Philadelphia County PA Archives Birth.....Connell, William December 11, 1728 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carol Eddleman February 25, 2025, 4:13 pm Name: Connell, William Date Of Birth: December 11, 1728 Time: County Of Birth: Philadelphia Place Of Birth: Philadelphia, Penna. Gender: Male Race: Parent's Residence Unavailable Mother's Name: Unavailable, Elizabeth Mother's Age: Unavailable Mother's Birthplace: Unavailable Father's Name: Connell, James Father's Age: Unavailable Father's Birthplace: Unavailable Doctor: Unavailable Hospital: Unavailable Source Of Record: (Source: Proceedings of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1892: Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, Baptisms, 1709-1760, contributed by Charles R. Hildeburn, p. 1.) At baptism, was three weeks old. (Source: Proceedings of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1892: Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, Baptisms, 1709-1760, contributed by Charles R. Hildeburn, p. 1.) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb