Sullivan-Lackawanna-Tioga County PA Archives Biographies.....HELSMAN, Joseph A. 1857 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 17, 2007, 10:34 pm Author: Thomas J. Ingham (1899) JOSEPH A. HELSMAN, who for fifteen years has held the position of superintendent of barns for the Sullivan Railroad Coal Company, at Bernice, was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1857. His father, Anthony Helsman, was born in Coblentz, Germany, in 1812, and was a miller by trade. He married Miss Anna Hymbredt, who was born in the same town as her husband, and they came to this country in 1854, settling in Scranton, and later in Bernice, where the father died in 1883, and the mother in 1880. Their children were Joseph, Benjamin, Mildred, Frank and Joshua, the two latter being deceased. The subject of this sketch attended school in Scranton and for a short time in Sullivan county. He, however, began life for himself at the early age of eleven years, when he went to work and has kept steadily at it ever since. His first labors were in a coal mine at Fallbrook, Pennsylvania. In 1872 he came to Bernice and commenced work in the breakers, and by careful attention to his duties he earned the esteem of his employers and was promoted to his present position. The barns of which he has charge contain forty-five mules and twelve horses, which require careful attention. Mr. Helsman was married in Bernice, July 1, 1878, to Miss Susan Mater, a native of Dushore and a daughter of Valentine and Susanna (Reeser) Mater. Mrs. Helsman is an intelligent woman who is a good help-meet to her worthy husband. They have eight children, as follows: Lucy; Walter, who has been night watchman at the engine house at Bernice for two years; Mary; Alfred and Albert, twins; Rowena, Charles and Raymond. Mr. Helsman was for many years a Democrat in his political belief but is now a stanch Republican, and has filled a number of responsible offices, having been a member of the school board, tax collector and township treasurer. Socially he is a member of the Order of the Red Men, Knights of Labor and Camp 481, P. O. S. of A., of which latter he has been head officer. He is a man of integrity, well informed, and is a prosperous and highly respected citizen of Bernice. Additional Comments: Extracted from: History of Sullivan County Pennsylvania by Thomas J. Ingham Compendium of Biography The Lewis Publishing Company Chicago: 1899 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb