OBIT: Harry M. COOK, 1940, Meyersdale, Somerset County, PA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meyersdale Library. Transcribed and proofread by: Richard Boyer. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. ________________________________________________ HARRY M. COOK Harry M. Cook Expires Suddenly on His 41st Wedding Anniversary Death Due to Angina Pectoris Occurred in Wayside Cottage at Romney, W.Va. - With Wife and Sister and Husband Was on Short Tour Celebrating Joint Anniversary of Marriage of Both Couples - Obsequies Probably Will Take Place Saturday Afternoon Many hearts in Meyersdale were bowed this (Thursday) morning when the sad news spread rapidly through the town that Harry M. Cook, colorful and beloved citizen of Meyersdale, died suddenly at Romney, W.Va., early this morning - at the dawn of his 41st wedding anniversary. Mary Olinger and Harry M. Cook were married Aug. 22, 1899. His sister, Ida Cook, and Peter Garfield Cober were married Aug. 22, 1918. For some years past it was the custom of Mr. and Mrs. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Cober to celebrate their wedding anniversaries together. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Cober came from their home in Somerset to the H. M. Cook home in Meyersdale for the celebration of the 41st anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Cook and the 22nd anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Cober. They had lunch together at the Cook home and in the afternoon started on a motor trip to Romney, W.Va., intending to remain there over night and proceed to Berkeley Springs for lunch there, today, then return to Meyersdale in time for Mr. Cook to attend the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club, of which he was the gifted song leader, at 6 p.m. But never again will Harry Cook wave his baton and lift his vibrant tenor voice in song. Arriving at Romney late in the afternoon they rented one of the cozy Rouser tourist cottages at that place for the night. The two couples occupied adjoining sleeping rooms. Soon after they retired, Mr. Cook became very ill. His brother-in-law, Mr. Cober, called a doctor to minister to him. The physician found him suffering from a severe attack of angina pectoris. Remedies prescribed by the doctor gave some temporary relief, but his wife and sister and brother-in-law kept vigil at his bedside all night. About 5 o'clock this morning his condition became worse and Mr. Cober again went out to call the physician. Before he returned with the doctor, Mr. Cook had breathed his last. About 6 a.m. mortician W. C. Price of Meyersdale was roused from his slumber by a long distance telephone call, breaking the sad news to him and requesting that he come to Romney to bring Mr. Cook's remains to Meyersdale to be prepared for burial. Mrs. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Cober returned from Romney to Meyersdale at 10:30 a.m. today and Mr. Price arrived half an hour later with Mr. Cook's body. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but the obsequies will probably be held at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, after arrival of relatives from the West. Mrs. Cook requests friends to omit flowers. The entire community mourns with her, as do also many friends throughout the country, for Harry Cook had a wide circle of admiring friends. Meyersdale Republican, August 22, 1940