Misc: HICKS in Philadelphia City Directories (1917 & 1921); Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Vince Summers ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net ************************************************************************ [] Note: Square brackets mine.- VES. 1917: Albert M Hicks (Hicks & Bro) h 1533 Louden Alex Hicks lab[orer] h 1019 Rodman Algie Hicks chauffeur h 838 Leland Alice Hicks wid[ow] Morton C h 1718 Addison Alonzo Hicks lab[orer] h 1624 Fontain Amelia Hicks wid[ow] Jos h 1649 N Warnock Andw Hicks lab[orer] h 5432 Chestnut Andw J Hicks police h 2031 Waverly Ann Hicks wid[ow] Jno h 16 N Felton Anna Hicks artist 14430 S Penn sq[uare] h Kennett Arthur J Hicks h 5435 Locust August Hicks lab[orer] h 1917 N Warnock Benj Hicks cook h 242 S Hutchinson Benj Hicks lab[orer] h 2005 Kimball Carey Hicks lab[orer] h 3925 Olive Caroline Hicks wid[ow] Morgan h 765 S 1[3?]th Chas Hicks dentist 603 N 34th Chas Hicks lab[orer] h 1419 Kater Chas Hicks lab[orer] h 760 S Chadwick Chas A Hicks cl[er]k h 147 W Seymour G[erman]t[ow]n Chas H S Hicks dentist 5100 Walnut Chas J Hicks chauffeur h 409 Righter Wiss[ahickon] Chas M Hicks broker h 4322 Chestnut Chas S Hicks salesman h 3382 N 22d Chas T Hicks ironw[or]k[e]r h 6255 Arch Chas W Hicks b[oo]kbinder h 5408 N 5th Clara Hicks h 1913 Monument av[enue] Clarence V Hicks h 2248 S Bucknell Clarence W Hicks cl[er]k h 1808 N Uber David Hicks lab[orer] h 1 r 50 W Rittenhouse G[erman]t[ow]n Edw Hicks insp[ecto]r h 4931 Mulberry F[ran]k[for]d Edw Hicks meat 2601 N Stanley h 3337 Harold Edw J Hicks police h 1719 McKean Edw M Hicks meatc[ut]t[e]r h 4928 Duffield F[ran]k[for]d Edwin F Hicks chemist h 4837 Fairmount av[enue] Edwin K Hicks sup[erintenden]t h 450 N 50th Elizabeth M Hicks meat 3200 Gordon Elizabeth T Hicks wid[ow] Martin C h 1851 N 11th Ellwood Hicks wagonb[ui]ld[e]r h 2552 N Marshall Elwood Hicks lab[orer] h 1649 N Warnock Emma Hicks wid[ow] Chas h 1607 Rodman Emma Hicks wid[ow] Jos h 3530 N 23d Emma B Hicks wid[ow] Geo h 1228 N Redfield Ennis Hicks lab[orer] h 1018 S 17th Essex Hicks porter h 2939 Annin Eugenia Hicks h 259 S 11th Frank Hicks lab[orer] h 327 N 12th Frank L Hicks painter h 210 Horton Fredk V S Hicks lab[orer] h 3451 Hope Geo Hicks carp[enter] h 612 Lehigh av[enue] Geo Hicks porter h 1421 S 20th Geo Hicks salesman h 1654 N 6th Geo M Hicks (Hicks & Bro) h 3620 N 9th Geo W Hicks cl[er]k h 600 N 63d Geo W B Hicks ins[urance] h 600 N 63d Gertrude Hicks h 1236 Waverly Grant C Hicks cl[er]k h 2817 Albert Harry Hicks chauffeur h 1506 Thompson Harry Hicks cl[er]k h 2817 Albert Harry Hicks cl[er]k h 612 Lehigh av[enue] Harry L Hicks ins[urance] ag[en]t h 5943 Spring Harry L Hicks tinsmith h 5651 Bloyd G[erman]t[ow]n Harry R Hicks lab[orer] h 1808 N Uber Harry S Hicks v[ice]-pres[ident] Alfred