Military: Somerset County, Civil War Participants, 1888 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Carol Hepburn. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. Somerset County, PA was not directly in the line of fire during the Civil War but many of her sons valiantly served and died at Appomattax, Gettysburg, Antietam, and the Wilderness during one of our nations greatest internal conflicts. For an excellent overview of the war and Somerset County's involvement, see "History of Bedford and Somerset Counties Pennsylvania, Vol II, pp. 325-331 by William A. Welfley". Commemoration of the Dead In March of 1888 a funding committee was set up by R. P. Cummins Post No. 210 GAR to secure the funds necessary to erect a monument to honor Somerset County's Civil War Veterans. The inscription on the statue reads: "To the Pepetual Memory of the Defenders of the Union. 1861-1865. Erected September 17, 1888 by the surviving soldiers and citizens of Somerset County." Honor Roll of those Killed in Battle Robert Allison Nelson Abbot David Ansel James Findlay Allen John Ankeny Henry Ankeny Noah Allison John A. Bense Geroge W. Bricker Christian berkey Jospeh Bittner Jacob Barndt Lt. Milton Black Jefferson Brant John W. Bowlin John Baltzer Samuel Berkey Charles Bisbing John Bidinger Jonathan Baker Edward Baker Jospeh Berkey Cyrus Brubaker John J. Bittinger Christian Burkholder George Betz Oliver Berkey. Col. Robert P. Cummins John Conn William E. Conrad John Cobaugh Jacob Casebeer Nathan B. Crumm Lt. Slyvester Colborn Hiram Cupp Elias Caton Francis Coleman Levi Coleman Henry Croft Jacob Coleman Uriah Conn. Dennis Durst Jesse Dial Samuel Daniels Dennis De Haven Henry E. Dinges Francis Dickey David L. Daugherty William Dean. Nathan D. Ellia Frederick Engleka Henry Engle Herman Fritz Frederick A. Ferguson David Findlay Jacob Fleegle. Urbanus Glotfelty George Geisel Jacob D. Geiger John Griffith Elias Griffith Lt. Oswald H. Gaither David Gohn John Groft. Cyrus Heinbaugh Benjamin F. Heckart Capt. James Hinchman Francis Hersh Zachariah Harding Peter Herring Peter Hersh Soloman Hoffman Lt. James Hamilton Henry H. Heckart Alexander Hemminger John A. Herring. John O. Kimmell, Jr. Harrison King Lt. George S. Knee Samuel Kuhns Joseph Keiser William P. Knepper John Kennell Isaiah Koontz John M. Kauffman Frank H. Irwin. Michael C. Lowry George Lohr Jacob B. Lepley Frank G. Lentz Peter Lawrence Joseph H. Levy Edward Lohr Francis H. Lutz Zarr Lenhart John Long John Lowry Jospeh Logsden Leonard Long Cryus H. Lenhart Edward C. Lint Walter S. Lint Jospeh Lape Hiram Lohr Jonathan Lohr Issac Larimer Harrison Lohr. Ephraim Manges Issac McAdams Jospeh Miller Gillian Miller Adam Miller Lee H. McKinley John Miller William Mauer Ringold Markle William Muhlenburg Thomas J. McClintock John A. Miller Levi B. May. John Nedrow William Nickler Charles C. Ogle John Ohler Soloman Ogline Cyrus Pile David W.Pringle David Pepley Andrew parker William N. Porter Lt. Jospeh H. Peck John H. Pugh John D. Pile John W. Pile Lt. Cyrus Patton William H. Peterson. Hiram Reel William Raymon Jospeh ream Ross Rush David Raymond Henry Roadel George Risherberger J. M. Schneckenberger Samuel Shunk Hiram H. Statler Jospeh Sivits Alexander Stoner Henry Schneider John Suhre John Suter Hiram Sturtz David Shannon George Shaffer Jacob J. Seese Michael E. Shaffer Harry Suder Benjamin Shunk Jacob Sturtz Daniel Spangle Joseph Sidle Daniel L. Spangler. Edward F. Tilson Henry Thomas Levi Tissue Jeremiah Tressler James W. Tafts Joseph Tannehill Lot Turney Henry Umburn. George A. Weller Peter C. Whipkey Josiah F. Wendell Jonathan L. Wendell George F. Weimer David Weiner Lt. Adolf Winters William H. Weller Lt. Simon Walker S. D. Witherow John Yoder Anthony Zerfoss Issac Zufall. Lost or Missing in Action Benjamin Anderson Benjamin Albright Obadiah Berkey John Conn Holdsworth Crockett Edward Countryman Samuel Deeter Peter Ellenberger Cyrus Horner William Hair Adolph Heinemeyer Robert E. Laughton Issac Miller Jospeh Powell Noah W. Shaffer Jospeh Specht Valentine Wolford. Died of Disease in Service William Achison Thomas Allen Jacob Ankeny Peter Ankeny Daniel Achison Adam Anstead Godfrey Anstead Jospeh Allison John Albright. Samuel Brougher Elijah H. Berkey John Beyers Hiram Boyts John Boyer Benjamin Bisel Henry Bittner Issac Bowman Hiram Bennet John Berkey Andrew Bridagum Charles Barnet James A. Bird Soloman Berkey Jacob A. Berkey Hiram W. Boucher Silas Bittner Jacob baer John H. Brenham William Brant Christian Bowman George Bowers. Isaiah Cupp John P. Carver George W. Colborn Daniel Custer Thomas Cooper Asa F. Cohn Daniel Cable William Cable John A. Coleman Edward Cook. Jackson Darr William A. Dennison Phillip Darr William Dickey. Charles Elder Charles Engle. Uriah Fritz Edward Fleegle Reuban Ferner John A. Firestone Simon Firestone Job Fetter Elijah Flick John Faidley James Ferrell Martin Firestone Joseph Firestone Conrad Feig George Feig Henry Fleegle. Samuel Gerhart Peter Growall Noah Gohn Wesley Griffith Simon H. Griffith Daniel Geiger Martinhelsel Jospeh Horner Henry Horner Samuel Harner Aaron Hyatt Martin Hoover William Hook Cornelius Hegner Jackson Heinbaugh John Harding Jeremiah Holliday Ephraim Harshberger Frederick Helm Daniel Hellman Barnet Helm Franklin Hormer Samuel Holsoppel Christian Holsopple Gottleib Hahn William Heckart ? Harshberger John Houpt George W. Hartzell Adam Hockstetler Dennis Hutzell Robert Havener Perry Hardin Jacob Hutzell Joshua Keller Jeremiah Klingaman Mahlin Klingaman Issac Koontz Jeremiah Koontz Valentine Keefer Conrad Knepp Edwin J. koontz George Keller Herman C. Knight. O. F. Kelley John Keifer. Perry Lee Benjamin H. Long James Logue George Lohr Andrew J. Lohr Peter Lohr Martin Lybarger Jeremiah Lohr Peter Lape Peter Livingston William Lybarger Valentine G. Lybarger James Lape John Layton SamuelLepley John Leasure. Daniel May Peter Mull Ruell Miller James Mickey Samuel Miller Phillip Musser Francis P. Miller William S. McKinley Daniel Miller George Moore George Mishler Samuel A. Meyers Samuel Merley Samuel Markle Jospeh J. Miller William H. Mauer John Mumma Oliver Moore Josiah Moore Tobias Miller Noah Miller Harrison Mountain Andrew J. Moore. Simon Nicola Michael Nicklow William E. Parnell Easton Parnell Eugene Petrie William Putnam. John Rose Frank H. Rhoads Samuel Roudabush Ambraham Rifle James Rock Wilson Ross David Rose Leonard Rowan Henry Romesburg. Alexander Sipe William Showman Peter Stepahnus William Sembower William Stufft James Shank Lorenzo D. Shipley Samuel Stahl Jacob Sumpstine Annanias Spangler Dias Shoemaker George Sterner Henry Snyder George W. Stahl Samuel Shaffer Alexander Shockey John Sterner Lewis Steinbaugh Annanias Stahl William Stahl John Stuck Christian Stuck Johnathan Statler. Eli Tannehill Alfred tannehill George Thomas Jacob Tannehill. John Vought William H. Valentine. Samuel Warner Benjamin F. Will Henry D. Whisker Francis Weaver Samuel C. Wirsing Matthias Wable Henry Wilson John Witt Herman Wilhelm Soloman Wilson John Wolfhope. Issace Yoder Alfred Younkin Wesley M. Young. Regimental Units * 54th Pennsylvania Volunteers * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------