Obituaries for Peter FRAILEY, Nov 19, 1831 Schulylkill Co, PA This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Kathleen Frailey Puls. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _________________________________________________________________ "Miner's Journal", November 19, 1831: OBITUARY Departed this life, on Thursday morning last, at his residence in Orwigsburg, after an illness of short duration, Col. Peter Frailey, in the 73rd year of his age. On Friday afternoon his remains were conveyed to the tomb accompanied by an unusual concourse of relatives and friends. In the death of Mr. Frailey, our county has been deprived of one its most useful members and brightest ornaments, and whose conduct and character always commanded the respect and admiration of his fellow-citizens. He was one of the eldest inhabitants of Schuylkill county, having had also been a member of the Legislature of this State in which station he proved himself highly worthy of the confidence reposed in his integrity and abilities. At the period of his demise he filled the several county offices, in which he was distinguished for his zeal, talents and fidelity -- his long life was characterized by undeviating usefulness throughout, and his bereavement is a heavy affliction universally lamented. ____________________ "Miner's Journal", November 19, 1831: At a Meeting of the Bar of Schuylkill County, convened at the Court House, in the borough of Orwigsburg, November 18, 1831, Christopher Loeser, Esq. In the Chair, and George W. Farquhar, Esq., Secretary. On motion of J. Cohen, Esq. Resolved, That we have heard with the sincerest regret of the loss which our county has sustained in the death of that exemplary public officer and inestimable private citizen, Peter Frailey, Esq. Resolved, That as a mark of respect, we will attend his funeral in a body and wear crape on the left arm for thirty days. Resolved, That John Bannan and Charles Witman, Esquires, be a Committee to communicate these resolutions to the family. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in all the papers of this county. Christopher Loeser, Chairman. George W. Farquhar, Secretary. ____________________ "Niles Weekly Register", December 3, 1831: Died, on 17th November 1831 at Orwigsburg, Penn. Peter Frailey, esq in the 73rd year of his age, a venerable and valued man, a soldier of the revolution, and who afterwards filled many important offices in PA with great benefit to the public and honor to himself. He was warm-hearted and kind, intelligent, liberal and just; and his decease must cause a sensible void in the society of Schuylkill county, of which he has been aptly called "The Father". ____________________ "Memoirs of a Senator From Pennsylvania", Jonathan Robert (1771-1854), The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, (1938), Vol. LXII, p. 91I: ....."There was a man among us, Colonel Peter Frailey, who aspired to lead, & really claimed it by right, from his strength of mind & talent for speaking. He was an extraordinary man. His speaking was tinctured, with the German idiom. He had not spoke English, until he reached the age of twenty eight. His voice was musical, & his utterance free, without effort. He was poor, & soon took a county office. He never lost standing as a politician, & lived & died respectable, but his start in life, had left him too little imbued with generous feelings, and elevated views."