Inventory: James Trent, Sr., d. 1823, Somerset, Somerset County, PA County, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ellis MIchaels ( USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all noticesand submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcribed from photocopies of microfiche copy obtained from Register of Wills Office, Somerset County Courthouse, Somerset, PA No. 3, 1824 Administration Bond on the Estate of James Trent, dec'd. Filed 5th Feby. 1824 A. Ogle, Jr, Register Registered 5th day of Feby. 1824 Vol. 11, page 381 A. Ogle, Jr, Register Know all men by these Presents, That we Daniel Will, Jacob Yoder, Christian Yoder & Joseph Imhoff of Somerset County and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are held and firmly bound unto the said Commonwealth, in the sum of one thousand dollars lawful money of Pennsylvania, to be paid to the said Commonwealth. To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly and severally for and in the whole our heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents...sealed with our seals and dated the fifth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden Daniel Will & Jacob Yoder Administrators of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights and credits, which were of James Trent late of Somerset County aforesaid, decd. Do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights and credits, which were of the said deceased at the time of his death, which have or shall come to the hands, possession, or knowledge of the said Daniel & Jacob or into the hands and possession of any other person, or persons for him, and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Register's office at Somerset, on or before the fifth day of March next. And the same goods, chattels, rights and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death, which at any time after shall come to the hands and possession of the said Daniel & Jacob or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for them. Do well and truly administer according to law. And further do make or cause to be made, a true and just account, calculation and reckoning of the said Administration, on or before the fifth day of February next ensuing, and all the rest and residue of the said goods, chattels and credits, which shall be found remaining on the said Administrators account, the same being first examined and allowed of by the Orphan's Court of said County, shall deliver and pay according to the directions of the said Orphans Court- and if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the said deceased, and the executor or executors therein named, do exhibit the same into the said Register's Office, making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the within bounden Administratos being thereunto requested, do render and deliver the said letters of Administration, approbation of such testament being first had and made in the said Register's office, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force. Daniel Will {seal} Jacob Yoder {seal} Joseph Imhoff {seal} Christian Yoder {seal} Sealed and delivered in the presence of, A. Ogle, Jr. John P. Walker ----------------------------------------------------------------- No. 3, 1824 Inventory of the estate of James Trent, deceased Filed 23 Feb 1824 A. Ogle, Jr., Regst. An inventory of the personal Estate of James Trent, Deceased, of Somerset Township, Somerset County, state of Pennsylvania. Appraised the 10th day of February 1824. To mens clothes-$1.00 1 table-$0.50 1 Bed & Bedsted-$5.00 1 Bed & Bedsted-$5.00 1 Bed & Bedsted-$5.00 1 Cest (sic)-$2.50 11 lb Flax at 12 ½ per lb-$1.37 ½ 8 plates-$0.25 6 Cups and saucers-$0.25 3 plates-$0.18 3 small boles (sic)-$0.06 11 Cups and six saucers-$0.75 3 old plates-$0.08 1 pair of scissors-$0.06 1 old pair of sheep sheer-$0.03 1 Looking Glass-$0.15 1 old chair-$0.80 1 do-$0.25 1 Ten plate stove & pipe-$18.00 1 Corner Cupboard-$2.50 2 old Tin Buckets-$0.30 3 Earthen Dishes-$0.30 1 pewter plate and (unclear) pan-$0.62 ½ 6 Pewter plates & 4 spoons-&1.25 6 plates-$0.18 8 Tin Cups-$0.50 1 Sausage funnel & old Coffee pot-$0.20 1 Funnel & 2 Ladles-$0.30 1 Old pepper Mill-$0.12 1 Stone Bottle-$0.12 ½ 2 earthen Dishes, Coffee pot, six spoons-$0.50 2 Candelsticks-$0.12 1 Old Iron pot-$0.50 1 Small Iron pot-$0.50 1 Old Dutch Oven-$0.20 2 Auger and old saw-$0.75 1 Large Iron pot-$1.00 2 Andirons-$1.50 2 Pot Racks-$0.50 2 Axes & Hatchet-$2.25 1 Shot Gun-$5.00 1 Bed & Bedsted-$10.00 1 Old Cest (sic)-$0.25 1 old Grubbing Hoe-$00.18 2 Choppers-$0.20 1 Frying pan-$0.30 1 Old Coffee pot and Sundries-$0.13 1 Iron Coffee Mill-$1.00 1 Cabbage Box-$1.25 3 Cider Barrels-$1.50 1 Small Tub-$0.30 1 Old Barrel & 2 Casks-$0.37 ½ 1 Chain-$2.00 1 Old Washing Tub-$0.20 1 Small Tub-$0.25 1 Old Barrel-$1.12 ½ 1 Old Hogshead-$0.06 1 Old Iron Kettle-$1.25 1 Old Iron Kettle-$1.25 1 Six Plate Stove & pipe-$5.00 1 Iron Kettle-$1.50 2 Scythes and snedds-$0.75 1 Oats Cradle-$0.08 1 Womans Saddle-$3.00 2 Baskets-$0.62 1 Dough Trough & 3 B. Baskets-$0.25 1 Old Barrel 4 bee boxes-$0.10 1 Small Keg & Hand Bellony-$0.25 4 Sickles-$0.50 1 Reel-$1.00 1 Spinning Wheel & Old Reel-$1.00 1 Old spinning Wheel-$0.12 ½ 1 do-$0.25 1 Wool Wheel-$0.75 1 Do-$1.50 1 Box with Sundries-$0.40 1 Loom Tacklings-$9.50 1 Weaver Geer-(unreadable) Hundred-$1.00 10 Earthen Crocks-$0.10 1 Flase-Hetchel-$0.50 Ton Yarn-$2.25 1 Old Cest-$1.50 1 Bed & Bedsted-$3.00 Flax Seed-$0.50 Hops-$0.37 ½ 1 Barrel with Flax Seed-$0.50 4 Bee Gum-$0.06 1 Harrow-$0.75 1 Sleigh-$3.50 1 pair of Stretchers-$0.50 2 Old Sleds-$0.37 ½ 1 Harrow-$4.00 1 Log Chain-$0.30 1 Plough-$2.00 1 do-$1.00 1 Shovel Plough-$1.00 1 Wagon-$12.00 11 Geese-$3.00 4 Blind Bridles-$0.40 2 pair of Horse Geirs-$3.00 2 do-$2.00 1 pair of Saddle Bags-$1.00 1 old Mans Saddle-$0.25 1 Old Bridle-$0.25 11 sledge-$0.25 1 Tub-$0.15 3 Forks-$0.75 2 Shevels-$0.30 12 Cow Chains-$2.00 1 Wind Mill-$9.00 1 Box of Millet seed-$1.00 1 old Sieve & Barrel-$0.06 1 Old Hogshead & Barrel 5 Rakes-$0.12 ½ 1 Cutting Box-$2.00 1 Old Basket-$0.06 6 Old Bags-$0.25 1 do-$0.30 1 H Bushel-$0.25 6 Bushels of Wheat at 70 cts per Bushel-$4.20 2 Hogs-$2.00 1 Sow & 2 pigs-$2.00 4 Hogs-$5.00 7 Do-$5.25 2 Sheep- $1.50 17 Do-$21.25 2 Cows-$12.00 1 Cow and Bell-$4.00 1 Do-$9.00 1 Do-$5.00 1 Do-$8.00 1 Do-$7.00 1 Do-$8.00 2 Heifers-$11.00 1 Black Heifer-$13.00 1 Steer-$4.00 2 Steers & Bull-$12.00 2 Large Steers-$14.00 2 Do-$10.00 4 Calves-$10.00 4 Do-&08.00 1 Mare-$20.00 1 Horse-$14.00 1 Mare-$32.00 1 Black Colt-$12.00 1 Bay Colt-$15.00 2 Hoes & Hammer-$00.62 ½ Shingle Wood-$02.50 64 lbs of Bacon at 6 cts per lb-$03.84 5 Acres of wheat in Ground at $3.00 per acre-$15.00 11 Acres of Rye in Ground-$3.00 per acre-$33.00 5 do-$20.00 1 Sow with small pigs-$01.00 1 Smoothing Iron-$00.25 1 Promessory note against Christian Long bough (Doubtful)-$18.25 Somerset County SS: Personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace in & for said County John Mostoller, Esq. & Benjamin Sarphor who being sworn say that the made a Just & true appraisemnet of the Goods of James Trent deceased, as mentioned in the foregoing list. John Mostoller Benjamine Sar[hor Sworn and subscribed before me 23d Feby. 1824 George Ross A Supplement to the Inventory of the Personal Estate of James Trent, dec'd, appraised the (unreadable) day of March 1824 130 bushels of rye at 30 cts. per bushel-$39.00 60 bushels of oats at 15 cts. per bushel-$9.00 18 bushels of potatoes at 25 cts per bushel-$4.50 6 do-$1.50 10 do of seed Potatoes at 18 cts per bushel-$1.80 6 do-$1.08 1 small Brass Kittle-$0.75 1 cake plate-$0.50 6 Knives & forks-$0.25 ----------------------------------------------------------------- No. 3, 1824 May Court A.D. 1824 Petition of Catherine Trent for Guardians over the persons & estates of her three minor children Filed 1st June 1824, the Court appoint Peter Mowrer & Fred. Walker Guardians Entered page 377 Alexander Ogle, Clerk. To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Common for and of Somerset County now composing an Orphans Court in & for said County- The petition of Catharine Trent humbly showed that your said Petitioners husband died leaving issue five children, three of whom, Viz. Margaret, Stephen & George are minors under the age of fourteen years & have no guardians appointed to take care of their persons & estates- Your Petitioner therefore prays your honors to appoint some persons for Guardians for the purposes aforesaid- And she will pray etc.- Her X mark Catharine Trent Attest A. Ogle Peter Mowrer Fredk. Walker ----------------------------------------------------------------- No. 3, 1824 Vendue paper on the estate of James Trent decd. Filed May 2nd 1826 A. Ogle, Jun., Reg. Vendue Paper of James Trent late decd., held the 11th day of March 1824 Catherine Trent-the farm- $26.00 Nathan Trent- a grubing hoe- $0.60 Joseph Yoder, a shovel forck-$0.41 John Wiegel- 2 shovels, 1 hoe- $0.11 do- 1 pitch forck- $0.11 Yost Yoder- 1 ax- $0.27 Sabina Zerfass, 1 sledge- $0.65 Joseph Brubaker- 1 chain- $0.34 John Formwalt- 1 old saddle- $0.40 Christian Yoder- 1 pack saddle- $0.13 Nathan Trent- 1 half bushel- $0.17 David Heyers- 1 pair of horse geers- $0.65 do, 1 do do- $0.65 Christian Yoder- 1 pair of Saddle bags- $2.20 do- 1 pair of horse geers- $0.12 do- 1 stretcher- $0.55 Nathan Trent- Ting Chain- $0.55 do- 1 Cag- $0.20 Daniel Jacoby- old bridles- $0.09 David Meyers- 1 pair of Stretchers- $1.15 James Trent- 1 box with peas- $0.13 Peter Zerfass-1 box with flax seed- $0.21 Phillip Yoder- 1 old barrel- $0.15 Christian Yoder- a barrel- $0.30 do- a barel- $0.50 do- do- $0.75 do- do- $0.06 John Formwalt-a old bag- $0.07 George Fox- 1 old hogshed- $0.12 1/2 Do- 2 boxes- $0.02 Peter Zerfass- 3 bee gums- $0.03 do- 1 old bag- $0.02 George Shep-a old bag- $0.03 do- 1 washing tub- $0.26 Christian Yoder, Sen.- 1 cabbage box- $1.10 Godfrey Stahl- 1 small tub- $0.35 James Trent- 2 chears- $0.16 do- 1 old sled- $0.25 Daniel Jacoby- 1 hand bellows- $0.39 James Trent- 1 pair of horse geers- $1.05 do- 1 do do- $1.45 Jacob Smith- 1 bag- $0.32 do- 2 bags- $0.14 John Formwalt- 3 bags- $0.12 1/2 Benjamin Sibley- 2 sickles- $0.24 John Formawalt- 2 do- $0.13 Isaac Hall- 1 bag with flax seed- $1.05 Jacob Smith- 1 bag with flax seed- $1.00 Emanuel Cover- 1 flax Heckle- $0.65 Peter Zerfass- 3 basket & lanthern- $0.25 Nathan Trent- 1 bling briddle- $0.34 Emanuel Cover- 1 do- $0.33 John Formwalt- 1 spinning wheel- $0.53 Conrad Meyers- 1 brass kittle- $1.03 do- 1 spinning wheel- $0.25 Jacob Yoder- 1 jack reel- $0.65 do- 1 basket- $0.49 Adam Friedline- 1 do- $0.32 George Mostoller- 1 hog grabber- $0.40 do- 1 box with sundryes- $0.75 Emanuel Bealier- 1 drawing knife & hatchet- $0.28 John Weickel- 1 inch auger- $0.51 George Shep- 1 3 quarter auger- $0.31 Peter Zerfass- 1 tin bucket & coffee pot- $0.18 James Trent- 1 do- $0.25 do- 1 small pot- $0.45 Henry Stroup- 1 large iron pot- $0.36 do- 1 dutch oven- $0.50 Adam Friedline- 1 sceythe & forath- $0.20 Rudolph Huntzeckert- do- $0.25 Rudolph Huntzeckert- old oats cradle- $0.07 Peter Kimmel- 1 iron kittle- $2.55 George Fox-1 large do- $2.06 Catharine Trent- 1 pot- $0.40 Daniel Will- a churn- $1.99 Catharine Trent- Pot racks- $0.13 Jacob Keefer- 2 sheep- $3.20 do- 2 sheep- $3.20 do- 2 sheep- $3.10 George Meyer- 2 sheep- $3.28 do- 2 withers- $4.05 Jacob Kiefer- 1 wither- $2.06 do- 1 sheep- $2.01 John Miller- 1 do- $1.51 do- 1 do- $1.62 do- 1 do- $1.80 do- 1 do- $2.82 George Meyer- 1 ram- $2.06 Joseph Ankeny- 1 small steer- $6.06 John Atcheson- 1 2 yearling steer- $8.60 Joseph Ankeny- 1 do- $8.46 Christian Miller- 1 4 years old steer- $13.36 do- 1 do- $14.00 Joseph Ankeny- 1 2 years old steer- $5.37 Joseph Ankeny- 1 2 years old steer- $5.46 Christian Yoder- 1 bull- $6.60 Jacob Kimmel- 1 cow- $11.10 James Trent- 1 brown cow- $11.15 Henry Kellar- 1 do- $11.19 Henry Stroup- 1 cow- $13.16 Abraham Landes- 1 cow- $8.10 Abraham Cable, Jr.- 1 cow- $10.03 Samuel Staher- 1 black heifer- $4.16 do- 1 small heifer- $3.00 do- 1 do- $4.00 do- 2 1 year old Calf- $5.35 do- 1 do- $3.60 Jospeh Ankeny- 1 small steer- $3.80 Samuel Statler- 1 small bull- $2.85 John Fritz- 1 small steer- $3.01 Henry Rink- 11 Gies- $5.02 James Morrison- 1 horse- $12.31 John Atcheson- 1 mare- $40.76 Simon Shafer- 1 Stud Colt- $25.25 John Schneider- 1 colt- $15.10 Solomon Spiker- 10 bushels of Rye at .50- $5.00 Frederick Dicton- 10 bushels do- $5.00 Peter Lambert- 10 do- $5.00 do- 10 do- $5.00 Henry Keller- 10 bushels of Rye at .50- $5.00 do- 10 do- $5.10 Abraham Cabb- 10 do- $5.00 Peter Rock- 10 do- $5.20 Ludwig Null- 10 do- $5.00 Samuel Trent- 10 do- $5.00 Solomon Spiker- 10 do- $5.00 Ludwig Null- 10 do- $5.00 Benjamin Zabbey- 6 bushels of potatoes at .42- $2.52 Ludwig Null- 6 bushels do at .43- $2.58 John Menges- 6 do at .49- $2.94 John Mostoller- 6 do at .41- $2.46 Henry Schneider- 5 do at .31- $1.55 George Shep- 5 do at .30- $1.50 Jacob Newcomer- 6 do at .28- $1.64 Nathan Trent- 1 windmill- $17.32 Henry Heiple- for a box with millet- $0.77 James Trent- for a cutting box- $1.00 Solomon Spiker- a barrel- $0.15 Henry Schneider- 1 hogshed- $0.40 Jacob Newcomer- 10 bushels of Rye at .47- $4.70 John Will- 1 basket- $0.30 Peter Gonter- 2 hogs- $4.45 Henry Deal- 2 do- $4.35 Henry Fox- 2 do- $3.15 Henry Fox- 2 hogs- $3.30 Jacob (unreadable)- 3 do- $3.40 Casper Kellar- 2 pigs- $1.26 John Woy- 1 wagon- $22.50 Catharine Trent- 2 cow chains- $0.29 James Trent- 2 cow chains- $1.01 Rudolph Suter- 2 do- $1.08 do- 2 do- $1.00 George Mostoller- 2 do- $1.57 Benjamin Zebley- 2 do- $0.85 Nathan Trent- 1 plough- $3.35 James Trent- 1 do- $2.61 Peter Winters- a shovel plough- $1.30 James Trent- a harrow- $4.01 do- a sleigh- $3.00 William Stalh- a stove & pipe- $5.20 Phillip Brown- a harrow- $1.46 Frederick Berlin- a chest- $0.18 Isaac Hall- shingle wood- $5.40 Martin Shank- 1 bed- $8.00 Isaac Hall- 1 bed- $4.71 George Harman- 1 chest- $3.28 Henry Keller- 1 loom- $12.85 do- 1 weaver geer- $1.30 Peter Rock- 15 bushels of oats at .24- $3.60 Henry Heiple- 15 do at .24- $3.60 Henry Heiple- 15 Hog bushels of oats at .26- $3.90 Jacob Keller- 15 do at .25- $3.75 Peter Rock- 20 lb of torch at .12- $2.40 Jacob Burcket- 23 lb do at .14- $3.22 do- 24 do at .14- $3.36 Phillip Keller- 1 wool wheel- $2.01 Henry Stroup- 6 crocks- $0.32 do- 4 do- $0.41 Peter Rock- 3 do- $0.21 Emanuel Smith- 6 plates- $0.13 Jacob Burckhar- 3 earthin dishes- $0.14 do- 3 tins- $0.21 Peter Gonter- 4 do- $0.52 George Fox- 1 coffee pot- $0.07 George Brand- 1 sausage funnel- $0.20 Peter Gonter- 6 knives & forks- $0.51 George Brand- cups & saucers- $0.26 Peter Zerfass- 1 glass pitcher- $0.25 do- cups & saucers- $0.25 do- small bowels- $0.25 George Brand- a tin bucket- $0.06 Henry Stroup- plates- $0.12 Phillip Brown- 3 earthen dishes- $0.21 Henry Maurer- 1 stone bottle- $0.13 Phillip Brown- 6 spoons- $0.31 do- 1 potty pan & candle stick- $0.10 Emanuel Smith- 3 pewter plates- $0.54 do- 3 do- $0.88 Henry Maurer- 1 large pewter plate- $0.27 Benjamin Fickel- 2 earthen dishes- $0.07 William Stall- 3 do- $0.05 Adam Friedline- 1 jug- $0.14 Abraham Landes- 1 coffee mill- $0.10 Henry Maurer- 1 sheep shear & ladle- $0.25 William Stall- 1 old hand saw- $0.26 Peter Gonter- 1 razor strap- $0.50 Adam Friedline- 1 pair of fire hauns- $1.26 Michael Maurer- 1 smoothin iropn- $0.66 Isaac Hall- 1 chear- $0.16 George Fox- 1 chear- $0.06 Abraham Shep- 1 shot gun- $7.30 Martin Shank- 1 corner Cobbert- $4.62 James Trent- 5 acres of rye at .10- $0.50 Catharine Trent (?) acres of rye at .10- $0.10 Jacob Yoder- 5 cups and saucers- $0.05 Catharine Trent- 2 bowls & pitcher- $0.06 Jacob Ledingson- 1 bowl- $0.07 Catherine Trent- 1 watering pot- $0.13 Polly Trent-1 potrack- $0.12 Jacob Yoder- 1 pair choppers- $0.17 James (unreadable)- 3 bread bedsheets, old (unclear)- $0.15 Daniel Will- 1 tin bucket- $0.15 Jacob Yoder- 1 coffee pot- $0.03 Daniel Will- 6 (unreadable)- $0.30 Catharine rent- 1 (unreadable)- $0.07 James Trent- 1 (unreadable)- $0.06 Do- 1 dung forck- $0.20 James Levinger- 1 how- $0.10 Nathan Trent- 1 age- $0.06 Daniel Will- 1 bottle- $0.27 --------------------------------------------------------------- No. 3, 1824 June Court A.D. 1826 Administration Account of James Trent, decd. Filed May 2nd 1826 & passed A. Ogle, Jr., Reg. 9th Jun 1826, Confirmed Advertised to June Court 1826. Administration Account of Daniel Will and Jacob Yoder Administrators of all and Singular the goods and Chattels, rights and Credits which were of James Trent late of Somerset Township in the County of Somerset deceased 1. Said accountants charge themselves with the amount of the whole inventory as filed in the Registers office at Somerset amounting to- $583.60 2. Said accountants also charge themselves with the amount of what the vendue exceeded the appraisement-$160.96 3. Said accountants also charge themselves with money received from sundry persons not included in Inventory, to wit: To cash received from Wm. C. Dorcy-$2.00 to do received from John Reese-$1.25 To do received from Alexander Hunter-$2.50 To do received from Abm. Cable-$8.00 amount charged Viz $758.31 Amt. credited $761.47 Balance due to the Admst. from said estate, viz $3.16 Said Accountants Claims Credit for the following payments and disbursements made out of the same, viz by: 1. Cash paid Alexander Ogle, Jr., Register for Letters of Administration-$3.25 2. Do paid Henry Black, Esq. for writing Dedd, as per receipt-$2.00 3. Do paid Anrew Woy, as per do- $2.00 4. Do pd. Henry Snyder as per do- $0.50 5. do pd. John & George Graham as per do- $4.57 6. do pd. George Soy for Peter Schmucker as per do- $3.00 7. do pd. Absolom Casbear County Tax as per do- $5.768. 8. do pd John & Samuel Statler as per do-$13.53 9. do pd. Adam Friedline as per do- $3.00 10. do pd. William Perison as per do- $0.50 11. do pd. Adam Brand as per do- $3.12 12. do pd. Jacob Guth Road Tax for 1823 as per do- $0.14 13. do pd. George Parker as per do- $5.62 1/2 14. do pd. Peter Maurer as per do$8.53 15. do pd. Benjamin Cerfoss as per do- $43.31 16. do pd. C. Ogle Esq. for services as per do- $1.00 17. do pd. John Mostoller appraiser as per do- $1.50 18. do pd. David Crissey as per do- $0.52 19. do pd. Peter Maurer for Clerking as per do- $3.00 20. do pd. Nathan Trent as per do- $5.00 21. do pd. Henry Maurer as per do- $1.50 22. do pd. George Mowry for printing as per do- $1.00 23. do pd. Henry Love, Esq. as per do- $17.51 24. do pd. John Schmucker as per do- $16.46 25. do pd. John Mostoller as per do- $3.94 26. do pd. Michael Frease as per do- $8.78 27. do pd Michael Mowry for coffin as per do- $3.00 28. do pd. Christian Miller a note and interest thereon as per do-$31.90 29. do pd. Nebjamin Cerfoss as per do- $1.50 30. do pd. Martin Shank as per do- $3.00 31. do pd. Abraham Kimmel for Crying vendue as per do- $2.50 32. do pd. John Davison as per do- $13.04 33. do pd. Peter Roes as per do- $9.41 34. do pd. George Foy Esq. for G. Mostoller as per do- $87.32 35. do pd. Philip Keller as per do $7.65 36. do pd. James Trent as per do- $4.00 37. do pd. Alexander Hunter as per do- $6.37 38. do pd. George Beyer as per do- $10.25 39. do pd. George Ross Esq. for John McCarty as per do- $2.29 40. do pd. James & Nathan Trent as per do-$10.00 41. do pd. Jacob Shank as per do- $22.22 42. do pd. Simon Shaeffer as per do- $2.22 43. do pd. Frederick Gebhart as per do- $1.72 1/2 44. do pd. John Reese on Note & Interest- $52.87 1/2 45. do pd. Jesse Willis as per proven account-$45.12 1/2 46. do pd. Daniel Jacoby as per do do- $2.31 47. do pd. John Hite as per account- $2.14 48. do. pd. Martin Dively as per receipt- $4.67 49. do pd. George Foy Esq. for Geo. Friedline as per do- $115.21 50. do pd. Clerk for Stating this account as per do- $2.00 51. do pd. George Mostoller for Cath. Mostoller as per do- $59.43 52. Jacob Yoder claims for his truble in Settling this Estate- $10.00 53. Daniel Will claims for his truble in SettlingEstate- $30.00 54. Said accountant claims credit for money paid to widow for Maintaining George Trent under seven years for two years two months and thirteen days at $25.00 per year as per allowance of Orphan's Curt- $54.67 Cash paid Register for (unreadable) Acct.- $2.00 do do do for Advertising do- $2.00 do do Clerk of Orphan's Court- $1.00 Amount Credited $761.47 Exhibited into the Registers Office this 2nd day of May A.D. 1826, & Sworn & Affirmed same day & year Daniel Will (sworn) Jacob Yoder (Affd.) Before Me A. Ogle, Jun., Register ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No. 3, 1824 Petition for inquisition & valuation of Land of James Trent To the Honorable the Judges of the Orphan's Court of Somerset County of Dec. 1827 The petition of Samuel Trent, one of the heirs of James Trent, (unreadable) late of said County, deceased, Humble Showeth, That your petitioner's said father lately died intestate leaving a widow, to wit, Catherine, since intermarried with John Mostoller, and fourteen children to wit, Polly intermarried with John Reese, your petitioner, Susan intermarried with George Masters, Betsy with Jacob Rinehart, Catherine with Martin Shank, Nancy with Alexander Hunter, Rachel with Henry Keller, Ellen with Samuel Will, James, Nathan, William, Peggy, Stephen and George, and that the said intestate died siezed in his demesne as of fee of and in a certain tract of land situate in Stoney Creek Township said county(unreadable) adjoining lands of Benjamin Ziarpass, John Yoder, John Grain & pthers containing 176 acres more or less- Your petitioner therefore prays you Honors to award an inquest to make partition of this farm- its aforesaid to and among the children and (unreadable) of said deceased in such manner & in such proportions as by the Laws of this Commonwealth is directed if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole but if such partition cannot be made thereof as aforesaid then to value and appraise the same and make upact of their proceedings (unreadable) according to law. And he will pray, &c. Samuel Trent By his atty., H. N. Weigley. --------------------------------------------------------------------- No. 3, 1824 June Term of Court 1828 Writ of Partition or valuartion of the Real estate of James Trent, deceased the execution of this writ appears in the inside on a sceduel hereunto annexed, so answers George Miore, Shff, May 30th 1828 Somerset County, ss: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Somerset County, Greeting: Whereas at an Orphans Court held at Somerset, in and for the County of Somerset, on the third Monday in February in the yaer of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight before the Honorable Alexander Thomson Esquire, and his Assocate Judges of the same Court upon the petition of Samuel Trentsecond son and heir at Law of James Trent late of the township of [Somerset] in said County Yeoman deceased presented his petition to the said Judges, stating that his said father died intestate, leaving a widow Catharine since intermarried with John Mostoller, and issue fourteen Children, to wit: Your petitioner, Polly intermarried with John Reese, Susan with George Masters, Betsy with Jacob Reinhart, Catharine with Martin Shank, Nancy with Alexander Hunter, Rachel with Henry Keller, Ellen with Samuel Wills, James, Nathan, William, Peggy, George and Stephen, the three last of whom are in their minority, and that the said intestate died seized in his dimesne as of fee and in a certain messuage and tract of land situate in the Township of Somerset in said County, bounded by lands of John Mostoller & others containing 366 3/4 acres more or less on which is erected a house, barn,& other (unreadable) and tract of land containing 176 acres more or less in Stoney Creek Township in said County,adjoining lands of Benjamine Zearfoss, John Yoder, John Prosc & otherswith the appurtenances; and therefore praying the Court to award an Inquest to make Partition or Valuation of the Premises according to Law. We therefore command you, that taking with you, twelve free, honest and lawful men of your Bailiwick, you go to and upon the Premises aforesaid, and there by their Oaths or solemn Affirmation, that you make Partition thereof, to and among the Widow and Children of the said intestate, in such manner and in such proportions as by the Law of this Commonwealth is directed if such Partitions can be made without prejudice to and spoiling of the whole; but