Military: Post Rev War: Philadelphia City Muster Rolls, Philadelphia Militia, 5th Battalion, 1783-1790 Pa. Archives, Vol. III-6th Series, pp. 1145-1160. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Elizabeth Burns. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _________________________________________________________________________________ Index to units included, by list order. 1. 7 Co., 5th Batt, 1784 2. 2 Co., 5th Batt, 1785 3. 4 Co., 5th Batt, 1785 4. 5 Co., 5th Batt, 1785 5. 6 Co., 5th Batt, 1785 6. 7 Co., 5th Batt, 1786 7. 8 Co., 5th Batt, 1785 8. 1st Co., 5th Batt, 1786 9. 2nd Co., 5th Batt, 1786 10. 3rd Co., 5th Batt, 1786 11. 6th Co., 5th Batt, 1786 12. 6th Co., 5th Batt, 1787 13. 8th Co., 5th Batt, 1787 _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 7 Co.,5th Batt,1784 2 Co.,5th Batt,1785 4 Co.,5th Batt 1785 Casdorp,Thos,Lt.Col Casdorp, Thos, Lt.Co Casdrop, Thos, Lt. Col. no captain listed Engles, Silas, Capt. Goodwin, Geo. Cap Adams, John Adams, Samuel Bickam, Caleb Ashburn, John Allen, John Carr, David Atkinson, John Arner, Mathew Chambers, William Bakewood, George Arter, James Cite, Jacob Barnis, Stephen Barrett, John Corter, Harmon Bickham, Thomas Bishop, Thomas Custraw, Isaac Bird, Joseph Brice, John Dawson, James Black, George Brown, William Dowling, Jonathan Bond, Levi Cady, William Drinker, John Bose, Peter Caldwell, William Elliott, William Bowman, Charles Campbell, Donald Forrest, Thomas Briggs, John Clark, Weston Garay, John Burk, Thomas Colven, Robert Hutton, John Cammel, William Condoner, John Kean, Robert Clair, Thomas Coutch, Charles Marsy, Hugh Craig, Thomas Crier, John McKeag, George Dennick, Andrew Dow, John McKinsey, Alexander Dick, John Dowton, Robert McKinsey, Dunking Donaldson, William Drinker, Joseph Nepper, David Duffy, Peter Dugan, James North, Daniel Dunbar, Thomas Duncan, James Patton, John Elkins, William Frankford, John Rhodes, William Ellis, William Gantis, George Rice, Joseph Fanning, John Gilmore, William Roberson, William Fiffer, John Goard, Simon Row, Thomas Fisher, Captain Grover, Christian Spear, Robert Foregrave, Robert Grover, Hugh Taylor, William Gamble, John Hall, John Turner, Joseph Gamble, William Harris, Samuel Tutting, John Gardwood, Joseph Hunter, Charles Gault, John Langrow, John Hamilton, Patrick Lysle, Henry Handy, Daniel Mayne, James Hart, James McCampbell, Patrick Hatton, Benjamin McConnel, Patrick Hewlings, Joseph McCully, John Hoy, John McDonnel, Charles Hufty, Isaac McDowell, Thomas Ingles, John Meckelroy, Hugh Kain, Mr. Morris, John Keiser, Daniel Murray, George Knight, Thomas Musgrove, Aaron Knox, Richard Owens, Barnaby Lindel, Joseph Patterson, Robert Loosley, Jonathan Patton, John Marsh, Colin Penrose, Thomas, Jr. McBride, Andrew Penrose, Thomas, Sr McCallister, Hector Peterell, John McCloud, Malcolm Pother, James McCloud, Norman Purviance, Francis McCombs, John Reford, Thomas McCoy, Alexander Rice, Phillip McDonald, Archibald Serows, John McLeod, Norman Smith, James Merrick, Joshua Smith, John Merrit, Peter Snell, Jacob Monroe, John Stewart, John Montgomery, Robert Tresdy, Richard Morrison, John Truman, Robert Murray, William Watson, John Newdon, John Webster, Richard Pierce, Andrew Welsh, Thomas Pierce, John Wharton, Richard Pilor, Scallinger Wilson, James Plankinhome, John Wilson, William Powell, Samuel Wright, Andrew Reinhart, John Renoir, Lewis Renshaw, James Reynolds, James Rile, Henry Roberts, George Sensfield, John Shillingforths, Wm. Shillintooth, James Shreiner, Adam Slay, John Smith, John Smith, Robert Spencer, Joseph St. Clair, John Stewart, Robert Stinson, Stephen Stoots, William Swanson, William Thomas, Richard Walker, Ralph Ward, Valentine Wase, Joseph Willbury, Christian Wood, John Wrath, William Wyman, Francis Yard, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 5 Co., 5 Batt 1785 6 Co.,5 Batt, 1785 7 Co., 5 Batt 1786 Casdorp,Thom.Lt.Col Casdorp,Thom.,LtCol Casdorp, Thos, Lt. Col. Cornish, John, Cap Patterson, John Cap Dennis, John, Capt. Beck, Samuel Alley, William Bean, Conrad Boggs, David Ash, Caleb Bird, Joseph Brodey, Alexander Barker, James Bond, Lool Brown, Alexander Bivens, Henry Bowman, Charles Burk, Miles Clark, John Brown, Thomas Carpenter, James Cline, Phillip Burke, Thomas Cash, David Collins, John Burns, Michael Chaplane, George Douglas, William Cally, John Church, Samuel Geden, John Chalkney, Jacob Cole, Andrew Hillman, Samuel Church, John Coleman, Thomas Holiday, Henry Craige, Thomas Cook, Peter Houseman, John Dean, Thomas Cook, William Howman, Andrew Duffy, Peter Cowen, William Huffman, Isaac Elkins, William Denny, Daniel McCauley, James Fisher, Hendrick DePond, Francis Muler, Henry Gardner, John Derick, George Nits, William Gregory, John Douglas, John Right, Francis Hart, James Duffield, Benjamin Roberts, James Hooten, Banjamin Elliott, Anthony Stuart, Christopher Keeler, William George, Peter Yandis, Charles Knox, Richard Gillis, James Lindle, Joseph Gilmore, Matthew Loler, Thomas Golong, Peter Loosley, Jonathan Gorman, Lawrence McCagg, Alexander Gott, Nathaniel McCarty, Elias Hale, Samuel McCoy, Alexander Ham, James McCreanery, William Henry, John McDonald, Archibald Hodge, George Merrick, Joshua Holcom, Garrett Montgomery, Robert Houldship, George Morrison, John Huston, Thomas Murdock, Robert Ingles, Thomas Ralph, William Johnston, William Sensfield, John Kemp, Oliver Shellinger, Cornelius King, John Shellinger, Jeremian Knox, George Smith, John Layer, Adam Stuart, Henry Leamy, John Ware, Joseph Lennox, Hugh Weyman, Francis Long, Christopher Wood, John McAllester, James Yord, John McDole, James Young, William McMullen, James Miller, Mathew Miller, Robert Moor, John Morguay, John Mosley, Richard Murdock, Samuel Myers, John Myers, Lawrence Norris, John North, John Paites, George Peel, William Pickel, Nicholas Reed, John Richardson, James Richey, Samuel Rowan, Moses Scantlin, Michael Short, James Sink, Abraham Slater, James Smith, Terrence Sprowl, John Stalk, James Steel, Peter Stocker, Hugh Stoots, George Swift, Charles Tart, Robert Tay, William Timmons, Dean Walker, John Weir, William Wharton, Isaac _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 8. 9. 8 Co.,5 Batt,1785 1st Co.,5 Batt,1786 2nd Co.5 Batt, 1786 Casdorp,Thos.Lt.Col Eyre, Benj. Lt. Col. Eyre, Benj, Lt. Col. Shieveley,Geo,Cap Robinett,Joseph,Cap Stricker, John, Capt Bastian, Stophel Censlor, Michel Adkison, William Beshier, Batholomew Clay, James Backman, Peter Bicklow, Thomas Crislor, Henry Baltesborrow, John Black, Benjamin Haines, John Bennett, Anthony Bostian, George Hasleton, John Berry, Alexander Boyd, John Huffman, James Betagh, Alexander Braty, Alex McDaniel, George Bryon, Samuel Brown, John Pomparien, Frances Byron, Arthur Bruck, Jacob Riffits, John Chester, John Burkard, Daniel Roles, Frances Clever, Jacob Carrolls, Frederick Rose, Joshua Courtney, Paul Catter, Edward Rover, John Henry Crause, Jacob Cook, Isaac Rump, John Crowel, George Cookard, Christian Sharp, John Deport, Frances Cookard, Martin Shipe, William Dicktris, Lewis Cooker, Matthias Walter, Leonard Downs, Earl Crim, Henry Williams, Alexander Downs, Thomas Cromly, Thomas Yerkill, George Duvene, Barnot Davis, Elisha Fitch, Joseph Emrick, Dewald Flager, Valentine Esterday, John Fresh, Christian Farley, William Grub, John Field, Peter Harford, George Forbys, William Harley, George Frazier, James Hart, John Garrett, John Hervine, Solomon Greasewald, Joseph Hune, Jacob Gross, Jacob Ingare, James Hall, Thomas Irvine, Jacob Harhard, Michael Jebson, Samuel Hay, Geroge Johnson, John Honeker, Joseph Kindler, Charles Hoppel, Jacob Krider, David Huber, Daniel Kunkle, Michael Hunter, William Lefeper, John Kirk, Andrew Lesch, John Kiser, Nicholas Lesher, Francis Kisler, Jacob Levering, Michael Kline, John Lyon, Soloman Knox, Henry Macklenburgh, Charles Kunzer, Godip Maxfield, Steven Lare, John McCarty, John Lasher, Jacob Mertz, John Lasher, John Miley, Frederick Lavele, Peter Miley, John Leppy, John Miller, Michael Lints, Henry Miller, Thomas Lintz, John Mitchell, Thomas Mast, John Morgan, Lewis McCall, David Nickles, William McCarvey, John Noble, Richard McCloud, Duncan Noble, Samuel McCollough, Hugh Pastorus, Samuel McKinsey, John Peters, Thomas Miller, John Pote, Valentine More, Stophel Reed, George Parker, Elisha Ricknor, George Plum, Peter Roze, Christian Purrell, John Sharp, Henry Rab, Godfrey Shreder, Phillip Reable, Francis Shriber, Samuel Rinard,John Silver, John Ritsendalter, Martin Smith, John Satsline, Adam Snelhart, John Saylor, Jacob Soas, Phillip Saylor, John Sommers, Mattew Shafer, John Stauger, Solomon Shafer, Michael Stiver, Michael Shepert, Stophel Suler, John Shults, George Thumb, John Simmons, Thomas Townson, Richard Smith, Adam Vanderslice, Anthony Smith, Charles Vocason, George Snyder, Peter Wakehafer, George Springer, Joseph Watson, William Stone, Bartis Willing, Thomas Stores, Luke Yensor, George Stuart, James Zekler, Jacob Welcome, Joseph Wetsler, Adam Whitman, Jacob Winter, George Young, Henry Young, Henry Young, John Young, Peter Young, Phillip Zaner, George _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 11. 12. 3rd Co., 5th Batt, 1786 6th Co.,5 Batt,1786 6th Co., 5 Batt, 1787 Eyre, Benjamin, Lt. Col. Eyre, Benj.Lt.Col. Eyre, Benj, Lt. Col. Piercy, Christian, Capt. Mittenberger,Geo.Cap Miltenberger, Geo., Cap. Addision, Thomas Ackly, Robert Aaron, James Bacon, Joseph Adams, William Ash, John Barns, Samuel Appelby, Thomas Baker, Jacob Barr, John Applegate, William Bartolas, Henry Beatty, William Arn, John Bigler, John Bedford, Samuel Ashto, Joseph Bray, Nicholas Bennett, Anthony Baker, James Brayfield, John Brail, Lewis Bennett, James Brown, Joseph Brant, John Bickham, Alexander Chester, John Britan, Thomas Biddle, Marcus Clatterback, Joseph Briton, John Boswell, William Cleasley, George Brooks, Edward Bowers, William Connelly, Thomas Burns, John Braden, Henry Crawford, Joseph Canon, Thomas Brown, Michael Crow, Christian Carrier, Martin Buckhannon, William Davis, George Cincle, George Burk, Robert Davis, Samuel Clarke, Joseph Burrell, John Dawson, John Clarke, Oliver Carter, John Deter, Jacob Command, Jonathan Caton, John Devor, John Conkle, John Clark, Andrew Etrass, George Cooper, James Clark, James Favell, John P. Criets, John Collis, Thomas Fogle, George Dice, Henry Crawford, James Foster, Conrad Drinker, Henry Daniel, George Foster, Conrad Elfreth, Josiah Davis, George Frayviler, William Etinger, John Davis, Isaac French, Arthur Evens, Able Davis, Morris Gensell, John Eyer, Emanuel Dice, Henry Gordman, James Fisher, Conrad Ditmore, Conrad Gregory, William Gimason, Andrew Dunn, Thomas Grislay, Anthony Hair, Robert Emmerson, George Groff, Jesse Harpert, Joseph Evans, William Groff, Michael Harrison, John Fightenbury, George Hager, Phillip Isenhood, Andrew Flaherty, William Hagerty, Nicholas Keen, Hans Fox, John Heston, David King, Samuel Fracy, William Hoffman, Joseph Kinnard, William Frank, Leonard Holcraft, Thomas Kinsey, Thomas French, Arthur Hopkins, William Large, Ebenezer Gentner, George Hugg, John Lewis, Joseph Glover, Thomas Johnson, Hugh Linton, Michael Graydon, Andrew Johnson, William Lloyd, William Grazilla, Anthony Keen, Jacob Marrear, Hamilton Gregory, George Keen, John Mattern, Andrew Gregory, William Kees, Henry Moore, William Guin, Thomas King, Samuel Morlock, Edward Guthrie, William Kitler, John Mover, William Harman, Amos Livering, William Norton, Thomas Heston, David McGregor, John Orine, Daniel Howard, William McKell, John Parker, William Hugg, John McKinley, Alexander Paul, Josiah Hyberger, Jacob Murphy, Barnabas Powell, Peter Jackson, William Newman, Joshua Reavy, Jacob Johnston, Hugh Owens, Edward Richards, Daniel Jones, Joseph Parker, John Ridgaway, Allen Keen, John Pugh, Samuel Rine, Edward Keesman, Frederick Richards, Noah Roberts, William Kingerly, Frederick Robinson, David Rodgers, Edward Lafferty, Patrick Rodgers, Alexander Rose, Robert Leib, George Saxton, William Shaw, William Low, John Shank, Leonard Shumaker, Samuel Low, William Shoemaker, Jesse Smat, Daniel Luger, John Shoemaker, Robert Spankendine, Conrad Lyons, John Sowder, Christopher Stanrover, Mickle Mahaff, James Sowder, Jacob Stum, Phillip Marshall, John Street, Robert Tallman, George Mathias, Barney Toy, Jacob Tew, Joseph McCord, Isaih Wolfender, William Thatcher, Joseph McDaniel, James Worrell, Amos Town, Thomas McDaniel, Mordcea Trotter, William McGlochin, Barnard Turner, Thomas McNeel, John Twells, Godfry Mills, John Weaver, William Mitchel, George Wells, Edward Moffitt, Richard Wells, John Montgomery, Charles West, Charles Mood, Anthony West, William Murphy, Thomas Wilson, Joseph Nash, John Wisonpach, Henry Newman, Josehua O'Scullion, Mr. Palmer, Moses Quicksoll, John Rare, Martin Reilly, John Roreman, Henry Ross, Oliver Sanford, Rowland Shaley, Henry Shaw, Alexander Shemlet, Stephen Shoemaker, Robert Sowder, Christopher Stoll, George Strump, John Stump, Daniel Summers, Isaac Swain, Jacob Sybert, Peter Taylor, Joseph Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, Isaac Thomson, Andrew Unger, John Valentine, Charles Wager, George Walker, John Walter, Peter Warner, Hugh Williams, Ralph Wiseboch, John Wolf, Jacob Wooden, James Woolberry, Adam Worley, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. 8th Co., 5 Batt, 1787 Eyre, Benjamin, Lt. Col. Elikhuyser, Joseph, Capt. Alberger, John, Lt. Lambeth, Joseph, Ensign Ackstrown, Joseph Alberger, Adam Alberger, Christian Alberger, Phillip Allen, John Ambrister, Peter Amer, John Ash, John Auben, Levi Baen, Jacob Baker, Joseph Baker, Royal Bannet, Anthony Beam, Michael Beard, John Beard, Nicholas Beats, Benjamin Bello, John Benter, Daniel Benthel, John Berg, Ernest Bernol, George Betkin, Henry Beyer, Andrew Bitts, John Boegman, John Bondalion, George Boyer, Valentine Boyles, Adam Brocks, William Brown, Thomas Buckbeer, Isaac Calady, Charles Calady, Jacob Carrel, John Chrisman, Henry Claver, Phillip Cleymer, John Cramer, John Cranwells, Peter Crist, Casper Cross, Joseph Darderman, Jacob Deal, John Deale, William Demusky, Adam Densel, Christian Diter, Adam Diterlyn, Henry Elmore, Frederick Enwegter, Geroge Esterbeck, William Etling, John Etwine, Jacob Fessmyer, John Fisher, Frederick Fishlinger, Samuel Fiss, Peter Franks, Jacob Frey, Anthony Fritz, Phillip Fulls, Frederick Galdey, Casper Gensel, Frederick Gensel, Megel George, John Gilton, Samuel Gitting, George Gomi, John Gordin, Abraham Gosman, Benjamin Grace, Jacob Grace, John Grayer, Nicholas Green, Thomas Gregorie, Jacob Griger, Jacob Grim, Peter Gross, Ulin Gutter, Henry Guyer, William Gyger, Martin Hamilton, William Handkogger, Jerry Harris, Isaac Hart, Daniel Hart, Nicholas Harvort, George Hasner, George Hay, Charles Hay, John Hempel, John Heston, Elias Heymer, John Heysler, George Higgins, William Hinkle, John Hinkle, Peter Hoeber, David Hoeber, Michael Hoemel, Christian Hoon, Daniel Hoop, Frederick Horn, Abraham Huge, Jacob Hymar, Jacob Jacobs, Josiah Jahroes, George Johns, David Jones, John Jones, Samuel Kannady, Jacob Katz, Michael Keal, Jeremiah Keating, Jacob Kensel, John Keyler, John Kile, John Kilhen, Cornelius Kinderdyck, Jacob Klass, Simon Kleamer, Henry Kleyn, Peter Klyn, Peter Knight, Phillip Lambeth, Joseph Laurence, William Lear, Henry Leipser, George Leslie, Peter Levy, Nathan Lies, George Lobstain, Andrew Lomparter, George Long, Adam Long, Marks Lourie, Peter Lourie,Phillip Lowers, John Lutz, Frederick Lysler, Phillip Magold, Frederick Mamors, James Man, Conrad Manin, Christopher McDead, John McFeran, Samuel McNair, John Melly, John Meredith, Jonathan Merly, Jacob Miller, Christian Miller, John Miller, Peter Mitzger, John Montgomery, Joseph Moyvort, John Mulheron, Joseph Myer, John Myers, John Neal, George Newswanger, Conrad Omsitter, Michael Opman, Laurence Owens, William Painter, John Peltey, John Pennington, Isaac Poltin, Anthony Poop, George Powlie, Joseph Price, John Priner, Samuel Pritner, Phillip Ready, John Reed, Michael Rees, Andrew Richardson, George Rinker, James Robbins, John Roberts, Isiah Roberts, Jonathan Roderfot, William Rutz, Adam Ryan, John Schaffer, Lud'k Schakwet, Thomas Scheaf, Peter Schriver, Peter Seytz, William Sheffer, Gerard Shreiner, Nicholas Shrester, Adam Shuster, Henry Shyner, Daniel Sidon, Joseph Sieiberhead, Casper Smith, George Smith, George Smith, William Snake, George Snyder, George Snyder, Peter Sone, John Speck, Jacob Spengler, Henry Startling, Joy Steer, John Steiger, John Steinberg, Abraham Steiner, William Stephens, William Stiner, Adam Stock, Samuel Stribut, Simon Strope, John Strutser, Henry Stutser, William Styn, Nicholas Stynhouwer, William Suterman, John Taget, David Tekstar, David Thiel, Christopher Torn, Geroge Turk, Andrew Vanhorn, Benjamin Vanhorn, William Vass, William Veltman, Christian Veltman, Phillip Voelman, Casper Wall, Martin Walter, Curnet Ward, George Watkins, Joseph Weicvender, Peter Weisbag, John Weser, Adam Weyert, Christian Whare, John Whiteman, Michael Wiley, Geroge Will, Martin Wilson, Bill Wilt, Henry Wine, Joseph Wislar, Michael Witebank, Casper Witter, Charles Wolbert, Adam Wreighter, William Wright, Lodwig Wrighter, Jacob _________________________________________________________________________________