Wolstenholme & Son Inc[orporated] h Merion Henry I Hicks m[ana]g[e]r h 311 N Marshall Henry J Hicks h 2342 N 9th Henry M Hicks watchman h 4151 N 9th Herbert J Hicks carp[enter] h 2108 Wallace Howard Hicks cl[er]k 2201 Nassau Howard Hicks lab[orer] h 1210 Fitzwater Isaac Hicks waiter h 607 Wood Isaac M C Hicks engineer h 825 E Ontario Isaac N Hicks mach[ini]st h 1828 N Bailey Jas Hicks driver h 4650 Aspen Jas Hicks driver h 1907 Fitzwater Jas Hicks lab[orer] 1624 Ellsworth Jas Hicks porter h 329 S Camac Jas E Hicks chauffeur h 802 N 46th Jane Hicks wid[ow] Alfred h 18285 N 19th Jeremiah Hicks lab[orer] h 246 N Vogdes Jno Hicks driver h 7950 Ridge av[enue] Jno Hicks mach[ini]st h 3516 Shelburne Jno Hicks mach[ini]st h 500 Spruce Jno Hicks photogr[apher] h 717 N 16th Jno D Hicks Rev[erend] h 2349 N 17th Jno E Hicks grocer 1134 Dunton Jno F Hicks automobiles h 1528 Louden Jno J Hicks foreman h 2413 S 13th Jno S Hicks foreman h 430 Venango Jno W Hicks driver h 2349 N Leithgow Jos Hicks (S & J Hicks) h 1240 N Redfield Jos Hicks driver h 2949 Edgeley Jos M Hicks canvasser h 318 York av[enue] Jos P Hicks wagons 2439 & 2330 N 9th Josephine Hicks h 1851 N 11th Josephine L Hicks milliner h 2080 E Lippincott J Rodman Hicks cl[er]k h 4928 Duffield F[ran]k[for]d Katherine Hicks wid[ow] Albert h 6119 Wayne av[enue] G[erman]t[ow]n Katherine Hicks wid[ow] Wm h 1402 S Etting Lavinia Hicks wid[ow] Albert h 727 St Mark's Lillian Hicks h 4919 Mulberry F[ran]k[for]d Louis Hicks lab[orer] h 1514 Catharine Louisa Hicks wid[ow] Chas h 2309 N 22d L Ada Hicks librarian h 2342 N 9th Margaret Hicks grocer 428 Venango Margaretta D Hicks wid[ow] Mordecai M h 4301 N Broad Maria Hicks h 3615 Chestnut Martha Hicks h 407 S 13th Mary Hicks h 5213 Cedar av[enue] Mary Hicks h 1512 Kater Mary R Hicks wid[ow] Jno W h 6255 Arch Nellie V Hicks h 5530 Walnut Nettie Hicks h 308 S Iseminger Nettie Hicks wid[ow] Jno h 2349 N Leithgow Oliver W Hicks h 253 S 8th Oswald N Hicks salesman h 3139 Agate Patk Hicks shoem[a]k[e]r h 1719 McKean Patk A Hicks fire dep[artmen]t h 1719 McKean Perry Hicks porter h 1845 Christian Ray Hicks carp[enter] h 544 N Gross Rhoda Hicks ap[artmen]ts 2102 Chestnut Richd M Hicks janitor h 1334 S Lambert Robt Hicks lab[orer] h 1228 St Albans Robt Hicks plumber h 2416 Oxford Robt C Hicks gen[era]l insp[ecto]r 210 City Hall h 203 N 65th Robt J Hicks salesman h LaBlanche Ap[artmen]ts Robt K Hicks lab[orer] h 438 Tioga Rodman J Hicks (Geo Wood Sons & Co) h Ardmore Rowland Hicks ins[urance] ag[en]t h 124 N Lindenwood Ruth Hicks nurse h 2029 S 8th Saml Hicks boarder h 3421 Hope Saml Hicks lab[orer] h 1702 Dickinson Saml T Hicks lab[orer] h 3411 N 3d Sarah Hicks h 169 Norris Sarah Hicks wid[ow] Chas h 3244 N 20th Sarah A Hicks h 1851 N 11th Silas Hicks (S & J Hicks) h 5414 Vine S & J Hicks (Silas & Jos) roofers 5414 Vine Terence W Hicks cl[er]k h 1402 S Etting Thos Hicks h 1710 N 24th Thos H Hicks collector h 3332 N 22d Thos H Hicks Jr bookk[ee]p[e]r h 3332 N 22d Thos L Hicks ins[urance] ag[en]t 134 S 9th h 517 S 42d Thos P Hicks shoe op[erato]r h 1725 Jackson Virginia Hicks teacher h 5213 Cedar av[enue] Walter Hicks lab[orer] h 1740 Addison Willet R Hicks salesman h 3332 N 22d Wm Hicks driver h 2020 E Hazzard Wm Hicks engineer h 137 N 62d Wm Hicks lab[orer] h 1825 N 19th Wm Hicks lab[orer] h 2241 Redner Wm Hicks m[ana]g[e]r h 150 N 12th Wm A Hicks footman h 1828 Fitzwater Wm A B Hicks draftsman h 1603 Poplar Wm B Hicks salesman h 56 N 56th Wm C Hicks salesman h 207 N 35th Wm D Hicks salesman h 3227 Disston Tac[ony] Wm H Hicks cl[er]k h 601 Girard av[enue] Wm H Hicks cl[er]k h 1227 Hazzard Wm H Hicks lab[orer] h 1841 Herbert F[ran]k[for]d Wm H Hicks sec[retary] McLain-Hadden-Simpers Co[mpany] h 1307 Kerbaugh Wm M Hicks police h 1445 N 57th W Laurence Hicks phys[ician] 124 S 16th Hicks & Bro (Albert M & Geo M) plumbers 651 N 8th 1921: Agnes M Hicks h 1212 North Albert M Hicks (Hicks & Bros) h 1533 Louden Alex Hicks (Saum's Co) h 1421 Arch Alfred Hicks charcoal h 2132 E Orleans Alfred Hicks cl[er]k h 1708 N 59th Andw J Hicks police h 2031 Waverly August Hicks lab[orer] h 1917 N Warnock A J Hicks dining 107 S 15th h Norwood Bessie Hicks nurse 2131 N 32d Carey Hicks lab[orer] h 3925 Olive Carrie Hicks wid[ow] Henry h 1613 Gratz Chas Hicks binder h 5408 N 5th Chas A Hicks cl[er]k h 147 W Seymour G[erman]t[ow]n Chas H S Hicks dentist 5100 Walnut Chas M Hicks h 4320 Chestnut Chas S Hicks dentist SE c[orner] 34th & Haverford av[enue] Christr Hicks salesman h 3631 Lanc[aster] av[enue] Clara Hicks wid[ow] Isaac h 1913 Monument av[enue] Clarence Hicks cl[er]k h 1808 N Uber Clinton Hicks lab[orer] 533 Master Claude Hicks U[nited] S[tates] N[avy] 3522 N 17th Danl Hicks mach[ini]st h 1685 Dyre F[ran]k[for]d David Hicks lab[orer] h 1 r 50 W Rittenhouse G[erman]t[ow]n Edgar T Hicks broker h 6214 Osage av[enue] Edw J Hicks police h 1719 McKean Edw M Hicks meatc[ut]t[e]r h 162 E Pomona G[erman]t[ow]n Edw S Hicks engineer h 1535 Overington F[ran]k[for]d Edw W Hicks h 3337 Harold Edwin F Hicks chemist h 4837 Fairmount av[enue] Edwin K Hicks mess[en]g[e]r h 450 N 50th Elizabeth Hicks h 629 N 32d Elizabeth Hicks wid[ow] Henry h 1502 N Marvine Elizabeth M Hicks grocer 3200 Gordon Ellen G Hicks wid[ow] Andw h 5432 Chestnut Emma Hicks wid[ow] Jos h 3530 N 23d Emma Hicks laundress h 1607 Rodman Frances Hicks wid[ow] h 2551 N Lee Frank L Hicks painter h 210 Horton Floyd M Hicks foreman h 8231 Craig H[olmes]b[ur]g Fredk V Hicks lab[orer] h 3451 Hope Geo Hicks elev[ator] op[erato]r h 1654 N 6th Geo Hicks lab[orer] h 635 N 8th Geo M Hicks (Hicks & Bros) h 3833 N 