Military: John Critchfield, Pvt., Rev. War Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Maggie Critchfield USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all noticesand submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File S42144: John Critchfield, enlisted in Virginia March 2, 1777. He served as a private in Captain George Rice's Company, Colonel David Morgan's Virginia regiment, he was at battle of Brandywine, Monmouth, Stoney Point and Paulus Hook. He was discharged Feb. 1781/82. John Critchfield was allowed pension on his applicatin executed 8 Jan. 1821 while a resident of Wayne Co., Ohio aged about 60 years. In 1821 soldier stated that his wife Rachel was age 60 years and that they were living with sons Enoch and Asa. No further data in regards to soldiers family. Pension application lists personal property of John Critchfield. Date, place of birth and parents names are not shown.of Ohio Wayne Co. John Critchfield a resident citizen of said county, and being sworn as the law directs that on his solemn oath despose and say that he now is and has been for more than 5 years last past to wit since the month of April 1816 a resident citizen of said county of Wayne and that he is the identical same John Critchfield who has made application for a pension……. NOTE: Other miscellaneous papers from persons seeking information of John Critchfield state that he was born in the state of Delaware in 1758. One paper states that John Critchfield was born 1758 died in 1851 and his wife was Rachel Shrimplin. For more information, email: