Military: Post Rev War: Philadelphia City Muster Rolls, Philadelphia Militia, 4th Battalion, 1783-1790 Pa. Archives, Vol. III-6th Series, pp. 1097-1141. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Elizabeth Burns. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _______________________________________________________________________________ Index to units included, by list order. 1. 2nd Co., 4th Batt. 1784 2. 8th Co., 4th Batt, 1784 3. 3rd Co., 4th Batt, 1784 4. 7th Co., 4th Batt, 1784 5. 4th Co., 4th Batt, 1784 6. 2nd Co., 4th Batt, 1784 7. No Co., 4th Batt, 1784 8. 2nd Co., 4th Batt, 1785 9. 3rd Co., 4th Batt, 1785 10. 8th Co., 4th Batt, 1785 11. 1st Co., 4th Batt, 1786 12. 6th Co., 4th Batt, 1785 13. 5th Co., 4th Batt, 1785 14. 7th Co., 4th Batt, 1785 15. 4th Co., 4th Batt, 1785 16. 2nd Co., 4th Batt, 1786 17. 3rd Co., 4th Batt, 1786 18. 4th Co., 4th Batt, 1786 19. 5th Co., 4th Batt, 1786 20. 6th Co., 4th Batt, 1788 21. 4th Co., 4th Batt, 1786 22. 7th Co., 4th Batt, 1786 23. 2nd Co., 4th Batt, 1787 24. 3rd Co., 4th Batt, 1787 25. 4th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 26. 5th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 27. 6th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 28. 4th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 29. 5th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 30. 6th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 31. 8th Co., 4th Batt, 1787 32. 3rd Co., 4th Batt, 1787 33. 1st Co., 4th Batt, 1789 34. 2nd Co., 4th Batt, 1789 35. 3rd Co., 4th Batt, 1789 36. 6th Co., 4th Batt, 1789 37. 7th Co., 4th Batt, 1789 _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 2nd Co., 4th Batt. 1784 8th Co., 4th Batt,1784 3rd Co.,4th Batt, 1784 Will, William, Lt. Col. Will, William, Lt.Col Will, William, Lt. Col. Gilbert, Michael, Capt. Peters, John, Capt. Geyer, Andrew, Capt. Boshard, Andrew, Lt. Gilbert, Mathias, Ensign Abel, John Anderson, John Andrew, Henry Baker, John Ash,Harry Armbruster, Mathias Bantly, John Ashley, Nathaniel Baker, George A. Bellew, Cornelius Baker, Jacob Bayard, James Bergmeyer, Daniel Bartling, Emmanuel Bayard, John Bettenhouse, Lucas Beck, Peter Bethel, Robert Bollowhacker, Abraham Bingham, Peter Boehm, Phillip Bowers, Andrew Bonney, Charles Brooks, William Brailey, John Bretton, Samuel Ceher,Jacob Brown, Frederick Brey, Major Cheveiler, James Bunner, Jacob Brooks, Bowyer Collins, Abraham Camp, Christian Brown, Byart Conell, Thomas Christ, Charles Brown, George Connely, Isaac Christian, Qualy Brown, Nathaniel Cross, Robert R. Commendore, Henry Brown, William Darmstad, Joseph Compton, William Bryant, Peter Daublebauer, Frederick Crisman, Andrew Bryon, Thomas Davis, Benjamin Croul, John Bullock, George Davis, Moses Cryder, John Burkdare, Mr. Dawns, William Cunius, William Burns, William Dawson, Michael Davis, Samuel Burrill, John Dayal, John Deal, Jacob Cassell, Andrew Dick, Robert Deal, John Cassell, Andrew Dietz, Frederick Derr, Christian Channell, Samuel Dietz, Joseph Dice, Henry Clark, Joseph Dinker, Henry Eberhard, Anthony Colliday, Nicholas Disturnell, William Elfry, William Conard, John Durphlaine, Nicholas Erman, William Crossland, William Elfreath, Josiah Exle, Andrew Cunningham, John Fawell, William Eyres, John Dayton, John Faweller, Thomas Fahns, John Debearer, Henry Fisher, James Ferguson, William Denton, Thomas Fisher, Samuel Fesmeyer, John Dowers, Jacob Fisher, William Fishbach, Simon Duboice, Mr. Fleck, George Fisher, George Duncan, James Forest, Alexander Fisher, John Dussick, Charles Foster, Thomas Foster, Edward Duwater, Solomen Gallagher, Peter France, Jacob Eberth, Jonathan George, Thomas Fryburger, John Edenburn, Jacob Gerald, Conrad Fuse, Mathias Elfreth, Joshua Gibbs, Benjamin Gamble, Archibald Falhner, Nathaniel Gill, John Gardner, Richard Fisher, Jonathan Godshalk, John Godfried Geyer, Jacob Flake, Jacob Goodman, James Gress, Jacob Ford, William Haydle, George Gribel, John Fox, Michael Hazelhurst, Isaac Griffith, Thomas Franks, Isaac Healy, Francis Hakenmiller, Jacob Frybury, Jacob Helzer, Frederick Hartman, Dieter Galliard, Mr. Hill, George Hay, John Gardner, John Hoffy, Joseph Helm, John Garum, Thomas Holland, John Hempel, Samuel Gilpert, Reinhard Hopkins, Samuel Hempelman, Jacob Godfrey, Thomas Hynman, Frederick Hess, William Gordon, Elisha Ingel, Henry Heyd, Andrew Habacher, George Jamison, David Heyd, John Hall, Jacob Jarvis, John Higgins, William Hall, Luke Kemly, Jacob Holiday, Charles Hampton, Thomas Kennedy, John Jacobs, Henry Hardin, Martin Kuhn, John Jones, David Harper, John Landers, Cuthbert Jones, John Harper, Thomas Lawrence, William Kaighn, John Hartley, John Loyd, Nicholas Kaldenbach, Andrew Henderson, John Markly, George Kelser, Lazurus Herrin, David Marshall, David Keppert, John Heyner, John McCaine, Samuel Kerr, Berny Hill, James McMickin, James Kerr, Jacob Hill, Josiah McPick, Richard Kittler, John Hiller, Joshua Mentz, William Kleaver, Philip Honeman, Samuel Middleton, Stephen Klop, John Houck, John Miller, Andrew Knerr, Henry Howell, Jacob Miller, John Koch, Simon Huggins, Benjamin Miller, Peter Kounce, Michael Hughs, Jonathan Mordica, Isaac Kralkson, Jacob Huhl, Henry Mordica, Jacob Kugler, Charles Huntzman, Jonathan More, George Lapp, Lawrence Ives, John More, John Lare, Adam Jackson, Samuel More, Phillip Larver, Christian Jacobey, Leonard Nathan, Simon Legman, Joseph Jinnings, Thomas Nesmore, Moses Lehman, William Keyser, Benjamin Newport, James Lethermeyer, Andrew Keyser, Joseph Olden, Benjamin Lyndal, Benjamin Kinard, Menon Palmer, Joseph Marpoole, Joseph Kraemer, Peter Parker, Nathaniel May, Adam Krieder, Frederick Porris, Peter McCalister, John Lake, William Preston, James Miller, Charles Lambaritus, Christian Rahm, Melcher Miller, John Lefeves, Joseph Raush, Isaac Minich, Abraham Lehman, Jonathan Reamer, William Minich, Michael Leimbrunner, Phillip Richard, Martin Moses, Lion Lindsay, John Richer, Edward Mounty, Geroge Logan, Adam Rigly, Francis Moyer, Henry London, John Rignal, Thomas Moyer, Henry Long, John Robinson, Capt. Moyers, Henry Ludge, Anthony Rohr, Frederick Mulberry, Jacob Mazurea, Jr. Rohr,John Mumbour, Conrad McIntire, Jonathan Rornet, Lazurus Omensteter, Michael McLane, Hector Rose, John Pence, George Melcher, Adam Savell, George Penno, William Mercier, John D. Saylor, Joseph Peters, George Miller, James Scavendick, Peter Phile, John Mitch, Wolfgang Schriner, Jacob Philk, Henry Montgomery, Jonathan Seddon, Jacob Pine, Charles Montgomery, William Seddons, Joseph Powel, Archibald Moore, Stephen Sharhawk, John Ramsey, Benjamin Morris, Jonathan Shelve, John Redman, John Murdock, James Shoeller, Henry Rein, Adam Myers, Judah Shubang, Marshall Rein, John Northbury, Keath Sitiz, William Reiner, George Ogden, Hugh Snowden, Leonard Reiner, John Palmer, Geroge Stephenson, Walter Reinhard, John Palmer, John Tavernor, Geroge Reishley, Lewis Parker, Andrew Tay, Charles Wilts Ritter, Henry Parker, John Thomson, Philliip Roberts, Abraham Pastorus, Samuel Thornson, Peter Robeson, William Peck, Jacob Trotter, Daniel Rockenberger, Samuel Penrose, John Vancinson, James Ruckman, John Peters, Jacob Warner, Charles Runner, Lewis Pewterer, James Webb, John Sakman, Martin Ran, Leonard Wirtz, William Schreiner, John Rau, Leonard Witman, John Servant, Vendel Reichert, Adam Wogtens, Peter Shomo, Berny Reinheck, Lewis Zimmerman, Godfried Smith, Michael Reinmeis, Frederick Stager, Adam Ren, John Stager, Peter Richards, Jonathan Statzer, David Rieber, Phillip Stonemetz, Jacob Rigby, William Streit, John Ronkim, George Summers, Daniel Rudolphs, John Sweitzer, John Rupper, Leonard Sybert, Adam Russell, James Sybert, Jacob Ryser, John Sylor, Joseph Schultz, Henry Thomkin, Jacob Schultz, jOhn Throne, George Seesfluft, Phillip Tryer, Jacob Siddons, Josiah Vanpoole, William Sing, Frederick Vogel, George Smith, Adnew Wagner, Adam Smith, Caleb Wagner, Peter Smith, Jeremiah Waker, Andrew Smith, John Walter, Peter Smith, Nathaniel Wells, Edward Sommers, Richard Whatman, Michael Speakman, Elisha Whether, Richard Steel, John White, Solomon Stoetzer, Henry Wilson, James Stover, James (sea) Yeger, John Strong, Mathew Yerkes, Joseph Stuart, Joseph Young, Marcus Suttlebum, Geroge Swabe, Jacob Taylor, Enoch Taylor, William Thomson, William Tremble, James Truxburry, William VanOsen, James Vonhausen, John Watosn, Joseph Wayne, Jacob Wayne, Samuel Weaver, John Weaver, John Weitzell, George Wharton, Frederick Wharton, Martin Whichcard, John White, Peter White, William Williams, Elias Wilson, John Wilt, Abraham Wirtz, Christian Wirtz, William Woodside, Archibald Worrill, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7th Co.,4th Batt,1784 4th Co., 4th Batt.1784 2nd Co.,4th Bat, 1784 Will, William, Lt. Col. Will, William, Lt.Col Will, William, Lt. Col. Esterly, George, Capt. No Captain Gilbert, Michael, Capt. Wager, John, Clerk Henry, William, Lt. Baker, Hillery Cressing, Caleb Ant, Joseph Clifford, John Eppley, Henry Banner, Jacob Eppele, Andrew Etres, John Bantly, John Evans, David Evans, Robert Bellen, Cornelius Forest, Henry Fickler, John Benstet, Alo'r Fries, John Fiss, John Berringer, Joseph Funderwite, Conrad Fiss, Joseph Bunting, Phillip Geager, Jacob Guest, James Coliday, Charles Honey, George Gunterman, John Compton, William Kaufman, John Harmson, Ludwig Cryder, John Keely, Matthias Hobson, John Davis, Samuel Keely, Sabastian Hullings, Joseph Delany, Dennis Kester, Michael Knoblock, Adam Dupliss, Peter Maccic, Thomas Lanes, William Fisher, John Marache, Solomon Lesher, George France, Jacob McClarkson, David McDowel, Alexander Gardner, Richard O'Brian, William Michel, Samuel Graply, Duke Polls, David Nash, William Height, Andrwe Potts, Nathan Owen, Evan Heim, John Server, Joseph Pancost, William Hepting, Frederick Shober, Samuel Pearce, John Hoffman, Gotlieb Smith, John Phile, Phillip Jones, David Sprout, John Pugh, William Kaighn, John Sprout, William Ridgeway, Henry Kammer, Blasun Tillies, Thomas Rowe, Jesse Knease, John Warden, J. Smith, Edward Krackson, Jacob Welocks, Alexander Smith, Nathan Kress, Jacob Smith, Thomas Krouse, Michael Smith, Thomas Lapp, Lawrence Sonliter, John Lawn, Jacob Trotter, William Marpool, Joseph Wagner, Casper McPowell, Archibald Williams, Abner Moses, Lion Worrel, Michael Moyer, Henry Moyers, Henry Oberstag, Jacob Ogden, Hugh Owen, Even Pain, Francis Phisk, Henry Rein, John Rookman, John Sheffer, Andrew Simon, Joseph Stager, Adam Stager, Peter Stonemetz, Jacob Street, John Thompkins, Jacob Thorne, George Vanpool, William Wells, Edward Wether, Richard White, Solomon Yerkes, Joseph Yonmon, Christopher _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 8. 9. No Co. 4th Batt, 1784 2nd Co, 4th Batt 1785 3rd Co,4th Bat., 1785 Will, William, Lt. Col. Will, William, Lt. Col Will, William, Lt. Col. Burkhard, Andrew, Capt. Gilbert, Michael, Capt Geyer, Andrew, Capt. Albert, Geroge Beesley, Jonathan Albert, John Alexander, John Benstread, Allexander Baker, George A. Armat, Thomas Bosanna, Joseph Bayard, Andrew Bargetor, John Brown, William Bayard, James Barns, Cornelius Bunting, Phillip Benezet, Anthony Bartow, Thomas Chaveiler, John Benezet, Daniel Bauer, Cornelius Compton, William Bethel, Robert Baynton, John Cresbe, Andrew Boehm, Phillip Baynton, Maxfield Cryder, John Brooks, William Bindon, Joseph Davis, Morris Care, Phillip Brooks, Edward Davis, Samuel Carlisle, Abraham Bunton, Charles Deal, Jasper Chevelier, James Carver, Jacob DeCrable, Duke Cohen, Isaac Davis, Samuel Fisler, Jacob Cohen, Myers Dehaus, Phillip, Jr Frans, Jacob Collins, Abraham Dehaus, Phillip, Sr. Gardner, Richard Cook, Joseph Dennison, Michael Gregson, Jacob Croix, Joseph Dorsey, Leonard Heid, Andrew Davis, Benjamin Erlins, Jonathan Herts, Leonard Davis, James Fisher, Jacob Hesson, Peter Joseph Dawson, Michael Ford, Standy Kean, John Drinker, Henry Fox, Edward Knox, Henry Dunberry, David Furcundy, Jacob Lapp, Lawrence Esherick, George German, John Laruer, John Fennel, Michael Gibbs, Josiah W. Laruer, William Feyering, Phillip Gibson, Robert LeHeisen, Jowes Finton, Thomas Gilchrist, Charles Levey, Jacob Fisher, James Hensle, Bernard Levy, Ezekial Fisher, Samuel Jennings, Michael Moses, Lyon Flegel, John Katz, Jacob Myers, Henry Flintham, John Kelmley, John Myers, John Fowler, Thomas Knorr, Jacob Oberstage, Jacob Galadate, William Lamb, William Ougton, Hugh Gerrard, Conrad Leap, Jacob Owen, Evan Gibbs, Benjamin Lewis, William Robinson, George Gilbert, Jesse Miller, Benjamin Robinson, Samuel Green, Smauel Ming, John Rusle, Philip Hankins, Thomas Morris, Thomas Sidman, Isaac Hay, Andrew Morris, Thomas Steinmetz, Jacob Hazelhurst, Isaac Owen, John Thorn, George Heiss, Frederick Palmer, William VanNorton, Ellixon Hopkins, Samuel Paxton, James Vanpool, William Jacobs, Moses Poff, George Waggoner, Adam James, Joseph Ranton, Nathaniel Wair, John Land, Henry Right, Enoch Whether, Richard Laurence, William Rush, William White, Solomon Layed, Nicholas Sams, Thomas Woodrow, John Morrison, William Say, Benjamin Yorkes, Joseph Nagel, George Sergeant, Jonathan Zellers, Phillip Nailer, John Shaffer, David Nessmore, David Shaffer, Geroge Newport, James Sinnaus, Casper Olden, Benjamin Sprogel, John Parker, Nathaniel Sweller, Jacob L. Peiffer, Frederick Taylor, Amos Phile, Frederick Taylor, Samuel Phillips, Levy Thornton, Benjamin Raush, Isaac Tybout, James Richey, Edward Wellop, Joseph Rigby, Francis Wester, Henry Ross, David White, Christopher Rudolph, John Williams, Edward Ruso, Nicholas Williams, Robert Schriener, Jacob Willingham, George Sidons, Joseph Wilson, George Snowden, Leonard Worrel, Benjamin Speicer, Joseph Worster, James Summers, Richard Tay Lyace Taylor, Benjamin (twin) Taylor, Enoch (twin) Thomson, Charles Thomson, Peter Thursberry, Thomas Trotter, Daniel Valliant, James Warbis, Peter Warner, Charles Watson, John Webb, John Westcott, John Wilson, John Wogium, Peter _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 11. 12. 8th Co., 4 Batt.1785 1st Co.,4th Batt1786 6th Co.,4 Batt. 1785 Will, William, Lt.Col. Will, William,Lt.Col Will, William, Lt. Col. Peters, John Capt. Burkhard, Andrew,Capt Rush, Conrad, Capt. Anderson, Alexander Adams, William Abel, Jacob Ash, Henry Alberti, George Albright, John Baker, Jacob Anspach, Peter Anderson, John Ball, Josiah Armat, Thomas Ashton, Peter Bartleson, Abner Bantom, Nathaniel Baker, Christopher Beck, Jacob Barns, Cornelius Bell, James Beck, Peter Bartow, Thomas Bender, Geroge Beck, Val'l Bartram, Thomas Coats, Thomas Benson, William Bath, Cornelius Colladay, William Bonnel, Charles Baynton, John Conrad, Henry Brooks, Bowyer Beeman, Christopher Conrad, John Brown, Byard Benton, Joseph Cooper, Charles Brown, Jacob Black, John Currian, John Brown, William Boehm, Phillip Erdman, Frederick Bryan, Thomas Brittain, Paul Foulkrod, Joseph Bullock, George Brooks, Edward Friend, John Buskil, Jno. Buckley, John Fritz, Casper Byart, Adam Bunting, Charles S. Garrigus, Edward Carly, Jonathan Capper, Henry Garrigus, Samuel Carreer, James Carber, Jacob Garrigus, William Carter, Richard Cheedle, George H. Guyer, Henry Clark, Joseph Chryster, Jacob Hammerly, Fabeam Clark, Joseph Cist, Charles Harbert, Lawrence Connelly, William Commegys, Cornelius Helm, John Conrad, Jacob Comston, Thomas Kaufman, Geroge Craig, Mr. Curry, William Keyhefer, Frederick Crispin, Samuel Davis, Samuel, Jr Kraft, Michael Cromel, Jno. Davis, Samuel, Sr. Logan, Adam Cunningham, Jno Dehaus, Phillip, Jr. Lumenberger, John Davis, Josiah Dehaus, Phillip, Sr. McClathy, William Davis, William Derkham, Myer McFund, William Debearer, Henry Dorsey, Leonard Nayley, John Dehaven, Edward Effrey, John Rapp, Frederick Denckion, Chrn. Felcker, Henry Ross, Richard Denton, Thomas Ford, Standy Shoemaker, Joseph Devil, George Forman, William Shuler, Jacob Dommas, Jno. Furundus, Jacob Sidon, Jesse Dowers, Jacob Gardner, John Simmons, Edward Dunton, James Gibbs, Josiah W. Slagay, Godfrey Dushong, Christian Hart, Ephraim Stinner, Melchor Eberth, Jno. Harvey, Jonathan Strubell, Dr. Edenburn, Jacob Heed, Charles Sutter, Daniel Elfreth, Josiah Higass, Jacob Theil, Henry Evans, Peter Hood, Jonathan Thomson, Mr. Falkner, Nathaniel Jemmison, David Thomson, William Fenton, Thomas Jennings, Michael Uhrick, John Fisher, Elisha Knorr, Jacob Valiant, James Fisher, Joseph Lechman, George Vogell, Frederick Fritz, Peter Losley, Josiah Voight, Henry Fryburger, Jacob Louisman, John Wager, John Conrad Gardner, Jno. Lumbart, Harman Wager, Phillip Gaskill, William Maidhirst, Thomas Weisman, Phillip Gasling, William Mannerback, William Weiss, George Gerum, Thomas McSparron, William Weiss, Phillip Gibs, Barnett Miller, Joseph Weston, Benjamin Gibs, Josiah Mitchell, John Whatton, Nicholas Godfrey, Thomas Morris, Thomas Whitehead, James Gordon, Elisha Owen, John Whymer, Thomas Green, Rufus Paxton, James Wirtz, John Greylik, Phillip Peter, Theodore, Young, Marks Gross, Frederick Poff, George Halbacher, George Right, Enoch Hammer, Ludwig Romkins, Henry Hanch, Jno. Roop, John Hanck, Jno. Rush, William Hardin, Martin Sams, Thomas Harper, Thomas Say, Benjamin Hartley, John Shaffer, David Haymaker, Jno. Shaffer, George Henderson, Jno. Shaffer, John Herrin, David Sharp, Henry Hicks, Joseph Sheepshanks, Richard Hide, Jno. Smith, Jonathan B. Honiman, Jno. Stokes, James Honiman, Samuel Syles, Jacob L Howel, Jacob Taylor, Amos Huggins, Benjamin Taylor, Samuel Hughs, Jno. Tompkins, Charles Huntsman, Jno. Tybout, James Ives, Jno. White, Christian Jackson,Jeremiah White, William Jacoby, Leonard Wicoff, Peter Jameson, David William, Edward Jerry, Thomas Wilson, George Kast, Martin Worster, James Keyser, Benjamin Kinard, Menon Kleson, Caleb Krop, Jno. Kuhl, Frederick Kunitz, Jno. Kyser, Joseph Lake, William Lambuk, Phillip Leaman, William Lees, George Lefever, Joseph Leimburner, Phillip Limeburner, Jno. Link, Frederick Logan, Adam Lurvis, Jno. Lynn, Jno. McColly, James McColly, Mr. McIntire, Jno. McMasters, Jno. Melcher, Adam Miller, George Miller, James Montgomery, John Montgomery, William Mounty, George Murdock, James Myers, Samson Norton, William Palmer, Jonathan Parker, Jno. Parmer, Jones Pastorus, Samuel Peters, George Peters, Jacob Peweter, James Phillips, Thomas Pickering, James Piper, William Powell, Archibald Preston, James Rech, John Reiber, Phillip Reichard, Jno. Remmer, William Rigby, William Robboins, Jno. Roland, George Rudolph, John Rush, William Sayler, Joseph Shacks, Charles Shindler, Samuel Shitz, John Siddons, Josiah Sitgreaves, Samuel Smith, Andrew Smith, Jeremiah Smith, Jonathan Smith, Thomas Steel, Jno. Stone, Phllip Stuart, Joseph Swabe, Jacob Taylor, Enoch Taylor, John Tornes, George Tremble, James Trying, Jacob Vanbeck, Isaac Vanderslise, Daniel Vanside, Joseph Walker, Samuel Warner, Charles Warner, Joseph Wayne, William Weidner, Michael Wertz, Christian Wharton, Jno. White, Peter Wilb, Abraham Williams, Abner Winright, Samuel Wolf, Jno. Woodside, Archibald Worbas, Peter _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. 14. 15. 5th Co.,4 Batt.1785 7th Co.,4 Batt.1785 4th Co., 4 Batt., 1785 Will, William,Lt.Col. Will,Wm.,Lt.Col Will, William Lt. Col. Reinhart,George,Capt. Esterly,George,Cap Quarrier, Alexander, Capt. Attmore, Thomas Baldwin, Mathias Adams, Peer Besead, Lewis Barton, Mathias Bergmyer, Daniel Chevalier, Peter Barton, William Creamer, John Crane, John Bewley, George Cresson, Caleb Dawson, Daniel Clarkson, David M. Cunningham, Robert Dawson, Solomon Dentzel, John Davis, Enoch Evans, Ezekiel Dewater, Solomon Davis, John Fisher, Thomas Douglas, Jonathan Evans, Robert Hall, Phillip Eppele, Andrew Ewalt, Phillip Holt, Daniel Evans, Cadwaller Fiss, John Hope, William Evans, Charles Frederick, Jacob Howell, Reading Evans, David Guager, Jacob Jacobs, John Evans, David Guest, James Justus, George Frees, John Hainey, Conrad Menear, Michael Gerhard, John Hannon, William Metzger, Anthony Hookley, Thomas Hansman, John Metzger, Martin Johnson, Benjamin Hansman, Michael Moore, John Jones, Job Hansom, Mathias Odenheimer, Phillip Kean, Jacob Hartman, John Poth, Adam Kean, John Hise, Christian Smith, Ralph Keely, George Hullings, Joseph Smith, Thomas Keely, Mathias Kirkhoff, Christian Thomson, John Ladman, August Kline, Michael Thomson, Samuel Maberry, William Laup, John Welpart, Geroge McGee, Hugh Lindsay, Thomas White, Edward Minissick, James McCan, John Wilcox, John Morache, Solomon Miller, George Nailer, John Miller, Jacob Potts, David Mitchell, Samuel Potts, Thomas Nevil, Christian Rutter, Samuel Pancost, William Sprout, John Pennington, Benjamin Wallace, Samuel Pennington, Edward Warder, Jeremiah Piffer, Henry Wilcox, Alexander Roberts, Jonathan Rowe, Jesse Schyler, John Shaumekessel, Frederick Shults, John Sitz, George Smith, Nathan Smith, Thomas Stouts, Jacob Sulgar, Jacob Trotter, William Wallis, James Wendling, Wendel Willis, Joseph _________________________________________________________________________________ 16. 17. 18. 2nd Co.,4 Batt1786 3rd Co., 4th Batt1786 4th Co., 4 Batt 1786 Will, Wm Lt. Col. Will, Wm., Lt.Col Will, William, Lt. Col. Rusk, Conrad Geyer, Andrew, Capt. Swyler, Jacob, Capt. Able, John Alberty, Geroge Adams, William Baker, Christopher Allen, Samuel Armat, Thomas Baker, William Bartleson, Abner Banton, Benjamin Barbyhorn, John Bayard, Samuel Banton, John Clark, Aron Bonham, Blathwhite Barns, Cornelius Coats, Thomas Brewer, Edmund Bartow, Thomas Conrad, John Britton, Daniel Bartram, Thomas Cooper, Charles Burk, David Baster, Manuel Evens, Charles Chamberlain, Richard Boehm, Phillip Evens, David Chavalier, James Boish, Martin Friend, John Drinker, Henry Breakwald, Thomas Garrigus, Samuel Drinker, William Brooks, Edward Garrigus, William Engel, Henry Bunner, Jacob Geding, Peter Figel, John Bunting, Charles Haga, Godfrey Fisher, James Carter, James Helm, John Fisher, Samuel W Carver, Jacob Herrick, Frederick Flahvan, Roger Cattling, John Hysler, Mr. Flintham, John Christy, David Ispone, Joseph Gerrard, Conrad Chrysman, Henry Jackson, John Gibb, Benjamin Cist, Charles Jones, Jessie Gilba, Jessy Commegy, Cornel Lehman, William Gill, John Crisky, Charles McCoy, Phillip Hannah, William Delap, Samuel Ranton, Nathaniel Hazelhurst, Isaac Dilhorn, George Riser, Jacob Hofthy, Joseph Dorsey, Leonard Rote, Jacob Hopkinson, Samuel Ellinkhusen, Michael Shaubus, Jacob Hughs, John Field, Joseph Shrier, John Hupper, Ribert Fox, Adam Simmons, Edward Ingersole, Garret Gardner, Richard Smith, Daniel James, Joseph George, John Smith, William Kehmly, Jacob German, John Stiner, Melchor Langenbert, Frederick Gibs, Josiah William Thomson, John Latush, Francis Green, George Valiant, James Mayers, Frederick Harkin, John Vogal, Frederick McLaine, John Haynes, Michel Wagar, Phillip Nagel, George Howell, Edward Wagar, William Newport, James Jennings, Michael Weiss, Phillip Olden, Benjamin Jennings, Samuel Welbone, Thomas Palmer, Thomas Jones, John Welch, John Rauh, Conrad Kemmer, Geroge Wymer, Andrew Roberts, John Kemmer, Robert Wymer, Thomas Rollins, George Klein, Nicholas Rose, David Knoff, Jacob Rosse, David Koch, Joseph Rosse, Jonathan Leyman, Geroge Rud, John Lother, John Smith, Aaron Lumboard, Harmon Snowden, Leonard Lustre, Samuel Spicer, Jacob Martin, William Tay, Wllias McGlothery, Mordeca Taylor, Benjamin McHall, Daniel Thomas, John Mentz, William Thomson, Charles Montgomery, William Thomson, Peter Morris, Thomas Trkson, Seberon Owen, Griffith Trotter, Daniel Owen, John Tungel, John Parker, Mathew Valliant, James Paxton, James Walter, Jacob Persol, thomas Wayne, Samuel Role, William Webb, John Rose, Croppey White, Richard Rose, Jonathan Wilson, James Roush, Isaac Wilson, John Rupp, John Wilt, Christian Rush, William Woglom, Peter Say, Benjamin Schaffer, Barnet Schaffer, David Service, Andrew Service, Thomas Shoemaker, Joseph Smith, Jonathan Starbuck, John D. Stokes, James Stow, John Stupsky, Geroge Stutzenbach, Christian Taylor, Moses Taylor, Samuel Topar, James Troutman, Christian Valentine, Henry Watch, Henry Weaver, John White, Christopher Whiteside, William Wickoff, Peter Williams, Edward Wilson, George Wing, Frederick Worrill, Jonathan Worster, James Wright, Thomas _________________________________________________________________________________ 19. 20. 21. 5th Co., 4th Batt. 1786 6th Co.,4th Batt1788 4th Co., 4th Batt. 1786 Will, William, Lt. Col. Will, William, LtCo Will, William, Lt. Col. Gilbert, Michael, Capt. Reinhart, George Esterly, George, Capt. Bunting, Phillip Ballabraga, Jacob Barton, William Compton, William Binney, Barnabus Biwly, George Crower, Lewis Burall, John Boinod, Daniel Cryder, John Chavalier, Peter Dintzel, George Devenbalk, Benjamin Chevelier, John Evens, David Dloy, Jeremiah Comple, John Fries, John Garigues, Benjamin Craft, Adam Kennin, George Gorham, James Dawson, Daniel Kuby, Mithias Helms, Elias Fleck, Jacob Kutter, Samuel Hesheison, Lewis Good, Joseph Lower, George Justice, George Gregory, Christopher Potts, David Justice, Joseph Hall, Phillip Price, Chandler Lapp, Lawrence Harper, John Tyller, Rudolph Moyer, Henry Harrison, Thomas Warder, Jeremiah Ogden, Hugh Johnston, William Wilcox, Alexander Owen, Even Keer, John Parish, William King, Isaac Phislik, Henry Milnor, Isaac Ridgeway, John Mithelton, Samuel Roberts, Hugh Odenheimer, Phillip Rose, David Ogden, Charles Ross, Henry Ott, John Sampson, William Parker, George Stonematz, Jacob Pinkerton, William Summers, Samuel Redman, Thomas Tompkin, Jacob Reinhouser, John Tryer, Jacob Rondal, John Vandering, John Roth, Phillip Yerkes, Joseph Sharly, Valentine Zeller, Phillip Stern, Samuel Thornhill, John Watkins, William Welpert, George White, William Wilcox, Samuel Williams, Dr. _________________________________________________________________________________ 22. 23. 24. 7th Co., 4 Batt 1786 2nd Co, 4 Batt 1787 3rd Co,4 Batt, 1787 Will, William, Lt. Col Will, William, Lt. CoWill, William, Lt. Col. Wirtz, William, Capt. Rush, Conrad, Capt. Geyer, Andrew Allen, William Ashton, Peter Able, John Ball, Joseph Baker, Christopher Anthony, Frances Bond, John Blair, Walter Armat, Thomas Bonnal, Charles Britegum, Daniel Baker, George Brian, Thomas Bryan, Samuel Bate, Anthony Brooks, Bower Clerk, Aaron Bayron, James Brown, Bower Coats, Thomas Beck, Valentine Brown, George Cooper, Peter Bond, John Brown, William Doneker, Christopher Boyard, Andrew Brozeas, Henry Ebert, Conrad Boyard, James Bullock, George Edwards, Daniel Boyard, Samuel Burr, William Evans, Cadwalder Bryon, John Burros, John Evans, Charles Bynre, John Cherry, Thomas Evans, David Carson, Daniel Clark, Joseph Exley, Jno. Charleston, Richard Coleman, William Fellerott, Phillilp Clark, Jacob Colemiller, William Fester, Adam Clinn, James Dehaven, Edward Friend, John Collins, Abraham Dinkle, Christian Henry Garrigues, William Collins, Richard Duchong, Christian Heisler, Peter Comigus, Cornelius Ewing, Thomas Helm, John Cross, Robert R Flowers, Christopher Hemmerly, Fabiam Deberry, Edward Gardner, John Herbert, Law Dietz, Joseh Gibbs, Barnel Heslter, Daniel Drinker, Henry Godfrey, Thomas Hockley, Thomas Drinker, William Habacker, George Hogs, Godfrey Fiegel, John Hartley, John Irwin, Jacob Fisher, James Hill, James Jackson, John Fisher, John Hindman, John Kechmle, John Fisher, S.W. Ives, John Kensall, Peter Fleck, Jacob Jackson, Jeremiah Lowry, Edward Flintham, John Jacobi, Leonard Melbeck, J. Franks, Moses Kinnard, Mennion Meyer, Henry Gerrard, Conrad Lanten, Francis Moore, George Gibbs, Benjamin Lees, William Ornsetter, Michael Hauser, John Lefever, Joseh Peachall, George Hill, George Limebrenner, Phillip Randolph, Edward Hnuck, Richard Linn, John Rapp, Frederick Holland, John Lockard, William Riser, Jacob Hopinson, Samuel Miller, Valentine Sharp, Henry Huffy, Joseph Mitchell, Simon Shearer, Henry Ingersole, Garrett Noland, Patrick Shoemaker, Joseph Kehemley, Jacob O'Brian, Michael Simmons, Edward Kehemley, John Parker, John Smith, William Kurtz, Henry Pickering, James Springer, Daniel Lengenbert, John F. Richards, John Steel, William Linngton, John Ridge, John Steinor, Melchoir Malley, Michael Rigby, William Stoutenboyle, Adam McClutch, William Rowland, George, Wm. Valiant, James Morgan, Thomas Sink, Frederick Wager, Phillip Newport, James Slover, James Wells, Phillip Olden, Benjamin Snider, Frederick Weymore, Thomas Poultney, Thomas Souder, John Reed, Samuel Steel, John Renezet, Anthony Stimmel, Nicholas Rose, David Taylor, John Rose, Jonathan Thompson, William Scott, John Vansythes, Joseph Shaw, Robert Wayne, Jacob Speicer, Jacob Williams, Samuel Steel, Benjamin Williams, Thomas Taylor, Benjamin Thomas, John Thompson, Peter Trotter, Daniel Vanright, Samuel Walter, Jacob Webb, John Westcott, John Wilson, James Wilt, Christian Woglem, Peter Wood, John Zetzinger, Adam _________________________________________________________________________________ 25. 26. 27. 4th Co, 4 Batt, 1787 5th Co., 4 Batt 1787 6th Co., 4 Batt 1787 Will, William, Lt. Col. Will, William, Lt. Co Will, William, Lt. Col. Swyler, Jacob, Capt. Gilbert, Michael, Cap Keen, Christian, Capt. Adams, William Ballins, Stephen Alexander, John Bair, Thomas Benington, Isaac Allbright, Casper Barns, Cornelius Clothing, Mayly Allen, John Barton, Thomas Compton, William Augman, John Bouchelett, Peter Conrad, John Bartis, Frederick Bungire, Francis Dorsey, Chrimberg Bash, Frederick Bunting, Charles Fletcher, Joseph Baths, William Bunting, Phillip Harper, James Bearslicker, Andrew Bynton, John Hives, Emanuel Beck, Christian Cator, Richard Honey, George Benny, Dr. Cist, Charles Ingel, Archibald Blankford, John Courtney, Hugh Irvin, Robert Boehm, Cotlip Curtis, James Jennings, Thomas Boehm, Joseph DeHare,Phillip Justice, George Boyer, James Dilhorn, George Kinnard, Thomas Branger, William Dorsey, Leonard Lapp, Lawrence Browhart, William Ellis, Merijah Moyer, Henry Brown, William Gardner, Richard Ogden, Hugh Bryon, Mathew Gibbs, Josia William Owen, Even Carter, Lucius Gurom, James Phisick, Henry Chambers, David Hall Samuel Ragee, Claudius Chambers, William Hambright, Abraham Ragee, Nicholas Chervellier, Henry Hermon, John Joseph Ridgeway, John Chevelier, John Howell, Edward Warner Roberts, Abraham Chevelier, Peter January, Peter Ross, David Cogkrom, William Kerr,Joseph Sansom, William Coleman, Adam Lehey, John Sweiger, Frederick Coleman, Phillip Lehman, George Tompkins, Jacob Comfort, Francis Lombard, Herman Vangalder, Peter Comfort, Godfrey Lyons, William Yerkes, Joseph Cook, Thomas Martin, David Darough, Thomas Miller, Joseph Davidson, James Morris, Thomas Dawling, Carrils Owner, John Dawosn, Joseph Parrish, William Drevelier, Henry Parvis, Gabriel Ebert, Richard Paxton, James Eidleman, John Rawl, William Elviel, Christian Rush, William Erie, John Say, Benjamin Esling, James Schultz, William Evens, David Shaffer, Bernard Evens, Mark Shaffer, David Everhort, David Shaw, Patrick Fichberger, George Sheaffer, George Fisher, Sebastian Shoemaker, Joseph Folk, Peter Smith, Jonathan B Fonk, Adam Smith, Samuel Freeman, George Smock, Robert Fry, Elias Snorr, Jacob Garick, Daniel Spaulding, Samuel Gearing, George Stevens, James Greenleafe, James Stusby, George Grier, John Taylor, Isaac Essig Grum, George Taylor, Samuel Harper, Henry Washmuth, Mr. Horn, Henry White, Christopher Horn, John Whitesides, William Houk, Christian Wilson, George Houtchel, Christian Wolper, Christopher Houtchel, William Worster, James Inskipp, John Jacobson, John Johnston, William Keely, George Keller, George Keller, Henry Kirsey, Jessy Knight, Charles Knight, John Krantz, Jacob Kuhn, George Lambartas, Christian Lamsback, John Larens, Phillip Leech, Peter Lewis, George Link, John Lintch, Phillip Lintz, Phillip Lutz, Jacob May, Thomas McGammon, Isaac Megee, Robert Metz, Adam Metzker, Anthony Miller, George Miller, Phillip Millinberger, Michael Minich, Godfrey Minney, Jacob Mitchel, Benjamin Mitchel, John Money, Christopher Moon, Jacob Moore, John Mulholland, Charles Myer, Barney Myerley, Phillip Nail, Henry Neemant, John Nelson, Abraham Neves, Samuel Ott, John Ottenberger, Peter Ottenheimer, Phillip Ox, Jacob Ozess, Peter Perkinpine, Geroge Powell, Frederick Printz, Jacob Rapsher, Leonard Rece, Peter Reinhart, George, Jr. Reinhart, George, SR Robeson, Thomas Roth, Phillip Saros, Nicholas Saunders, John Saylor, Mathew Shaffer, John Shanlas, Jacob Shareman, Nathaniel Sharshwood, James Sheke, Jacob Shepherd, John Shepperd, Joseph Shezlein, George Shrite, Phillip Siese, Jacob Slauter, Mathew Slemmer, John Smith, Henry Snowden, Thomas Stafford, George Steiner, Frederick Steven, George Stugard, John Sulevan, Murty Summers, Peter Sunlighter, George Thompson Samuel Vunderlich, Jacob Wagoner, John Wallace, Samuel Warner, William Way, Andrew Weaver, Allbright Weise, John Wilcox, Samuel Willnmyer, Casper Wolmer, Anthony Woolf, John Woolpert, George _________________________________________________________________________________ 28. 29. 30. 7th Co.4 Batt, 1787 6th Co.,4 Batt 1788 4th Co., 4 Batt. 1789 Will, William,LtCol Will, William,Lt.C Shee, John, Lt. Col. Wirtz, William, Capt. Simmons, James, Capt Shaffer, Christian, Capt. Albert, George Ambrister, Mathew Adolph, John Anderson, Alexander Brown, Joseph Ashton, Joseph Bale, Joseph Brown, William Brookhouse, Barney Beck, Jacob Bryan, James Burge, Judge Bonnal, Charles Bryan, Matthew Burris, Wm. Ward Brooks, Bower Chapman, James Clamphanson, Samuel Brown, William Chevelier, James Clymer, Henry Carlisle, Abraham Christy, Dr. Collins, John Clark, Joseph Conclet, Jacob Craine, John Crispin, Samuel Craff, Jacob Davis, George Double, Thomas Davidson, William Davis, William Ewing, Thomas Dawson, Daniel Davison, Arthur Fling, William Doublebower, Ludwig Dengion, James Franks, Isaac Fentonberg, George Dickinson, William Gardner, John Fitzbock, John Dicks, Richard Geddis, George Fritz, John Eastwick, Charles Gordon, Thomas Gravenstine, John Fagon, Joseph Hill, James Griener, Benjamin Ferrell, Andrew Hood, Jonathan Haw, Phillip Fletcher, Jno. Walter Humes, Dennison Heck, George Foulke, Amos Hynold, Charles Heffine, George Foulke, Caleb Jackson, Jeremiah Henry, Martin Gerrot, Conrad Jackson, Joseph Howell, William Gillon, John Jacobi, Leonard Keen, Christian Gordon, Ferdinand Jones, John Kreble, John Grandum, John, Jr Keiser, Joseph Krier, Jacob Grotto, Henry Link, Frederick Lache, John Halberson, Thomas Linn, John Lawrence, Phillip Herbst, Henry Lohra, Peter Lehman, Frederick Holland, Jesse Perkins, Joseph Martin, George Hunter, George Potts, Joseph Martin, Henry Kauck, Christian Preston, James McDowell, Patrick Keble, John Razor, Samuel Miller, Henry Keen, Michael Redman, John Mitchell, John Kennedy, David Reilly, John Nathans, Moses D. Kitz, Jacob Richards, John Nicoles, William Kress, John Ridge, John Norris, James Kunitz, John Rigby, William Ottenhimer, Phillip Lex, Peter Rowland, George Wm. Ozeas, Peter Lucas, William Thatcher, William Parker, Samuel Marsh, John Wayne, Jacob Redman, Thomas Miller, Benjamin Wayne, Samuel Reinhart, George Jr Miller, Henry Wild, Abraham Reinhart, George Sr Miller, Jacob Sadler, John Morgethwrith, Thomas Shaffer, John Norgrase, Daniel Shike, Jacob Shaffer, Joseph Smith, John Sickel, David Stukert, John Smith, Hugh Thompson, John Smith, Thomas Warner, William Spencer, Thomas Weaver, John Stuart, James Whiteman, John Sully, James Wilcox, Samuel Thomas, Martin Wolpert, George Thomson, Hillbourne Thomson, John Tolby, David Weaver, Conrad Weaver, John West, John West, Thomas White, George Willow, William Wunderlick, Jacob _________________________________________________________________________________ 31. 32. 33. 8th Co.,4 Batt,1787 3rd Co.,4 Batt,1787 1st Co.4 Batt, 1789 Will, William,Lt.Col Will, William, Lt.C Shee, John, Lt. Col. Esterly,Geroge,Capt. Geyer, Andrew, Cap Bright, Michael, Cap Baker, Godfrey Armatt, Thomas Able, John Baker, John Art, James Adner, Casper Baker, Samuel Bell, Joseph Anderson, Alexander Baldwin, Matthias Bethel, I. Anderson, John Barton, William Bond, John Baker, George Bewly, George Bray, James Barger, Benjamin Boweres, William Brown, William Bartleson, Abner Cammimyer, Frederick Bryan, John Bayne, Nathanile Cauglacher, Charles Burbell, James Birtch, Mathias Charter, John Byard, John Borger, Peter Conner, Brian Carson, Hugh Bottle, Martin Dannenberg, David Cochran, William Bray, James Darrah, Henry Compton, William Bright, Jacob Deal, Andreas Contraw, James Brosius, Henry Deforrest, Henry Crumble, John Burk, Phillip Dolby, Joseph Donaldson, Arthur Burkhart, William Emory, James Downing, Jacob Carmalt, Thomas Epply, Andrew Drinker, Henry Case, John Evans, David Dunfee, James Cathdrall, Edward Fonderweid, Conrad Eley, Hugh Christian, Frederick Fries, John Farmington, John Clark, John Frost, Martin Fisher, James Connant, John Gaul, Martin Flintum, John Denmark, John Geisler, Charles Flounders, Joseph Denny, Jonas Gibbons, John Fowler, Thomas Dobourough, John Gordon, Thomas Ganty, John Elder, Dr. Graft, Jacob Gardner, Mathew Farlen, John W. Greiner, Frederick Gibbs, Benjamin Faunce, John Guest, James Glenn, William Fering, Phillip Gunder, John Hall, Benjamin Fetching, Christian Haas, Conrad Hayley, William Foulke, Dr. Haffner, Henry Hopkinson, Samuel Franks, Moses Hagelgantz, Sigmund Hughes, John Gardner, Mathias Hathaway, Job Ingel, Joseph Gibson, Richard Heller, John Ingersole, Garrett Gremier, John Keely, Matthias Liteller, John Hambleton, John Klapp, John Mayers, Solomon Hartshorn, Patterson Kraft, Peter McCumly, Alexander Haverstock, George Kurtz, George McNair, John Hibbs, Brightwell Lang, Thomas Montgomery, Wm. Hodge, Andrew Lawrence, Thomas Moore, John Hopkins, Robert Lehman, William Morgan, John Hughes, Marshall Lewis, John Murray, Anthony Hyde, John Mans, Samuel Newton, Nathaniel Jackson, John McDowell, Patrick Olden, John Jones, Isaac McKean, Joseph Parker, Nathaniel Kauffman, Jacob Meng, John Paxton, Timothy Kimble, Caleb Milnor, Isaac Pew, William Laimagre, Peter Money, Abraham Pidgon, John Lanthern, Francis Moser, George Preston, William Longhead, James Nagel, Rudolph Robinson, Phillip Lowdon, George Neave, Samuel Rush, William Mannon, James Nonviler, Andrew Shaw, Robert Martin, Andrew Orange, Lewis Smith, James Martin, Jacob Parish, John Smith, Jeremiah Mathias, Laden Paxon, James Stephens, Capt. McCallahan, James Pepper, George Stimmel, Phillip McClain, John Peters, John Swingfield, Henry McClean, Daniel Pollart, John Tavenor, George McDaniel, William Potts, David Taylor, Benjamin McGill, John Pratt, Henry Taylor, Enoch Miller, James Raquet, Nicholas Thomas, John Mitman, Phillip Scully, Bernard Thomson, Charles Musky, Thomas Sergeant, Jonathan Thomson, Peter Newhouse, Phillip Sexton, Lot Trotter, Daniel Nicholson, Thomas Shakespeare, David Turner, Joseph Norris, Joseph Stall, Isaac Tweed, Robert Parke, Solomon Standley, John Wainright, Isaac Peddle, George Stroebel, John Warder, Charles Peffer, John Suttrence, Peter Warder, James Phillips, B.H. Switt, Samuel Webb, John Phillips, John Uhler, Andrew Westcoat, John Pratt, Henry Wade, James Willis, Murgrave Ridgeway, John Warder, Jeremiah Wilson, James Riffett, Edward Watkins, James Woglum, Peter Salisbury, John Weekerly, Conrad Schaffer, George Weekerly, George Schrock, Jacob Wilcox, Alexander Scoot, George Winn, Isaac Senneff, John Yager, John Shener, Henry Yak, Lewis Shields, George Shrier, John Simpson, John Sipe, Barnard Smallwood, Mr. Smith, George Snowden, Leonard Steefer, Samuel Story, John Summers, Phillip Sutter, David Swartz, George Swope, Adam Test, Henry Walters, Nicholas Westier, Henry While, Conrad Wildy, Richard Williams, Frederick Williams, John Wilson, Benjamin Wind, Peter Wiseman, Samuel Wood, James Wright, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 34. 