CHURCH: Common Amish Mennonite Surnames, Somerset County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carol Hepburn ( Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ Common Amish Surnames Amish Family Names: primarily from the Old Order and Conservative Amish Groups and those descending from the early Pennsylvania Amish settlers and the Hessian-Amish. Beachey (Peachey) / Bender / Blauch (Blough) / Bontrager (Borntraeger) / Brenneman / Byler (Beiler) / Burkholder / Christner / Chupp / Coblentz / Esch (Eash) / Gingerich (Guengerich) / Glick / Graber / Hartzler (Hertzler) / Helmuth / Hersberger / Hooley / Hostetler (Hochstetler) / Kanagy (Gnaegi) / Kauffman / Keim / King / Knepp / Lambright / Lantz / Lapp / Mast / Miller / Mullet / Nissley / Otto / Petershwim / Plank / Raber / Schrock / Shetler / Slabaugh (Schlappach) / Smucker (Schmucker) / Stoltzfus / Stutzman / Swartzendruber (Schwartzentruber) / Troyer / Umble / Wagler / Yoder / Zook (Zug) Amish Family Names: primarily of the Alsatian Group and their Descendants. Albrecht / Augsburger / Bachman / Bechler / Beller / Belsley / Berkey (Burki) / Camp (Kemp) / Conrad / Egli / Eicher / Fahrney / Flickinger / Gascho / Gerig / Gunden (Gundy) / Guth / Heiser / Imhoff / Jantzi / Kennel / Kinisger / Klopfenstein / Litwiller / Nafziger (Noffsinger) / Oesch (Esch) / Oyer (Auer) / Raber / Ramseyer / Rediger / Ringenberg / Ropp (Rupp) / Rocke (Roggi) / Roth / Ruvenacht / Schertz / Slagel / Smith / Sommer / Springer / Stahley / Strubhar / Stuckey / Studer / Sutter / Sweitzer / Verkler / Wagler / Wyse / Yordy / Yutzi (Jutzi) / Zehr Note: For more detailed information on the Amish Mennonites, please read the Mennonite Encyclopedia, Vol. I, A-C, pages 93-97, published 1956.