Military: Post Rev War: Philadelphia City Muster Rolls, Philadelphia Militia, 6th/7th Battalion, 1783-1790 Pa. Archives, Vol. III-6th Series, pp. 1163-1188. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Elizabeth Burns. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ______________________________________________________________________________ Index to units included, by list order. 1. 2nd Co., 6th Batt, 1784 2. 3rd Co., 6th Batt, 1784 3. 4th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 4. 5th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 5. 6th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 6. 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 7. 8th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 8. 1st Co., 6th Batt, 1785 9. 2nd Co., 6th Batt, 1785 10. 3rd Co., 6th Batt, 1785 11. 4th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 12. 5th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 13. 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 14. 8th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 15. 2nd Co., 6th Batt, 1786 16. 3rd Co., 6th Batt, 1786 17. 5th Co., 6th Batt, 1786 18. 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1786 19. 3rd Co., 6th Batt, 1786 20. 3rd Co., 6th Batt, 1787 21. 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1787 22. 8th Co., 6th Batt, 1787 23. 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1788 24. 5th Co., 7th Batt, 1787 25. 8th Co., 7th Batt, 1788 26. 8th Co., 7th Batt, 1788 27. 6th Co., 7th Batt, 1788 28. 2nd Co., 7th Batt, 1789 29. 3rd Co., 7th Batt, 1789 ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 2 Co. 6th batt. 1784 3 Co., 6th Batt, 1784 4 Co., 6th Batt, 1784 Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Boys, Nathan, Captain No Captain Listed McDowell, Wm., Capt. Ham, James, Lt. Evans, Evan, Ensign Hood, Thomas, Ensign Sutter, Peter, Clerk Ackley, Joseph Brown, James Adams, James Allen, Joseph Brumwell, William Beekley, Christian Allen, Thomas Bullisk, James Bell, Robert Allenbee, James Carpenter, Samuel Bower, Jacob Barclay, James Carver, Samuel Bower, Thomas Barclay, John Clinker, John Boweres, William Bernard, Martin Currie, William Buck, Barnabas Betts, John Dinney, David Careless, George Bowen, Elijah Drinker, John Carley, Samuel Bridges, Robert Drinker, William Carter, David Jones Brown, William Duff, James Cope, Gotlieb Byron, Walter Eckles, Robert Cope, John Carn, Gabriel French, William Crumbough, Godfrey Champins, James Gethen, John Cummings, John Clark, David Green, Thomas Delabar, John Clyker, Francis Gregg, James Dougherty, George Coney, Jonathan M. Hamilton, William Douglas, Charles Conner, Edward Hichman, Selby Erwin, Robert Connor, Bryan Hug, Jacob Esting, Frederick Cotton, Thomas Hunt, Benjamin Fudge, George Crossley, Moses Lynch, Patrick Gardiner, Levi Cuthbert, Anthony McKane, Joseph Green, Geroge Dixon, Thomas McMuthery, William Green, Michael Dolby, Daniel Miller, Charles Griffith, Isac Farryn, John Morgan, John Griswold, Joseph Fisher, Joseph Morris, Hugh Guy, Ellick Fitzgerald, Robert Oakman, Isaac Hatter, James Fox, Jeremiah O'Bryan, William Hayes, James George, James Offey, Caleb Hooper, Thomas Gibbon, James Pancoast, Samuel Houston, John Griffin, Cyrus Paulus, Peter Long, John Ham, John Peecor, French Lukeman, John Hillman, Cornelius Polasky, Charles Matlack, Josiah Hood, James Porter, Richard McGee, James Hoover, John Pryer, Charles McGegan, John Johns, David Purviance, John McGillis, James Jones, Benjamin Row, Thomas McLaughlin, William Kean, Richard Simpson, George McPherson, John Keith, William Smith, George Mealy, Michael Kennedy, Michael Smith, Thomas Miller, Alexander Kincaid, Robert Townsend, John Myer, Jacob Kinzie, Frazier Vanderan, John Phillips, John Lisle, Walter Warton, Samuel Piles, John Marshall, Samuel Wesler, Richard Primer, Peter Martin, John Wetherill, Joseph Pursell, Henry McClure, Samuel Williams, Jesse Renshaw, Richard McCrea, Jno. Rhoads, Samuel McDowell, William Scantling, Jno. McFadden, William Sheffley, John McHinzle, William Smith, Mason McMullen, Angus Smith, Mr. Moore, James Smith, Peter Murphy, Barry Snowden, Joseph Noble, Anthony Swinger, John Paulk, John Thomas, James Peterson, Derrick Ward, Edward Pritchett, Thomas West, David Quinlen, John Williams, James Rigby, Joseph Williams, Luke Robbins, Thomas Winemow, Jacob Rose, David Winemow, Phillip Row, Conrad Wood, George Rudolph, Jno. Woods, William Russell, Joseph Young, Charles Shed, George Young, Conrad Shellbeck, Charles Shindler, Phillip Sims, Samuel Sims, Woodrop Swaneck, Jno. Thompson, David Turnbull, William Turner, George Watkins, William Wellers, James Wertsell, Henry Wigmore, Mr. Wilson, Phillip Yard, Isa _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 5th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 6th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1784 Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Lawrence, William, Capt. Rosebottom, James, Capt. McElwaine, Ferguson, Capt. Alexander, John Affleck, Thoms Ackhart, Wm. Anderson, John Baker, Dr. Aikin, Wm. Applegate, John Bell, Robert Allen, Andrew Backer, Steven Bowser, Peter Bedford, Joseph Bayley, Enoch Bryan, Benjamin Bradshaw, John Bee, Amos Bushel, John Brown, John Benny, Barnabus Canby, Eli Camphile, Murdock Berry, Ober Coates, Thomas Carney, James Boyer, Michael Cochran, James Carson, Joseph Bright, John Cochran, John Cartwright, William Bringhurst, James Conrad, John Chesnutt, Robert Bringhurst, John Coon, Daniel Colman, Thos. Bringhurst, Joseph Cotton, John Coney, Wm. Burns, Patrick Craig, John Craw, Joseph Caldwell, Robert Evans, Benjamin Dougherty, Henry Carman, Charles Evans, Jonathan Dowland, William Carmichael, Samuel Fisher, Myers Duffield, John Carter, John Goblin, Charles Dunn, James Cartwright, Joseph Gray, Charles Elliot, John Chain, William Greer, Nehemiah Evans, Edward Clark, Richard Grififn, George Fleming, Thomas Clark, Wm. B. Hollingsworth, Levi Forrest, James Clow, Andrew Hoseman, Stokely Garney, John Conner, John Kean, Joseph Gordon, Henry Conver, Peter Lewis, David Green, Thomas Cox, William Lewis, Mordecai Guyer, John David, John Matthews, James Harrision, Michael Delany, Wm. Matthews, William Henderson, Alexander Dorsey, Dr. McCarpen, James Hensworth, Chris. Eastbourn, Jonathan McCown, John Hoyelwood, John Evans, Peter McSpan, Archibald Humphreys, Wm. Farmer, Lewis Mifflin, Joseph Kelley, William Finney, William Millegan, James Latimer, Geroge Flahaven, Thomas Morris, Samuel McFarland, John Flower, Richard Oakley, George McGerty, Andrew Flower,John Pidgeon, Wm. McPherson, John Forsythe, Jacob Read, Samuel McVea, Fergus Gilmore, Mathew Sexton, John Monrow, Daniel Gordon, Charles Shortall, Thomas Murdock, William Halfpenny, Thomas Shortel, John Murray, Angus Hargan, Dennis Shuman, John Musgrave, Aaron Hart, Chamless Skillhorn, Richard Nesbitt, Robert Hart, John Snowder, Isaac O'Neil, Daniel Hartsback, Nicholas Stenson, John Oscullion, Francis Jackson, William Strother, John Peal, Charles W. Jones, Edward Taylor, Robert Plunkett, Alexander Joyce, Henry Tunerman, Andrew Riddle, Thomas Kent, Robert Varner, John Roark, Michael King, James Waltman, William Robison, Hugh Lane, Edward Willis, Seth Ross, Henry Lawerence, John Rowan, Jacob Lawrence, Wm. Rynhart, Peter Leboard, Peter Sanders, John Lewis, John Sedwith, Luke Lownes, Joseph Spicer, Jacob Lybourn, Robert Stamper, James Marie, John Stevenson, Samuel Marshall, Joseph Strecker, John McConnell, Samuel Taylor, Balter McCoy, John Thornton, Hermonas Mease, James Toy, John Miller, John Vogel, Gerrard Miller, Magnus Weber, John Miller, William Wells, John Morrow, James Welsh, James Newark, Thomas White, Charles Nicholson, John Willey, Thomas Pinkerton, John Young, Samuel Pinnare, Infray Pringle, John Quinn, James Raquet, C.P. Richards, Samuel Ross, James Ross, John Ryan, John Scripple, G.C. Sharp, William Shippen, James Slygher, Geroge Sparks, Simon Spect, John Starman, Frederick Wm. Storey, Luke Test, Henry Timmons, Dean Todd, Alexander Vaughan, John Wall, John Weir, John Wells, Richard West, John White, Thomas Wilcox, Mark Wilkinson, John Willkins, Thomas Wilson, James Wright, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 8. 9. 8th Co., 6th Batt. 1784 1st Co., 6 Batt, 1785 2nd Co., 6th Batt, 1785 Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Martin, Jacob, Capt. Ralston, Robert, Captain Boys, Nathan, Capt. Shatton, Jno. Lt. Ham, James, Lt. Hellings, John, Ensign Hood, Thomas, Ensign Sutter, Peter, Clerk Albertson, Thomas Atkinson, Amos Aikey, Thomas Baresticker, Andrew Barker, John Aikley, David Bastinode, E. Bower, Thomas Allen, Robert Baxter, James Champes, James Allenby, James Bell, Robert Clarkson, Gerardus Atkinson, Amos Bossey, Mr. Clarkson, William Atkinson, Phineas Boynton, Peter Cohan, Wm. Bailey, William Brown, Alexander Conyers, Joseph Baker, Francis Bullfinch, Captain Cotterell, Richard Barclay, James Bullock, Joseph Cox, Charles Barclay, John Burden, Joseph Cox, James Barthold, David Burk, James Darroch, John Bell, William Christie, James Deitz, Henry Benson, James Cochran, James Dick, Campbell Berger, Phillip Connor, John Durong, Jacob Bland, Mr. Cook, John Eggar, Thomas Boe, Stephen Craig, William Ewing, Thomas Budges, Robert Cummings, William Forgy, William Byron, Walter Curren, Daniel George, M. Cain, Gabriel Danrote, Gotlieb Godfrey, James Caruthers, James Dillon, Isiah Harry, Musgrove Champnes, James Dillworth, James Hill, John Chartlin, Mr. Dillworth, Jonathan Hug, Jacob Clark, David Dorsey, John Hughes, Barchell Clyth, William Doze, Andrew Johnson, George Connor, Edmond Drinker, Daniel Jones, Isaac Cooney, John Mears Duffield, Edward Maffet, George Core, Tench Emlin, George Moore, Hugh Cotton, Thomas Fisher, Samuel Peltz, William Cuthbert, Anthony Francyway, George Phillip, John Cuthbert, Thomsa Fulton, James Phillips, Alexander Demont, Mr. Gilmore, Wm. Plankinhorn, John Dolby, Daniel Goss, Joseph Plumstead, Clement Farren, John Hale, Alexander Plumstead, George Fenner, Henry Hale, John Plumstead, William Fitzgerald, Robert Hale, Thomas Price, Benjamin Forguson, Henry Harb, Myer Pringle, Thomas Forrest, James Humphreys, Daniel Pulmer, John Foulke, John Kale, Jacob Sawyer, James Geroge, James Kay, William Schrider, Reynolds Gillmore, John Kite, Joseph Small, Richard Greenway, Joseph Knock, Frederick Stokes, Mr. Ham, John Letchworth, William Thomas, Luke Hillman, Cornelius Lewis, Samuel Toun, Benjamin Hoffner, George Limmerick, James Trumar, Evan Hood, James Linneshead, Charles Webber, John Hubley, Adam Mackey, Alexander Wharton, Charles Humphrey, Clement Mackey, William Wharton, Robt. Ingraham, Duncan Marriott, Thomas Wharton, Wm. Ivan, Mathew McCormick, Thoams Widdlefield, Wm. Johns, David McDonald, William Young, Archibald Johnson, Francis McFarland, Arthur Young, Samuel Jones, Austin McGannon, Michael Jones, Benjamin McMahan, Wm. Kain, Richard Mead, George Keith, William Miles, James Lysle, Walter Mullen, James Marshall, Samuel Mutes, Jacob McDinzie, William Nilling, Thomas McDowell, William Patton, Captain McFadden, William Paxton, Isaac McFall, Robert Paxton, Isreal McHoover, John Poultney, Benjamin Moore, James Powell, Samuel Morrison, Hugh Reeves, Edward Noble, Anthony Robbins, Robert O'Connor, Bryan Rutter, George Park, John Shippen, Edward, Jr. Pelliers, James Shippen, Edward, Sr Peterson, Derich Shippen, Joseph Potts, John Shippen, William Prichard, Thomas Simmerton, William Quinlin, John Smith, Clement Reed, John Smith, John Rigby, Joseph Smith, Robert Roach, Mr. Smith, William Robins, Thomas Smith, William Robinson, James Snider, Ignatius Roe, Conrad Steel, William Rudolph, Mr. Talbott, John Shed, Geroge Turner, Edward Shindler, Phillip Van Read, Jacob Sims, Joseph Vaughn, Edward Sims, Samuel White, Joseph Sims, Woodrop White, Thomas Smith, James Wood, Robert Stemback, John Xantone, Monsieur Stillwell, John Swaneck, John Terason, Mr. Turnbull, William Watkins, William Yard, Josiah _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 11. 3rd. Co., 6th Batt, 1785 4th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Esler, Adam, Captain McDowell, Wm., Captain Achillis, Charles Alexander, James Armstrong, John Baxter, Mathias Brumwell, Jeremiah Beatrich, Alexander Brumwell, Wm. Borow, Peter Carpenter, Samuel Bowes, Wm. Carver, Samuel Boyle, Alexander Clark, William Coap, John Corbone, Peter Demar, Isaac Currie, William Demar, Joseph Darbesher, John Evans, Evan DeBlanchard, John Graham, Archibald Dougherty, George Griffith, Isaac Drinker, John Hall, John Drinker, William Henry, John Dubree, Joseph Hill, Henry Gerrald, Joseph Huston, James Gibs, Solomon Lee, James Griffiths, Samuel Mathews, William Hagard, Henry McDonnell, Alexander Hall, John McDowell, Alexander Hambleton, William Miller, Michael Harris, Robert Nixon, George Hugg, Jacob Piles, John Jenkins, William Renshare, Richard Jones, Robert Snowden, Joseph Kennedy, Thomas Sparks, David Kerby, Charles Stiles, William Kickman, Selby Taylor, William Lafit, Joseph Thornberry, John Lesher, George Welch, James Louden, John Wood, George Mackmin, Alexander Young, Charles Maman, Ruben Young, William Mase, John Mathers, Robert McCane, Joseph McClosky, James McDonald, William McMultry, William Michael, James Morgan, John Nale, John Newton, Jonathan Okeman, Isaac Panken, Samuel Parker, Archable Peecor, Monsieur Peterkin, John Porter, Richard Pratt, Mathew Prior, Charles Prior, Norton Ross, Hugh Simpson, John Smith, Mose Smith, Samuel Smith, Thomas Sutton, Woolman Townsend, John Trenchard, James Warton, Elija Warton, Samuel Wetherill, Joseph Williams, Jesse Wilson, John Yates, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 12. 13. 14. 5th Co., 6th Batt. 1785 7th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 8th Co., 6th Batt, 1785 Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Dean, Joseph, Lt. Col. Lawrence, Wm. Captain McElwaine,Ferguson,Capt Martin, Jacob, Capt. Cook, Evan, Ensign Alexander, John Ackhart, Wm. Afleck, Thomas Anderson, John Adams, John Alberson, Thomas Applegate, John Allen, Andrew Allen, Samuel Blear, John Angus, John Axe, John Boyer, Michael Bab, Richard Bassier, Robert Boyle, Hugh Bedford, Joseph Baxter, James Bright, John Brown, John Bennet, James Bringhurst, John Busby, Benjamin Blain, Ephraim Butler, Wm. Conrod, John Blain, Robert Byrne, Patrick Crafts, Robt. Boarding, Edward Camel, Nathaniel Day, John Bowen, Thomas, Major Campbell, James Delany, Sharp Boynton, Peter Cane, Patrick Duffield, John Brown, Elijah Carnan, Charles Ellwood, James Buckhanan, George Cath, Jacob Ellwood, John Buckingham, John Cealthurst, Mathew Fair, John Bulfinch, Samuel Clark, Wm. B. Ferguson, Hugh Bullock, Joseph Connor, Peter Green, Thomas Burden, Joseph Cox, Paul Gregory, Saml. Bush, George, Major Coxe, William Guyer, John Cambruy, Henry Creage, Robert Hamill, Archd. Chew, Benjamin Curtis, Jacob Hamill, Thomas Churiton, Henry L. Curtis, Thomas Hazelwood, John Clerk, William David, John Helm, Denison Clerkey, Patrick Delany, William Jackson, William Cooper, James Delaware, John Ledwith, Luke Cotton, Edmund Dorsey, Nathaniel Mackelhaton, Wm. Danes, Daniel Eastbourne, John Macklin, John Dill, Nicholas Eastbourne, Jonathan Mason, William Dillworth, James English, William Matlock, Josiah Dillworth, Jonathan Evans, Benjamin McCloud, Daniel Dollar, James Evans, Peter McCutcheon, John Drinker, Daniel Farmer, Lewis McGerty, Andrew Duberry, Daniel Finney, William McGoffen, Joseph Dyer, Thomas Fisher, Samuel Miller, David Emlin, George Flahavan, Thomas Morrison, Thomas Fielding, John, Capt. Flower, John Musgrave, Aaron Fisher, Elijah Gill, William Musgrove, Aaron Fisher, Samuel Gordon, Charles Nevel, John Fuhr, Henry Hargan, Dennis O'Neal, Daniel Fulton, James Hart, Chamless Oscullin, Frances Ghoss, Joseph Hart, John Peal, Chas. W. Gray, Robert Hart, Nicholas Peal, James Hale, John Hartman, Henry Ralston, William Hale, Thomas Henry, James Rodnam, Gilbert Holmes, James Hunter, George Shelbekc, Chas. Howard, Peter Hurons, Lawrence Shorten, Saml. Hutton, Samuel Jackson, William Smith, William Jones, William Johnson, James Thompson, John Kale, Lewis Kear, Mr. Watill, John Babtize Kitts, William Kingston, Stephen Welch, James Knowles, James Lacount, Samuel White, Adam Lambert, John Lane, Edward White, Geroge Lane, James Langoop, Everard White, William Lewis, William Larkey, Patrick Wiley, Thomas Marshall, George Lewis, Mordecai Young, Samuel McBarting, Michael Lin, Patrick McCleod, James Malcolm, John McCollam, John Marns, John McDonald, William Marony, Thomas McGinnis, John Marshall, Joseph McKinley, Hugh Marthell, John McKinzle, John Martin, Henry Mifflin, Benjamin McCallister, Joseph Millen, Alexander McConnell, Robert Montgomery, James McMahon, John Moore, James Mease, Mathew Moore, John, Maj. Miller, John Moore, Thomas Miller, Magness Morrison, John Miller, William Munroe, Daniel Moore, George Patton, Andrew, Capt. Moore, Patrick Paxton, Isaac Murphy, John Paxton, Israel Newark, Thomas Potts, Samuel Nicholson, John Powers, Bartholomew Orien, John Redisher, William Pinkerton, David Reed, Leonard Pinkerton, John Roberts, Samuel Pinnair, Onfray Rutter, George Pringle, John Servine, John Purdon, John Sharpless, Joseph Quesnell, Noel Shippen, Edward Raguet, Cladius Paul Shippen, James Raguet, Nicholas Shirtlift, Wm. Richards, Samuel Skool, Asa Ross, John Smith, Clement Sellers, George Talbot, Samuel Shields, Thomas Turner, Joseph Slygher, George Vanread, Jacob Sparks, Simon Walker, Robert Specht, John Warren, William Test, Henry Welsh, James Timmons, Dean Welsh, James Todd, Alexander Wents, Jacob Vaughn, John Williams, Thomas Wall, John Willing, Thomas Watson, John Wood, Robert Weir, John Yarnell, Caleb Well, Richard Wells, Gideon West, John Wilcox, Mark Wilson, James Wright, John _________________________________________________________________________________ 15. 16. 17. 2nd Co., 6th Batt, 1786 3rd Co., 6th Batt 1786 5th Co., 6th Batt, 1786 Williams, Wm., Lt. Col. Williams, Wm, Lt. Col. Williams, Wm., Lt. Col. Engles, Silas, Captain Rowan, Thomas, Capt. Dennis, John, Captain Baker, William Anderson, Peter Bakham, Thomas Colly, John Andrew, Daniel Bird, Frederick Cone, John Ansley, Thomas Briggs, John Cowen, William Bassett, Edward Brook, Benjamin Coyers, Joseph Boggs, David Brown, Thomas Craig, William Boggs, Joseph Brown, Wm. Crowley, William Buckley, Cornelius Burns, Michie Davis, Ellis Clisson, William Calley, John Drinker, Joseph Collins, Bartholomew Clair, Thomas Druant, James Craig, Thomas Craige, Thomas Flanagan, John Crowl, Peter Dean, Thomas Harris, Samuel Elton, George Fields, John Hill, Robert Frazier, John Holliday, Henry Hunsman, John Fulton, John Hoolon, Benjamin James, George Gammett, Lewis Knox, Richard Landers, Samuel Gorcley, Hugh MacCagg, Alexander Moore, George Hallowell, Joseph MacCloud, Maleon O'Harra, Patrick Hilderham, Martin McBride, Andrew Palmer, Phillip Kenney, William McCarty, Elias Parkinson, John Lawson, John McCloud, Wm. Penrose, Thomas Sr. Leonard, William McCranery, Wm. Penrose, Thomas, Jr. McClain, Duncan Montgomery, Robert Penwear, Humphrey McClown, Christopher Morrison, Daniel Pix, William Pritchard, Joseph Morrison, John Rice, Phillip Schooley, John Morton, Samuel Richards, William Spence, James Murdock, Robert Robinson, William Stafford, James Poinard, Matthias Scrows, John Twivil, Mathew Smith, John Smith, James Williamson, Joseph Stuart, Henry Snell, Jacob Supplee, Jacob Stafford, William Ware, Joseph Stagg, Benjamin Workman, Wm. Tilerhurst, Daniel Young, William Weach, Geroge Weiser, Phillip Welsh, William Wharton, Richard Wiley, William Wilson, John Wilson, William Young, Samuel _________________________________________________________________________________ 18. 19. 20. 7th Co., 6th Batt. 1786 3rd Co., 6th Batt, 1786 3rd Co., 6th Batt 1787 Williams, Wm., Lt. Col. Wililiams, Wm., Lt. Col. Williams, Wm., Lt. Col. Cornish, Jno. Captain Rowan, Thomas, Captain Rowan, Thomas, Captain Balchton, James Acalus, Charles Adams, Jno. Benson, Jehosuay Anderson, Peter Andrew, Daniel Berry, Martin Andrew, Daniel Ansley, Thomas Black, Samuel Ansley, Thomas Badger, Daniel Bowan, Moses Bassett, Edward Beam, Jno. Burchell, Andrew Boggs, David Bickerton, Able Cake, John Boyd, Thomas Bickerton, Benjamin Care, Benjamin Buckley, Cornelius Blyth, John Cavel, William Clifton, Wm. Bogs, Jno. Dill, Nicholas Collins, Batholonew Borker, Jno. Elli(o)tt, John Collis, John Boyd, Jno. Engle, Thomas Cooper, Thomas Boyd, Thomas Fair, John Corry, Samuel Bricknell, Thomas Finney, David Craig, Thomas Broset, Jno Baptisto Flowers, John Due, William Cahill, Jno. Forsythe, Isaac Elbridge, Phenias Cake, Mathias Frazer, James Elton, George Carlin, Edward George, Peter Fanny, Mannis Carner, Phillip Grandwith, Langwith Fowler, Alexander Carriger, Daniel Gregory, John Fraser, John Casey, William Hall, Samuel Garnett, Lewis Cave, Thomas Hamble, John Garrigus, Francis Cherley, Wm. Hazes, Peter Grimes, John Clark, George Helford, Godfrey Hening, Robert Clinton, Patrick Joyce, Henry Hildburn, Martin Clow, James Joyce, Joseph Johnson, Richard Connelly, George Kelly, John Kenny, William Corry, Samuel Kenney, John Long, James Cox, Charles Lamount, Archibald Lowson, John Cox, James Leare, Adam Marshall, George Crowl, Peter Leare, John McClain, Duncan Deal, Joshua Lee, John McClown, Christopher Dennick, Isaac Lennox, Hugh McMaston, John Derragh, James Lesher, Leonard Merchant, John Dill, James Lewis, William Murry, Wm. Duclo, Martin Lowerholt, Christopher Oliver, James Due, Wm. Marshman, James O'Neal, James Duffy, Peter McCartney, Charles Patterson, James Eager, James McCoy, Alexander Peole, John Edwards, Evan McGugon, John Pinkerton, Francis Eldridge, Phenias Merkin, Peter Pritchard, Joseph Endworth, John Mosely, Richard Schooley, John Flanagan, Jno. Murdock, Samuel Shiner, James Fortisque, Joseph Myers, Lawrence Smith, John Foster, Silas Norguay, John Stafford, James Fowler, Alexander O'Craft, Thomas Toland, James Frazer, Jno. Phillips, Peter Tortugus, Joseph Fuller, Jacob Remor, Mathias Twivil, Mathew Fulton, Jno. Robertson, Hugh Vanduser, Mathew Garigues, Francis Ross, James Gihan, James Russell, Andrew Gill, Peter Russell, John Baptis Guy, James Smith, John Hallowell, Joseph Stock, John Hamleton, Patrick Taylor, Robert Hilderburn, Martin Thornton, Erminus Hilton, George Valens, Nicholas Hinkle, Christian Valentine, John Hotton, Francis Westbey, William Hover, Henry Wharton, Isaac Howard, William Wiall, Peter Hubbard, Abraham Worthing, Benjamin Hubbard, Wm. Humphreys, Joshua Hutchison, James Jack, Francis Johnson, Hugh Johnson, Richard Kelly, Barney Lee, Thomas Little, Jno. Long, James Martin, Christopher McCallister, James McCaully, Norman McClain, Elias McCloud, John McCloud, Malcolm McCoy, William McLaughlin, Edward Merla, Lewis Metzger, Jno. Miller, William Morrision, Hugh Morrison, Jno. Murry, Jno. Murry, Robert Muschall, Samuel Myers, George Newton, Jno. Orchar, Alexander Palmer, Anthony Penrose, Jonathan Pinkerton, Francis Preole, Jno. Priest, Robert Pritehart, Wm. Rain, Wm. Rippon, Nathaniel Roack, Isaac Ryan, Michael Sherry, Thomas Siddons, Wm. Silver, Anthony Slack, David Smith, Wm. Sparks, George Spicer, Samuel Squire, John Steel, Alexander Stephens, George Stoedale, Geraldus Toland, James Toy, Jno. Vanduser, Mathew Vinsent, Jno. Walker, Alexander Warnick, Wm. Watts, George Wedner, Henry Weldridge, Robert West, James White, William Winsel, Adam Wisey, Edward Wood, Joseph Worrell, Peter _________________________________________________________________________________ 21. 22. 23. 7th Co., 6th Batt. 1787 8th Co., 6th Batt, 1787 7th Co., 6th Batt. 1788 Williams, Wm., Lt. Col. Williams, Wm. Lt. Col. Williams, Wm., Lt. Col. Cornish, John, Captain Sutter, James, Capt. Cornish, John, Captain Cloud, John, Lt. Ackley, Thomas Adams, Francis Alexander, William Allen, Isaac Adams, Wm. Bears, Wm. Anderson, Thomas Anderson, James Berry, Martin Bassell, Edward Ash, Caleb Byford, Geroge Beley, John Bagwell, Thomas Campbell, Charles Belkersaw, Enos Bane, John Carlton, Richard Bluer, William Beavan, Kinsey Carr, Benjamin Campbell, Thomas Bennit, Thomas Cule, Christian Cavell, William Branzan, Isaac Fisher, Samuel Conner, Edmund Bryan, Moses Flowers, John Cooper, George Bryer, Emanuel Gibbons, John Dr. Douglex, John Byrne, John Guy, Alexander Flowers, John Cake, John Hall, Thomas Foster, Andrew Caldwell, David Hildibourn, Martin Foster, Henry Cannon, Lawrence Hughs, John Green, Casper Cassell, Michael Jorden, Robert Hall, Thomas Clark, John Keith, William Huston, Thomas Cook, Frederick Loage, Robert Jackson, Wm. Cooker, Martin Marshall, Mr. Kennedy, John Deasey, Adam Mayhue, John Laiffer, John Douglass, William McDouglass, Jamaunt Law, Nicholas Dowdell, Thomas McDouglass, John Lebue, Pinard Evans, Jacob Merkin, Henry Lewis, William Finn, Michael Miller, George Long, James Fullerton, William Morris, John McCartney, Charles Fulton, Wm. Murdock, Samuel McDole, Henry Giles, John Pritchard, Joseph McDonald, Randle Gossner, Valentine Rapp, Godfrey McFartin, Arthur Greenwood, Thomas Rowan, Moses McFee, Mathew Guring, Abraham Scott, Thomas McGaskery, Bartholemy Hardtuneff, John Spade, Wm. Moffet, Robert Henrick, Frederick Sutherland, John Moore, Francis Hoffman, Isaac Taylor, John Morris, John Hooton, James Willis, Thomas Morton, John Johns, Mathew Murdock, Samuel Johns, Thomas Newton, Jno. Johnson, Samuel Robertson, Hugh Kennedy, John Rowan, Moses Levia, Nathan Stephens, John Linner, Samuel Stock, John Ludley, Wm. Tompson, James Male, Charles Trump, John McClane, John Vint, John McColough, James Walker, Hopkins McColough, William Wall, Thomas McDonald, John Wiall, Peter McGinnis, John Will, William McGriger, James McKnight, John McKnight, Wm. Mills, John Morrison, John Nipper, David Reese, Daniel Ribald, Adam Ribald, Adam Richards, Martin Roberts, James Sener, George Shiner, Adam Spire, Mathew Tranro. Jacob Valle, John Frances Walters, John Webb, Abraham Whaling, Michael Whitherby, Samuel Wukhar, Charles Young, Henry _________________________________________________________________________________ 24. 25. 26. 5th Co., 7th Batt. 1787 8th Co., 7th Batt 1788 8th Co., 7th Batt, 1788 Coates, Wm. Lt. Col. Coats, Wm. Lt. Col. Coates, Wm. Lt. Col. Sheetz, Christian, Capt. Bates, Benjamin, Capt. Poulass, Peter, Captain Dugles, Richard, Lt. Bigham, Alexander, Ensign Agert, James Abraham, Benedict Abraham, Benedict Agew, Leonhart Baker, Michael Bachelor, Casper Allprit, Carl Batchelor, Casper Baker, Michael Appleby, Thomas Bidey, John Bower, George Apt, Geroge Bower, George Bowman, Joseph Apt, Henry Bowman, Joseph Boyer, Henry Ayst. Michael Brumpton, James Brush, Jonas Baccolar, Michael Brust, Jonas Buzzard, Jacob Backer, Michael Buzzard, Jacob Bymar, George Bame, Jacob Bymar, George Connor, Michael Bame, John Clemer, John Courtney, Paul Batter, Richard Connor, Michael Davis, Nathan Bennett, Joseph Courtney, Paul Denny, Henry Bigler, John Cowl, Frederick Derr, Jacob Blunfile, Elias Denny, Henry Earligh, George Bowers, Joseph Derr, Jacob Engle, Peter Bowers, Samuel Elmit, Frederick Feasler, John Boyer, Jacob Engles, Peter Funk, Joseph Brain, Joseph Feaster, John Gilbert, John Brayfield, John Funk, Joseph Grabea, John Brown, Joseph Gilbert, Jesse Hankle, John M. Bruehart, William Gilbert, John Henry, Christian Bruster, Samuel, Sr. Greaby, John Hinkle, Conrad Bruster, Samuel,Jr. Hankle, John Michael Holloway, Thomas Caper, Francis Henry, Christian Hooky, Anthony Caston, Henry Holoway, Thomas Hoot, Jacob Colly, John Hooky, Anthony Hubbard, Anthony Coppel, John Hoot, Jacob Hubbard, Christian Danemore, Wm. Hootman, John Ingard, James Deal, Daniel Howell, Thomas Kall, Jacob Deal, John Hubbard, Anthony Keen, Jacob Deal, Peter Hubbard, Christian Keen, John Death, George Husey,Joseph Kinter, George Death, Jacob Ingard, James Krigamyre, Henry Debort, Francis Keen, John Krigamyre, Jacob Deegos, Peter Kinter, George Kurtz, George Deopler, Nicholas Krigmyers, Henry Kyser, John Dice, Peter Krigmyers, Jacob Lentz, Godfrey Dicoson, William Krumel, Phillip Lonkapain, John Draper, Richard Kurtz, Geroge Mark, Robert Farring, John Kyser, John Mason, John Fife, Thomas Kyser, John McCartney, Owen Fisler, Conrad Lentz, Godfrey McCumber, Humphrey Fow, Henry Lonkapam, John Menser, Joseph Fow, Wm. Mark, Robert Miller, Daniel Fox, George Mason, John Miller, John Garlinger, Lewis McCarley, Owen Moony, Henry Grigory, Wm. McCumber, Humphrey Nailer, John Harby, John Menser, Joseph Pope, George Harris, Solomon Miller, Daniel Reidy, John Hass, Patrick Miller, John Rusk, Robert Himback, Adam Moony, Henry Shaffer, John Hoskins, Wm. Nailer, John Shoemaker, John Hough, Wm. Nick, John Shriver, Samuel Humphries, Wm. Pope, George Shughart, John James, Alexander Rushworm, William Stiver, Michael Kitter, John Shaffer, John Syferd, George Krons, Phillip Shoemaker, Christian Synor, Thomas Less, Conrad Shoemaker, John Tice, Jacob Makmeedel, Arter Shriver, Samuel Tillman, Conrad Martin, Cornelius Shughart, John Walker, Samuel Miller, George Sindler, Adam Walter, John Miller, Jacob Stiver, Michael West, John Mordock, John Syferd, Frederick Wise, Ludwig Moser, Henry Syferd, Geroge Wiseman, Samuel Moyer, Adam Synor, Thomas Wyan, John Moyer, Henry Tice, Jacob Yencer, George Ott, Conrad Titmar, Conrad Oxamer, Peter Walker, Samuel Palmer, Wm. Walter, John Postion, Joseph West, John Ralls, Francis Wian, John Rattly, Wm. Wise, Ludwig Reel, Jacob Wiseman, Samuel Richard, Adam Wistar, Peter Riffert, John Yencer, George Rillesbein, Anthony Rogers, John Rone, Christopher Sell, John Shafnet, Martin Shardy, John Sharl, Jacob Sharp, William Slow, Isaac Smith, Agnes Sorge, George Sowder, Jacob Spagler, Peter Strainer, Wm. Sullen, James Tome, John Traveller, Wm. Wager, Mathias Walker, Joseph Waterby, Joseph Weaver, Jacob Weaver, William Wigsham, Wm. Wilfenton, Wm. Wilpert, Christopher _________________________________________________________________________________ 27. 28. 29. 6th Co., 7th Batt 1788 2nd Co., 7th Batt. 1789 3rd Co., 7th Batt. 1789 Coats, Wm., Lt. Col. Coats, Wm., Lt. Col. Coats, Wm. Lt. Col. Rohrman, Conrad, Captain Stremback, Jacob, Captain Anthony, Jacob, Captain Able, Peter Baker, Jonothan Barnes, Thomas Adams, John Brannon, James Bawn, Joseph Anthony, Jacob Bray, Daniel Beckley, Daniel Anthony, John Brittone, John Bedwell, Thomas Bacher, William Brittone, Thomas Bomb, Theodorus Backer, Jacob Brown, John Brooks, Edward Backer, Michael Browne, Nathaniel Clarck, Jacob Bawyers, William Bures, John Coates, Isaac Bay, Jacob Butler, Anthony Collins, Abraham Beck, Peter Carmult, Jonathan Cooper, Benjamin Biss, Samuel Coates, Abraham Cooper, James Bomberger, Michael Coomley, John Dickinson, Jesse Boswell, William Dilworth, Amos Drinker, Henry Boyle, Charles Goodmen, John Dupuy, John Brady, Henry Hair, Robert Fourbaugh, George Brather, John Hambletone, Thomas Harrison, John Brawn, John Harfoard, Geroge Isenhute, Andrew Butcher, Joseph Harman, Amos Kreider, Frederick Butler, Wm. Haworth, John Kunckle, John Bynright, Jacob Helt, Peter Large, Ebenezer Caseman, Wm. Homes, John Mason, John Clark, William Linsay, Thomas Morris, Thomas W. Connin, Lewis Miers, John Newport, James Decupine, John Richards, Daniel Norton, Thomas Dixon, John Ridgaway, Jacob Rimington, Crement Down, Earl Roberts, John Rinck, John Erston, William Rogers, Edward Roberts, Abraham Feyan, John Simpson, Ambrose Rush, Benjamin Filter, Jacob Smith, John Servess, Jacob flahaty, Patrick Smithe, James Trimble, James Flinch, John Snider, Casper Trotter, William Fogell, George Springer, Jacob West, Charles Fox, Benjamin Stewart, Aaron West, William Fox, George Taulman, George Whitehead, James Frayley, John Towne, Thomas Frensh, Arthur Wells, Edward Frensh, John Yong, Jacob Fulard, Michael Gable, John Gable, Peter Gawle, John Genter, George Grees, Henry Gregory, Phillip Groff, George Habick, Henry Hager, Phillip Harris, John Hay, Charly Heel, John Heines, John Hopple, George Houck, Wiliam Humphreys, James Huston, William Johnson, Abraham Keyler, John Keys, Henry Landy, James Leech, Joseph Link, George Lugar, Jacob Lugar, John Lugar, Phillip Lushet, John Maney, Michael Maquay, John McClarck, John McConkey, William Miller, George Miller, Martin Miller, Michael Nalsmith, John Nick, John Penrose, John Poor, Nicholas Rohrman, Henry Rusk, Robert Rusk, Samuel Sawder, Jacob Schnauble, Henry Selbis, Thomas Sibert, John Strebee, Adam Stump, Daniel Stump, John Taunce, George Thomson, John Travis, Nicholas Tumbleton, George Tyee, Henry Uler, Andrw Unger, John Vansant, John Vedick, Peter Walker, Samuel Wilmor, John Winckler, Frederick Zimmerman, Christopher _________________________________________________________________________________