35. 36. 2nd Co.,4 Batt 1789 3rd Co.,4 Batt 1789 6th Co.,4 Batt. 1789 Shee, John Lt. Col. Shee, John, Lt. Col. Shee, John, Lt. Col. Kammerer, Henry, Cap Duncan, Matthew,Cap Reynolds, Thomas, Capt. Aston, George Andrews, Jacob Ashley, Nathaniel Barret, Thomas Beck, Paul Auckart, John Beisterling, Jacob Bell, William Bankson, William Birgenboyler, David Browne, William Barker, William Bringhurst, George Bunting, Joseph Barry, Simon Butterworth, Joseph Byrne, Edmond Barthlomew, John Challis, C. Byrnes, Redman Bartram, Isaac Cole, Robert Clark, Ephraim Bernard, Martin Dean, Joseph Condy, Jonathan Berteer, Charles Dorsey, John Condy, William Berterger, Vale Forrest, Thomas Dawes, Rumford Besland, Alexander Fox, George DeWaters, Solomon Biddle, John Gouger, Thomas Dick, Daniel Bilkendon, James Guyer, John Dickinson, Morris Bingham, Archibald Halns, Rueben Duffield, John Boyer, Frederick Haugnow, John Nick. Duponcea, Peter S. Brockton, Robert Heiss, Frederick Dutith, Stephe Brooks, Edward Helm, Peter Forbes, William Brown, Jacob Hockley, William Galley, Joseph Bryan, Guy Hynman, John Hamilton, William Burdon, Joseph Jackson, Samuel Hancock, Benjamin Burtch, Hugh Johnson, William Harper, William Callender, James Jones, Jonathan Harvey, Samuel Campbell, William Jones, Richard Hayes, Samuel Carmalt, Caleb Just, John Hayes, William Carmalt, Jonathan Kuhn, Peter Hazlehurst, Isaac Carman, James Lessly, Robert Hood, Jesse Carson, Andrew Lisle, John Kant, Abraham Chancellor, William Lowra, Peter Kay, Mr. Chapman, James Luke, Charles Koch, Jacob Gerald Clark, John McAllister, John Latimer, William Coats, Josiah Miller, Joseph Lloyd, Nicholas Cruckshank, Joseph Morris, Anthony, P. Martin, Henry Curtian, James Murrell, Robert Mathers, James Davis, John Painter, Isaac McCrea, James Davis, Joseph Parker, Jeremiah Merrian, Samuel Dewherst, Edward Parker, William Miller, James Dower, Edward Pennock, George Miller, William T. Dower, John Perring, Stephen Moore, John Druiss, Daniel Poulson, Zachariah Morton, George Farrell, William Roberts, Jesse Oswick, Mr. Fisher, John Sandzinger, Adam Prentiss, Nathaniel Flack, William Scull, Benjamin Purves, John Forneck, Henry P. Shutze, Conrad Raguete, Cladius Fox, Justin Sickel, Lawrence Redman, Phillip Frailey, Frederick Sickel, Phillip Ridgeway, John Fraser, Thomas Sing, Charles Risk, Charles Fromberger, John Singer, Abraham Roney, James Fromberger, William Singer, Casper Sharp, John Fry, John Singer, Emanuel Specht, William Garnell, Ellis Singer, John Taylor, William Gaw, Chambers Smock, Robert Thompson, Charles Geiss, William Stimble, Phillip Tilford, Robert Germain, John Suiget, Christian Vanuxen, James Goodman, George Sutter, Daniel Vass, Ambrose Gordon, John Taylor, John Vitalby, Anthony Gostelors, Jonathan Toland, Henry Wackssmith, John G. Grant, Archibald Toplift, William Walker, Emanuel Gray, Richard Turner, Joseph Ward, Stephen Grier, John Tyson, Daniel Watosn, John Hammer, Ludwick Wells, Gideon White, Charles Hannis, Andrew Welpert, Frederick White, John Harberson, Benjamin Wilcox, John Willis, Jonathan Heymard, Frederick Wilson, George Yardley, William Heymard, John Wister, Daniel Ziegler, Isaac Inskipp, John Wister, William Jeger, Reynard Jobson, James Jones, Daniel Kaighn, John Kean, John Kennedy, David Lamar, Mathias Lang, Thomas Lorah, John Louden, Thomas Mabbin, John Malsey, Thomas Marrset, Benjamin Martin, Mipsham Martin, William McCullock, John McIlhenny, William Metz, Paul Miller, Jacob Morgan, Benjamin Morrison, William Myers, Lewis Norman, John Nyle, Geroge Patterson, Jonathan Pidgeon, Christian Pulse, George Rawle, William Reynolds, James Riffert, Phillip Roberts, George Roberts, Robert Rudolph, George Sammes, Thomas Scully, Barney Soland, Henry Sontag, William Sown, Benjamin Stansbury, Joseph Thomas, Robert Thorn, Zachrus Thornton, Jesse Tudor, George Twamby, Josiah Vanhorn, Aaron Vowell, Thomas Wale, Francis Wall, William Williams, George Wiltberger, Peter Wood, John Wood, William Wright, Malcolm Young, Robert _________________________________________________________________________________ 37. 7 Co., 4 Batt, 1789 Shee, John, Lt. Col. Fitzgerald, Thomas, Cap Abraham, William Baker, Jacob Bishpham, Joseph Bisle, Charles Bolton, Edward Buckby, Isaac Budd, Joseph Bullock, George Cap, Thomas Clay, Custic Clifford, John Cocks, John D. Collins, Zacheus Conrod, Elisha Conson, Joshua Crawford, Samuel Dickinson, Jesse Doury, Edmund Drinker, Joseph Ferguson, Daniel Fisher, Joseph Gaskel, William Gillingham, James Glenworth, Peter Dr. Greg, Amos Greg, Malhon Hall, David Hart, Benjamin Hartly, James Hartman, John Head, John Henderson, James Horton Apria Hutcheson, Mahon Inks, James Kaign, John Kite, Jonathan Lippencut, William Lusby, Joseph Lynn, Joseph Marshall, John Masters, Joseph McDermot, Martin Mendenhall, Thomas Miller, Isaac Montgomery, Robert Montmollin, F. Mood, John Morgan, Thomas Norris, Isaac Parish, John Park, Jacob Poultney, Benjamin Reisberg, Gustavous Ries, James Sermon, Isaac Sermon, Richard Smith, Frederick Smith, James Smith, William Dr. Stokes, James Stone, Charles Stuart, Heneyman Sturgeon, George Swift, Charles Taylor, Henry Tomson Taylor, Thomas Walker, Joseph Walker, Samuel Wardel, James Was, Adam Wells, John C. Wells, William Whitebread, Charles Whitesides, William Wickersham, Amos Wilson, William Wrap, Godfrey _________________________________________________________________________________