9th Geo W B Hicks h 600 N 63d G Warren Hicks cl[er]k h 600 N 63d Harry Hicks dyer h 1808 N Uber Harry E Hicks foreman h 4937 N Camac Harry L Hicks chauffeur h 6010 Summer Harry L Hicks tinsmith h 5955 N Beechwood Henry Hicks cl[er]k h 1606 Fairmount av[enue] Henry M Hicks watchman h 4151 N 9th Herbert Hicks driver h 918 N 10th Howard Hicks lab[orer] h 1735 N Croskey Howard Hicks mach[ini]st h 1735 N Croskey H Sherwood Hicks v[ice]-pres[ident] Alfred Wolstenholme & Son Inc h Merion Ida Hicks wid[ow] Richd h 1334 S Lambert Irene B Hicks wid[ow] Jno D h 2349 N 17th Isaac Hicks engineer h 1925 E Cumberland Israel Hicks paperh[a]ng[e]r 1749 Federal Jacob Hicks fireman h 1828 N Bailey Jas Hicks cl[er]k h 2345 Catharine Jas Hicks lab[orer] h 634 Moss Jas Hicks porter h 126 N 54th Jno Hicks cl[er]k h 1314 Master Jno E Hicks oysters 206 E Girard av[enue] Jno F Hicks automobiles 1528 Louden Jno F Hicks mach[ini]st h 3084 Helen Jno J Hicks foreman h 2413 S 13th Jno S Hicks stockk[ee]p[e]r h 430 Venango Jno W Hicks foreman h 256 S Felton Jos Hicks driver h 2949 Edgeley Jos Hicks lab[orer] h 1615 Filbert Jos J Hicks cl[er]k h 1346 F[ran]k[for]d av[enue] Jos P Hicks wagons 2439 & h 2330 N 9th Josephine Hicks milliner h 2080 E Lippincott Kate Hicks wid[ow] Alfred h 6119 Wayne av[enue] G[erman]t[ow]n Kate Hicks wid[ow] Wm D h 1402 S Etting Linda Hicks h 2042 Medary Louisa Hicks wid[ow] Chas h 2309 N 22d Margaret K Hicks varieties 430 Venango Margaretta D Hicks wid[ow] Mordecai B h 4301 N Broad Mary Hicks h 646 N Brooklyn Mary C Hicks h 5213 Cedar av[enue] N V Hicks h 117 S 445h Patk A Hicks fire dep[artmen]t h 1144 S 23d Paul W Hicks salesman h 147 W Seymour G[erman]t[ow]n Robt Hicks cl[er]k h 2906 Nevada Robt C Hicks (Shubert & Hicks) h 203 N 65th Robt C Hicks Jr student h 203 N 65th Robt J Hicks h 5100 Walnut Rodman J Hicks cl[er]k h 160 E Pomona G[erman]t[ow]n Saml Hicks lab[orer] h 3421 Hope Sarah Hicks wid[ow] Patk h 1719 McKean Sarah E Hicks wid[ow] Edwin C h 3244 N 20th Sidney Hicks news h 10 S 36th S & J Hicks roofers 1240 N Redfield Terence W Hicks cl[er]k h 1402 S Etting Thos H Hicks insp[ecto]r h 3332 N 22d Thos L Hicks ins[urance] h 517 S 42d Thos P Hicks h 1725 Jackson Thos W Hicks salesman h 2051 N Stillman Virginia Hicks teacher h 5213 Cedar av[enue] Wm Hicks chauffeur h 928 S 18th Wm Hicks cl[er]k h 3223 Disston Tac[ony] Wm Hicks cl[er]k 601 Girard av[enue] Wm Hicks cl[er]k h 1227 Hazzard Wm Hicks engineer h 129 N 62d Wm Hicks lab[orer] h 3576 Bath Wm Hicks lab[orer] h 1848 N VanPelt Wm B Hicks salesman h 56 N 56th Wm C Hicks h The Sunderland Wm F Hicks roofer h 247 N 9th Wm H Hicks lab[orer] h 616 N 39th Wm H Hicks m[ana]g[e]r h 6614 N 6th Wm M Hicks police h 1445 N 57th W Lawrence Hicks phys[ician] 124 S 16th Hicks & Bros (Albert M & Geo M) plumbers 651 N 8th