Wills: Frederick Miller, 1896: Schuylkill County File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Tim Conrad. tconrad@lucent.com USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material.These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Will of Frederick Miller, 1896 Know all men by these Presents that I Fredric Miller of Eldred Township Schuylkill County Penna (Farmer) In good health and of sound mind and memory, Do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made and as To my worldly Estate and all the property real and personal or mixed of which I shall be Entitled at the time of my decease I Device Bequeath and dispose Thereof In The manner following to wit (First) It Is my will That all my Just Depts and Funeral expenses Shall by my Executors hereinafter named be paid and if my Estate as soon after my Decease as shall by Them be found conveniant (Item) 2 I give to my Widdow if There Is one, all of my household Furnature She desires to have. I also give To her The use Improvement and Income of my Dwelling house where we Lived In at the time of my Decease, To have and To hold The same To her for and During her Natural life if she Stays my widdow. (Item 3) I give unto my son John R. Miller The Dwelling house where he lives In at the time of my Decease and the farm with all the appertinances belongin Thereto Shall after my Decease be Deeded unto him, and also the house where my widdow if one Lives In Shall belong to my son John after her Death and all The Furnature which I have given unto her, In addition To The foregoing I give To my son John Two hundred (Dollars) $200.00 In cash and of my Estate and the Farm and all the Foregoing Shall by my Will and Testament be Valied To him at Fifteen hundred Dollars my son John R. Miller Shall procure The necesarry provision for the Support of my said widdow for and during her Natural Life. (Item) 4 I give unto my Daughter Rebeca, Intermarried To Felix W. Yoder, The house and Parcel of ground In Pitman Belonging To Said Tract and also from my land joining The said Premises Running Northwardly To The Public Road, containing Twenty five acres more or less and Same also a Tract of wood land containing 10 acres more or less and all Its profits Income and advantages That result Therefrom all This Shall by my will be valied To her for Fifteen hundred Dollars and deeded unto the said Rebeca, By my Executors (Item 5) I give To my Daughter Mary, Intermarried To Nathan Schreffler, the Farm with appertinances where she now Lives at The Execution of This will with the Exception of a Peace or Tract of woodland which Is herein willed To Rebaca (my Daughter) which Property I will To her the sum of Twenty hundred Dollars, Five hundred Dollars of The said Sum Shall be Paid To my Executors before a Deed will be given to the said Mary Intermarried to N. Schreffler by my executors. (Item 6) I give to Mary C. Reiner Fifty Dollars To Be paid To her By my Executors as soon as praticable. (Item 7) The peace of woodland Lying In Northumberland County and the Tract which I have Bought from The George Kobles Estate Shall Be Sold By my Executors and Deeded By Them To The purchaser and The Balance of all my Personal property shall by my Executors Be Sold and The Remainder Thereof be equally Devided To my Three children or lawfull heirs. Next and lastly I Do Nominate and appoint W.B. Rodenberger and my son John R. Miller To Be The Executors of This my last will and Testament. In Testamony Whereof, I The said Fredric Miller have To this my last will and Testament herein contained subscribe my name and affix my Seal This 19th Day of September In The year of our Lord one Thouasnd Eight hundred and Ninety six. Fredt Miller Signed sealed and published and Declared by The said Frederick Miller as and for his last will and Testament In The Presance of us who at his request and In his Presance of us and each of us have subscribed our names as witnesses Thereof E.S. Willier W.H. Rodenberger