Sullivan County PA Archives Biographies.....COOPER, Judson D. 1857 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 19, 2007, 11:42 pm Author: Thomas J. Ingham (1899) JUDSON D. COOPER, of Lopez, Sullivan county, Pennsylvania, was born in Elmira, New York, October 20, 1857, and is the son of William L. and Hannah (Lathrop) Cooper, and a grandson of William Cooper, a pioneer farmer of Chenango County, New York. William Cooper was born in Orange county, New Jersey, in 1800, and remained there until he had attained his majority, when he located in Chenango county, New York, which at that time was an almost unbroken wilderness, inhabited by wild beasts and the fiercer redman. Here he spent the remainder of his life, clearing and cultivating his land and caring for the wants of his family. He married Elizabeth Longcoy, and to them were born the following children: William L., the father of our subject; Julia, wife of James Warren, of Chemung county; Charles, a farmer of Bulkhead, that county; Charlotte, deceased wife of Ray Warren, also of that county; Allen, a soldier in the Rebellion, and two terms sheriff of Chemung county, now a resident of Elmira, New York; and Mary Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Garrabrant, of Elmira Heights, New York. His wife dying, William Cooper was united in marriage to Lydia Mudd, who was born in 1800 and lived to the extreme age of ninety-eight years. Mr. Cooper was called to his reward March 20, 1872. William L. Cooper, the father, was born in Chemung county, in Baldwin township, and was there reared to manhood. His first business venture was as proprietor of the hotel at Dean's Corners, where he remained several years. He chose for his life's partner, Hannah Lathrop, a daughter of John Lathrop, and to them were born three children: Judson D., our subject; John W., who died young; and George Franklin, a bookkeeper, thought to be living in Brooklyn. When the Civil war threw its dark cloud over our land, William L. Cooper was among those who sacrificed their lives for the national honor, enlisting, in 1862, in Company E, One Hundred and Forty-first Regiment, New York Volunteers, and contracting spotted fever, from which he died. Judson D. Cooper was thrown upon his own resources at a much earlier age than the average boy. From the time he was twelve years old he has been obliged to provide for himself, first as chore boy on the farm, and, as he became older, being employed in milling and carpenter work. He has since continued in the milling business. In 1880 he came to this county, where he and Josiah Hembury, his father-in-law, purchased a mill in the vicinity of Cherry Mills and for some five years operated it most successfully. The following six years were spent in a mill in Forks township, after which he came to Lopez, in 1892, to accept the position of head filer for Jennings Brothers - a position he still holds. He was married at Dushore, this county, to Adella E. Hembury, October 29, 1881. She is a daughter of Josiah and Mary (McCorrel) Hembury. Their children were: Mary Elsie, who died at the age of one and one-half years; George Franklin, Cora Belle and Forest Judson. Mrs. Cooper is a member of the Evangelical church, and their religious faith is exemplified by their daily lives. Mr. Cooper is a member of the Sawmill Experts' Association, of Minnesota, and also belongs to the Patriotic Order Sons of America, having united with that body at New Albany, in 1890, and is identified with the Knights of Maccabees, becoming a member in 1896, at this place. Mr. Cooper also expects soon to be initiated in the order of Free Masons, of which he intends to be a member through life. Additional Comments: Extracted from: History of Sullivan County Pennsylvania by Thomas J. Ingham Compendium of Biography The Lewis Publishing Company Chicago: 1899 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb