1860 Federal Census Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania (Index: R-Se Surnames) ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwcensus.org/notices/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/cenfiles/ ************************************************************************** Abstracted by Karen M Gibson and Diane Crowe from public records. Proofread by Judi Gharst and Maggie Stewart. Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart. ************************************************************************** All above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ************************************************************************** NOTE: For more information on Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, Please visit the Schuylkill County, PAGenWeb page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~paschuyl/schuylki.htm ========================================================= ALSO visit the PAGenWeb archives at http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm ************************************************************************** =================================================================================== LASTNAME FIRSTNAME AGE PAGE FILE NAME DIVISION =================================================================================== Radliff Ann 3 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff Charles 11 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff Elizabeth 35 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff George 15 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff Jacob 39 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff Jacob 8/12 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff John 13 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff Mary 9 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Radliff William 6 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Rager Absolom 46 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Alice 4 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Catharine 44 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Catharine 13 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Festina 35 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager George 74 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager George 17 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Isreal 17 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Jeremiah 11 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Mary 18 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Mary Ann 16 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager Susannah 7 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rager William 20 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Ray Benjamin F. 2 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray Daniel 14 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray Elizabeth 49 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray John 50 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray John 18 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray Mary 20 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray Samuel 5 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ray Thomas 22 256 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Readinger Peter 21 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rearden Mary 54 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Rearden William 55 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reardon Edward 35 289 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reardon Johanna 35 289 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reaser Catherine 20 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reaser James 20 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reber Cath 35 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber Charles 1/12 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber Charles 6/12 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber Emma 9 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber George 4 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber Martha 23 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber Philip A 26 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reber William B 36 76 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Redding Catherine 65 303 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Redding Christine 9 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding George 13 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding Gertrude 35 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding Jacob 36 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding Jacob 10 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding Joseph 14 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding Lewis 1 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Redding Mary 2 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Reding Caroline 9 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding Christina 41 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding Jacob 16 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding John 3/12 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding Matilda 2 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding Nicholas 43 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding Nicholas 14 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reding Peter 7 120 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Redwick Ann 38 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Redwick Ann 5 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Redwick Anna 20 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Redwick Harriet 15 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Redwick Reeser 38 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reed Adaline 10 48 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Adam 43 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Adam 13 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Amanda 6 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Andrew 16 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Anna 14 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Anna M 1/12 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Beneville 13 91 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Catherine 43 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Catherine 6/12 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Cecilia 8/12 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Clara 7 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Clemtina 13 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Cyrus 14 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Daniel 24 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Daniel F 34 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed David 44 81 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Elisabeth 14 88 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Eliza 9 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Eliza 11 66 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Elizabeth 32 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Elizabeth 18 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Elizabeth 11 64 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Ellen 2 60 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Ema 21 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Emanuel 12 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Emma 17 51 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Erasmus W 17 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Esther 48 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed George 5 60 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Hannah 41 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Henry 49 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Isaac 32 88 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Isreal 7 91 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Jacob 59 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Jacob 3 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Jeremiah 31 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed John 8 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed John 18 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed John 41 91 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed John B. 40 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed John E. 5 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Jonathan 4 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Joseph 23 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Josiah 8/12 89 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Leventine 13 97 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Malinda 6 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Margaret 74 91 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Maria 25 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Mary 16 85 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Mary A 6 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Mary A. 16 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Mary Ann 11 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Phoebe A 13 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Polly 22 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Polly 6 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Rebecca 38 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Rebecca 10 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Rebecca A 15 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Salome 42 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Salome 37 91 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Samuel 52 89 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Sarah 59 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Sarah 3 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed Sarah 19 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reed Sarah A 5 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Susan N 1 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed Thomas F 11 69 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reed William 45 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed William 8 59 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed William 22 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Reed William 23 85 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Reed William 7 97 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reese Albert B. 12 211 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese Amanda 6 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Angelina 8 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Ann 19 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Ann 51 218 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Ann 16 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Benjamin 10 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reese Caroline 9 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Catherine 38 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Catherine 8/12 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Christiana 35 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Christiana 17 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese David 19 218 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Eliza J. 2 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Elizabeth 5 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Elizabeth 8 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese George 16 211 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese George 2 261 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reese George 12 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reese George A. 15 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Griffe 30 122 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Hannah 12 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Isaac 18 211 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese Jacob 17 218 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Jacob 16 289 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Janett 6 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese John 29 231 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese John 20 291 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reese John 12 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese John 6 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese John 40 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese John 2 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese John H. 8 211 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese Joseph 18 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Lewellyn 68 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Lewis 43 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Margaret 59 217 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Margaret 27 231 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese Margaret 4 261 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reese Maria 10 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Marietta 3 242 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Martha 28 261 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reese Martha 41 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reese Martha 2 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Mary 60 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Mary 35 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Mary 8 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Mary 38 122 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Mary E. 13 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Rebecca 15 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Reese 33 261 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reese Reese 4 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Samuel 10 219 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese Sarah 14 119 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Thomas 2 231 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reese Thomas 40 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese Thomas 40 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reese Thomas J. 53 218 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese William 22 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reese William 18 310 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reese William 5 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reesher Catherine 10 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher Charles 6 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher Elizabeth 8 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher George 5 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher John 60 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher John 11 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher Margaret 28 196 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reesher Mary 1 197 pg0191.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Reeves Alice 4 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Amanda 9 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Elisabeth 10 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Jacob 67 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Jacob 12 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves John 2 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Lowina 2 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Lowina 15 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Maria 30 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Martin R 29 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Mary 1 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Rebecca 23 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Reeves Susan 6 73 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Ada 2 45 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Almeda 4 45 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Amanda 11 75 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Ann 42 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Anna M 15 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Calvin 9 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Catharine 73 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Cecilia 13 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Charles 1 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Christina 49 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Clara 7 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Daniel 43 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Elisabeth 68 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Eliza 5 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Elizabeth 45 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Elmira 13 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Emeline 10 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer F. W. 32 45 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer George 2 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer George 23 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Gottfried 69 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Gottfried 52 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Henry 17 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Isaac 7 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Isabella 8 45 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Isakiah 5 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Jacob 48 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer John 10 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer John D 45 48 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Louisa 23 45 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Magdalena 77 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Malinda 15 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Maria 65 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Mary 38 48 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Mary 7 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rehrer Mary Ann 8 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Peter 1 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Peter 53 75 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Sabbine 50 75 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Sarah 25 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Sarah 12 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Sarah 18 75 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Sarah 12 84 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Solomon 45 71 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rehrer Susanah 17 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Reibor Daniel 1 233 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. N. Ward Reibor Ellen 38 233 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. N. Ward Reibor Ellen 4/12 233 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. N. Ward Reibor John 33 233 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. N. Ward Reiley Catherine 10 289 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reilley Edward 40 223 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reilley Mark 33 223 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reilley Martin 40 223 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reilly Ann 39 289 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reilly Bridget 4 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Catherine 12 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Catherine 64 107 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Charles 13 117 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Frank 30 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly James 18 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly James 10 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reilly James 8 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Jane 33 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reilly John 41 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reilly John 60 107 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Margaret 10 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Margaret 30 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Mary 41 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Mary 7/12 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Mary 5 299 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reilly Mary Jane 10 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Michael 41 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reilly Michael 7 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reilly Patrick 2 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Peter 51 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Peter 7 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Philip 45 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Reilly Rosann 12 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly Sarah 5 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Thomas 14 244 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Reilly Thomas 18 117 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Reilly William 2 299 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Reily Benjamin 17 46 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reinhard Agnes 2 111 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Andrew 7 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Casper 15 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Dinah 20 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Dorothea 44 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Emanuel 11 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Esekieh 9 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Frederick 17 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Israel 45 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Nathan 13 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Offilia 4 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinhard Rebecca 19 110 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Emeline 14 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl George W. 4 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Harriet 38 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Henry 35 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Henry 8 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Joseph 10 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Levi 12 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinoehl Lydia Ann 2 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reinohl M. F. 14 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Reiser Catherine 4 243 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reiser Christian 36 243 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reiser John 2 243 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reiser Sophia 26 243 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Reiter Israel 23 93 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reiter Lares 9/2 93 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Reiter Sarah 22 93 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rendall Charlotte Ann 9/12 60 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rendall James 28 60 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rendall Lousia B 9/12 60 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rendall Mary 35 60 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Renn Andrew 3/12 112 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Renn Casper 27 111 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Renn Dinah 29 111 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Renn Franklin 3 112 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Renn Laura 6 112 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Renn Nathaniel 4 112 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Renn Peter 2 112 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Rentigan Anney 16 106 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rentigan Daniel 30 106 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rentigan Mary 53 106 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rentigan Patrick 19 106 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Revil Bridget 18 112 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Revil James 1 112 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Revil Nicholas 24 112 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Reynard Betty 32 213 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reynard Isaac M. 14 213 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reynard James S. 7 213 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reynard William 49 213 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Reynolds Abanesia 1 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reynolds Adaline 7 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reynolds Rachael 32 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reynolds Sobelia 3 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Reynolds William 35 115 pg0113.txt None Listed Rheinohl Mary A 8 50 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rheinohl Priscilla 32 50 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rheinohl Wm H 33 50 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rhoads Catherine 8 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rhoads Elizabeth 38 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rhoads Frank 25 290 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rhoads Jacob 34 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Rhoads John 28 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rhoads Mary 27 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Rhoads William 38 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Rich Benjamin F. 15 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Charles 5 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Daniel 41 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Elizabeth 17 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Hannah 40 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Joseph 1 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Mary 20 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Romand 7 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich Sarah 18 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Rich William 13 280 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor S Ward Richard Ellen 60 103 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Richard William 59 103 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Richards H.L. 25 255 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richards Amme 6 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richards Ann 13 286 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richards Ann 50 301 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor . South W Richards David 46 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richards David J. 49 286 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richards David L. 54 301 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor . South W Richards Jane 43 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richards John 29 247 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Richards Margaret 49 286 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richards Margaret 10 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richards Mary A. 12 301 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor . South W Richards Susan 18 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richards Thomas 2 246 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Richards Thomas 8 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richards Winnie 3 121 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Richardson Charles 1 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richardson Elizabeth 34 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richardson Elizabeth 10 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richardson Ellen 17 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richardson Emma 1 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richardson Francis 37 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richardson Issac 46 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richardson Louisa 4 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richardson Margaret 7 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richardson Mary 45 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Richardson Mary 18 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richardson Mary 12 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Richardson Sarah 40 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richardson Thomas 48 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Richardson William 4 264 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Richen John 62 87 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Richerson Ann 36 250 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. N.W. Richerson Elizabeth 6 250 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. N.W. Richerson Joseph 9 250 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. N.W. Richerson Mary 3 250 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. N.W. Richerson Mathew 35 250 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. N.W. Richerson Thomas 6/12 250 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. N.W. Rickarson Edmund 41 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rickarson Ellen 14 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rickarson James 16 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rickarson John 11 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rickarson Margaret 17 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rickarson Mary 45 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rickarson Mary 6 313 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Ridding Catherine 2 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ridding Elizabeth 28 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ridding Helen 6/12 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ridding John 4 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ridding Joseph 27 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ridding Joseph 6 285 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rineoehl William 15 58 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Rishell Anthony 15 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell Elizabeth 3 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell Jacob 11 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell John 40 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell John 6 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell Mary 37 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell Mary 13 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell Peter 6/12 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rishell Susannah 4 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Rissel* Elizabeth 16 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Ritard Hannah 25 301 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor . South W Ritard John 38 301 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor . South W Ritchet Eliza 14 263 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ritchet John 34 263 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ritchet John 3 263 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ritchet Rebecca 30 263 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ritchet Richard 12 263 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Roach Ellen 15 289 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roach William 15 128 pg0126.txt East Norwegian Township Roberts N.H. 25 259 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Roberts Ann 56 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Roberts Ann 24 259 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Roberts Charles 5 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Roberts David 56 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Roberts Elizabeth 15 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Roberts George 5 259 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Roberts Henry 41 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Roberts Ida 3 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Roberts John 26 283 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Roberts Kezia 31 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Roberts Margaret 2 283 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Roberts Mary 1 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Roberts Mary E. 6/12 283 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Roberts Sarah 22 283 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Roberts Sarah S. 4 283 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Roberts Thomas 19 214 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Roberts William H. 6 259 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Robinson Anna E 16 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Robinson Cath. H 7 92 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Robinson Elizabeth 13 274 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S.W. Robinson Frances 46 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Robinson Frances M 22 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Robinson Henry K 46 61 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Robinson Mary 41 92 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Robinson Mary E 34 274 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S.W. Robinson Peter 31 92 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Robinson Pricilla 10 274 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S.W. Robinson Sarah 8 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Robinson Thos. 38 274 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S.W. Robinson William 8 274 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S.W. Rodger Charlotte 31 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rodger George 31 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rodger George 1/12 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rodger Martha 2 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rodger Mary 4 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rodgers Charlotte 3 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Elizabeth 7 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Elizabeth 19 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Ellen 41 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers James 9 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Jane 14 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers John 29 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Mary 50 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Mary A. 6 283 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Rodgers Thomas 44 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers Thomas 14 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers William 50 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rodgers William 20 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roeder David 26 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Roeder Ema L 5 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Roeder Franklin 3 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Roeder Mary A 8/12 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Roeder Susannah 25 62 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Roehrer William 5 106 pg0106.txt Pinegrove Township Roerig Ann 34 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roerig Henry 36 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roerig Henry 5 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roerig Jane 7 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roerig Martha 3 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roerig Mary P. 6/12 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roerig Winfred S. 13 248 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Roering George 1 290 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Roering John 47 290 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Roering Peter 4 290 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Roering Sophia 28 290 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Rohrbach Allen 3 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrbach Arthur 14 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrbach Charles 38 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrbach John 1 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrbach Mary 35 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrbach Mary 8 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrbach William 10 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rohrer Christina 18 70 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Rokwell Cath. 21 279 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Rokwell John 9/12 279 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Rokwell Peter 28 279 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Roland Mary 65 99 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Roomer Charles F 6 58 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Roomer Harriet 29 58 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Roomer John N 4 58 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Roomer Josiah 33 58 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Roomer William H 9 58 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Roper James 31 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Roper Jane 27 270 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Roper John 31 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roper John H. 9 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roper Margaret 38 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roper Mary A. 2 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roper Robert T. 2/12 295 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roscoe Ann 11 286 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roscoe James 13 286 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Roscoe John 21 286 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ross Ann 17 239 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Ross Bridget 21 239 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Ross John 49 239 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Ross John 19 239 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Ross Mary 47 239 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Ross Patrick 16 239 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor North W Rosser John 51 258 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Rott Jacob 5 99 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rott John 47 99 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rott Mary Ann 3 99 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rottman Catharine 19 99 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rottman Drigo 33 99 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Rowe Edward 13 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe Elizabeth J. 53 215 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Rowe Ellen 38 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe James 9 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe John 29 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rowe Michael 11 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe Robert 50 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe Robert 19 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe Thomas 21 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Rowe William 22 215 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Ruberry Joseph 30 267 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ruffin John 11 293 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ruffin Nicholas 10/12 293 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ruffin Sarah 22 293 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Ruffin Theodore 27 293 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W Rufus Lambert 18 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rufus Mary S 57 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Rufus Nicholas 57 249 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Runkle Eliza 30 309 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Runkle John H. 2 309 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Runkle Mary 9 309 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Runkle William 29 309 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Rupert Hiram 5 51 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rupert Samuel 26 51 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rupert Sarah 33 51 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Rushwood Ann 2 291 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Rushwood Emma 4 291 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Rushwood Margaret 24 291 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Rushwood Samuel 26 291 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Ryan Andrew 48 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Ryan Andrew 15 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Ryan Ann 15 105 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Annie 8 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Bridget 30 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Bridget 10 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan James 24 105 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan James 24 128 pg0126.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Johanna 59 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Ryan Johannah 20 128 pg0126.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan John 14 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Julia 60 105 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Martin 40 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Martin 11 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Martin 3 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Martin 30 105 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Mary 12 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Mary 30 F 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Michael 12 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Michael 34 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Patrick 1 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Teressa 4 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Thomas 2 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Thomas 7 114 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan Thomas 6/12 128 pg0126.txt East Norwegian Township Ryan William 16 108 pg0100.txt East Norwegian Township Ryer Amanda 33 94 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Sakerle Clara 30 276 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Sakerle Frank 2/12 276 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Sakerle John 26 276 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor South W Samms Andrew 23 277 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Samms Catherine 29 277 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Sapple William 17 253 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Sattezahn Catharine 3 103 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Sattezahn Elisabeth 1 103 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Sattezahn Peter 33 102 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Sattezahn Rebecca 29 103 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Dinah 26 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Edward 11 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Ellen 6 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Emilie 7 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Emma 2 68 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Erasbline 9/12 68 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn James 1/12 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn John 60 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn John Jun 37 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Joseph 28 68 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Margaret 62 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Mary A 7 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Nathaniel 3 68 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Sarah 23 68 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Sattizahn Sarah J 5 63 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Satzin Henry 7 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Satzin Isaac 14 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Satzin Louisa 11 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Satzin Sarah 45 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Satzin William 19 72 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Sauers Alfred 4 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sauers August 15 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sauers Eglebert 1 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sauers Henry 49 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sauers Joseph 12 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sauers Leah 41 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sauers Magdelina 8 269 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South Ward Sausser Elisabeth 27 65 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sausser Jacob 26 65 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sausser John 50 64 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Sausser Washington 10 64 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Scandlin Catherine 20 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scandlin Ellen 17 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scandlin John 5 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scandlin Mary 60 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scandlin Mary 8 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scandlin Michael 2 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scandlin Morris 65 123 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlan Catherine 10 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Catherine 15 278 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Scanlan Edward 9/12 278 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Scanlan Ellen 2 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlan Honora 29 278 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Scanlan Johanna 5 278 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Scanlan John 17 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Malica 4/12 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlan Margaret 12 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Mary 50 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Mary 16 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Mary 3 278 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Scanlan Mary 21 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlan Michael 23 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Michael 30 278 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S Ward Scanlan Michael 29 124 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlan Patrick 57 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlan Patrick 21 234 pg0224.txt St Clair Bor. North W. Scanlin Elizabeth 50 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlin Mary 5 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Scanlin Patrick 40 116 pg0113.txt East Norwegian Township Schartel Elizabeth 25 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Schartel Fanny 58 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Schartel George Wash. 11/12 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Schartel Jacob 61 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Schartel Jacob Jun 30 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Schartel John Jacob 6 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Schartel Mary Alice 8 54 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Borough Scherr Edward 12 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Scherr Edward 26 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Scherr James 24 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Scherr Louisa 17 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Scherr Reinhart 20 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Scherr Thomas 21 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Scherr William 30 241 pg0235.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Schmeltzer Elisabeth 15 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schmeltzer George 20 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schmeltzer Henry 44 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schmeltzer Levi 22 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schmeltzer Mary 42 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schmeltzer Sarah 6 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schmeltzer Susannah 18 86 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schneck Abraham 50 83 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schneck Abraham 14 83 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schneck John 17 83 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schneck Mary 10 83 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schneck Sophia 50 83 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schnock Cath Ann 15 95 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Schnock Catharine 55 95 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Schnock Edward 8 95 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Schnock John 40 95 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Schnock Levi 10 95 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Schnock William 21 95 pg0093.txt Pinegrove Township Schocht Barbara 50 79 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Schocht Frederick 50 79 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Schocht Fredericka 11 79 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Schocht Gottlieb 16 79 pg0067.txt Pinegrove Township Schocht Henry 12 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schocht Rosanna 18 81 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schott Malinda 23 82 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schott William 20 82 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schott William 2 82 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schrirrs Henry 25 277 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Schrope Cath. Ann 8 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schrope Emeline 3 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schrope Jacob 4 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schrope Sally 1 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schrope Sarah 30 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schrope William H 7 80 pg0080.txt Pinegrove Township Schucker Barbara 50 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Schucker Cyrus 16 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Schucker Emaline 19 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Schucker Emma L 20 65 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Schucker George 50 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Schucker George 25 65 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Schucker John L 1 65 pg0054.txt Pinegrove Township Schucker William 21 49 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Schultz Catherine 59 287 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Schultz George 60 287 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Schultz John 18 287 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Schwartz Thomas 19 52 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Seagnor George 36 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Seagnor Henry 3 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Seagnor Margaret 1 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Seagnor Philipinia 25 252 pg0246.txt St Clair Bor. North W Seashold Catherine 35 281 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Seashold Christinia 7 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Seashold Elizabeth 2 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Seashold Emma 1 282 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Seashold Mary 9 281 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Seashold Michael 42 281 pg0279.txt St Clair Bor. South W Sedgewick Elizabeth 7 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Sedgewick Mary A. 36 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Sedgewick Walter 45 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Sedgewick Walter 10 298 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W. See Christian 1 222 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward See Christian S. 28 222 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward See Mary 26 222 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward See Mary C. 5 222 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward See William 3 222 pg0213.txt St Clair Bor. N Ward Seely Elizabeth 40 204 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor North W Seely Emma 8 204 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor North W Seely Thomas 6 204 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor North W Seely William 47 204 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor North W Seely William 2 205 pg0202.txt St Clair Bor N Ward Seibert Jane 24 43 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Seibert Thomas 26 43 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Seibert William 1 43 pg0041.txt Pinegrove Borough Seider Eve 53 312 pg0312.txt St Clair Bor. South W Seiks Benjamin 24 305 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Seiks Elizabeth 50 268 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seiks Mary A. 23 305 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Seiks Sidney 49 268 pg0268.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seiks William H. 4 305 pg0301.txt St Clair Bor. S. Ward Seitz Ann 43 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitz Edward 18 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitz George 46 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitz George 16 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitz Henry 14 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitz Mary E. 7/12 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitz Samuel 10 262 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitziner George P 3 265 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitziner Henry C. 5 265 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitziner Sam'l B. 30 265 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitziner Sarah 28 265 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitzinger James 51 265 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Seitzinger Maria 46 265 pg0257.txt St Clair Bor. South W. Serbig David 45 291 pg0290.txt St Clair Bor. South W.