if such Partition cannot be made thereof, as aforesaid, that then you value and appraise the same according to Law. And further, that you cause the said Inquest to enquire and ascertain whether the said Real Estate with the Appurtenances will conveniently accommodate more than one of the Children of the said Intestate; and if so, how many of the said Children it will conveniently accomodate, that due Notice of the time of such making Partition or Valuation be given to all the parties interested, and that you make return of your proceedings herein to the next General Orphans Court, to be held at Somerset on the first Monday in June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty eight and have you (unreadable) there this Writ. Witness the Honorable Alexander Thomson Esquire, at Somerset, the twenty first Day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. Robert (unreadable) for A. Ogle, Jun. Clerk Inquisition indented and taken at the late dwelling house of James Trent deceased, now occupied by Nathan Trent, in the township of Somerset in the county of Somerset and State of Pennsylvania on friday the thirtyeth day of May 1828, before George Miore, Esq., high Sheriff of Somerset County by virtue of a writ of Partition or valuation to him directed and to this Inquisition annexed by the oaths of Benjamin Zerfass, Jacob Zerfas, George Fox, George Friedline, Adam Friedline, Andrew Longebaugh, Jacob Kimmel, Jacob Snyder, and the affirmations of (unclear) Stahl, Peter Fox, John Yoder, Jonathon Yoder, twelve free honest and Lawful men of his Baliwick who on their oaths & affirmation aforesaid respectively do say that on the day and year aforesaid they went to and upon the lands and tenements of James Trent in the annexed writ mentioned died seized and then and there did find that the same land and tenements with their apputenances could not be divided to and among the widow and all his children of the said decree without prejudice to or spoiling of the land and the Inquest Aforesaid did then and there further find that the said lands and tenements with their apputenances will wacomodate two of the children of the said deceased that is to say that the Mantion place generly caled the old place will acomodate one of the children containing 366 3/4 acres more or less bounded by lands of John Mostoller and others, with one house and barn, and a certain tract of land containing 176 acres more or less situate in Stoney Creek township,adjoining lands of Benjamin Zerfas, John Yoder and others, will acomodate one other of the children of the said deceased, and the said inquest aforsaid upon their oaths and affirmation aforsaid do value and Apprais the Mantion place generly caled the old place at and for the sum of four dollars & fifty cents lawful money for each and every acre thereof and the Inquest aforesaid upon their oaths & affirmation aforsaid do value and appraise that certain tract of land containing 176 acres lying in Stoney Creek township adjoining lands of Benjamin Zerfas, John Yoder, & others at and for the sum of one dollar and fourteen cents lawful money aforesaid for each and every acre thereof. In Witness whereof as well the said Sheriff as the Inquest aforesaid to this Inquisition interchargebly set their hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. George Miore, Sheriff {seal} Benjamin Zerfass {seal} Jacob Zerfas {seal} George Fox {seal} George Friedline {seal} Adam Friedline {seal} Andrew Longebaugh {seal} Jacob Kimmel {seal} Jacob Snyder {seal} (unclear) Stahl {seal} Peter Fox {seal} John Yoder {seal} Jonathon Yoder {seal} (Transcribers note: the names are very difficult to read in this document) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- June Court 1829 State on the heirs of James Trent, decd. Somerset County, SS: At an Orphans Court held at Somerset for said county on the first Monday of December 1828, before the honorable Alexander Thomson, Esq., President and Henry Black and John Sturtz Esq., his associate judges of the same court December 4th 1828, state on the heirs and legal representatives of James Trent deceased to appear at an Orphan's Court to be held at Somerset on the third Monday in Feby. 1829 and accept or refuse the real estate of said deceased at the appraisement price. 