1890 Philadelphia Directory Reverse Listing, Warren Street; Philadelphia, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Betty Stanley [prljam4ever@juno.com] Copyright. All Rights Reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ********************************************************* Warren Street 4036 George Coleman, whitewasher 4037 Peter Dever, laborer 4047 James Duffey, hostler 4049 Hannah McDermond, w of James Ulysses G McDermond, machinist 4051 Eugene R Brown, driver 4055 John Dever, h 4067 John Dever, laborer 4073 Margaret Gallagher, dressmaker Hugh Gallagher, laborer 4078 Thomas McParland, driver 4081 PETER FLANAGAN, plasterer 4083 John McGlinchy, gripman 4085 Bernard O’Neill, laborer Catherine O’Neill, w of James 4087 James Gallagher, laborer 4090 Agnes Cropper, w of James