The Philadelphia Directory & Stranger’s Guide for 1825, page 17; Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Cyndie Enfinger *********************************************************************** * USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** and Stranger’s Guide. 17 Bayliss Banjamin, tailor 484 N 2d Beck Henry, shoemaker Wharton between Bayne Nathaniel, bricklayer 9 Castle st 2d and Moyamensing road Baynes Samuel, ladies’ shoemaker, 312 S 2d Beck Jacob, merchant d. h. 32 Dock Bazeley C. W. & Mrs. C. W. ladies seminary Beck John, mariner 30 Spruce 75 S 4th N E corner Willing’s alley Beck John, house carp 33 Noble Beackley Edward, house carp. 77 Queen st Beck John, baker 74 Budd Beale Jesse, sugar refi. N W c. 11th & Cherry Beck Lawrence, musician 206 Cherry Beale Jacob, sugar refiner N W cor. Nicholson Beck Lewis, 34 Ridge road st and Malt alley d. h. Cherry above 11th Beck Lewis, grocer & Tav. keep. S E corner Beale Joseph, gentleman 232 Spruce Coates’ and Oak (N. J.) [315 High Beal Wm house carp. Rose alley n Green st Beck Paul, merchant 11 S Wharves, d. h. Bealer Tobias, sugar refiner 35 Ann N L) Beck Paul, jun. merchant 11 S Wharves, d. Bealert wid. Margaret, gentlew. 52 Lombard h. 315 High [h. 69 S 2d Beam Jacob C collector 41 Brown st Beck Richard, merchant tailor 59 Chesnut, d. Beamer Samuel, stove finisher Mark’s lane Beck Valentine, shoemaker 7 Oak st (S.) above 11th Beck W. C. & S. M. Stewart, stationers, ma- Bean James, store keeper 87 N 6th nufactureres of paper hangings and playing Bean James, shoemaker Francisville cards S W cor. Walnut & S 3d Bean Joshua C. house carpenter 87 N 6th Beck W. c. do. Do. D. h. 115 S 8th Bean William, innkeeper (sign of the Tiger) Becker Christian, mariner 17 Penn st 121 Vine Becker Francis, accountant and interpreter Bean Wm W. house carpenter 37 N 6th of foreighn languages 28 N 3d Bean William, shoemaker 249 S 3d Beckel Godfrey, toy store 87 N 2d Beans Benj J. stove manufacturer 70 N 6th Beckenback Jacob, shoemaker 85 Green st d. h. 290 Vine Becket Archibald, tailor Camden (N.J.) Beans Matthew, saddler 219 S 2d d. h. 4 Beckett Henry, merchant 258 Walnut Shield’s court +Becket Henry, waiter under 19 S 7th Beard widow Hannah, Smith’s alley Beckhorn Garret, innkeeper 62 Shippen Beard Mrs. Mary, 77 Lombard Beckley widow Ann mantua maker and tai- Beard Nicholas, victualler 36 Charlotte st loress N E cor S 3d & Cedar Beard Peter, currier Eckfieldt’s court back of Beckley widow Margaret, 62 N 8th 4 South alley Beckley widow Mary, gentlewoman 77 New Beard Wm victualler rear of 36 Charlotte st Beckum Robert weaver Eckfeldt’s c. ab. 13th Beasley widow Abigail, gentlewoman 21 +Beckus Lewis, hair-dresser 38 1/2 S 8th, d.h. Christian st 154 Pine Beasley Rev. Frederick, D.D. provost of the Bedel rev. Gregory Townsend, rector of St. University of Pennsylvania 289 Chesnut Andrews’ church 241 Spruce Beates Frederick, scrivener 93 N 3d, d.h. 1 Bedford J. & T. drygood store 59 N 2d Quarry Bedford Thomas, house painter and glazier Beath Wm. shoemaker 4 Lemon st 114 Dillwyn Beattie Arthur, cotton manufacturer and tav. +Bedford Wm. carter S 8th cor St. Mary st Keep. 474 S Front Bedlock Wm. principal of the Union acade- Beattie F. S. M.D. 266 Mulberry my 49 Crown Beatty George, tav keep. 40 S Wharves Bedlun Joseph, soap-boiler and tallow-chand- Beatty James, weaver 310 S 7th ler 10 Vernon Beaty John, paper hanging manufacturer, d. Bedwell George, supercargo 250 N 3d h. 91 S 8th Bedwell Thomas, druggist 250 N 3d Beatty Samuel, manufacturer 129 S 11th Beere Miss Ann, 13 Carter’s alley Beatty Samuel, grocer S W c Cedar & 3d Beer John, house carp Brooke n Coates’ st Beatty Wm. gentleman 308 S 2d Bears & Bunnell, exchange office 4 S 3d Beanley James, 82 Tammany Beers John, turner Lomb. Bet Quince & 12th Bechtel & Conrad, shoe store 50 High Beers Robert, feed store Lombard between Bechtel George, shoemaker 29 Duke st Quince and 12th Bechtel Jacob, boot & shoe maker 64 S 2d Beeth Wm. shoemaker 209 Cedar Bechtel Wilson L. shoemaker 6 Church al. Begley Thomas, last-maker 57 Dock, d. h. Beck Harvey, merchant 11 S Wharves 12 Passyunk road Beck Daniel B. painter and glazier intersect. Behucke John, tavern keeper 24 Swanson Of Old York r. & 4th, d.h. Ridge road Beideman John, shoemaker 349 N Front Berk widow Elizabeth, gentlewoman S 2d 2 Beidleman Abraham, gent. 88 N 2d Doors above Federal Beidalman Jacob R. drygood store 88 N 2d Beck George, clerk of High st market 215 Beighauser Jacob, accountant Wood (Brew- Lombard er’s alley) op. Kunckle Beck Henry, broker & commission merchant Belair Lewis D. justice of the peace 376 N 7th 274 N 3d Belden wid. Mary P. ????ner 181 Cedar Beck Henry, A. & Son, druggists 248 N Front Belknap Stephen, jeweler 59 Cherry Beck Henry Paul, att’y at law 50 Walnut Bell Charles, bookseller 73 N 6th