16th Feby. 1829 proof of service being made as to the heirs residing out of the County, the above (unreadable) continued to give personal notice to those who reside within the County to appear at June Court 1829 and accept or refuse. From the Record, certified March 23 1829 J. Fletcher for J. Ogle, Jr., Clerk Catherine Trent widow intermarried with John Mostoller Samuel Trent Polly intermarried with John Reese Susan do George Masters Betsy do Jacob Rinehart Catherine do Martin Shank Nancy do Alex Hunter Rachel do Henry Keller Ellen do Samuel Will James Trent Nathan Trent Wm. Trent Peggy Trent George Trent Stephen Trent Somerset County, ss: Personally appeared in aforesaid Court the Deputy Sheriff (unreadable) who being sworn saith he served the (unreadable) as appears in dosier. J. Imhoff, Sheriff Sworn and subscribed in open court Jun 2, 1829 A. Ogle, Reg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Somerset County SS: At an Orphans Court held at Somerset for said County on the first Monday in June 1829 Before the Honorable Alex Thomson Esq. President and Henry Black and John Sturtz Esqrs, his appointed Judges of the same court. June 2nd 1829 on motion Rule on the heirs and legal representatives of James Trent deceased to appear at next court and shew cause why the balance of the Real estate of siad deceased being a certain plantation and tract of Land containing 366 ¾ acres situate in Somerset Township bounded by lands of John Mostoller and others valued and appraised at four dollars and fifty four cents per acre should not be sold. From the Record Certified June 27th, 1829 R. Fletcher for H. Ogle Clerk Samuel Trent Polly intermarried with John Reese Susan intermarried with Geo. Masters Betsy intermarried with Jacob Rinehart Catharine intermarried with Martin Shank Nancy intermarried with Alex Hunter Rachel intermarried with Henry Heller Ellen intermarried with Samuel Will James Trent Nathan Trent Wm. Trent Peggy Trent George Trent Stephen Trent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- No 3, 1824 August Court 1830 Supplemental Administration Account on the Estate of James Trent, deceased. 3rd Sept 1830 Confirmed by the Court J. Williams, Clk. Passed 5th May 1830 J. Williams, Regst. Supplemental Administration Account of Daniel will,surviving Administrator of all and singular the goods and Chattels, rights and credits which were of James Trent, late of Somerset County, deceased. No 1. Said accountant charges himself with the amount for which the (bal. estate Sold accordsing to the Order of the Orphan's Court as fair (unreadable) made to said Court-$1215.00 $55.84 3/4 Balance in the hands of Adm- $1159.15 1/4 copy-$1.00 $1158.15 1/4 Said accountant claims credit for balance due on former account-$3.16 Said accountant claims credit for the following payments and disbursements, Viz: 1. Cash paid George Mowry for printing as per receipt-$6.25 2. Do Samuel Pew do per do-$1.00 3. Do H.N. Weigley as per do- $5.00 4. Do Register for examining & passing this account-$2.50 5. Do Register for advertising- $2.00 6. Do Clerk of Orphans Court (recording acct)- $1.00 7. Do Clerk of Orphan's Court proceedings on sale of Real Estate confirmation return advertisinf, &c.-$6.56 1/4 8. Do pd. Sheriff Imhoff-Costs as per receipt- $8.37 1/2 Do pd for Stating account-$2.00 Said Accountant claims credit for his trouble in Settlingestate since filing last account-$18.00 (subtotal) $56.84 3/4 cash paid Register for Copy of Acct- $1.00 (total) $56.84 3/4 Exhibited into the Registers Office, examined and passed 5th May 1830 and Sworn to same day Daniel Will before me Joseph Williams, Reg. 9th January 1832. The Court give Administrator leave on motion of Jos. Black, to ass a receipt of George Melde for $23.36 1/2 to the credits on this account and that sum to be deducted from the balance in his hands.