Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lt. Col Dennis Baxter. Information pertains to Mary (Glodfelty) Fadely. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. Orphans Court Somerset County, PA To the Orphans Court of said county. I Samuel Elder, Register for the probate of wills, and granting letters of Administration in and for said county do hereby certify that the within is a true copy of the administration account of Jeremiah Miller, administrator of Mary Fadely who was the surviving executrix of Adam Fadely deceased as the same remains as of record in my offices. And I do further certify that all legatees (sp) creditors and other persons have been notified for more than thirty days last-past of the filing of said account in my office and that the same would be presented to the Orphans Court for confirmation and allowance on Thursday the 3rd day of December 1840. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 3rd day of December AD 1840. Samuel Elder, Register