Will: Benjamin Rush, 1827, Turkeyfoot Township, Somerset Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Brenda Van Dyke (bjvd@columbus.rr.com) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Book 2, page 495) Somerset Co., PA WILL: Benjamin RUSH In the name of God Amen I Benjamin RUSH of Turkeyfoot Township Somerset County and State of Pensylvania considering the uncertenty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory blesed be God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament in maner and forme folowing that is to say 1st That my body be intered in a cristian and deacsent like maner 2nd That my funeral expences be paid 3rd That all my just debts be paid 4th That thair be a vandue(?) made of my personal property as sune after my deceas as my Executor herein after mentioned may think propper 5th I will and bequeath unto my sone Jacob RUSH all my waring apperal and my young horse his all (?full?) shear of my personal property 6th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Margret ten dolers in cash in full of all my whole estate 7th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Hulday my black mare one cow and half of my bedding and kitchen furniter 8th I will and bequeath unto my son Garet ten dolars in cash as his full shear of my whole estate 9th I will and bequeath unto my daughter Rebeccah one cow and half of my bedding and kitchen furniture. 10th I will and bequeath unto my sone Benjamin RUSH ten dolers in cash in full of my whole estate 11th It is my will that the hairs of my daughter Precille receive no parte of my estat personal or real hur and hure hairs having received thair full shear of me in my lifetime. 12th That my Executor leace my plantation for the terme of three years after my deceace for repairs to be done on said farme it being the only real property oned by me on which I now reside and at the experation of the above three years that my Executor sell the above named farme for such sume and payments as my executor may think propper and the money arising thair from to be equelly devided betwene my sone Jacob and my daughter Huldy and my daugter Rebecah the reste of my children to have no other then the sumes within mentioned. 13th And lastly I nominate appointe and constitute as my sole executor of this my last will and testament John RUSH of the county and state afforesaid having revoked all former wills by me maid. In witness whearerof I have here unto set my hand and seal the thirteent day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty seasen. Benjamin RUSH Signed sealed and published and delived by the above named Benjamin RUSH to be his last will and act in testamoney whearof and in the presents of us and at his request and in his presents have subscribed ower names as witness thairunto Jacob RUSH Jun Phinehas SKINNER Huldah RUSH Somerset County ss. Personally appeared before me Alex OGLE Jun Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of administration in and for said county Jacob RUSH Jun and Phinehas SKINNER two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instruments of writing, who being sworn according to law deposeth and saith that they were personally present and saw Benjamin RUSH the Testator sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the within instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament and that at the time of so doing he was of perfect and sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief and that the name Benjamin RUSH signed to the said instrument of writing in his own proper hand writing and that our names subscribed as witnesses thereunto is in our proper hand writing and that the name Huldah RUSH the other subscribing witness is also in her own proper hand writing signed in presence of us. Jacob RUSH Jun Phinehas SKINNER Sworn and Subscribed ____ me Feby 29th 1828 Somerset County ss. By the ____ of these presents I Alexander OGLE Jr Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for the County of Somerset in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do make known unto all men that on the day of the date hereof at Somerset, before me was proved, approved and asinuated the said will and testament of Benjamin RUSH late of said county deceased (a true copy whereof is to these presents annexed) having whilst he lived and at the time of his death, _____ goods, chattels, rights and credits within the said commonwealth. By reason whereof the approbates and insinuation of the said last will and testament and the committing the administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits, which were of the said deceased, and also the auditing the accounts, calculations and reckonings of the said administration, and a final dismesion ____ the same to me are manetestly known to belong; and that the administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits, which were of the said deceased any way concerning his last will and testament was committed to John RUSH Executor of the said last will and testament named he having been just affirmed(?) well and truly to administer the goods and chattels of the said deceased and make a true and perfect inventory thereof and cochebel (?) the same into the Regesters office at Somerset on or before the 29th day of March next and to render a just and true account calculation and reckoning of the said administration on or before the 20th February next ensuing. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said county of Somerset the 20th day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. Alexander OGLE Jun. Register Registered 29th February 1828 ______ FLETCHER for Alex. OGLE Jun, Register