Philadelphia County PA Archives.....John Steinmetz Seaman's Protection Certificate #11,813 December 13, 1804 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ray Rhoads January 3, 2009, 4:30 pm United States of America Commonwealth Penn’a Philadl’a County Personally appeared before me the subscriber One of the Justices of the Peace for said County John Allen who says on his Sollemn Oath Deposeth and Sayeth that he is Personally Acquainted with John Steinmetz and to the certain knowledge of the Deponant Said John Steinmetz was Born in the Northern liberties of the City of Philadl’a Commonwealth aforesaid, Said John Steinmetz also on Oath Declares that to the Best of his knowledge and belief he was Born in the Liberties near the City and Commonwealth aforesaid, said John Steinmetz is Between twenty one and twenty two years of age, five feet seven Inches & three Quarters high, light Brown hair on the Sandy Cast, hazel Eyes and light complexion. A large Scar of a Circular shape Round the left Elbo, a large Scar on the left Knee Shaped somewhat like a horse Shoe, a small Raised mold on the Right side of his neck. Said John Steinmetz acknowledges no Government but the State of Penn’a and Generally the Government of the United States of America of whom he Claims Citizenship. Sworn and Subscribed before me ) John Allen Given under my hand and seal ) John Steinmetz This 13th day of Decm’r 1804 ) Wm. Robinson Additional Comments: I copied the hand written document as written including the spelling. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb This file is located at: