The Philadelphia Directory & Stranger’s Guide for 1825, page 88; Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Cyndie Enfinger *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** 88 Philadelphia Directory M’Anulty Susan, tavern keeper 416 High M’Cartney wid. Mary, shop keeper 219 S 6th M’Arann John, botanical gardener and seeds- M’Cartney Patrick, laborer 5 Federal man Filbert be Sch’ll 5th & 6th M’Carthy Jeremiah, innkeeper 8 Strawberry M’Arthur Alexander, shipwright 521 S 2d M’Carty wid. Ann, washw 5 Sheaff’s alley M’Arthur Daniel, tailor 104 Cedar M’Carty wid. Mary, 302 S Front M’Arthur Charles, silk dyer 31 Union M’Carty Wm. printer & bookseller 171 High M’Arthur James, shoem’r 162 Lombard d. h. 6 N 11th M’Ardle Felix, late tallow chandler 8 Clever M’Caslin John, store keeper 310 S Front alley M’Causland Alexander, grocer and chocolate M’Ateer Daniel, grocer & tavern keeper 254 manuf 185 S 6th Cedar M’Causland John, liquor store 11 S Wharves M’Auley Daniel, printer 200 Sassafras d. h. 310 S Front M’Avoy Richard, grocer S E c of Budd and M’Cauley Alexander, weaver S 13th S E c. of Browne Weaver’s alley M’Bain James, printer 121 S 2d M’Cauley Elizabeth, seamstress Ridgway’s M’Bride Andrew, tavern keeper 528 N Front court b 30 Cherry M’Bride Colin, tavern keeper & bottler Broad M’Cauley Francis, paper hanging ware house bet. Mulberry & Cherry 43 S 3d d . h. 119 S Front M’Bride James, stevedore 18 Relief alley M’Cauley James, weaver 54 New market-st M’Bride Robert Y. saddler 257 N 2d M’Cauley John, copper smith 119 S Front M’Bride Wm. tavern keeper 528 N Front M’Cauley John, weaver Cedar bel 13th M’Bride Wm. shoem’r 32 German M’Cauley Patrick, cordwainer 192 Lombard M’Bryan Jacob, carter 310 S Front M’Cauley Wm. weaver 293 S 4th M’Bryan widow Margaret, seamstress Lom- M’Clane Andrew, Ladies’ shoem’r 247 S 2d bard n 9th M’Clain wid. Ann, tailoress 3 Plum M’Cabe Bernard, tallow chandler 114 Plum M’Clean David, tinware dealer 302 S 3d M’Cafferty Isabella, 39 German M’Clane John, tavern keeper N W c. Shippen M’Caffery James, tailor and store keeper 192 and 4th N 2d M’Clane John, grocer and tavern keeper 254 M’Caffy Owen, labourer 18 Vaux’s court S 4th M’Call Geoge C. gent. 308 Chesnut M’Clane John, tailor 208 S 2d M’Call wid. Judith, gentlw 308 Chesnut M’Clane John, cordwainer 42? Chesnut M’Call Robert, gent. 308 Chesnut M’Clane Thomas, tavern keeper 366 High +M’Call Robert, porter 14 Plum M’Clean Alexander, agent 33 Mulberry M’Call Wm. C. gent. 308 Chesnut M’Clean Archibald, cabinet m’r 496 N Front M’Call Mrs. Boarding house 206 S Front M’Clean John, high constable 83 Cedar M’Calla John, gent. 66 N 4th M’Clean Stephen, coach driver 23 Prune M’Calla wid. Martha, washw. 1 door bel. 13th M’Clean wid. of Thomas tavern keeper N E c. M’Calla Robert P. druggist 68 d. h. 78 S 11th 5th & Prune [2d M’Calla Wm. & sons, grocers N E c. of 6th & M’Claskey Hugh, viet Wharton bet. Front & Queen M’Claskey wid. Lydia circulating library 349 M’Calla Wm. H. acc’t 173 Cherry S Front M’Calla Robert, hatter 196 N 5th M’Clatchey Robert, drygood store 307 S 3d M’Callmont George, merch. 21 Dock d. h. 70 M’Clerman James, drover Wilson’s c’t S 10th Walnut M’Clemman Patrick, cordwainer 24 Prune M’Callmont Mrs. Mary, gentlw. 80 N 9th M’Clelland Geo. W. drygood store 90 N 2d M’Canles & Chambers, grocers 57 N 4th M’Clellan George, M.D. 124 S 4th 3 doors bel. M’Canles John jun. grocer 57 d. h. 125 N 4th St. Mary’s church M’Cann Aaron, tanner b of 6 Noble M’Cleery Hugh, weaver 6 Pratt’s court M’Cann wid. Eleanor, cake baker 241 1/2 S 2d M’Clenchey Charles, gro. S W c. 2d & German M’Cann Daniel, pilot 310 S Front M’Cline Robert, cordwainer 87 St. Jons’ M’Cann Gervis, grocer & tavern keeper 273 M’Clintock John, dry good store 153 N 3d S 4th M’Clintock Joseph, housecarp. 28 Chester M’Cann Henry, bank watchman 233 S 3d M’Clintock Thomas, artist 107 Coates’ M’Cann James, ?aker 63 German M’Clintock Thomas, druggist 107 S 9th M’Cann James, gent. 161 Shippen M’Cloud Daniel, mariner 102 Swanson M’Cann Wm. laborer 5 Federal M’Cloud John, hatter 46 High M’Caraher Alexander, wholesale grocer N E c M’Closkey Charles, cordwainer and sexton of Vine & 4th d. h. 135 Vine 9th Presb’n Church 3 N 13th M’Carney Daniel, inn keeper 83 N Water M’Closkey ---- curbstone set. Marble n 11th M’Carren I. Bottler 150 N 3d M’Closkey James, housecarp. 28 Bedford M’Carren Robert, Custom house messenger M’Closkey James, housecarp. 218 Cedar and bottler 80 Dock d. h. 8 Elmslie’s alley M’Cloy Ralph, distiller 31 N 8th c. of Zane M’Carter Wm. turner 78 N 6th M’Clure Mrs. Ann, fancy feather store 34 N 3d M’Carty & Davis, printers and booksellers M’Clure Miss Ann, gentlw. S W c. 11th and 171 High Mulberry (NOTE: Below, the M’ names are listed as Mc for the purposes of the search engine.) McAnulty Susan, tavern keeper 416 High McCartney wid. Mary, shop keeper 219 S 6th McArann John, botanical gardener and seeds- McCartney Patrick, laborer 5 Federal man Filbert be Schcll 5th & 6th McCarthy Jeremiah, innkeeper 8 Strawberry McArthur Alexander, shipwright 521 S 2d McCarty wid. Ann, washw 5 Sheaff’s alley McArthur Daniel, tailor 104 Cedar McCarty wid. Mary, 302 S Front McArthur Charles, silk dyer 31 Union McCarty Wm. printer & bookseller 171 High McArthur James, shoem’r 162 Lombard d. h. 6 N 11th McArdle Felix, late tallow chandler 8 Clever McCaslin John, store keeper 310 S Front alley McCausland Alexander, grocer and chocolate McAteer Daniel, grocer & tavern keeper 254 manuf 185 S 6th Cedar McCausland John, liquor store 11 S Wharves McAuley Daniel, printer 200 Sassafras d. h. 310 S Front McAvoy Richard, grocer S E c of Budd and McCauley Alexander, weaver S 13th S E c. of Browne Weaver’s alley McBain James, printer 121 S 2d McCauley Elizabeth, seamstress Ridgway’s McBride Andrew, tavern keeper 528 N Front court b 30 Cherry McBride Colin, tavern keeper & bottler Broad McCauley Francis, paper hanging ware house bet. Mulberry & Cherry 43 S 3d d . h. 119 S Front McBride James, stevedore 18 Relief alley McCauley James, weaver 54 New market-st McBride Robert Y. saddler 257 N 2d McCauley John, copper smith 119 S Front McBride Wm. tavern keeper 528 N Front McCauley John, weaver