The Philadelphia Directory & Stranger’s Guide for 1825, page 108; Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Cyndie Enfinger *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** 108 Philadelphia Directory Patterson Robert, bricklayer S 12th n George Paullin Joel, tailor 49 Currant alley Patterson Robert, house carp. 81 George Pawling Abraham, blacksmith 17 N 9th Patterson Robert, weaver High bet. Sch. 6th Pawling Jesse, blacksmith 258 Sassafras, d. and 7th h. 93 N 5th Patterson Robert, gent. 285 Chesnut Paxson Benjamin, merchant 40 N Front, d. h. Patterson wid. Rachel, gro. 20 Palmyra row 124 Cherry Patterson Samuel, rule maker 14½ Gray’s al. Paxson Edward, att’y at law 151 N Front d. h. 200 N 5th Paxson James, shipwright Shackam’n (K) Patterson wid. Sophia, weaver 2 Pratt’s c’t Paxson James, shipwright 20 Browne Patterson wid. of Stephen, gentlw. 63 Locust Paxson James, shipwright Duke n 2d Patterson Thomas, block & pump maker 63 Paxson Richard, hardware merch. 345 High & 65 Swanson d. h. 323 Mulberry Patterson T. teacher 205 S 5th d. h. S E c. of Paxson Samuel dep. Sheriff 43 Carpenter’s 6th & Powell Paxson Timothy & son, flour merchants 65 N Patterson Wm. merchant 98 S 3d Water Patterson Wm. & co. grocers N E c. of Water Paxson Timothy, flour merchant 65 N Water & Mulberry d. h. 158 N Front Patterson Wm. grocer N E c. of Water and Paxson Wm. J. gent. N Front 1 door ab. Vine Mulberry, d. h. 29 Vine Paxson Wm. J. flour merchant 65 N Water Patterson Wm. mariner (mate) 42 Catharine Patrick Wm. paver Rose’s alley (C.) Patton Mrs. Elizabeth, 169 S 11th Payne John, mariner 30 Carter’s alley Patton Francis, mariner 375 S Front Payne Wm. house carp. 164 S 5th Patton Miss Grace, teacher 169 S 11th Paynter Lemuel, grocer 117 German Patton Henrietta, shopkeeper 218 S 3d Paynter Wm. house carp. 126 German Patton James jr. merch. 23 N Front d. h. 293 Payran Stephen, hatter 22 Swanson Sassafras Peace Joseph, gent. 78 S 6th Patton wid. Jane, Locust 1st door ab. 13th Peacock James, house carp. 20 Coates’ Patton John W. leather sto. 166 d. h. 163 N 3d Peacock James, hatter 282 Sassafras Patton John, laborer 5 Caledonian Court Peake Thomas, shipwright Swanson n the Patton John, merchant 33 N Water d. h. 65 Navy yard Cedar Peale Charles W. artist Walnut N W c. of Patton wid. Mary, Marriott’s lane bet. 4th and Swanwick 5th Peale James, portrait painter 228 Spruce Patton Robert, cordwainer Locust n Dean Peale Raphael, portrait & miniature painter Patton Robert, A. acc’t John’s n Front 209 S 3d Patton Samuel, acc’t 47 Plum Peale Rubens, portrait painter 7 Palmyra row Patton Samuel, grocer 61 S Wharves, d. h. Peal Titian, artist Walnut N W c. Swanwick 159 S Front Peall Wm. 76 Penn Patton Wm. jr. accountant 144 Pine Pearce John, plumber & water closet manuf. Patton Wm. C. weaver Cedar n 13th 76 S 4th Patton Wm. china store 65 Cedar Pearce wid. Mary, mantua m’t 87 Browne Paughbaugh wid. Mary, victualler James n Pearce Susannah, comb and fancy store 76 Rugan S 4th Paul wid. Alice, gentlw. 12 Green +Pearce Wm. porter Pine bet 9th and 10th Paul wid. Catharine, 236 N Front Pearl James, deputy measurer 20 S Wharves Paul David, deputy corder Drawbridge d. h. d. h. 316 N Front 79 Lombard Pearl John, box maker Lilly al. n Green Paul David, flour & feed store 3 Spruce st. Pearsall Robert jr. druggist 115 High c of 3d wharf, d. h. 14 Lombard Pearson Misses Ann & Martha, gentlw. 237 Paul James, merchant 34 N 5th Mulberry Paul wid. Jane, shopkeeper 405 N 3d Pearson George, regulator of Southwark 399 Paul John, cabinet maker Chine S 2d Paul John, gent. 60 N 4th Pearson Henry B. att’y at law 94 Mulberry Paul Joseph M. gent. 60 N 4th Pearson Isaac, whip manuf. 284 High Paul Joseph, tailor 14 Frankford road Pearson Isaac, stationer 109 High Paul Joseph, blacksmith St. John’s n Tam- Pearson Isaac L. paper wareho. 109 High many Pearson John, tanner 445 N Front Paul Jonathan S. late storekeeper 443 S 2d Pearson John, hose carp. 446 S Front Paul Robert, victualling house 180 S Water Pearson Mary, drygood store 17 N 7th Paul Wm. house carp. 17 Franklin court Pearson wid. Mary, nurse 1 Knight’s court Paul Wm. B. mariner (mate) 72 Queen (S.) Pearson Samuel, blacksmith Little Washing- Paul Wm. S. carter 6 Fetter lane ton st. bet. Front & 2d Paul Wm. W. sea capt. 72 Queen Pearson Thomas, saddler and trunk maker Paul, Williams & co. lumber merchants N W 24 Shippen c. of Buttonwood & 6th Peart wid. Susannah, teacher 432 N 4th Paulling wid. Sarah, 122 N 3d Pease Margaret, gentlw. 1 N 12th