The Philadelphia Directory & Stranger’s Guide for 1825, page 111; Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Cyndie Enfinger < ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** and Stranger’s Guide. 111 Phillips Zalegman, attorney at law 118 Mul- Pippitt Isaac, cabinet maker 71 Walnut and berry 84 Dock Philson Robert A. druggist S W c. of 3d and Pisanell Francis, hair dresser 398 High Coates’s Pitman wid. Rebecca, boarding house 7 Cle- Phipps Mary & Sarah, gentlw. 129 Dillwyn ver alley Phipps Stephen, ironmonger 237 N 3d d. h. Pitner wid. Ann, gentlw. 219 Swanson Old York road Pittfield Robert L. cashier of the N. L. Bank Phipps Thomas, gent. 11 N 8th 345 High Phipps Wm. B. grocer S 2d N E c. Mary D. h. Pittinos Peter, gent. 249 High 39 Mary (S.) Plake wid. Mary, keeper of carts, Cedar ab. Physic Miss Abigail, gentlw. 210 N 4th 12th Physic Philip Syng, M.D. professor &c. 123 Planck John, oak cooper 277 N Front S 4th Plant John B. steam engineer 49 Prime Piatt James, grocer 134 N 13th Planton Anthony, surgeon dentist 110 S 4th Pichetti Andrew, confectioner 334 high c. of Prune Pichin wid. Jane, gentlw. Randall’s court Planton Mrs. Julia, portrait painter 110 S 4th Pickands wid. Rebecca, gentlw. 6 Whitaker’s c. of Prune row +Plate Sherry, musician 34 Powell Pickel wid. Ann, gentlw. 126 Cedar Platt Wm. merch d. h. 201 Mulberry Pickels Caspar, coach lamp manufacturer 111 Pleasants Charles, gent. 276 Walnut Walnut Pleasants wid. Mary, gentlw. 415 Mulberry Pickering Elihu, teacher 34 Keys’s alley (New Pleasants Mrs. Rebecca, shop keeper 134 S str) d. h. 194 N 6th 10th Ph?nix Insurance co’s office, 96 S 2d Pleis Jacob F. stove manuf. 171 N 2d d. h. 25 Pickering George, tailor 103 Coates’s Coates’s alley Pickering Joseph, clock & watch maker 315 Pleis John M, druggist and apothecary N E c. N Front of 3d & Vine d. h. 62 Wood (Brewer’s al.) Pickering Joseph S. attorney at law 125 Vine Pleis Matthias, druggist and apothecary 115 Pickering Thomas, mariner 302 S 4th N 3d Picot Charles, principal of the young ladies’ Plish wid. Rebecca, washw. Ro?? Alley near seminary 231 Spruce Coates’s st Pidgeon David, hardware store 126 N 3d Plowman Thomas L. oil store Callowhill S E c. Pidgeon James, tav. keeper 21 Passyunk rd. Julianna Pidgeon John, brass founder 11 Pratt’s court Plumb Joseph, tavern keeper Christian bet. Pidgeon wid. Rachel, shoe store 2 N 5th 7th & Passyunk road Pidgeon Robert, wheelwright Galbraith’s ct. Plumer wid. Elizabeth, tailoress Perry bel. Pidgeon Wm. dep. Keeper Walnut st. prison Pine 352 S 2d Plumley Charles, pewterer 9 Kunckel Pidgeon Wm. W. mast and spar maker 87 Plummer (elder) Frederick, 13 Shippen and Christian Knighton N.J. Pierce C. & C. W. merch’ts 51 S Wharves Plummer Theodore, ladies’ shoe maker 11 Pierce John, gent. 36 Christian Shippen Pierce Wm. H. stove and sheet iron manuf. Plummer Wm. grocer & boarding house 300 70 Cedar S front Pierie Charles, coach maker 28 Watson’s al. Plunket James, copper plate printer Juniper Pierie John, bleeder 122 S 4th alley Pierie Wm. currier 81 Dock d. h. 38 Carter’s Plunket Wm. L. carpenter 20 Elfreth’s alley alley Pochin John, grocer and baker op. the Mar- Pierpont Robert, silk dyer and scourer Fil- ket (K.) bert ab. 10th Poalk Robert, auct’r & commis’n merch. 34 Pierson John, tanner 445 N Front d. h. 96 S Front Pifer Charles, dealer in bark Lilly alley n Poalk Solomon, bottler 244 S 3d Green Pohlman Frederick, hair dresser 8 Hyde’s ct. Pifer James, gardener Bonsall Point John, pump maker 3 Richardson’s ct. Pifer wid. Mary, Juniper bel. Walnut Point Pleasant pucking machine, Penn (K.) Piggot rev. Robert, 33 N 10th Palmyra sqr. Polhemus Mrs. Ann, boarding house S W c. Pike Marinus Wm. carver & gilder 35 N 6th 4th & Mulberry Pile Joseph M. mariner 166 Swanson Polhemus John H. merch. 13 N Front Pile wid. Rebecca, gentlw. 104 Swanson Pollard John, cordwainer 48 German Pilmore rev. Joseph, D.D. 171 S 5th Polley Richard, weaver Cedar bel. 11th Pine Benjamin, hatter 196 S 2d d.h. 104 S 5th Pollock wid. Esther, boarding house 88 Crown Pinkney wid. Matilda, 4 Union Pollock Hamill, weaver S 12th bel. Pine Pinyard wid. Elizabeth, 93 Christian Pollock J. R. teacher 7 Pear d. h. N E c. 5th Pinyard Wm. inspector at the Navy yard 425 and Chesnut S Front Pollock Simon, merch. 82 vine Piper John, victualler Charles n Buttonwood Pomeroy Charles, printer Fries’s court