Cedar bel 13th McBride Wm. shoem’r 32 German McCauley Patrick, cordwainer 192 Lombard McBryan Jacob, carter 310 S Front McCauley Wm. weaver 293 S 4th McBryan widow Margaret, seamstress Lom- McClane Andrew, Ladies’ shoem’r 247 S 2d bard n 9th McClain wid. Ann, tailoress 3 Plum McCabe Bernard, tallow chandler 114 Plum McClean David, tinware dealer 302 S 3d McCafferty Isabella, 39 German McClane John, tavern keeper N W c. Shippen McCaffery James, tailor and store keeper 192 and 4th N 2d McClane John, grocer and tavern keeper 254 McCaffy Owen, labourer 18 Vaux’s court S 4th McCall Geoge C. gent. 308 Chesnut McClane John, tailor 208 S 2d McCall wid. Judith, gentlw 308 Chesnut McClane John, cordwainer 42? Chesnut McCall Robert, gent. 308 Chesnut McClane Thomas, tavern keeper 366 High +McCall Robert, porter 14 Plum McClean Alexander, agent 33 Mulberry McCall Wm. C. gent. 308 Chesnut McClean Archibald, cabinet m’r 496 N Front McCall Mrs. Boarding house 206 S Front McClean John, high constable 83 Cedar McCalla John, gent. 66 N 4th McClean Stephen, coach driver 23 Prune McCalla wid. Martha, washw. 1 door bel. 13th McClean wid. of Thomas tavern keeper N E c. McCalla Robert P. druggist 68 d. h. 78 S 11th 5th & Prune [2d McCalla Wm. & sons, grocers N E c. of 6th & McClaskey Hugh, viet Wharton bet. Front & Queen McClaskey wid. Lydia circulating library 349 McCalla Wm. H. acc’t 173 Cherry S Front McCalla Robert, hatter 196 N 5th McClatchey Robert, drygood store 307 S 3d McCallmont George, merch. 21 Dock d. h. 70 McClerman James, drover Wilson’s c’t S 10th Walnut McClemman Patrick, cordwainer 24 Prune McCallmont Mrs. Mary, gentlw. 80 N 9th McClelland Geo. W. drygood store 90 N 2d McCanles & Chambers, grocers 57 N 4th McClellan George, M.D. 124 S 4th 3 doors bel. McCanles John jun. grocer 57 d. h. 125 N 4th St. Mary’s church McCann Aaron, tanner b of 6 Noble McCleery Hugh, weaver 6 Pratt’s court McCann wid. Eleanor, cake baker 241 1/2 S 2d McClenchey Charles, gro. S W c. 2d & German McCann Daniel, pilot 310 S Front McCline Robert, cordwainer 87 St. Jons’ McCann Gervis, grocer & tavern keeper 273 McClintock John, dry good store 153 N 3d S 4th McClintock Joseph, housecarp. 28 Chester McCann Henry, bank watchman 233 S 3d McClintock Thomas, artist 107 Coates’ McCann James, ?aker 63 German McClintock Thomas, druggist 107 S 9th McCann James, gent. 161 Shippen McCloud Daniel, mariner 102 Swanson McCann Wm. laborer 5 Federal McCloud John, hatter 46 High McCaraher Alexander, wholesale grocer N E c McCloskey Charles, cordwainer and sexton of Vine & 4th d. h. 135 Vine 9th Presb’n Church 3 N 13th McCarney Daniel, inn keeper 83 N Water McCloskey ---- curbstone set. Marble n 11th McCarren I. Bottler 150 N 3d McCloskey James, housecarp. 28 Bedford McCarren Robert, Custom house messenger McCloskey James, housecarp. 218 Cedar and bottler 80 Dock d. h. 8 Elmslie’s alley McCloy Ralph, distiller 31 N 8th c. of Zane McCarter Wm. turner 78 N 6th McClure Mrs. Ann, fancy feather store 34 N 3d McCarty & Davis, printers and booksellers McClure Miss Ann, gentlw. S W c. 11th and 171 High Mulberry