Philadelphia County PA Archives History - Letters .....James B. Thompson, Letter Of Recommendation December 6, 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara W. Brown July 19, 2008, 9:52 am Letter from Central Educational Bureau, Philadelphia, to Supt. J.A. Quay, (Reform School of Western Pennsylvania), Morganza, Pa.: This morning I telegraphed that I could recommend an ideal man for your position. The gentleman in question is Mr. James B. Thompson, for whom I secured a position as Steward Prefect in the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind some five years ago, and he kept the place until a few months ago, when he was very reluctantly released so he could take a commercial position in one of our department stores. Mr. Thompson finds he greatly prefers institution work and is, therefore, very anxious to secure your position, although the salary you offer is but one half of what he received at Overbrook. Mr. Thompson is a gentleman of about 40 years of age, absolutely reliable and of irreproachable character. I have an intimate acquaintance with the gentleman, know of his work and feel that he is just the man for such a position as you wish to fill. I had no idea he would accept the salary, or I would have recommended him to you immediately on receipt of your application.... As a matter of information, I shall be pleased to know whether the Steward is ranked as an ordinary employee, or whether he is considered one of the officers and higher officials. Is he subject to the same rules and requirements as the ordinary employees or is he given a little more license if he is found to be a man who would not abuse a privilege. Additional Comments: Printed business stationery: Central Educational Bureau, supplies Principals, Teachers, Governesses and Matrons. 1420 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Edward C. Dixon. Established 1880. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb This file is located at: