Susquehanna County PA Archives Court .....Jeremiah RYON {RYAN} Becoming A Citizen February 3, 1840 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Diane Muskey March 10, 2006, 3:06 pm Book Title: Susquehanna County Feby Term 1840 page 354 Jeremiah Ryan An Alien To Become a Citizen Feby 3, 1840, came Jeremiah Ryon in open court, personnal to make application to become a citizen of The United States of America and produced a certification in the words following to wit: Philadelphia City and County, SCT, with be remembered before the Prothomotary of the district court for the city and county of Philadelphia on the tenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, pesonally appeared Jeremiah Ryon, who upon his solemn oath did say that he is a native of Ireland now residing in the city of Philadelphia aged thirty years or thereabout, and that it is bona fide his intention to become a citizen of The United States and to denounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignly whatever, an particulatity to the King of Great Britain and Ireland, of whom he is now a subject. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of said court, at the city aforesiad this tenth day of octboer in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. John Alisle Prothonotary And it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the said Jeremiah Ryon had resised in the State of Pennsylvania at least one year then past, and that during that time had behaved as a man of good moral character attached to the principal of the Constitution of The United States and well disposed to the good order and happ?? of the ??? and said Jeremiah Ryon having taken the following oath; to wit; I Jermiah Ryon do swear inthe presence of Almight God, the searches of all hearts that I will support The Constitution of The United States and of The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and I do hereby renounce all allegiance to every other Prince, Potentae, State or Sovereignly, I particulary to Victoria Queen of The United Kingdon of Great Britain and Ireland. Where upon the court admit the said Jeremiah Ryon to become a citizen of The United States ; and the State of Pennsylvania agreeable to the Act of Congress of in such case made and provide by the court. To The House of Judges of The Court of Common Pleass of Susquehanna County The petition of Jeremiah Ryan__?__not before the Prothontoary of the District Court of Philadelphia City and County, on the tenth day of October A.D. 1834.He made report and declaration in order to become a citizen of the United States as will appear by reference to a certified copy of the record of saidcourt, herewith___?__ and petitioner would further represent that since making said report and declaration he has continued to reside in the United States, and about three years in the county of Susquehanna. He therefore prays your honors that he may be permitted to come into court and prove his residence and take the oath of allegiance and renunciation, as one___?__ by the Act of Congress and become a citizen of the United States. Feb.1840 and signed in his hand Susquehanna County: I, Jeremiah Ryan of Middletown Township do swear in the presence of Almighty God, the searches of all hearts-that I will support the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and I do surely renounce all allegiance to every other Prince, Potentate,State or Sovereignty and particularly to Victoria the present Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Written and Signed by Jermiah Ryan on Feby 3, 1840 Susquehanna Court Edward Heald and Thomas Colford, two citizens of The United States and being duly swornd on their oaths depose and say that they have been acquainted Jeremiah Ryan of Middletown Township, for about three years fast past-that he had resided in Susquehanna County ever since their acquaintance with him, and he has behaved as a man of good moral character apparently attached to the Constitution of the United States will disposed to the good order and happiness of the same. Sworn and Subscribed Feby 3, 1984 and signed by both This file has been created by a form at