Sullivan-Warren County PA Archives Biographies.....Gallagher, Francis W. 1862 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 28, 2008, 7:09 pm Author: Thomas J. Ingham (1899) FRANCIS W. GALLAGHER. - It is said that biography yields to no other subject in point of interest and profit, and it is especially interesting to note the progress that has been made along various lines of business by those of foreign birth who have sought homes in America; to note the readiness with which they adapt themselves to the different methods and customs of America; to recognize the advantages offered and utilize the opportunities which the new world affords. Mr. Gallagher, the genial proprietor of Hotel Gallagher, of Laporte, Pennsylvania, is a worthy representative of this class. He was born June 15, 1862, in county Fermanagh, Ireland, of which his parents, Dennis and Ann (Johnston) Gallagher, also were natives. The father followed the occupation of farming. When a young man he came to the United States and spent a few years in the south, but returned to his native land, where he followed agricultural pursuits until called from this life, in 1875. The mother is still living and continues to reside on the Emerald Isle. The family of this worthy couple consisted of eleven children, namely: James, now deceased; John, who conducts a livery stable in Potter county, Pennsylvania; Mary and Sally, both deceased; William, who is living in Texas; Hugh, a machinist in Boston; Francis, our subject; Dennis, a weaver in Boston; Catherine, also a resident of Boston; Patrick, who is still in Ireland; and Thomas, who is in Scotland. During his boyhood Francis W. Gallagher attended the common schools of Ireland to a limited extent, and when thirteen years of age went to England, where he worked as a glass-blower for five years. In June, 1879, we find him en route for America, and on reaching the shores of this country proceeded to Warren county, Pennsylvania, where he secured work in a tannery. Later he worked in several different tanneries in this state, and the spring of 1892 found him employed in the tannery at Laporte. It was then that he quit that business and opened a restaurant, and in 1896 he built an addition to his place and engaged in hotel-keeping. In the fall of 1898 he again rebuilt, and now has one of the largest and best hotels in Sullivan county. He has proved a genial and accommodating host and now enjoys a large and lucrative patronage. He has ever taken an active and commendable interest in public affairs and has been elected to official positions of honor and trust, being tax collector one term and burgess seven years. He is also prominently identified with local politics and is now serving his second year as chairman of the Democratic county committee. On the 12th of May, 1885, Mr. Gallagher led to the marriage altar Miss Theresa, daughter of Charles Briger, of Thorndale, Pennsylvania, and to them have been born five children: Mary A., born October 12, 1886; Emma, born July 15, 1889; Susan, who was born February 28, 1892, and died the same day; William P., who was born March 8, 1894, and died May 8, 1898; and Francis, born July 13, 1897. The family hold membership in the Catholic church. Additional Comments: Extracted from: History of Sullivan County Pennsylvania by Thomas J. Ingham Compendium of Biography The Lewis Publishing Company Chicago: 1899 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb