherriff, being at ye doore, the councill called him in & asked him if he refused to serve ye execution of Samll Carpenter against ye Society; who made answer he never saw it. John Skull appeared with ye servants of Jasper Farmer, according to a summons bearing date ye 27th Inst., but ye Indians being drunk in ye woods, & the servants declaring they were afraid to goe home before ye business was ended, ye councill ordered they should stay in towne till ye next day, when ye Indians were to be in towne to receive pay for ye land bought of them. Adjourned till three in ye afternoon.